Dharma Ring: Selling dung beetles at the border

Chapter 371 The most terrifying god-man

A few days later, Wuming took Fan Lei, along with Latarn and Menggote, to a dilapidated ancient ruins in the Shivla River.

Latarn provides a portal in the Lake District that allows them to teleport directly to the underground Shivla River Valley.

Several people stood on the ruins, and Wuming pointed to a blood-red building in the distance:

That's the Blood Dynasty.

It's really far, Latane said.

You are only responsible for leading people. Wuming said, If there are any interceptors on the way, leave the battle to us. If you are not physically strong, I have various medicines and runes here.

Wuming looked around and said, Is everything okay? We'll put the portal in place when we get there.

Mengt was stunned for a moment and nodded.

Absent-minded, Menggert. Wuming asked, What happened?

My brother is missing, Mengt said.

My condolences. Wuming said, Let's take care of the immediate matters first. You help me, and I'll help you. When it's over, I'll help you find your brother.

Wuming was making grand speeches when a burst of music suddenly sounded in his arms.

Wuming froze and took out the disc from his arms:

Wait a minute, I'll take a message.

Wuming saw who the letter was from. It was Amastasha, the night man from Nokron.

Wuming put the disk to his ear, lowered his voice, and asked, What's the matter? This is your first time to contact me.

You bastard!

Even with the volume turned down, the roar of the Knox swordsman almost pierced Wuming's ears.

Why did you say that suddenly? Wuming was confused, What did I do?

I'm looking at you. Amastasia said in a gloomy tone, You have brought people here again, right? Do you really think we have no temper? The arrows of the ancestral spirits are already aimed at you!

Wuming inadvertently looked above his head, and sure enough he saw a crowd of people in the distance.

Misunderstanding, misunderstanding, I didn't go to your place, I was just passing by. Wuming said, You really hit me, but you were exposed.

Then where are you going? Amastasia didn't believe it.

We'll find out later. Wuming cut off the communication and prepared to tell Latarn to leave quickly.

But just as the communication was cut off, the disc vibrated again.

This time it was Serui.

Suddenly I found that communication has become more convenient and has a great impact on the rhythm of life. Wuming sighed and answered the message, What's the matter?

Found it, Serui said.

What did you find?

Se Rui said: The projection terminal that sends images to the golden people.

Oh? Is it locked? Wuming asked.

Se Rui shook his head: It's an old model, it doesn't have this function.

Then we still haven't found it. Wuming said.

Serui's expression was a little strange:

The information I analyzed shows that... that terminal just talked to you.

Ah? Wuming was stunned.

Se Rui continued to ask: Who is he? Did he deliberately provoke him? Did he leave any valid information? Don't worry, give me a little, and I can analyze a lot of information.

Effective information... Wuming murmured and glanced at the position above, That's... so effective.

Leave it to me, I may be able to analyze the opponent's position. Serui said.

No need, I know the location. Wuming cut off the communication, feeling deeply confused.

Ah? Wuming still didn't react.

What's wrong? Rattan asked him.

Wuming was silent for a moment and said:

Nothing, let's go quickly.

Latan drew out his two swords and cast gravity magic, pulling everyone present, together with the pony and a portal under his crotch, slowly into the air, and then crossed the long bottomless abyss and rushed towards the Blood Dynasty.

On the way, Wuming, Menggert, and Fan Lei were all staring at the Blood Dynasty's position, waiting for possible interceptions along the way.

Get closer, get closer, the closer you get, the more likely you are to encounter a more powerful attack.

The closer Wuming and Mengget got to the Blood Dynasty, the more nervous they became, and the more they could feel the pungent stench of blood coming from their nostrils.

Then Latarn landed, slowly falling into a pool of blood, causing a little ripples.

No splash, ten points! Wuming jumped down and splashed a pool of blood fountain, and carefully blocked it to prevent the blood from getting close to Fan Lei.

There... is no ambush here. Menggert and Latarn looked around and judged based on their experience in hundreds of battles.

You came here so easily? Wuming was surprised, Did they all slip away in advance when they knew we were coming?

Wuming glanced at Fan Lei, who also looked suspicious: It doesn't look like he has tipped off the news.

You'll know if you look again. Latarn walked forward with his head held high. As General Broken Star, he was not afraid even if he was in the territory of a strange and powerful demigod.

Seeing that there were no enemies around, Wuming didn't rush to arrange the portal.

