Dharma Ring: Selling dung beetles at the border

Chapter 374 Virtual idol, referred to as virtual image

Michaela opened her mouth slightly, frowned slightly, showing a little resistance.

I have to hide my identity. Michaela said, Being a popular idol or something is too ostentatious.

I just want your charm ability, but I don't want your status as a god. Wuming waved his hand, showing his disdain for Michaela's status as a god.

You can change your name, change your clothes, change your face, whatever you want as long as you still have the power of charm. For example, you can change your name to a girl, Torina or something like that.

Tolina, I've already used it.

Then you can think of a random one. Wuming said, I don't know how to choose a name. Come on. If I knew how to name it, I wouldn't call it Wuming.

No. Michaela said, I can't be an idol. I'm just an illusion.

Does it matter whether it's an illusion or an entity? Wuming was dissatisfied with Michaela's negative thoughts, Illusion is bad? Why do you care so much about external appearances.

It would be better to say that illusion is your advantage. Wuming said, I saw your illusion moving around the border and thought of it. In your current state, you can completely break away from the restrictions of the stage and let people from all over the world fully understand it. To your charm.

Wuming took out the disc:

I just used this to watch you talking to Mengt, and I realized that this small disk is the stage of the new era. I have distributed a large amount of projection magic in the junction, and you can use this thing to perform .”

Wuming held the disk high, emitting golden light, and the small disk looked like a sun:

Virtual idols, or virtual images for short! We can start a new era of making money!

That's not how the word virtual image is used... Michaela muttered softly.

Use words to define this thing. Whoever uses it more and speaks more will make sense. Wuming didn't care about this small detail. The important thing is that you can use this to become an idol in the whole world and earn money in the world. of runes.”

It can't be done. Michaela said, Have you forgotten, this thing can't capture my existence at all. I don't communicate with you through this thing, but directly project the illusion into your minds.

Also... Wuming put down his hand and examined the projection magic array disc in his hand.

But you can talk to Mengt, and let me see you as if through the disk, why not... Wuming said, You can do the same when you are an idol.

How many people will be affected at the same time? Michaela waved her hands quickly, shaking her head like a rattle, and her blond hair was like waves.

There are so many people. If you can't do it, you can't do it no matter how much you think. I will die.

Seeing that Mikaela refused so resolutely, Wuming couldn't say anything, but seeing that such a high-quality idol in front of him could not be seen by others, Wuming felt heartbroken.

The heartache of guarding the golden mountain but being unable to touch it.

Is there any way to make this illusion of yours appear... Wuming thought.

He remembered something, took Mikayla and ran to a steeple to try to summon the spirit.

Several golden people rushed out bleeding and told Wuming their hatred and fear of being massacred by the copro-eaters.

Wuming also felt pity for them - a red light lit up in his hand and saved them.

I'm not a ghost, Michaela said.

Wuming called Serui again and asked her if she could see Mikaela, or if there was any way to make Mikaela appear, but the result was not good. Serui couldn't sense Mikaela.

Don't waste your efforts.

Michaela said: Even if night falls, it is difficult for me to influence too many people in the field of dreams, which I am good at. Let alone when I am awake. Even because of distance restrictions, even if the audience at a concert, I It can’t be completely affected.”

There is something in Michaela’s words:

If you move my body out of the Blood Dynasty as soon as possible, I can still increase my influence.

Distance affects strength... Wuming pondered, The Night Man can tame ants, probably because of your power. In this case, you have to remind them later, otherwise when you stay away, the ants will lose control and break.

Wuming thought of Yeren and suddenly had an idea: Wait, I'll find another person.

Wuming found the artificial teardrop.

Ashmi, can you see this person? Or, Michaela, can you influence Asmi?

I can see it. Ashmi still didn't know why Wuming pulled him over, so she subconsciously answered Wuming's question and looked at Mikaela.

That's great. Wuming applauded, Then you should be able to reproduce all the scenes in front of you, right?

What do you want me to do? Asumi was surprised.

Imitation is what you are best at. Wuming said, You can discuss it among yourselves. I will give you a day to adjust and it will be officially launched tomorrow.

Michaela smiled helplessly and gave up all resistance: Forget it, I'll just let you do it.

Wuming solved the problem of lack of people in the song and dance troupe after the coprophagous man left. He was in a good mood and could prepare for various matters before heading to the snow-capped mountains.

Michaela looked at Asumi:

Can you imitate anything?

