Dharma Ring: Selling dung beetles at the border

Chapter 359 I have a child, you have to be responsible

In the Royal City Arena, the sounds of fighting, roaring, cheers and shouts mixed together and soared into the sky.

With Godfrey personally in charge, the arena became increasingly lively and prosperous.

Occasionally, Broken Star Latarn will even parachute into the arena and engage in a fierce and exciting showdown between the real strong men and King Godfrey, which is a feast for the eyes of the warriors present.

Above the arena, the golden tree is still dazzling and eye-catching. The full moon next to the tree hung high in the sky, becoming increasingly bright and conspicuous. The full moon, which originally could not be seen anytime and anywhere in Yatan, is now as eye-catching as the golden tree.

In this regard, those who worship the golden tree every day feel the most profoundly. It was as if graffiti had been painted on the portrait in the ancestral hall of the ancestors, eye-catching and eye-catching.

But no matter whether it is the complaints or opinions of the golden people, or there are real things that need to be responded to, their voices cannot reach the arena, let alone the fanatical shouts of the faded warriors in the arena all night long.

If the Rodel people have anything to do, they first go to the temporary royal camp outside the ruins of the royal city.

There, the prime minister, Beast Throthio, was responsible for listening to the opinions of the people and handling various affairs. After hearing this, Selosiu conveyed it to Mengt, who then handed it over to Godfrey.

On this day, Serothio finished sorting out the various questions raised by the Rodel people as usual, held the scroll in his mouth, and handed the questions to Mengt. Menggert walked lightly over the ruins of the royal city and the busy construction site, and arrived at the arena.

He found Godfrey and said:

Father, this is today's...

Wait a minute, now is the critical moment. Godfrey waved his hand to stop Mengt's words. His eyes were like bells, staring at the battle in the arena.

Mengt looked over and had to admit that there was a reason why his father looked seriously. The battle in the arena was quite fierce. The faded warriors on both sides were masters. The platform in the arena was filled with rubble and blood.

This will determine the champion of this battle festival. Godfrey said.

Menggert observed the warriors in the arena. The top three strong men had completely disappeared from the Golden People, and were all occupied by the faded ones. As the descendants of the warriors, they have continued to fight until now, and have shown extraordinary performance. The Rodel people are more powerful in combat.

Finally, the knight holding a spear missed a move and lost to the warrior holding a giant sword. The knight's legs were cut off with a sword, he fell to the ground, and then his head was crushed by a strong warrior's kick.

The winner stands in the blood and roars in celebration, and whether the loser can be resurrected depends on whether the blessing will favor the loser again.

Menggert saw that the battle was over, looked at Godfrey, and presented the scroll in his hand:


Godfrey stood up, shook his legs to the ground, jumped directly from the high stands to the field, and said enthusiastically:

Okay, champion, you are now qualified to challenge me. Do you want to take a rest first?

Rest? The new champion of the arena had just finished the battle, his eyes were red and he was grinning. There is no need at all. The runes I just absorbed have already restored my health.

Okay! Ge Fulei started fighting with the champion without saying a word.

Menggert's hand was still stretched out in the air, and the scroll drooped half way down, but no one paid attention to it. Menggert looked at his father who was fighting passionately on the field, and reluctantly retracted his hands and scrolls.

This is not the first time he has come to see his father, and he is very familiar with this process.

Even if my father wins, it's not over.

After the sword fight, there is a big hero's banquet. All the warriors sit together, eat meat and drink wine, and are served by beauties all night long.

When all this is over, most of the soldiers, including Godfrey, will fall into a deep sleep, snoring loudly.

When they woke up again, a new sword fight began.

Only when the battle was really boring would Godfrey be in the mood to deal with government affairs.

Now, fighting against the sword fighting champion was the time when Godfrey was most enthusiastic and least in the mood to deal with government affairs.

Godfrey enjoyed the battle in the arena. After fighting for a while, he grabbed the champion's head and slapped it hard on the ground.

Are you convinced? Ge Fulei smiled.

I'm not convinced! the champion roared.

Godfrey tried his best again, but the champion was held down in an uncomfortable position, making it difficult for him to exert force or speak out.

The champion did not admit defeat, but continued to struggle and attack Godfrey. After a while, he was finally out of breath and passed out.

Ge Fulei stood up and flexed his sweating muscles:

Have fun, son——

Only then did Godfrey remember what Mongote seemed to want to say to him. He looked at the stands above and found that Mongette had left.

