Dharma Ring: Selling dung beetles at the border

Chapter 367 The copro-eater with a bad brain

...Don't hit me, I...my brain is not working well. The golden people huddled in the corner, submissive.

Who the hell are you trying to scare? It's just like someone with a good fucking head.

Opposite the golden people, the ugly and rude strong man slapped himself on the forehead, and spittle flew into the golden people's faces.

Seeing the fearful expressions on the golden people's faces, the strong man didn't say any more nonsense and knocked the golden people over with one punch.


Coprophagians are born ugly from childhood. For this ugliness, he was often ridiculed, bullied, and beaten.

From an early age, he understood people's preferences under the Golden Law - people like good-looking people, and nothing else.

Those who are tall and beautiful are admired, while those who are short and ugly are not worthy of appearing, and it will make people's eyes dirty if they are seen.

Dirty people also have dirty groups, and the coprophagist also knows a few guys who share the same problem with him. It's just that they are ugly and they are short.

Whether it's the starry sky or the Golden Law, destiny is the destination you can't escape. They knew their destiny from an early age.

Those who are slightly shorter in stature will become the followers of the powerful. Because they can serve the powerful, although life is hard, they still have a sense of dignity among the lower class.

Shorter people can only go to more difficult places. Go to the battlefield ruins full of corpse odor, to the bitter and cold forbidden area that is inaccessible. Where there is no one around, that is where they go.

Serving as a guard there, although there is no reputation, but you will not be looked down upon, and it is more or less a living.

Although it is hard work, it is also a chance to survive. The short servants and evil soldiers comforted themselves like this when they saw the worse group.

Those who were worse than them, such as hybrids and Omen, hybrids were born as slaves, and Omen even had its horns cut off, thrown into the sewers and left to fend for itself.

Every surviving bad omen is a favored existence. They have tenacious vitality and did not die directly when cutting corners. And when they were thrown into the sewer, there happened to be a good Samaritan who had a hearty meal and enough The oil, water and nutrients were poured into the sewer, just enough to feed the ignorant young son of Bad Omen.

It can be said that the children of evil omen who grew up successfully all grew up eating greasy excrement. The filth and contamination are the nourishment for their growth.

Even if the son of Evil Omen successfully grows up, he still has to worry about being chased by the Evil Omen Hunter. Maybe one day a group of perfumers will come to the sewers and take away the Son of Omen, and the Son of Omen will disappear from then on.

The short people looked at what happened to the Son of Omen and were thankful for their luck, but the Son of Omen grew up in the sewers and did not regard themselves as human beings.

Everyone is so happy, everyone sweeps away the snow in front of their own door, and sleeps peacefully in their own world.

Only one person questioned it.

Why? asked the once young Coprophagian, when he still had a name of his own, when he had not abandoned the human name.

At that time, he showed his extremely rebellious character and choices.

No one answered his question, no one cared.

The daring of a coprophag to ask such a question is enough to get him isolated. Since then, he has also lost those friends who were also low-level servants and evil soldier reserves.

It was also at that time that the Dung Eaters realized that there was no difference between the short servants and the tall golden people.

The tall ones despised the short ones, the short ones despised the even smaller ones, the shortest ones despised the cursed ones, the cursed ones... At that time, they were the lowest, and no one knew their views, and no one cared about their existence.

Just like treating shit, drain it into the sewer, pave a clean and bright road on it, pretend it doesn't exist, pretend that the filth is not created by yourself.

Disgusting, the ground is more disgusting than the sewer.

That's what coprophags think. Being ostracized, ridiculed, bullied, and beaten, the coprophags did not give in. Instead, they grew more and more arrogant, just like the evil omen that could survive in the sewer.

Such a rebellious man underwent irreversible changes under the pressure of the Golden Law.

Ugly, filthy, dirty, disgusted, all of the above are true, I am a bad omen.

In fact, the coprophagian doesn't know much about the bad omens. He just finds his place among the bad omens from the attitudes of others.

In order to conform to their own perceptions, coprophags even go deep into the sewers and imitate the bad omens to swallow the filth in the sewers.

To the simple mind of a coprophag, the bad omen is that he will live in a sewer, be despised and disgusted by everyone, eat feces, and be covered in stench.