Of course - Asumi was halfway through his answer, looking at Wuming's leaving figure, he suddenly felt guilty, Absolutely.

Michaela said: Let's try it.

Ashimi imitated the images that Michaela projected to him, constantly changing his body shape.

The appearance is indeed a good imitation. Michaela said, Let's try the ability...

Ashmi followed Mikaela's instructions and released several Golden Law prayers.

The huge golden tree prayer emblem was printed on the ground, the majestic golden power spread, and the weeds in a radius of more than ten meters grew wildly.

Ashmi was a little surprised when she looked at the effect of the prayer she released. The scale almost matched the scale of Serui's magic, which was enough to show Mikaela's amazing strength.

Michaela stood on tiptoes, covering the light of the golden tree with one hand, and measured the range of prayer:

Not ideal...

Isn't this ideal? Asumi turned into Mikaela and raised an eyebrow, Are you questioning my learning ability?

What I question is my ability to teach. Mikaela said, To be precise, you are not learning my power directly, but I first use my power to influence your soul and pass on my experience and insights. .”

Ashimi understood: It was transmitted from your brain to me, but it was distorted.

Michaela examined and measured the image range of that prayer: But it's enough.

Are you going to use this prayer to create stage effects for yourself? Ashmi asked, You don't have to worry about stage effects. The song and dance troupe has light magic illusions that can do special effects for you.

Michaela smiled: It's not for that, but now we need to do one thing, come on, follow my instructions.

Ashimi complied, and Michaela once again demonstrated a prayer, but this time, both in terms of scale and complexity, and the faith conveyed to her heart, it was far better than the previous prayer.

While imitating, Asumi felt like she was in a small boat, encountering an extremely grand abstract existence rising from the sea. Almost surrendering body and mind, losing myself.

When Ashimi woke up, the prayer had been completed. Before he could react, the golden power spread out mightily.

The entire caravan, a long snake-like team, was enveloped by a huge circle.

What is this? Ashimi was a little frightened. The scale of this prayer was too great. If it were some kind of destructive spell, the nameless caravan would be wiped out in an instant.

If Wuming's caravan was destroyed, he would have to be torn apart by Wumingsheng.

Just do what I have to do. Michaela smiled, Don't be afraid.

This large-scale prayer spread to the entire caravan, and many of the wounded who were still being treated in the caravan immediately felt the changes. Their wounds healed and grew at an extremely fast speed, and the broken bones grew hard.

Some of the hybrids and omens in the caravan were still receiving treatment from the perfumer. The pain and discomfort all over their bodies were immediately relieved by the golden power. The immortal felt that many runes were being transformed into his body out of thin air, and he felt relaxed and happy.

The faded goldenrod on the grass also regained its vitality and became golden again.

Michaela looked at the boundary of the prayer: As expected, the effect is much worse. If I did it myself, I could at least cover the altar first.

What move is this? Asumi asked.

It's just a healing prayer, Michaela said. There are hybrids and platinum sons in this caravan, as well as corruption and epilepsy.

Michaela stretched out his waist and said, It's really hard not to exercise your own laws.

Asumi looked at the increasingly lush weeds on the ground: If you trade this skill with that guy, you can get a lot of good things in exchange.

Michaela smiled and shook her head: I can exchange it for unlocking the seal. But how can I exchange it for what I have to do in the first place.

Asami looked at the child-like Mikaela and felt that the figure was getting taller and taller. Her eyes were shining with golden light and she said in admiration:

You are much nobler than that stinky businessman.

Michaela covered her face: Don't say this with my face, I'm so shy.

He held Asumi's hand, as if looking into a mirror, his eyes blurred:

You will imitate me faithfully in the future, right? Come with me and save the world.

Ashimi nodded solemnly and agreed to Mikaela's request. The two of them held hands like mirror images, and a pink light flashed in their eyes.

Michaela showed a satisfied smile, nodded, and let go:

Okay, now let's think about what plans we need to make for this virtual idol. We also need to think of a stage name...

In the round table hall,

Baozhi sat in the center, looking at the map and commanding his men with confidence.

After getting the news from Wuming, he immediately started to carry out a methodical attack plan against the Blood Dynasty.

When he heard that the nameless caravan was besieged, Baizhi knew that this was a God-given opportunity.

Yatan was in chaos, and neither Wuming nor Wangcheng had the energy to deal with the Blood Dynasty. He could go to the Blood Dynasty more calmly and win the Blood King's big rune.

The unknown businessman is besieged by the golden people, so we can walk more leisurely. Baozhi said to his subordinates.

