Good son, show daddy how to use this thing?

On top of the ruins of the royal city, Ge Fulei sat casually on a volcanic rock, with his legs hanging down and his big round eyes glaring at him.

Menggert walked over in a muffled voice, fiddled with it a few times, and taught Godfrey: You should press here. If you want to hang up, press here...

Ge Fulei stretched out his finger and pointed at the keys on the disc, a drop of sweat dripping from his forehead.

He felt like he could press two buttons with one finger. Although Ge Fulei's finger was very steady, he accidentally touched another function, and a bald teacher appeared in the classroom, explaining a magic circle to the students in the audience.

This design is not good. Ge Fulei was dissatisfied. The key spacing is so small, it is not suitable for the elderly at all.

Your fingers are too big. Mengt sighed and helped Godfrey operate it.

He should have considered people with big hands. Ge Fulei was dissatisfied, Who designed it?

Over there with the Eclipse Caravan. After Menggert answered, he looked up at the golden tree.

Even though he had seen it many times, Menggert still felt dizzy.

Because the matter was so big, Menggert couldn't find a suitable emotion to deal with it.

The disk glowed, and the light was projected in all directions. A circle of projected figures appeared around Godfrey and Menggert.

Everyone who comes is a giant.

The Prime King Godfrey and the Blessed Mongot, the Full Moon Queen Lenora and the Shattered Star Latarn, the Storm City Queen Neferi and the Prime Minister Hyde.

In addition to these kings who are in charge of a region, there are also the unknown merchants of the Eclipse Caravan, the Holy Tree Michaela, Patch, and Sir Bai Zhi of the Round Table Hall.

Se Rui appeared in the middle of the crowd and said:

I will record your conversations, so please feel free to speak your mind.

Lenara looked at Serui with a smile on her face:

This kid is much more polite now.

Serui's image was blurred a bit, shrunk to a corner, and stared at Lenara resentfully.

The last time she was beaten up by Lenara was still fresh in her mind.

Lenara looked around with a smile:

You guys go ahead and speak. I, Kalia, have nothing to say.

Kaliya is the happiest when there is such a big change in the golden tree. Now in the sky, the full moon has faintly overshadowed the majesty of the golden tree. Lenara had nothing to lose, and she was happy to see the current results.

Ge Fulei looked towards Wuming:

First, let's talk about what happened.

Michaela stepped forward and explained the situation in detail to everyone, including Nameless Patch.

Ge Fulei frowned after hearing this:

You actually took the initiative to contact Chapolili.

Lenara looked at Michaela's young figure and touched her cheek in fear: Children today are too brave to make such a big fuss.

Excuse me. Michaela said to Lenara, Compared to the noise your daughter made, mine is small.

He looked at Menggert:

This is also to save Brother Mengt's life. We are all our mother's children.

Menggert was angry: I don't need help.

Judging from the power shown by Chapolili, you obviously do not have the power to resist Chaos. Michaela stood up calmly,

I want to state my position to you - my relatives, and I will do my best to save them. On the one hand, this is my personal emotional choice, on the other hand, my relatives are all related to my mother. Eternity Queen Malika has built a system entrenched at the border with kinship. Each demigod is highly bound to the magic ring. Your life maintains the rules. Your death will bring huge turmoil.

Michaela looked around: I think everyone has already understood this through the death of Brother Godwin.

Everyone was silent. Godwin was related to almost everyone present, and the tragedy of the Broken War really made everyone feel the pain.

Michaela continued:

This also includes the death of Larcade. If it hadn't been for his Great Rune and the volcanic power being divided up, the turmoil in front of us would not have come so quickly. Larcade's Great Rune obviously aroused the individual's passion more quickly. Desire. And the nameless boss, if he did not gain enough power in the volcano, would not be able to cause such destruction.

Stop scolding, stop scolding, why don't I pay for it? Wuming shrank his head and muttered, as if he had already discussed something before.

In short, things are widely connected, and one move can affect the whole body. I can only choose the path that I think is more reliable and can better predict the future. Michaela said, You are not ordinary people who can't help themselves. , but heroes who have the ability to influence the direction of the times should be able to understand.

Godfrey looked at Michaela for a while and said:

You saved my son, so I can't say anything. But this is a matter about Dianhuo, and the matter about the golden tree has to be discussed separately.

Yes. Neferi said, My place is far away from the Golden Tree. After the Golden Tree dimmed, many harvests went wrong.

Of course. Michaela said, Paqi Wuming and I have already agreed on this.

Michaela looked back at Wuming, who nodded with Michaela, sat upright, and said:

I will hand over all the power of the golden tree and give some more.

Have courage. Ge Fulei said.