This deepens people's dislike of him, which in turn reinforces the perception of him as a coprophag.

And no matter how disgusted they are, people can't do anything about coprophags.

This ugly man thought he was a bad omen, and he also acquired a body that was as bad as a bad omen. Although ugly and filthy, he is a powerful warrior.

The most important thing is that the dung-eater never pays attention to the traditional order. Any powerful man who dares to look down on him will definitely be beaten by him.

The coprophag will be put in a cell for this, but sooner or later he will come out and beat the man again.

It wasn't until the war started and the coprophags were drafted into the army that the locals escaped the bully's shadow.

Tall and strong people have precious fighting power and their status is not low. However, the military has a fierce atmosphere, and the old atmosphere of bullying the weak has not weakened at all, but has become stronger.

The coprophag's brain has been difficult to use since he was a child. He is not weak and is difficult to be bullied. But I just can't stand this kind of bullying.

His thinking is simple and straightforward - I don't want to get beaten, so I won't beat anyone. If someone hits me, I will hit them back. Everyone should be treated the same.

This kind of thinking makes him angry and awkward everywhere. However, this kind of thinking made him achieve great success on the battlefield.

When others kill me, I also kill, and every time he is the one who kills others.

The war that the Coprophags participated in was the grand war that opened up territory for the Golden Dynasty and was praised by later generations - the Giant War.

The coprophags were actually curious about what giants would look like.

His simple mind told him that the giant would be completely different from the Golden King City. Because before the war started, people said that the giant's flame and the golden tree were mortal enemies that could not coexist.

Therefore, coprophags believe that the things that despise dwarfs and laugh at ugliness under the Golden Law may not happen to giants.

Until he met Melos.

Melos is a giant, but the Copropeaters are completely unaware of this when they first meet him.

Although he is a giant, he is not much bigger than himself.

The process of first meeting and getting along with each other is no longer important, but Coprophagia and Melos got to know each other.

After who knows how many years, the copro-eater made friends again.

This giant is petite and ugly, and because he is a giant, he does not mind the filth of coprophagians. They were like brothers born from different races.

There was a time when coprophags were given a moment of peace.

Sitting on the snow-capped mountains with Melos, the heavy snow absorbed all the noise. There was no howl of soldiers, no contempt and ridicule, only the bright moon hanging high in the sky.

It was on this snow-capped mountain that the princess of Kallia, Lenara, who was not yet a royal family, met the full moon and realized the ultimate magic.

Melos taught the Coprophagians many things about giants.

Teach him how to use his throat and learn the roar of a giant that destroys nature.

Teach him the giant's magical forging skills.

It was also from Melos that the Coprophagian learned about the question he had always been curious about.

Among the giants, they also despised the small beings. People like Melos are even more miserable than human evil soldiers. He is more like the giant's caged plaything, singing and dancing like a canary for the giant's amusement.

From then on, the dung-eater understood that there was no difference between the golden tree and the giant. Everything in the world is the same. People will only look up to the tall and beautiful, and despise and trample on the short and ugly.

It's all a piece of shit, the coprophag commented.

If the sun could come back, maybe things wouldn't be like this. Melos said.

Sun? asked the Coprophagian.

Melos drew a crooked picture on the snow, a radiating sphere with a crooked and rough human face in the middle.

The ancestors of the giants once encountered the sun, ushering in the glorious era of giants. Legend has it that it was an era of tolerance, and everyone could get the right to express themselves to the fullest in that era. Melos said, But now the sun is far away from the junction. . No matter how much the giants forge godly worship, they no longer respond to us. We have lost favor, been abandoned, and become more and more despicable.

The coprophag stared at the crude drawing on the snow: The sun...

This tranquility did not last long, and not long after, Melos died.

As a petite giant, in the eyes of the golden people, he is an ugly and ferocious enemy. In the eyes of the snow mountain giants, he is a deformed and ugly son of the curse.

The details need no introduction. From golden trees to snowy mountains, from humans to giants, from ancient times to the present, everything is no different. Although the sun has gone away, there is still nothing new.

At the same time, being forced by the golden tree and giants, the only way to destroy Los was death.

