Dharma Ring: Selling dung beetles at the border

Chapter 361 Bloody Light Reappears

Nok suddenly opened his eyes and sat up from the bed. Ignoring the cold sweat on his forehead, he glanced at Magri on the other bed and the child in the stroller.

Nok breathed a sigh of relief and wiped away his sweat.

What's wrong? Magri heard Nok's movement, stood up alertly, and picked up the giant sword.

It's nothing, I just had a nightmare. Nok covered his forehead. I dreamed that there were golden people around me, planning to kill us, and they turned into evil omens and ghosts and tore us apart.

Maybe it's because we often see bad omens in the store recently. Magri hugged Nok and warmed Nok with his strong arms, It's okay, it's okay, dreams are the opposite.

Nock said: Did you not brush your teeth?

I was in such a hurry to move out from home that I didn't take it with me, Magri said. It's a pity that I didn't take a lot of things with me. It would have been better if I had been given half a day more.

Nok shrank in Magli's arms:

We don't have time. If we leave any later, those golden people will attack us.

It's not that urgent, Magri said. You can't even wait for a long time. I don't think they have gone too far to that extent.

Nok got out of Magli's arms, took out a crumpled piece of paper from the bedside cabinet, and handed it to Magli.

What's written here? Magli took it curiously and read it carefully.

...Mr. Magri, Mrs. Knock, the village plans to burn down your rooms in the early morning and poison your well water. Please leave the hut as soon as possible...

Magri read the message on the paper, his face a little solemn and a little surprised:

Where did you get this? Who gave it to you? I remember we were almost never separated. I don't know why.

This letter came with those stones and was wrapped on a stone. Nok said, You have such bad eyesight.

Isn't it midnight at that time? Like you, you can see clearly at night. Magri said, So this... was sent here by the villagers?

Nok said: It should be one of the villagers who took advantage of the darkness to report the news.

Like taking an arrow as a sign?

It's like taking an arrow as a sign.

Magri looked at the crumpled letter, scrawled in hasty handwriting:

Who on earth sent this...

I don't know, the people in the village are all Rodel nobles, and everyone can read and write letters. Nok said, It seems that not all the Rodel people want to kill us.

She smiled bitterly:

I don't know whether to be happy or sad.

At least we're safe now. Magri put his arm around Nok and squeezed her shoulders.

Knock, knock, knock on the door.

Old Ma, Old Ma. A nameless voice came from outside the door, Are you at home?

What are you doing here without a name? Magli was curious, put on his clothes and opened the door.

When he opened the door, he saw a tall and ferocious ominous demon blocking the door. The half-eye squeezed by the tumor looked down at him, naturally with a sense of terror and oppression.

Magri subconsciously jumped back and touched the hilt of the sword skeleton:

Honey, your nightmare has come true...

What nightmare? Monger wondered, I'm here to see your child.

Take me away, don't take away Nok and the child. Magri died heroically with a face on his face.

Wuming stood between Magli and Menggert to smooth things over:

Don't be nervous, I'm not here to take you away.

He patted Magri and said with a smile:

We're just here to visit, so don't be nervous. Besides, if we are really trying to harm you, you won't be able to catch any one of us, so relax.

Menggert saw the stroller at a glance, stooped and walked into the house, approaching the baby:

Is this the new life?

However, a petite figure was faster than Mengt. Melina quickly rushed to the side of the stroller, holding the stroller and staring calmly.

You are very interested in new life. Wuming looked at Melina's focused eyes.

Life is beautiful, Melina said.

Listen, listen to Melina's comments, what a wonderful life. Wuming poked Mengt, Can you bear to let such a cute child die?

Menggert looked at the healthy child in fascination.

In the royal city, the sons of bad omens will have their ugly hard horns cut off, but even if they become ugly, it will be difficult for them to survive and they will only die ugly.

Her former self and other young children with bad omens were like her, lying vulnerable in their infancy, ignorant and unaware of the miserable life in the future.

At least this kid is much healthier and prettier.

Perhaps once upon a time, my eldest brother looked at me as an infant like this, without caring about those ugly horns, and held me in his arms.

Menggert subconsciously reached out his hand, wanting to touch that slender life.

A ferocious and hairy inhuman arm appeared in sight. Menggert stiffened for a moment and retracted his hand.

Wuming whispered to the Magli couple the reason for bringing Mongote here. Everyone noticed Mongette's silence and gradually became silent, waiting for his decision.

Menggert looked around and found that Melina and Lance Sanks were all looking at him with hopeful eyes.

What that hope means is obvious.

Menggert glanced at those expectant eyes, but the appreciation of the golden people rang in his ears. I am reminded of the voices of nostalgia and praise for the rule of the Blessed King.