The arrangements have been made early. Your parents have to run a lot of steps, which wastes their precious time. Wuming said.

When we encounter an enemy, we'll be in trouble. Menggert said, If there's the Blood King in front of us, we may not have the chance to make arrangements.

Then it depends on luck. Wuming said, Let us face this dilemma. Damn it, Blood Dynasty.

Huh... Latarn's voice came from the front.

What's wrong? Wuming asked.

You'll know when you come over and take a look. Latarn called them over.

Wuming saw corpses all over the ground.

There were corpses almost everywhere, of all kinds, scattered everywhere.

Looking around, there are blood nobles, dogs, frogs with bright red bodies, and huge birds.

Is this what Blood Dynasty is like? Latarn asked Wuming, who had been to Blood Dynasty.

Wuming shook his head: I haven't seen it before. I think the people who died were all members of the Blood Dynasty.

Wuming shook the Fan Lei in his hand:

Will your Blood Dynasty hold regular massacres of its subjects like this?

Fan Lei's expression changed:

How is this going……

Fan Lei struggled hard, trying to escape from Wuming's hands.

He really succeeded, Wuming let him go.

Seeing the strange scene in front of him, Wuming felt that there was no need to imprison Fan Lei to prevent him from leaving - he probably wanted to find out what was going on more than he did, and he would not run away until he did.

The nameless three looked at each other and followed Fan Lei, the old man of the Blood Dynasty.

Along the road, various corpses kept appearing, seemingly torn apart by quite violent force.

Fan Lei was running in the familiar Blood Dynasty. The closer he got to the Blood Boudoir at the top, the more excited and panicked he became.

For the Blood Dynasty, he did a lot and sacrificed a lot, even leaving his hometown and staying away from the Blood Dynasty.

Even though he was back as a prisoner now, he still wanted to see the adult who haunted him in his dreams and feel the adult's love again.

But the corpses around him made him more and more panicked. The Blood Dynasty had never been so quiet.

Fan Lei only felt a dull pain in his heart, and cursed blood surged in his body.

He believed in the power of that adult and believed that he could defeat all invading enemies, but he was also worried about what might happen... what if...

With such complicated emotions, he rushed to the elevator to the Blood Boudoir desperately.

He didn't want to think about it anymore.

Those ordeals had actually severely damaged his body and mind. Even if he bumped into that adult and had to accept the death penalty for this, he would still accept it.

Even being able to be executed by that adult himself was a blessing.

The elevator shook, and he finally stood in front of the Blood Boudoir.

Meng...Lord Mengge! Fan Lei rushed into the Blood Boudoir, calling out the honorable name of the Blood King.

An unusual sound interrupted Fan Lei's footsteps.

He stopped slowly and looked at the scene in front of him. His eyes turned blood red and he almost wanted to burst out of his eyes.

Fan Lei stretched out his hand, trembling all over and unable to believe the sight in front of him:


In the Blood Boudoir, there are countless tombstones on both sides of the main entrance, and tall sculptures of old people are displayed side by side on the walls of the boudoir—the products of ancient ruins.

In the deepest part of the boudoir, a huge cocoon was placed there. A crack was torn open in the cocoon, and a long, skinny hand stretched out from the crack, resting feebly on the ground.

That is the god that Master Meng stole from the sacred tree - the god-man Michaela. He will become the spouse of the Blood King and create a new dynasty and a new era with the Blood King Monger.

The era of the Mongwen dynasty.

That's how it should be.


Fan Lei's eyes were more and more cracked, and he saw Lord Meng, whom he respected and loved, kneeling on the ground with his hands on the ground. The thick and luxurious high priest's robe was in tatters, revealing the dark ominous horns all over his body.

Behind Mengge, the hideous-looking copro-eater was sticking close to Mengge.

His upper body was still covered in that ugly imitation Evil Omen armor, which had been coated with countless layers of plasma. But he took off his lower body, hugged Meng tightly, and roared madly:

Love! Love! Love...!

The burly, majestic Son of Omen was firmly grasped by the diminutive Faded One. It seems to have lost all ability to resist and is at the mercy of the coprophagians.

Seeing this scene, Fan Lei put his hands in his hair, tore his own hair, and scratched his cheeks. An unprecedented sense of blasphemy crushed all his reason.

Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah!

Hearing Fan Lei's unprecedented screams, Wuming and others rushed over and saw the strange scene.

