The warriors of the King of War are mostly composed of warriors in the arena. Most of them faded, and only a few of the Rodel knights.

At this time, the soldiers had enough to eat and drink at the No. 3 rest stop, and after watching the exciting drama, they packed up and headed to the depths of the snow-capped mountains again fearlessly.

The medicine man, cook and witch followed the logistics and walked with the soldiers.

The cartographers also followed, one holding the old map and the other holding a half-drawn map. Compare it with the current route and draw a new route.

They were set up on a high platform by several warriors. They climbed high and looked far away. They were pioneers and draftsmen who also had eyes and records. As an experienced senior, he is responsible for guiding the soldiers to choose the direction in the wind and snow when the road is not obvious.

Two cartographers sat side by side on a high platform, looking at old maps. One asked the other:

Have you been to the snowy mountains?

No, have you been there?

I do not have either.

The two cartographers looked at each other.

Then do you know where north is now?

I don't know, where are you?

I do not know either.

In the past, before the wars between man and man entered the stage of history, and before the golden tree dominated the world, people still used stargazing to calculate directions and draw maps.

Nowadays, the golden tree blocks out the sky, stargazing has declined, and the new cartographers have lost their inheritance. Even if you still have the knowledge of stargazing, you cannot use it in this world.

The golden tree covered the starry sky and was supposed to block Xiao Xiao who tried to get close to the flames. Now, even the troops of the Golden Dynasty were stopped.

However, although astrology has declined, cartographers are not helpless.

The two cartographers looked at each other with determination, as if they had made up their minds.

They came down from the high platform and no longer looked at the stars in the distance. Instead, they kept their feet on the ground and looked ahead. In the thick wind and snow, they could not tell where the road was.

Since astrology is not good and the road cannot be seen clearly, then... just throw away the shoes.

The cartographer prayed to the golden tree, took off his shoes, threw them into the sky, and then pointed in one direction: Over there.

Is this okay? The soldiers looked at the cartographers' guidance and were a little afraid to leave.

We must believe in our faith, and blessings will guide us! The cartographer is very confident and believes that this is a good method.

The method may be good, but it's a bit laborious. After a while, one of the draftsmen's feet was frozen, so he could only sit back and keep warm while another person went over to throw the shoes.

After walking zigzag in the wind and snow for a long time, the surrounding wind and snow gradually became lighter and replaced by a light mist.

In the mist, the faded ones who took the lead discovered a sealed prison and turned around to report the news.

Where is this sealed prison? The soldiers immediately asked the cartographer.

The cartographer stepped forward to identify it and saw the handwriting engraved beside the prison. He immediately compared it with the map and said:

This is the sealed prison of the quasi-king. We have arrived to the east and are one step closer to the cauldron of flames!

It's not really close, but the cartographer feels that as long as he shouts it out with confidence, he won't be the one embarrassed.

Okay, let's rest first. It happens that there is no wind here. The commander ordered, break camp and rest in place.

At the fourth rest stop, the Faded warriors and Rodel knights still used spirits and bonfires to relieve the fatigue and cold along the way.

They noticed the sealed prison next to them.

The quasi-king's sealed prison is so loud. Who is inside? The warrior stood outside the sealed prison and looked inside curiously.

The sealed prison made of strong restrictions isolates everything from the real world. It is an extremely strong seal.

Knight Rodel replied: Vic, the former Knight of the Round Table, 'Dragonlance' Vic.

Is it very powerful? a soldier asked.

Very powerful. One of the faded ones spoke, Among the faded ones, he is the strongest one. Far ahead of us. He is the one who is most likely to become a king, a quasi-king, after King Gefulei. The title is well-deserved.”

The Faded One warrior asked Knight Rodel:

Why is he locked up here?

He wanted to get involved with epilepsy. Knight Rodel said, In the end, he burned himself crazy. After being cured, he was imprisoned here.

The soldiers looked doubtfully to the distant south, across the bottomless abyss, where the flaming cauldron stood tall:

Involving himself in the epileptic fire? He is the one closest to the throne, why would he want to get involved in the epileptic fire?

Who knows. Knight Rodel said, Maybe he was incited by someone.