The dung-eater stood for a long time beside the body of Melos. The coldness of the highlands was a nuisance to the corpse, and he didn't know how long he had stood there.

He was not mourning or angry over the death of his friend, but rather gaining realization.

All the past experiences surged in his mind, and he recalled what he had seen and heard in his childhood, the dark and smelly sewers, and everything Melos had said to him.

On top of the snow-capped mountains, he met the sun.

He believed that he had found a solution to all this. He saw the guidance and the wonderful blessing.

Let everything return to the curse, let everything fall into dust. As long as everyone is cursed and hit rock bottom, then everyone is equal.

I saw it, I saw it, that wonderful guidance. The coprophagia happily talked to the corpse next to him, I saw a way to make everything equal, and that must be the guidance given to me by the sun.

The dung-eater kept talking to Melos. The more he talked, the clearer his thoughts became.

Thank you for chatting with me for so long. The coprophagian said to the lifelike ice sculpture. In order to repay you, I will bless you. When you are born again, you will be born with blessings and receive the most wonderful things. blessing of.

The Coprophagous Eaters ate Melos and took the tiny giant's soul as his own. The coprophag feels genuine joy as he feels his soul howling inside his body.

The souls of the dead are controlled by the golden tree, but the souls of those who are eaten will not enter reincarnation. Melos confirmed this conjecture, and the coprophagous man is even more convinced of his enlightenment.

He peeled off his friend's spine and used the giant skills that Melos taught him to shape his spine into a great sword, allowing him to fight, kill, and devour everything.

He devoured flesh and blood, and his friends devoured souls.

He wants to kill and eat things that the golden people regard as filthy, and even eat the golden people so that they will not enter reincarnation, escape the blessing of the golden tree, and be tainted forever. Let them themselves become existences worse than feces.

At that time, people will put aside their arrogance and view everything equally.

Unfortunately, just when Coprophagia was about to show off his grandeur, he faded and was kicked out of the junction.

However, this does not prevent him from continuing to implement his ideas. The junction is the center of the world, and its influence will radiate to the surrounding world. Even if it is far away from the sea, the world outside the sea of ​​fog is no different from the junction - disgusting.

But the difference is that without the blessing and the power of immortality, the dung-eater was soon discovered and hanged.

The angry crowd threw stones at him and roared at him.

The Coprophagia roared back with an even more violent roar, and I'm afraid the roar echoed until he was hanged.

Many years later, the Coprophagian stood on the stage, holding his friend behind his back, and singing and singing with his friends. The Golden People still surrounded him, throwing flowers at him, and roaring to express their love for him.

It shouldn't be like this. Coprophags feel that they are here to bring terror to the world, making everyone in the world look like a bad omen, living in filth, cursed, hated by everyone, locked in dungeons, and never see the light of day.

This shouldn't be like this, something is wrong.

Facing the flood of cheers and affection, the coprophags felt helpless. In the first half of his life, he was never loved.

No, I am a bad omen, and bad omen should be hated by everyone. The coprophagian huddles in the prison car every day, strengthening his cognition like self-hypnosis.

Being loved by others, being loved by the golden people, is ten thousand times more uncomfortable than having him in prison.

So when those fanatical fans took him away from Mongret and chattered about their love for him in the forest, the coprophag could not bear the anxiety in his heart.

Resentful souls burst out, fans were crushed into fans, and the wailing and fear before death made the coprophags feel familiar and comfortable.

That's right, that's right, bad omens should be feared, feared, and hated by others. As the lowest race, it is the basis of all arrogance and discrimination.

Bad omens should have nothing to do with love.

The guy in black clothes affirmed him and gave him the opportunity to continue spreading the curse, which he did not refuse.

He will kill and devour endlessly until the world is filled with children of the curse and his ideal world is completed.

Only the spread of the curse can make him feel comfortable, which means that he is one step closer to his goal, and the sun is one step closer to him.

Until he heard something like this——

The faded couple and the unblessed child are so pitiful. Not only are they oppressed by the golden people, they are also oppressed by the faded people. They are persecuted by both sides at the same time. They only have death. The voice outside the prison car lamented,

And if the golden tree seals itself, no more cursed children will be born.

The friend in the hand changes from an underhand grip to an overhand grip.

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