Latarn and the crotch pony drew back their necks at the same time, frowned, twisted their faces together, and said with a complicated expression:

This Blood King still has this kind of elegance?

This... Wuming was also a little confused.

Menger? Menggert was even more surprised.

Do you know him? Wuming asked him, looking sideways with Latarn.

My missing brother. Menggert replied, How did he...

Fan Lei was still screaming. He rushed forward and tried to pull the coprophag away, but was slapped away.

Under the silent gazes of Wuming, Latarn, and Mengt, Fan Lei screamed, the manure eater made a crazy roar, and the blood king, who was dressed in gorgeous and disheveled clothes, was making inexplicable snorts.

Wuming thought it would be better to deal with the noise first.

Stop, coprophag! Wuming stepped forward, dodged the coprophag's attack, and pulled him, Quickly ask your brother to let go of Brother Mengt.

Let me go! The coprophag is still roaring crazily, I want to give him love, I want to be good to him, but he's not completely healed yet!

Wuming pulled the coprophag away and let Latarn pin him to the ground with gravity magic.

Wuming was surprised and said:

Has this guy ever been this crazy before?

I don't know. Mengt controlled Mengge on the other side, helped him put on his clothes, and slapped the Son of Omen on the cheek.

But the son of bad omen named Meng never seemed to wake up, and was always in a dazed and nagging state. They seemed to have no reaction to what happened to them.

It can't be said that there was no reaction. He seemed to be very intoxicated and muttered something.

Mengt thrashed for a long time, but still didn't wake up. He grabbed the huge ominous horn that pierced Meng's eyes, lifted him up and dragged him to the ground:

Anyway, let's leave here first and study it later. It seems there is no need to invite Queen Full Moon and her father here.

I agree. Latane said, The smell here... is really unpleasant.

The two demigods were about to leave and looked at Wuming, only to find that Wuming stayed where they were.

Wuming looked around:

I always feel...ambiguous.

You mean the smell is ambiguous? Latane said.

Aura...that's right. Wuming looked thoughtfully into the depths of the Blood Boudoir.

The direction of that huge round cocoon.

Almost at the same time, Latarn and Menggert also looked over.

They all saw a light.

A striking golden light overflowed from the cracks in the giant cocoon, filling the huge gap in the giant cocoon, leaving only a skinny hand hanging weakly to the ground.

In the golden light, a pair of young and slender little hands stretched out, resting their backhands on the edge of the crack in the giant cocoon, as if they were using their strength to crawl out.

The crack is a little bigger, and the golden light expands.

Then, a person emerged from the golden light.

Her beautiful long golden hair was the first to capture everyone's attention.

Under the blond hair, there is a very beautiful face, perfect and flawless, with harmonious and unified facial features, with a hint of coquettishness, making it difficult to distinguish between male and female.

It was the face of a young child, probably no more than ten years old. The eyes were round and bright, as if there were stars in them. They were full of energetic curiosity and a hint of cute cunning.

After the young child appeared, the golden light flourished. Under the golden light, the eerie Blood Dynasty seemed to be enveloped in a layer of warmth.

Coprophag, Meng, and Fan Lei, who had been struggling, looked at the young child and forgot about the noise.

Menggert and Latarn were also stunned, but compared to the stupidity of the man in their hands, their eyes were more shocked and dignified.

Latan pinched the coprophag and actually took a step back.

Mengt did the same, dragging Mengge and taking a step back.

General Broken Star and King Blessing, the two most powerful demigods in the world, seemed to be a little wary of this seemingly harmless child.

Mikayla... Latarn said in a deep voice.

Wuming, who had not retreated at this time, suddenly stood out. He was closest to the young child and carefully looked at the blond beauty in front of him:

Is he Michaela?

The blond child walked slowly down the skinny arm with his bare feet.

He walked to his wrist, jumped suddenly, and landed on a floor tile. His body was a little unstable, but he still balanced himself.

The child slowly closed his eyes, his chest rose and fell, and the golden light around him converged into his body with his breathing. The unreal sense of holiness and illusion in his body seemed to disappear.

He stood there with his eyes closed, like a fragile child who had strayed into a wolf's den.

The next moment, the delicate child opened his eyes and suddenly burst into joy in the Blood Boudoir.

The child ran several times along the Blood Boudoir with bare feet and smiled like a silver bell.

Then he stopped, took a few deep breaths, spread his arms, looked up at the sky with squinted eyes, and shouted: Free——!