Faded ones, ancient dragons, and all kinds of aliens in front of him coexist with him, the son of evil omen, while the golden people are in the distance, remembering the maintenance of the golden law in the era of the blessed king.

Menggert slowly closed his eyes.

What's the name of dad's dad? Dad's dad is called grandpa...

A loud voice suddenly sounded from the unknown bag, breaking the silence and solemnity of the room.

Sorry, sorry. Wuming took out a disc from his bag, Someone is looking for me and interrupting your meditation. Keep going, keep going.

What a weird song. Lance Sanks laughed.

Don't you understand? Wuming showed off, When the magic of projection communication becomes popular, everyone will be able to contact other people. Patch thought of a way to easily distinguish some commonly used contacts - let different people People to connect with and have different voices.”

Wuming recalled: This is... news from the guard.

Where's the doorman? Lance asked.

It's at the entrance of the caravan. Wuming said, If outsiders want to enter the caravan, they will be blocked by the protective shield. The guard is responsible for contacting the person above to see who is allowed to enter.

Wuming connected the disk and put it to his ear:

Who wants to come in?

Wuming listened for a while:

Let him in.

Seeing Wuming put down the disk, Lance asked:


Wuming looked at Mengt strangely, held the disk in his hand, and an image appeared: a night cavalry riding a funeral horse.

Your men are looking for you.

Night Cavalry? Menggert opened his eyes, They should have completed the mission assigned to them and came to report.

After Mengt finished speaking, he left the room directly, as if he didn't want to stay here anymore.

It seems like there's no point in trying to make him make a choice. Wuming looked at Menggert's figure leaving in a hurry, knowing that there was no chance.

Melina was also ready to leave, and before leaving, she gave the child a blessing. Lance chased Mongot away.

Wuming was also very optimistic: Forget it, at least he didn't take your children away this time. Congratulations, congratulations.

Wuming asked about Magri and his wife's current situation in the caravan, and was about to leave.

But as soon as he walked out, he found that Menggert was back again, walking even tighter, walking from a distance to Wuming almost in an instant, and blocking the door.

What's the matter? Wuming asked.

Here he is again, said Mongot.

What happened again?

The dead, the defiled dead, Mongot said.

Wuming asked: Same as last time, still forming a circle?

It's a circle, but this time it's different. Menggert said, This time... it's a circle of broken corpses. The dead were torn into pieces, and it's impossible to even tell how many people died.

It's still unclear...don't worry. Wuming said, You also have the projection magic circle, right? Go to the scene and Se Rui will help you solve the case remotely. She helped solve the case last time. Now she is stronger, Even if it’s a broken corpse, we should still be able to catch clues.”

I'm not here to help you. Menggert glanced at Magri and the others behind the door.

Then what are you here for? Wuming moved his feet and blocked the doorway to block Menggert's sight.

The deceased was found in a sheep pen. Menggert said, The sheep were also torn into pieces and mixed with human fragments.

Menggert said: That sheepfold was built on a plain where thunder flowers bloom.

Wuming was surprised, took a step back, returned to the room, and glanced at Magri:

You mean...

Menggert also took a step further and entered the room:

The deceased died next to Magli's house, and they were all villagers nearby—that is, the powerful people in Rodel.

Another group of powerful people died. Wuming said, Do you suspect Magri did it?

What do you mean? Magri just understood, Those people are dead?

Nok frowned: We have always stayed here and have never gone out.

Menggert said: I don't know, I just want to take you to ask about the situation. You are the people who are most familiar with the deceased and the scene of the crime.

No. Wuming stood up directly, They are already hated by the villagers. If you let them go to the scene again, the situation will get out of control. You are pushing them into the puddle.

Isn't it a fire pit?

There are more puddles than fire pits, okay?

Menggert said: Don't worry about this, I will protect them.

Do you remember what happened last time you took someone away? Wuming asked, They are not coprophagians. If something happens, how can they protect the child?

The child doesn't need to go.

Then who will take care of the children? What if something happens to them and the children are born without their parents? Wuming said, No, you can't take them away.

The muscles on Menggert's body bulged, and one of his half-swollen eyes opened angrily, glaring at Wuming.

Wuming didn't react at all, standing in front of Maglinock, motionless.

...You are wary of me. Menggert said slowly while observing Wuming's actions.

Remember what you said before? Wuming said, You want to get rid of this baby.

Wuming said: I believe in the glory of your royal family. As long as you promise to facilitate this child and Nok and others, I can rest assured. But you haven't agreed yet.

What are you going to do? Mengt said in a deep voice, Obstruct official business?

Yes, I will get in the way today. Wuming said, You can't take away any of these three people. If you need their eyes and wisdom, use projection to contact them.

Wu Ming was rarely so tough, and Menggert didn't know how to deal with this businessman who was tough enough to fight his father.

Mengt said: Aren't you afraid of breaking up with Wang Cheng?

