Millicent looked at the living corpse. It was shriveled and ordinary, no different from the living corpses she had seen along the way.

Nameless, inconspicuous.

Millicent wanted to take a closer look at the living corpse, but felt that the living corpse was covered with a layer of fog, and there were no more specific details.

Teacher? Millicent was unsure.

The living corpse did not respond to her, but disappeared into the darkness.

This time even the fire in her hands disappeared, and there was only darkness around her. The only light was the two magnificent giants.

Millicent had no choice but to walk towards the two giants. After all, there was a tall knight like his teacher there.

But the distortion of the dream appeared again. The more she trudged in the darkness, the farther away the two of them were from her.

As the light faded away, a bone-chilling cold hit Millicent's body.

On the snow-capped mountains, Millicent relied on her strong body and fire spells to move unimpeded, but in the boundless darkness, she felt an unbearable cold.

The cold almost froze her mind, and Millicent didn't know how long she had been trekking.

This instead gave Millicent a familiar feeling, and the pain that had been buried in her memory surged out again.

This is quite similar to how I felt when I was fighting against the disease of corruption. The future was dark and far away. Endless pain bites his body, and the endless pain reminds him that living means suffering.

Millicent was surprised to find that the rotten disease that had been suppressed for a long time resurfaced in her body. A deep despair and pain climbed up her body. In the darkness, tiny insects bit her, biting her and torturing her.

You can clearly feel that your body is decaying bit by bit.

Millicent discovered that this was not only Wuming's heart, but also incorporated her own inner fear, which was also the source of giving her a strong sense of mission.

Fear gripped Millicent's heart. In a dark void, she longed for someone to touch her, longed for light, longed for the familiar sunshine that had saved her.

But nothing, nothing appeared, but the darkness and pain continued.

When despair was about to completely cover Millicent's heart, light pierced the darkness, and a pair of immature hands reached out to her.

Not nameless, but Michaela.

The Mikaela in sight seemed to be younger, more innocent and cheerful, smiling and holding her hand to cure her corruption.

A strong emotion, similar to dependence and admiration, emerged from the heart.

For the person who saved him, he was willing to give everything. Whether emotionally or rationally, she was willing to believe that the man in front of her was the one who could end the pain.

End all pain...

Michaela disappeared, replaced by a knight with a sun emblem painted on his armor. The knight inherited the throbbing and admiring emotions, but there was no longer a cheerful smile on his lips.

The knight's barrel helmet disappeared, and the corners of his mouth were exposed, but his eyes were not visible. What covered half of the knight's face was a disgusting insect.

The moment she saw the bug, Millicent screamed. The fear of being gnawed in the darkness, the disgust for those insects belonging to the Corruption, sadness and anger all flooded into her mind at the same time, almost crushing Millicent's heart.

Countless negative emotions settled down, and a deep regret and regret brewed.

That is the emotion called despair, the regret that has no way out and cannot be undone no matter what you do.

The golden light dissipated and Mikayla disappeared. In the panic of missing a loved one, I looked at my hands and saw that they were full of blood. Looking up again, the soldier with the sun badge on his body was already lying on the ground.

The figure of the Sun Warrior also disappeared, and an unknown figure appeared in the same position.

Millicent suddenly felt a deep fear that she was witnessing the same ending.

The surrounding scene was torn apart again, but this time it was no longer the dream of someone unknown. Rather, it is a more concrete scene.

Amidst the ruined flowers, there were swords all over the ground.

Wuming was standing in the center of the flowers, holding a rough sword thrust into the ground.

In the sky, a solar eclipse hangs high in the sky. The solar eclipse that occupies half of the sky without boundaries is so oppressive, with a sense of bleakness that is about to be extinguished.

Millicent glanced at her hands. The darkness around him was no longer so thick, and he could see the scimitar being held in his hand.

Millicent called to Wuming, approaching him.

Before he could get closer, the armor suddenly collapsed.

The armor collapsed on the ground, as if there was no entity inside, just an empty shell.

A pool of black mud emerged from the empty shell, condensed and formed, turning into a blurry dry living corpse.

The living corpse looked at the black sun, crying and murmuring echoing on the battlefield.

Millicent approached, wanting to chat with Wuming. But before it could get closer, the shriveled living corpse had already turned around, with a huge placenta inexplicably appearing in its hand. It howled and rushed towards Millicent, smashing her away.

What... Millicent was confused, Is this the teacher's dream?

