Mikaela, how are we going to rescue those people underground? Ashmi said, Do we need to dig holes? I can.

As he spoke, Teardrop's hand turned into a drill, spinning and pounding the ground, and soon drilled a precise, perfect circular hole in the ground.

Facing Asmi's question, Mikaela just smiled: No, we will use a method that will not disturb Menggert.

What method? Asumi asked, Is there anything I can do to help you?

First... Michaela said, Let's draw a teleportation array first.

Ashimi suddenly realized: You have to use the method of transporting yourself out.

Michaela nodded: If you make sure that there are still living people underground and intelligent beings who can understand magic, you can use this method. Unfortunately, they are definitely not as smart as you, so good at learning. I don't know how many times it will be used. Long time.”

Ashimi said: But the magic circle requires the use of a lot of precious magic materials, and it consumes a lot of energy when activated...

Ashimi suddenly realized: That's why you asked if there was any treasure in the buried caravan.

Michaela touched the soft face that was exactly the same as her own:

Go to work first, and let's rescue the people below together.

Michaela uses dreams to convey information, trying to communicate with people underground and teaching them to imitate her own movements.

Three days later, both Gale and Wuming gathered in front of the portal.

According to Mikaela, the escape route has been constructed.

The good news is that the other side has enough wisdom and materials to build the portal, and we have succeeded. Mikaela said, The bad news is that there are not many living people left.

During the conversation, the teleportation array was activated. The ring-shaped spikes extending inward from the portal emitted light one after another, and a burst of mysterious starlight formed a screen, twisting and rotating.

In the starlight, a figure slowly emerged.

He was stooped, skinny, and had a twisted figure, almost no longer human-like. The only thing that was obvious was the dim glow of his face and eyes.

As the figure gradually became clearer, the edge of light shrouding the outline of the figure also receded, returning to its normal light.

But the yellow chaotic light became brighter.

No, be careful. Michaela quickly reminded Asmi and Gale.

Blazing light spurted out from the portal and swept towards everything around it. It looks thick and turbid, but it is distorted by the air and shows an extremely high temperature.

A pool of dim yellow liquid splashed onto the ground, and green smoke silently emitted from the weeds. And more bright light spread in all directions, covering everyone present.

Wuming stretched out his hand and gently threw out a fireball.

The fireball exploded in mid-air, and the roar and air waves exploded the dim and twisted flames, shooting to the other side of the portal and burning a sea of ​​​​fire on the ground.

In a sea of ​​fire, the figure finally walked out of the portal.

It was a human being who had almost turned into a mummy, wearing the filthy clothes of a wandering nation, holding a bow high, staggering towards the unknown, letting out a silent roar.

There is almost no trace of sanity at all.

Wuming frowned and looked at Mikaela:

Is this what you call, waking consciousness, intelligent life?

It was obvious that he was going crazy and that was not the person I was communicating with, Michaela said.

Before he finished speaking, another person appeared in the portal. This time he came much faster. He passed through the other side of the portal in an instant and pounced directly on the crazy homeless man in front of him, pressing him to the ground. No matter how hard the wandering people struggle, they won’t let go.

After a while, the wandering people in front finally calmed down, and the person on top of him also stood up.

This is also a man dressed as a wandering ethnic group, wearing a tattered foreign hat. The white hat has become black and hardened, and the colorful small gems inlaid on it are also covered in dust. The beard on his chin is very long.

But overall, this person's body is quite strong, and his face is obviously plumper, not as skinny as a living corpse.

The eyes of the wandering nation were also a little dim, but they did not burst into madness. Instead, they looked at the people present with a calm and deep gaze.

The wandering businessman stretched out his hand. His nails were stained with a little mud and were a little uneven, but it could still be seen that he had taken some care:

Thank you for saving me, and please let me apologize. My compatriots have been imprisoned for too long and have inevitably fallen into madness. Please understand that after staying in such a dark place for thousands of years, madness is normal.