The Royal City? Where is the Royal City? Wuming said, You mean the ruins? That's a pity. If we can't have both, we can only...remove our workers and leave the ruins of the Royal City to you.

The unknown fingers intertwined:

I originally wanted to change the customs of the Yatan people and promote bonding here. But now, since the golden tree is unwilling to bless the newborn, we can't form a bond. I'm afraid I can only... return to the lake area to develop. Lei. Nora-sama should not care about these blessings and baptisms, the Lake District is also lacking a lot of talents.

Menggert looked deeply at Wuming.

At first glance, Menggert thought that Wuming was by his side when Serothio said that there was a threat in the lake area.

But after thinking about it, it was no secret. The full moon in the sky was indeed getting brighter.

I thought you were in a fit of passion, but I didn't expect that you even knew how to use Kalia to suppress me. Menggert said.

Wuming was a naked threat. Menggert was a little angry, but he also knew that anger was useless.

If Wuming takes his own resources and completely surrenders to Kallia, leaving the Golden Dynasty in a mess, then the Golden Tree will be in danger.

Kallia will have two top combat powers, Wuming and Full Moon, but the Golden Dynasty has even disappeared the magnificent walls of the royal city.

Is it worth it to fight against the Golden Dynasty for the sake of a newly born life? Menggert felt Wuming's willpower and knew what he was carrying with his current choice.

When doing business, you have to take a long-term view. Wuming said, I am seeking profits that last for thousands of years. The Golden Dynasty doesn't even have a newborn baby. Guess which side has the greatest consumption potential? Everyone can see the Golden Tree. It’s already declining.”

Menggert clasped his hands, feeling angry that Wuming was rude to the Golden Tree. But he couldn't just take action casually and stare at Wuming angrily.

Wuming looked at Menggert and suddenly smiled:

Why don't we make a deal.

Doing business with people who are declining? Menggert's voice was a little cold.

Wuming said: I have information about the murderer. I am also sure that Maglinock did not do it. Let them go and let them live in peace. I will provide you with some information.

Menggert was suddenly shocked:

You know? How do you know?

Hold the projection disk between your two unknown fingers:

I just know, deal?

Menggert was more straightforward this time:

Then you come with me.

Wuming followed Mengt and left, handed the disc to Mengt: Take a look.

Menggert took the disc, activated the magic circle, and a projection flashed out of the disc.

A rather familiar image.

This is... the coprophag's prison car. Menggert recognized it at a glance.

How could he not recognize it? He had been looking for this thing for a long time and was even attacked by surprise.

Menggert looked at Wuming:

So... it was really the coprophags who did it?

Keep watching. Wuming said, This is not a picture, it is a video.

Menggert looked again and found that it was true that the coprophag in the picture was sitting motionless in the prison car. If it weren't for the breeze blowing the thatch in the prison car, there would be no change in the picture.

A man in black robes slowly walked into the picture, leaning against the prison car, and seemed to be talking to the coprophagous man.

However, the black robe was wrapped very tightly, and the dung-eater was also covered in armor. There was no sound in the image, so the content of their conversation could not be obtained.

Who is he? Mongot asked.

Wuming swiped on the screen, and the screen turned to the other side. Wuming said:

This is a record from a little earlier time.

That was the direction of the stage, and every time the Coprophagous Man finished singing, he would leave a pool of blood up and down the stage.

The man in black robe slowly rose from the pool of blood.

Blood Dynasty. Menggert blurted out.

This is a video from a while ago. It seems that the Coprophagians have some contacts with people from the Blood Dynasty. Wuming said.

Some time ago? You knew it a long time ago? Why didn't you report it? Menggert said.

Because I can't find it. Wuming said, I said before that the case was closed, but our bald man felt that there were still doubts, and there should be someone behind it. He convinced me, and I thought that since I couldn't find it, I might as well just use it on a large scale. The projection magic is continuously tested to see if there is anything fishy.

Wuming said: Patch told me some time ago that he discovered this person from the Blood Dynasty. Unfortunately, when the projection magic was deployed, Serui had not yet grown up. We waited a day before checking the video and could not monitor it in real time.

Menggert said: So this time too...

Not sure. Wuming said, The man in black robe only came once. I was still thinking about catching him when he comes next time, but he never came again.

Then you told me that you know the information about the murderer?

I didn't say which case it was. Wuming said, But I have to say that even this time, this guy is still the most suspect. Unlike the coprophagous man, he has always been outside.

And Magrinock - do you think my surveillance is only around the prison car? With Serui, the entire caravan is protected by a brand-new protection system, which naturally includes surveillance. Magrinock has been staying at home , there has never been a caravan.

I understand. Mengt said in a muffled voice, I will ask my people to look for this man in black robes. You can continue to monitor the coprophagous man. If there is any movement, notify me immediately.

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