Ge Fulei didn't think much, raised his arms and shouted:

Let's have a feast!

Listening to the roaring cheers coming from the arena behind him, Menggert knew that his father had won again as expected, and the banquet had begun again.

He even suspected that Selosiu did it on purpose, knowing that his father wouldn't handle these trivial matters, and it didn't want to deal with it either, so he left it to himself.

Regarding Mongote’s question, Throthio said:

It's not that I don't want to deal with it, it's just that there are more important things.

What's more important? Mengt asked the Lion Prime Minister.

Selosiu stretched out his paw and pointed at the sky:

The luster of the full moon is getting stronger and stronger.

Are we going to war with Kallia? Mongot asked.

We don't want to start a war, but if the strength gap between the two sides is too large, it will always be bad. Selosiu said, Balance is the truth.

Selosiu said: That's why you see, your father is so keen on opening the arena. He is also constantly selecting strong men to expand the combat power of the Golden Dynasty. He is not doing his job properly.

Menggert said: I didn't see what my father meant. And if you specifically said it, it seemed more like an excuse.

Selosiu spread out his two front paws, revealing two tender pink flesh pads:

There is no way, he is just a reckless man. Queen Malika is not here, no one can control him.

Menggert had nothing to say and had no choice but to leave the camp.

The terrifying figure of the ominous demon disappeared, and he turned into a thin and ordinary golden citizen.

Spreading out the scroll, Menggert looked at the things petitioned by the Rodel people in a trance.

A certain family's temporary residence was leaking, a ferocious beast appeared near a certain family, a certain family's livestock disappeared for no reason...

Many things here were discovered by Menggert. He did not stay in the royal city all day long. When he was walking outside disguised as a golden citizen, he could clearly feel the resentment.

Hey, what are you thinking about? Lance Sanks came over and patted Mongot on the shoulder.

How did you find me? Menggert was patted by Lance Sanks, almost revealing his true form with a bad omen.

Relying on feeling? Familiar with camouflage? Lance Sanks answered vaguely, Maybe it's your smell.

The smell of bad omen? said Mongot. The rotten smell of moist illness.

Lance Sanks laughed: Maybe, you suck.

Menggert shook his head, ignored Lance Sanks, and approached a Rodel settlement, hiding in the shadows and listening to the crowd.

Rely on this method to understand the sentiments of the people.

At dusk, people chatted around the campfire.

Well, yesterday I went to fetch water from a well a few miles away. Halfway through, a wild boar jumped out of the roadside. It was startled and the water was spilled. The golden citizen with dry mud spots on his body said, Fetch water. The soil is wet and the clothes are stained with mud, but there is still no water to wash them.”

The golden people lamented:

In the past, there were no such hard times in the royal city. The well was right next to it, and I also had a pond to store water. The servants fetched water for washing...

The others nodded, agreed, sighed with deep understanding, and then sighed.

Menggert wrote on the scroll:

The settlement near the three-way intersection is short of water.

You are so responsible...but you forgot about it. Lance Sanks smiled, They still lack servants.

The servants have no choice. Mengt said, Most of the servants are used as labor force to rebuild the royal city. In order to return to the royal city as soon as possible, these nobles also agreed to send their own servants. But even if they sent servants, they might not be able to do anything in their lives. I can’t see the completion of the royal city.”

Lance Sanks said: You feel guilty and want to make it up to them?

Maybe. Menggert continued to listen to the crowd chatting.

The old days were still good, said the golden people. When the King of Blessing was here, even though life was harder, it was much better than now. Why is it even more difficult now that the war has stopped.

It's all the businessman's fault. Our ancestors' lesson was right. The caravan is indeed a disaster.

No matter how much trouble the caravan causes and demolishes the royal city, King Gefulei will have to nod and agree. Another golden citizen groaned,

I was one of the first to respond to King Gefulei's call and move out on his own initiative. But what about now? We can't even see King Gefulei anymore. He hangs out with the faded people every day now, adding color to those who have faded. Officials and knights. We old Rodel people are like common people, we can't even reach the feet of the golden tree.

In the final analysis, King Grover is the faded one now, and his heart is not with us. The Golden People sighed, When King Grover returned, we said that the Blessed King was a false king, but now we know that he is indeed It’s King Rodel... King Blessing’s governance is much better than it is now.”