The faded warrior raised a glass of wine, poured it into the slightly sunken disc-shaped seal prison, and sighed.

Those who have never heard it disagree:

Speaking of greatness, we still caught up. We just left early. Have you ever heard of the tortoise and the hare? What's the use of running fast at the beginning? The tortoise is a wise beast, knowing that persistence is the victory.

Many witches have also heard of this heroic figure, and lamented in pity when they saw the former hero imprisoned.

People may pity and sigh, or they may be competitive and disdainful, but the king who has been imprisoned is no longer the king, but just a prisoner, reduced to people's talking point.

After the warriors had rested, they set off again, leaving behind the former would-be king and heading towards the flaming cauldron.

No one noticed that a witch gradually broke away from the logistics and stayed at the rear.

The cartographer baked his feet, threw away his shoes again, and led the soldiers all the way north.

Are we really on the right track? the soldier said. Why does it feel like the fog is getting thicker and thicker?

It's foggy? If it's foggy, it means we are close to the cauldron of flames. This is a sign of the heat evaporating the snow water, the cartographer said.

Really? Why do I feel... getting colder and colder?

Believe in the judgment of professionals——

The cartographer said and suddenly became silent.

There was a commotion in the team:

what happened?

The icy wind blew through the team, bringing a deathly silence. Occasionally, there was a short scream in the team, as well as the sound of flesh breaking and blood splashing on the ground.


In the mist, the soldiers finally determined that they had been attacked by something.

As if in response to the soldiers, a harsh roar exploded in the sky.

Accompanying the roaring sound was the extremely cold air that hit the sky and covered the earth.




A misty voice came from far away, entering the melted ear.

In the pitch-black space, a knight sat on the ground. His armor was slim and slim, covered with burn marks like fingerprints.

The knight lowered his head and buried it in the side of his legs, as if he was sleeping or deep in thought.

The knight shook his head and raised his head. A brilliant light flashed through the narrow slit of the helmet.

The voice was familiar, friendly, soft and beautiful, as beautiful as a dream.

Just like the voice I heard in countless dreams.

Vic. The voice became clearer.

A figure gradually emerged from the darkness and approached him. The folds on the skirt were stained with some snow and mud, just like the last time he saw her in his memory.

Although it is a dream, it is a beautiful dream. Vic didn't want to wake up.

Perhaps it was those sweet dreams that allowed him to stay awake and forget the burning pain inside his body.

In the dream, there is no throne, no blessing, no unattainable goal, and no golden tree.

Just myself and her.

Vic, it's time to wake up. The woman dressed as a witch squatted down and put her palm on Vic's knee. The other hand held Vic's palm, which was still soft and warm like thousands of times in the past.

You have never been so clear as today. The knight reached out and touched the witch's cheek. I have seen you in many dreams, but my eyes were covered with flames and I couldn't see your face clearly. Every time I If I try to open my eyes, I will only wake up in pain.

The knight looked at the witch affectionately and couldn't take his eyes away: I'm really afraid that my memory will be blurred and I will never be able to recall your face. Thank you to my stupid and confused brain for letting me see you again.

The witch smiled and held Vic's palm touching her cheek:

Of course it's clear, this is not a dream.

This can't be reality, Vic said. You're dead.

Vic looked at his palm:

Maybe I die too, and then I can see you again...

Life and death may be blurred... the witch said, We may have another chance.

I have committed a felony, Vic said. My honor, everything I have - you, have been lost.

And now that I'm back, the witch said, you also have a chance to get those honors back, as long as you listen to me...

What do I do? Vic whispered.

Burn yourself, said the witch, rekindle the madness and accept the blessing of the three fingers.

Vic stared at the witch for a moment, then suddenly made a move, grabbed the witch's neck, and lifted her up. That seemingly thin body contains explosive power.

Vic's voice contained suppressed anger:

You are not her, you are...that parasite!

The witch was pinched until her face turned purple. She grabbed Vic's hand and kicked her legs wildly. She looked at Vic with a horrified expression:

Are you crazy for...

Vic glared at the witch, his hands showing no sign of loosening.