He also chose to use the portal as a breakthrough. He would personally lead the team to the Blood Dynasty first, and then he could summon all his men over to completely eliminate the Blood Dynasty.

Baizhi takes all situations into account, carefully imagines various possible situations, and makes countermeasures accordingly.

When everything was ready, Baozhi rubbed the ball in the scepter, left the round table hall, and took action himself.

Then they came to the empty Blood Dynasty, and a smelly wind blew by, confusing the eyes of Baizhi and his men.

Boss, what should we do now? His subordinates were a little afraid to act rashly. They were suspicious and always felt that dozens of swordsmen and axe-wielders would emerge from the darkness.

When Bai Zhi saw that there was no one in the Blood Dynasty, he was a little worried and went straight to the Blood Boudoir.

There is nothing but a giant cocoon.

How is it possible... Baizhi muttered to himself, only a few people knew the news. Wuming was so troubled that under normal circumstances, it would be impossible to end the entire Blood Dynasty so quickly.

It's too late. Baizhi's eyes and ears said, Boss, all the demigods of the Blood Dynasty have been intercepted by that caravan.

What nonsense? There is no evidence yet. Baizhi said, They don't have the time and manpower to do this.

Momochi's man handed a disk to Momochi.

In the image of the disc, a cute, beautiful, androgynous child blinks in front of the camera, whispers something, and then sings and dances, showing a cute gesture.

Bai Zhi looked at the young child in the image, pondered for a moment, took off his helmet, rubbed his eyes, and checked a few more times.

I still couldn't believe it, so I put on my reading glasses and looked at it carefully several times:


How could it be Michaela.

People in other places also recognized it, but even if they expressed their suspicions, they would soon be laughed at.

Most people have never seen a demigod, and most people don't believe that a child who appears in the caravan's communication machine belongs to the legendary holy tree Michaela.

Only Momochi, who had a lot of information about the demigods and knew the skills of the unknown merchant in the caravan, guessed the truth.

What should we do now, boss? Baizhi's eyes and ears asked Baizhi.

Bai Zhi was in a daze for a moment. He looked around the Blood Boudoir and saw the giant cocoon heading towards it.

Bai Zhi frowned, slowly walked into the giant cocoon, and reached out to touch the stretched out giant hand.

Almost instantly, Baizhi felt a huge shock in his heart, and the blood in his whole body was boiling. Baizhi's hand trembled like an electric shock, he moved away from that hand and took a few steps back.

Boss? Ermu was a little confused.

Baizhi slowly backed away, stared at the giant cocoon, and said, Mikaela, the businessman has been taken away. Let's go.

Just forget it? Ermu was unwilling to accept it.

This is not necessarily a bad thing. Let Michaela be an idol? He is a better candidate than a coprophag, but he is also a bigger trouble than a coprophag. The businessman took away many troublesome people, just by Let him test it himself. After Bai Zhi finished speaking, he glanced at the giant cocoon and left in a hurry.

Bai Zhi weighed the pros and cons of Mikaela staying in the Blood Dynasty and being taken away by Wuming to become an idol, and felt that there was no difference.

If Wuming overturns, the Round Table Hall will lose a powerful enemy; if Wuming restrains Mikaela, it will be the same as before.

Baizhi thought about how a genius like Mikaela was dragged by Wuming to become an idol, lamented the waste of talent, and was also thankful. There is no difference between Michaela being imprisoned by the Blood King. As long as he does not exert his terrifying influence, the situation will not change drastically.

Baizhi thought so and took another look at Michaela's live broadcast.

At this time, he had stopped the singing and dancing session, wiped the sweat from his forehead, and sat in front of the camera, his slight breathing seemed to be close to his ears.

Seeing that the most terrifying god turned into a dancer, Bai Zhi was ready to turn off the disk and continue to work on the border area.

From the other side of the disk, Michaela's voice came:

The song and dance is over. Now let's talk about it - actually, Miko, I like the Golden Rule very much. Our Golden Rule is really great. I happen to have done some research on the Golden Rule. Let's study the Golden Rule. Fa, if you have any questions about the Golden Law, you are welcome to write to us~

Momochi was about to turn off the image when he stopped.

An ordinary actor touts the Golden Rule in order to win the favor of the audience. Baizhi will judge it as a smart and efficient approach.

But when it was confirmed that the actor was Michaela, everything changed.

Michaela personally explains the Golden Law?

I had to watch it now.

I've had a slight fever for two days and now I have to stop updating.

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