After doing all this, the child finally calmed down and even restrained his movements a bit, acting coquettishly like a girl.

He walked back slowly, stood in front of Wuming, and said hello to Latarn and Mengt behind Wuming:

Hey, Brother Latane, Brother Menggote, long time no see.

Neither of them responded, and there was some silence.

After Michaela greeted the two of them, she straightened her body and stretched out her hand to Wuming in front of her:

Brother Wuming, I have long admired you, and I finally meet you. I am Michaela.

I am the one I have admired for a long time. Wuming stretched out his hand.

Michaela held the nameless palm with both hands and shook it gently twice.

The soft feeling spread to Wuming's palm. Wuming looked at his armor-protected palm and raised the corners of his mouth, feeling quite interesting.

Michaela let go of her two little hands and smiled at Wuming with a bit of seriousness:

Unknown big brother, can I entrust you with something?

Before Wuming could respond, Menggert took a step forward and pulled Wuming away:

Be careful, he is a master of charm, don't be bewitched by him. He may cast illusion spells on us, and we will be tricked if we don't do it right.

Is it bad to be illusory? Michaela asked back, Brother Menggert, you still care so much about external appearances.

And why do you think you haven't been tricked now? Michaela suppressed her smile and pointed her finger in the direction of the giant cocoon. Otherwise, how could I appear in front of you - that's me.

Menggert looked at the giant cocoon and saw the giant hand stretching out from the cocoon. It seemed that the forearm was longer than Mikaela's body.

That's you? Menggert was surprised, Why is it so big?

Michaela seemed unwilling to mention this topic further: Can I talk about my commission now——

Michaela pointed to the giant cocoon:

Can anyone move me out?

Michaela looked at Wuming with tears in her eyes:

Brother, please save me.

Michaela held Wuming's hand:

Big brother, I know you are a good person. You are warm and like the sun.

Is that so? Wuming was very happy, You are a sensible kid, and you talk much better than the little brat from the Serian family.

Wuming was originally planning to rescue Mikaela by the way, but now that Mikaela has sincerely expressed his sincerity, he has nothing to shirk.

But this cocoon is quite big. Wuming said, Latan probably won't be able to carry it. I'll send someone over to take you out later.

Thank you. Michaela floated gently, like a weightless ghost, Before this, can I go out with you like this?

Hearing this, Menggert and Latan fell into deep thought at the same time.

As the core of the Holy Tree, Michaela's resurrection means the rise of the Holy Tree again.

That was a force no less powerful than the current Royal City and Kallia.

With Michaela and Marlenia, the God-given twins, even if they face Lenora and Godfrey, they probably won't be at a disadvantage.

The border area will directly change from a confrontation between two powers to a tripartite confrontation. The situation then...

I don't care. You can go wherever you want. Why are you asking me? Wuming said.

Michaela smiled:

You are indeed a good person.

Mikaela looked at Mengt and Latarn, with their hands folded behind their backs:

I won't embarrass you, I'll disguise myself.

Michaela's body lifted up out of thin air, becoming the height of an adult, and she put on a black cloak.

Mikay tightened his cloak, covering his blond hair and face, and his voice became a little more mature:

That way no one will recognize me.

Wuming erected the portal and left with the six people present. The crusade against the Blood Dynasty ended so inexplicably and suddenly.

But the impact was far more complicated and far-reaching than the imagined crusade against the Blood Dynasty.

Latan temporarily returned to the lake area, and the blood king Monger was brought back to Yatan by Mongert. Things among the demigods have just begun.

Mikaela followed Wuming back to the caravan.

Wuming said: You look more familiar with them, why did you ask me for help?

Because I think you are a good person. Michaela said softly.

How can you tell? Wuming was a little curious.

Isn't it obvious at a glance, said Mikayla, Think about what Mengt and Latarn look like.

Wuming thought about the scene where he was standing next to Mengt and Latarn, and nodded:

I do seem like a good guy.

Michaela said: I have seen you in the dreams of many people. They all like you and are very grateful to you. The Platinum Son, the Son of Bad Omen, the Immortal, the Hybrid... I don't mean to be polite when I say I have known you for a long time. . I can feel that you have love for the people in the border area, even if you have never met.

Love... Wuming muttered.

Michaela nodded, tightened her black robe, showed a soft smile to Wuming, and said in a feminine and androgynous voice:

Love is very important.

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