Everyone... I can no longer maintain an independent dream. Michaela's heavy breathing sounded in her ears. Your dreams may be mixed together. You must pay attention to the screening and avoid too much internal friction between each other. Wuming will pass subconsciously. Defense in every way.”

As soon as Michaela finished speaking, a majestic and twisted malice surged into her heart. At the same time, various images and scenes are twisted together and invade the scene in front of you.

Millicent even saw Nok and Magri's children appear in the scene.

Although Michaela had given warnings, some situations where she had to take action caused people to start fighting with each other.

The scene was so chaotic that Millicent was overwhelmed and could only feel that people's emotions were disturbed. It was difficult for her to find Wuming.

He was overwhelmed, feeling that there was fighting around him, and he could only struggle to deal with it. A moment later, he was hit by an attack from nowhere and hit the corner of the battlefield.

Millicent stood up and looked at the people in the melee, feeling suddenly sad. I feel like this battle will never end.

When she realized this idea, an intuition guided her to turn around, and the skinny living corpse stood beside her, watching the battlefield with her.

Teacher. Millicent said.

I'm not your teacher. The living corpse said, I'm just the person you're looking for.

Isn't that the same meaning?

They are the people you respect and admire.

The living corpse pointed forward, and the Sun Warrior and the Blue Knight appeared again, with more ethereal figures appearing beside them. A knight wearing onion-like armor, a witch with a soft voice, a king with simple clothes...

I took in their souls, their missions, their dreams... In order to repay those who saved me, in response to those who helped me. I became them, taking over their unfinished destiny, which can no longer be fulfilled. Pity……

The living corpse looked at his hands:

And I...I have no name, no appearance, no self, and no mission. I am a container, staring at those truly great beings and seeing my own illusory shadow that does not really belong to me.

The living corpse looked at Millicent, its figure gradually became slender, sparse red hair grew on its bald head, and it made a mixed and indistinguishable voice:

This is me, a nobody.

As Millicent watched, the living corpse had some of its own characteristics, but more of it was some indescribable black paste-like substance.

From the blackness, Millicent saw countless wounds and epidemics, people fighting against each other, and the sorrow and pain of countless people.

That's the pus called human.

The dark pus wrapped around the body of the living corpse, expanded and expanded in a disorderly manner, and flashed two dim lights, like the eyes of a poisonous snake, looking at Millicent.

Perhaps because of the connection between the two in the dream, Millicent could feel an emotion of longing in that white gaze.

Before Millicent could figure out the source of this emotion, the bloated and terrifying monster had already rushed towards her.

With just one blow, Millicent felt her heart shaking.

The blade in his hand embodies the malice of a hundred thousand people, but the nameless attack seems to contain a larger, more majestic and complex emotion.

It was as if the hearts and minds of half of the border area were reflected in the nameless attack.

Teacher, stop! Millicent dodged the attack of the deformed monster, trying to wake up Wuming, but it was still ineffective.

Millicent was in a panic as she was being chased. She finally raised the scimitar in her hand, skillfully applied a layer of flame on the scimitar, and then turned around and slashed.

The black giant monster was ignited, screaming, struggling and roaring, unable to pursue any more.

Millicent turned and slashed horizontally, and the black blade light extended along the scimitar, leaving deep ravines on the monster's body with bone visible, and the wounds were slowly covered with black pus.

The pus expanded more and more, completely covering the skinny body of the living corpse, turning into a black giant beast with eyes and horns all over its body.

The giant beast stretched out its big hand and attacked randomly in all directions, but Millicent nimbly dodged them all.

Millicent's attack seemed to weaken the chaos in the dream, and others gradually discovered the monster transformed from pus and took the time to help.

The monster grew bigger as it was attacked, and was attacked by more people at the same time, making it roar more and more horribly.

It's hard to tell if their attacks are working, or if they're making the monsters bigger and more dangerous.

Millicent's figure became more and more elegant, and her speed became more and more violent, surrounding the monster, cutting the monster's pus like running water.

In the afterimage, a string of tears flowed.

Why does it have to be like this... Millicent's sad mood echoed in the dream.

The unknown voice actually blended in and answered her:

Because that's the way the world is.

Various thoughts rushed into Millicent's mind, and she instantly heard Wuming's meaning:

Man cannot stop conquest, but this is not the fault of human beings or life. Corruption produces insects, stars produce Esti, water flows downward, and trees grow toward the sun. Everything happens like this just because... this world is limited , resources are limited.”

Even the sun will disappear! The monster roared indistinctly, It's all the same, these two worlds...are the same! There is no difference at all!