Wuming looked at this homeless nation. For a person who had been imprisoned for countless years, he was already quite decent.

Wuming stepped forward, as the representative and boss, shook hands with the homeless nation, hugged him: Congratulations on being released from prison.

Are there only two people alive? Gale's voice was trembling.

There is another person. Wandering Nation said.

Everyone looked towards the portal. Amid the blazing fire in the background, a figure walked out with steady and vigorous steps.

The clothes of this wandering nation are cleaner and softer than the previous one, their faces are very clean, they are carrying a balalaika, and they even have a smile.

The last businessman who came out also saluted this man, as if he was the biggest leader.

The wandering businessman looked at Michaela and Wuming with a familiar and identical look, and saluted them both.

The portal closed. Before closing, Wuming glanced along the portal to the other side.

Corpses were piled one on top of another, with flies and maggots clinging to the corpses that had long been motionless. Some of the dead corpses had bulging eyes, igniting bright epileptic fires in the darkness.

The three people in front of me are the only survivors thousands of years later.

Gale looked at the three ancestors with a mixture of sadness and joy, and didn't know what to say for a moment.

The businessmen also didn't know what to say. They had been imprisoned for too long. Although they had already known through Mikayla that they would be rescued, they were still a little overwhelmed when they actually came out and saw the light of day again.

They wanted to raise their heads, breathe in the fresh air, and praise the hard-won freedom, but when they saw the golden tree hanging high above their heads, their faces turned pale again and their heads drooped.

Michaela was the first to speak:

I think it is necessary to remind everyone that we are smuggling here after all, so it is best not to make too much noise.

Mikaela gestured towards the direction of the disappeared teleportation array, and what was displayed in front of people was a sea of ​​​​100 square meters of fire. The weeds here were all burned by the recent epileptic fire and the nameless fireball, and the situation is likely to get worse.

Mikaela destroyed the wooden board with the teleportation array on it and threw it into the sea of ​​fire. Wuming understood and let the fire burn for a while. Then he suppressed and absorbed the flames and incorporated them into his body. Then he quietly evacuated with the people and left the place. .

Wuming has prepared a private place for these wandering ancestors. He has built a small wooden house in a remote place and takes everyone to hide in it.

My name is Wuming. Wuming introduced himself, What are your names?

The second businessman who came out said:

My name is Rom.

The leading businessman said in a low voice:

We have not communicated for thousands of years and have forgotten our names. I no longer have a name.

Wuming looked at them with an expression of compassion: Although I sympathize with you, you can't conflict with my personality. You'd better think of someone else.

The merchant leader pondered for a moment and said:

Brynis, call me Brynis.

Brynis... Wuming muttered a few words, Are you the leaders of the large caravan?

Rom nodded: Yes, we once led the caravan. At that time, the caravan was extremely glorious...

Halfway through, Roma fell silent and covered his eyes, not knowing whether he was wiping away tears or suffering from epilepsy and unbearable pain.

Brainis took over Rom's words:

We have worked hard for a long time and collected rare treasures from all over the world. Unfortunately, you should all know what happened next.

Wuming asked: Where is your baby?

Buried together in that bottomless pit, Blaineth said.

Brainis looked at Wuming's expression and asked with some uncertainty: Do you... want it?

How did you tell? Wuming asked.

You're drooling all over your helmet.

Wuming wiped it and said, Don't mind it, it's just that the body is leaking pus.

Brainis and Rom looked sideways, not seeming to believe Wuming's words.

Wuming Zhengse: Because compared to treasures, talents are the most important!

Wuming grabbed Brynis's hand:

You must be very capable to run a large caravan to that extent.

Wuming judged that he would be killed by the golden tree, which meant that the wandering people were not strong in combat.

They don't have Wuming's fighting power to ensure that their trade routes can be smooth all the way. But even so, they still extended their trade routes to all parts of the world.