The witch suddenly stopped moving, her legs seemed to have lost all strength, and she hung down, no longer kicking.

But it’s not that I have no strength, it’s that I no longer have strength.

The witch looked at Vic calmly, a smile appeared on her lips, and she patted Vic twice:

Admit defeat.

Vic still didn't let go.

Although I am not your witch, this is indeed your witch's body. The witch said with a hoarse voice, Do you really not have any pity for me?

I know that's her body. Vic's anger burst out from his teeth and eyes, So you deserve to die even more, you defiled her body.

Don't waste your efforts, would-be king. The witch said, Chapolili is immortal, why not calm down and listen to my terms.

Don't say it with her mouth. Vic said in disgust, Get out of her body.

The witch curled her lips helplessly, chuckled, and suddenly raised her hand to grab Vic's wrist.

Huge force emanated from that slender body and grabbed Vic's wrist, making his fingers stiff and unable to stretch out.

Huge power exploded from the witch's tiny body, knocking Vic down.

The witch moved her face closer to Vic and looked at Vic's molten eye with a smile:

I just want to use this body to speak, and I hope you can understand - I am here to give you a wonderful opportunity.

Vic grew angrier and his eyes burned with fire.

But the flames were absorbed by the witch's eyes. The witch sat up Victi and lowered herself to the ground, crossing her legs:

Great quasi-king, the seal of epileptic fire has now been opened to you for the second time. Ordinary people do not have such treatment and luck. That is because I believe in your will. The last failure was a technical error, and Your own strength has nothing to do with your will. This time, I hope you can take off your clothes and receive the blessing of epileptic fire. In this way, you can withstand the power of epileptic fire and get a glimpse of the virtual image of the flame.

What are you going to do? Vic said coldly.

I want a kindling. Chapolili stroked the witch's tender cheek, I can't help it. Party A's father insists that I find a kindling. I can only think of you - the great quasi-king, who has been given the gift. People with epilepsy can return to normal even if they face the blessing of three fingers in person.

Why should I help you? Vic said, It was you who bewitched me! It was you who killed her!

How can you say that? Chapolili put a hand on his chest and rubbed it, I did not harm this lovely witch - she was destined to die. I gave you a chance to save her, but you Failed.

Vic picked up the big spear from the ground and wanted to use the blade of the spear to cut off Shapolili's hand. But it was her body, and he couldn't bear it.

Vic suppressed his anger:

Yes, I failed. Go away and don't bother me again. I have made up my mind to spend the rest of my life repenting. I will atone for my actions and suppress her madness for her.

Tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk. Chapolili shook his head, You know what you look like now - a dog.


You are like a dog. The witch smiled evilly, Like a licking dog - you are moved by yourself, but the girl you are attracted to cannot feel it at all.

The witch pointed her index finger at her temple:

She is already dead. No matter what you do, it will not change for anyone to suppress the epilepsy. She will not know. But -

Vic was already ready to make a move, but when he heard Shapolili's words, he couldn't bear it any longer. He pounced on him and decided to kill the witch's body himself, so that Shapolili could shut up forever - at least in this body. Always shut up.

Chappoli said slowly:

But I can let her know - let you - be reunited again, with no more pain - a perfect happy ending.

When Chappolili spoke the first sentence, Vic had already put away the spear in his hand. Unable to suppress his momentum, he knocked over the witch and pinned her down.

The witch turned her face sideways, shook off her long and messy hair and headscarf, stretched out her index finger, and hooked Vic's chin: Quasi King, you are so excited.

The spear blade was pressed between the witch's lips, and Vic said:

Explain it clearly. If you talk nonsense, you don't have to talk nonsense.

Chaos. Chapolili said, Dianhuo's ideal is not to destroy the world, but to save all living things, so that the world will have no more pain and no more barriers.

Chapolili said: Naturally, there will be no distinction between life and death. What you said before is indeed right in a sense - as long as you die, you will be together. As long as the world returns to a whole, Then you will naturally meet her again. And integrate into one, understand each other, there will be no misunderstandings, there will be no pain. Everyone will understand each other's thoughts, and people will pursue real, overall happiness.

The witch held the knight's cheeks with both hands:

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