The monster threw out its long black tail, knocking away everyone around it, rushed towards Patch, grabbed him, and roared:

We'll just go through it again...the world will continue to decline, even here!

Patch tried his best to hold up his big hand to prevent himself from being squeezed directly, and smiled bitterly:

I want to yell at you loudly, but what you said is indeed not wrong. Especially for an immortal existence like you, it is not wrong.

The monster's eyes all lit up, it trembled, spewed steam, and its hands tightened.

Outside of the messy battlefield, Mikaela was also covered in black mud like Patch, almost to the point of being crushed.

How could this happen... The power of the soul should be enough, why is it not strong enough... Michaela murmured, Aren't these 100 million souls enough... Do we need to bring over the 40 billion souls in that place? …”

A blood vessel-like structure burst out of the black fluid. Seeing that Patch was about to be squeezed out, the giant beast suddenly let go of its grip and staggered in a daze.

Michaela also feels a lot less stressed.

How is this... Michaela was looking for the reason, but found that Melina disappeared.

Melina, who was supposed to be sleeping, disappeared into his dream.

Turning her eyes away from the dreamland, Michaela discovered that Melina had left the snow-capped mountains and rushed directly to the foot of the golden tree.

There is no longer any human habitation here, and the royal city Rodel, which had finally built part of its foundation, is now reduced to a sea of ​​flames.

Melina stood at the foot of the golden tree, taking one step at a time, braving the heat that melted the golden stone and approaching the trunk.

As if sensing Melina's approach, the flames on the surface of the black sun were restless, licking Melina with heat waves and storms.

With her short hair dancing wildly, Melina opened her eyes calmly and looked up at the black sun that occupied almost the entire sky and pressed down on her head. She swung the dagger at will, and black flames overflowed from the dagger blade, extending out a huge black blade and tongues of fire. Collision.

Facing this piece of ink, the flames were swallowed up and dissolved, and a gap was cut out by Melina on the periphery of the bright flames of the huge black sun.

This gap is insignificant for Hei Ri's size. Melina didn't think that a knife could solve the problem. She waved the dagger tirelessly and kept going deeper into the black sun.

The cloak fell away, and the long skirt was charred and curled.

Melina's dark eyes were cold and merciless, welcoming all the heat waves, like a tiny moth, slowly but never stopping, trying to bite through the entire giant tree.

Black Flame seemed to sound the horn of turning point.

Feeling threatened, Black Sun burst out with more flames, and at the same time, the black mud in the dream began to twist and struggle again.

Michaela's eyes widened when she saw Melina breaking into the fire. In an instant, much of the black mud surrounding her was dispersed.

Patch was able to escape from the staggering giant beast. Millicent saw the opportunity and passed the afterimage with her scimitar. She slashed dozens of times in an instant and forcefully unscrewed the giant beast's arm.

In Millicent's eyes, the pus dissipated. The body of an emaciated living corpse was exposed before his eyes.

With just one more slash, Millicent could cut off the head of a living corpse.

The malicious blade flashed with black light, reflecting the ugly face of the living corpse.

Millicent put away the knife and did not cut it.

The living corpse looked at her calmly:

Why not cut it down?

Millicent was silent for a moment:

Before being pulled into the dream, Patch and the others had already discussed various possibilities. Everyone was speculating on the reason why you lost control, but there was not enough evidence. Those who have experienced every choice and witnessed every choice Failure, despair of the world, and despair of the hopelessness of mankind are the views of Patch and others, and what you just said also proves this point.

But I don't understand. Millicent said, You clearly understood this before, and your ideal was to reverse this despair. But you have given up now, and you have obviously not succeeded yet.

Millicent looked at Wuming:

There are many rational explanations, but they shouldn't be that complicated. In my previous dream, in that endless darkness, I fully felt it...

Millicent said: There are not so many reasons for mental collapse. No matter how strong your will is, in times of despair, all the despair you have experienced will surge out at the same time, causing the heart to burst. Even the sun will collapse in an instant. It becomes a black hole. So there is actually no such complicated explanation... It's just because it's too cold.

You told me about those allusions related to the sun. There is a story about crossing the ocean in endless darkness. Even if you are only one step away from the end, you will be confused, trapped, cold and tired, and you will give up. You said So you need the sun, you need a bright target.

Pus flows out of the nameless villain's empty eyes: Darkness will swallow up all fire and heat, and that is the unsolvable future.