The wandering merchants that Wuming has collected so far are scattered all over the border. That's true, it can be found anywhere. These people are all the remaining descendants of the great caravan, which shows where their ancestors once moved.

To achieve such a scale without force, Wuming said, You businessmen are professionals, and your ability to make money is not even below mine.

What do you mean by not being under you? Ashimi couldn't help but break the story, You're not a businessman at all.

Why am I not? I think I am. Wuming glared at Asumi.

In a blink of an eye, he became friendly again and said to Brynis:

So, you can be considered my seniors. I want to hire you to use your remaining fire in my big caravan - this new big caravan. No, residual heat.

I'm afraid... we don't dare to do business anymore. Brynis smiled bitterly.

Don't worry about this. We have someone coming forward. Wangcheng has a good relationship with us. Wuming said, I won't embarrass you again.

The wandering traders hesitated.

Wuming said: As a reward, I am willing to provide you with security and can also treat your companions.

Wuming looked at the crazy businessman who had been imprisoned and had a rag on his head.

This condition seemed to impress the businessmen.

Brainis hesitated for a moment and whispered:

You saved us and were kind to us, but we have lost the courage to do business in Yatan. We can help you run caravans in other areas.

Bryness asked: Do you have operations in other areas? Like Nimgofo and Lienia.

Rom interrupted: Galid is also a good place, with picturesque scenery.

Wuming and Michaela looked at each other, and Michaela looked away awkwardly.

Wuming asked: Oh, we have business in those places, but you are just talented people, really don't plan to make a big splash in the Asian arena?

They both shook their heads.

Okay, let Gale stay. Wuming looked at Gale, You won't refuse now, will you? The problem has been solved.

Seeing that Wuming rescued his ancestor, Kale had no way to repay him, so how could he refuse, so he finally agreed to Wuming.

I will work hard. Gale said, I don't have any other ability. I can only repay you by working harder.

Brainis said: Are you encountering business difficulties? If you have any questions, I might be able to help.

There is no difficulty. Wuming said, I just want to earn more. In order to earn more, I have to work more, right?

Well... Brynis rubbed his stubble-covered chin, That's not necessarily the case. Anyway, I'll get to know it slowly first. If there's room for optimization, I'll help you.

Thank you so much, senior. God helps me to be able to harvest the two of you at the same time. Wuming shook Brynis's hand and began to imagine the business caravan's revenue that would be booming in the future.

But before making money, the two men who had just been released from prison still had to take good care of their bodies. Their bodies were not much better than those of the immortals who were once taken in by Wuming. And the businessman who has gone crazy must also find a way to cure him. Before he can no longer be cured, he must be comforted.

It just so happened that Michaela was very good at both treatment and comfort. Michaela, who had just completed an unnamed commission, received another commission, making him responsible for taking care of these seniors who had escaped from prison.

Michaela no longer showed any signs of being irritated or tired, and readily accepted the proposal, letting Wuming go back to his own affairs. He stayed in this secret hut and took care of the businessman.

Wuming left with Gale, leaving only Ashimi, who had turned into Mikaela's appearance, and three businessmen.

The hut suddenly became quiet.

Brainis suddenly said: Thank you.

You're welcome. Michaela pointed at the wooden house, and fruits and mushrooms sprouted from the wooden house.

He took it off casually and handed it to the merchant, while releasing warm light to moisturize their dry bodies.

Michaela said: This is a transaction. You are simply businessmen and understand this truth.

Brynis said: The teleportation magic circle can be reconnected at any time, and the path to get there is clear. If you want to go there, you can always.

It's not me who should go there. Michaela smiled, Let's wait for the destined person, that... the right container that can carry the epileptic fire.

A destined person... Brynis also smiled, Don't worry, there will be one.

Let me try out the illustration feature. I saw a cool picture of a wandering merchant before, but unfortunately I couldn’t find it.

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