When several other people heard this, they quickly covered the speaker's mouth and looked around nervously:

It's not easy to talk nonsense.

The gagged golden people pulled the other people's hands away and said indifferently:

I'm not the only one who said this. I also heard others say it, and I thought it made sense, so I repeated it... King Gefulei did not pay attention to our needs, and our prayers were not answered. Next door, pray There’s no place to pray! They’re too far away from the church and they want a statue of God—hey, there’s no one!”

Everyone suddenly laughed. After comparing the experiences of other settlements and seeing the harder lives of others, they suddenly found comfort in laughing at the lives of others.

Menggote huddled in the shadows, his face uncertain in the firelight.

Why aren't you happy when people praise you? Lance Sanks said.

She suddenly understood: Ah, I understand, the same words, said by different people, have different weights to you, right? I will also praise you - when I was still teaching the ancient dragon faith in the royal city, I often heard from others Praise you.

Lance groped his smooth chin, recalling the past, with an inexplicably proud expression on his face:

Oh, back then I wanted to see the Blessing King who saw the dragon but never saw its tail. It's really better to see it than to hear it once - how about it, will you be happy if I praise you?

Lance looked at Mongote and found that Mongette had already stood up and walked away.

Menggert clutched the scroll tightly, and his body returned to the terrifying appearance of a demon with ominous omens.

The sky was dark, and several knights walked out of the dark night. Their armor was black and blood-stained, and under their crotches were horses also wearing black robes and all black.

Menggert took out the map and said to the knight:

In this village, there is a gap in the well, and a canal is dug to divert water from this lake; this village just experienced a storm some time ago, and many houses need to be repaired. You can repair it at night...

Menggert emphasized:

Remember to leave the lion icon to let them know that it was the Golden Dynasty that did it, and that King Godfrey is taking care of them.

Lance Sanks listened and asked:

Why don't you keep your identity?

What is my identity? Menggert said, What coat of arms do I have? Leave a bad omen on their doorstep to scare them to death?

Menggert made arrangements one by one, and he also had a knight as powerful as the god of death, who was enough to complete these tasks that were not difficult.

The elite soldiers under his command are sufficient, but not in sufficient numbers. Even if they are all sent out, there are still many unresolved issues on this scroll.

Lack of praying statues...

Menggert looked at an item on the scroll and remembered the neighboring village that people had mentioned in their chat.

The sculptor in the royal city...is gone. Menggert said.

Then we can only entrust the caravan.

All of Menggert's men had already left, so he had no choice but to go to the caravan in person to place the commission.

You must ensure that the sculpture is delivered to you first before sending it to the Golden People. The Golden People cannot be allowed to feel that the caravan has any merit, and that the Golden Dynasty does not even have a sculptor.

Going to the caravan? Great! Lance Sanks was very happy, You can go shopping again.

Lance Sanks was very interested in all kinds of small commodities in the caravan, and he could spend a whole day shopping there. Menggert accompanied her on a shopping trip, and for the first time, she felt how weak the Son of Omen was, and how strong the ancient dragon was.

Mengt and Lance Sanks went to the caravan. Mengt went directly to Wuming and entrusted the commission of the sculpture directly to the owner of the caravan as a secret task.

As soon as he saw Wuming, before Menggert could speak, Wuming pounced on him.

It's just right, I just happened to have something to do with you. Wuming greeted Mengt and Lance Sanks warmly, brought chairs and tables, brought tea and water, nodded and bowed, and let out a flattering laugh.

Is something wrong? What's the matter? Menggert looked a little scared when he saw Wuming's enthusiastic attitude.

To be able to make the unknown businessman have such an attitude, Menggert always felt that the matter would be no small matter.

But now that he was here to ask for help from an unknown businessman, Menggert could only bite the bullet and listen.

Wuming thought for a while, sighed, and wiped the corners of his eyes:

I have a child, you have to be responsible...

In the recent period, most of the dramas should be serious plots. The plot will have a big advancement. I can’t guarantee that the style will be relaxed. Let’s take a precaution first. Finally, I have finished writing this paragraph. There is something I wanted to write about when it first came out. I can finally write it down. I will summarize it in detail after writing this paragraph, just like I used to do a separate chapter after finishing the story of Stone City ( Yes, the Lake District Volcano King City is the same section, involving the settlement plot of multiple demigods)

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