Millicent nodded:

Light and heat will eventually flow into darkness. This is an irreversible loss process. You have been trudging in the darkness, and the reason for your collapse is simple... you are tired.

The skinny little man closed his eyes and showed no expression on his face. After a moment, his body couldn't even stand. He staggered a few times and almost fell down.

Yeah, I'm tired. No emotion could be heard in Wuming's tone, Immortality is indeed a despairing curse. No matter how hard you struggle, you will still see the world decline and be destroyed again and again. Rise up, fight the darkness, rise again, fight the darkness again and again. Each time you squeeze everything out of yourself, and then one day a complete void appears. Man is finally dead.

Nameless sigh:

So your teacher is not me. What you long for should be the sun that is always passionate and will never go out. Unfortunately, you think I am very powerful, so you are disappointed. I am tired...end my curse and kill me. heart of.

Millicent pursed her lips, raised her scimitar, and slashed at Wuming.

The scimitar fell to Wuming's neck, but it did not cut in. Instead, its texture softened, slipped from her shoulder, and returned to Millicent's hand.

Why? Wuming stared at Millicent, Do you still want to try to enlighten me?

Michaela's anxious voice also appeared:

We don't have time.

Listening to the voices of Wuming and Michaela, Millicent smiled bitterly:

There are also not so complicated reasons, and there are not so many ideas...I just simply...can't do it.

The scimitar in Millicent's hand was trembling:

I know that this is very irresponsible and will put everyone, including you, into a desperate situation. This is very irrational...

Millicent's shoulders trembled slightly:

But you are my...mentor.

The scimitar fell to the ground, and Millicent stretched out her left hand to Wuming.

The nameless flame that was inherited ignited from the palm of the hand, warm, soft, and bright.

Tears streaked across the corners of Millicent's wry smile:

My life was given by you. This warm flame was also given to me by you. Let me take away your life, I can't do it. But I shouldn't sit back and watch the world be destroyed - I can't do anything, or Let me die with you.

In Mikaela's sight, Millicent lost her fighting spirit and all vigilance, just dragging the flames and staring at Wuming.

And everyone else except Millicent...actually has no fighting spirit.

What are you doing?! Michaela was shocked.

Millicent said: Ms. Michaela, the power you have prepared is enough. These powers of the mind, as you said, are not concrete blades, but need to be carefully controlled by the will, and you cannot let malice harm you. But the same The... blade will also become weak according to our will, making it difficult to hurt the teacher - the being we are supposed to kill.

Topps held up the glittering protective shield and said with some embarrassment:

I'm sorry, I'm a clerk... I usually have to ask an apprentice to help me kill a chicken... Wuming helped me a lot, and I also...

The storm in Neferi's hand was filled with lightning and thunder, but it did not hit Wuming.

She was also very confused:

If Hyde were here, he would definitely persuade me to kill him. I am the king, and I do have to think about the people...but...I am so heartless.

Ka listed the itch and scratched his head without thinking:

I was almost out of the border area. You pulled me over and asked me to kill Wuming. He saved me and many of our businessmen's lives. In order to continue to live, I will kill him...

Of course I can't be decisive! Burke muttered, The boss is the person who can be my mother, how could I kill my mother...

Michaela felt that she had never been so suffocated when the black mud tentacles were stuffed into her mouth.

Indeed, quite a few of those who came here to fight against Wuming had friendships with him. On the one hand, these people generally have higher willpower. On the other hand, they know Wuming and can more accurately target the right target when controlling psychic weapons. A will test and a clear goal are the criteria for Michaela's selection.

But these people had all been saved by Wu Ming, so they couldn't bear to take action.

Se Lian is more rational, knowing that he can't chase the stars after he dies. But this is a dream, and powerful power cannot be achieved by relying on wisdom and accurate spell casting. She resolutely threw the broom star at Wuming, but in front of Wuming, it turned into painless magic gravel, exploding into brilliant starlight in front of Wuming.

It's better if Mengt's friendship is not deep, but one person's limited power makes it difficult to cause enough damage.

The golden light shield, the dazzling lightning, the gorgeous starlight, and the warm flame are all intertwined and connected into one.

The battlefield became brighter and brighter, the light almost enveloped everything, becoming stronger and stronger, covering the unknown.

At this time, Patch stood up:

No one wants to kill him, right?

Patch touched his bald head, stepped forward with his gun, walked towards the unknown position, and walked into the light.

Patch walked into the light and was stunned:

I'll blanch it, you stupid guy?

I guess many people don’t know that immortal people can actually die.

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