Wuming said: These powers are used to solve various problems caused by the lack of golden trees, from economy to faith, as well as the psychological problems of the masses. This is also to fundamentally solve the possibility of losing control.

In the camp, during the caravan's internal meeting, Wuming had already discussed it with Patch, and Michaela had also analyzed it for him.

After all, Wuming is a human being, not a god, and he doesn't really want to become a god at the moment.

In a sense, becoming a god is equivalent to mastering a huge amount of runes.

Wuming wanted to be a businessman, but found that when he had too many runes, he was no longer a businessman.

With the system established by Malika, Michaela can choose her relatives without hesitation in various crises, and is confident that it will be the best solution.

Wuming has no such system to rely on. He wants to be like the sun, but if he wants to treat everyone equally, he will inevitably slide to the ending predicted by Chapolili.

In order to be more stable, Wuming was also prepared to let Lu En go. In doing so, he also achieved the filtering of golden runes, which was also good for him.

Malika's move is quite stable. Wuming said, Wouldn't it mean that no one can touch her relatives? The foundation for eternity is as stable as a snow-capped mountain.

Wuming glanced at Mikaela:

You can choose which people to save as you like, and accumulate strength at will without worrying about problems.

Michaela just smiled back.

Wuming looked at Mikaela with distrust:

How do I know this is not another one of your schemes? You have caused such a big thing, and your credit score in this caravan has dropped to rock bottom.

Just like you need to spread your power. Mikayla said, Just think of ways to ensure safety through various designs and systems.

Michaela held her chest:

Whether you have any strength or not, you can easily kill me. My body is very weak, and I'm afraid a golem can kill me. And even if you were in your peak state when you swallowed the golden tree, I can pull you back. Into a dream. I can't defeat you, but I can control dreams and people's hearts, and use the power of others - including yours - to return everyone to chaos.

It's very serious to be biased. Wuming said.

My body is not good, so I can only use my brain more. Michaela said, Maybe this is also a restriction given to us by our mother.

Queen Malika... Wuming has never met the queen who only exists in legends, but the various hand-wringing problems he encounters now can be said to be 100% caused by her legacy.

Thinking of the so-called eternal system mentioned by Michaela, Wuming couldn't help but sigh: Is it too perfect? ​​Isn't there no disadvantages?

Of course there is. Michaela said, The Broken War is one of the consequences. The stronger the system, the less resilient it is. The defilement phenomenon everywhere today is also the legacy left by the Golden Law. My mother let me study the Holy Tree and Pure gold is also to explore more perfect gold.”

Did you succeed? Wuming asked.

Facing Wuming's question, Michaela just remained silent for a long time.

Perhaps one day, on the road to pursuing the perfect law, I will collapse like you. Michaela said, At that time, I hope you can kill the imperfect me.

Wuming didn't know why Michaela suddenly mentioned an inexplicable and heavy topic. Before he could react, Michaela had already changed the topic and started to contact the major monarchs.

The meetings within the caravan are for internal consistency, and the conversations with the monarchs have their own purposes.

Wuming must solve the problems he caused, and also balance the power between the Golden Tree and Kallia. Prevent the imbalance of power from bringing about a new round of fighting among the major forces.

He exudes power and has this consideration in mind.

The losses in Nimgefu were different from those in Yatan. On the one hand, Nimgofu was far away from the golden tree, and various crops were deeply affected. On the other hand, because they were far away from the golden tree, their people were not so seriously affected at the level of belief.

Yatan, on the other hand, is still close to the golden tree and survival is not a problem. What is more important is the psychological problems and the madness caused by the collapse of faith.

The caravan made different detailed plans based on different conditions in different places.

Kalia did not suffer much loss, but Wuming was not prepared to neglect Kalia. He planned to build an observatory in the snowy mountains and invited Kalia to cooperate.

The caravan was very sincere and was seriously resolving the problem. The kings did not give the caravan any more trouble. These big guys who watched the Golden Tree being completed and growing up did not react to the drastic changes in the Golden Tree as much as the common people did.

Everyone is willing to give Wuming a face, and would rather see a power holder who owns half of the borderland disappear.

However, bypassing the caravan, the dialogue between the monarchs was not so harmonious. Godfrey was a barbarian king who was once a king but now his dynasty is in decline. Looking at the powerful Kaliya, his hands itched uncontrollably. Lenara believed that Godfrey's wife was a mistress who seduced her husband. The two of them casually exchanged a few words, and the smell of gunpowder became stronger and stronger.

Menggot stepped forward and prepared to end the dispute - throwing the blame on King Radagon, but was opposed by Broken Star, who respected his father. Broken Star had just finished objecting when his mother slapped him again.

Several forces came and went through the projection magic, and it was very lively.

As a relatively weak party with even weaker foundation, Shi Dongcheng had nothing to say at this time. Neferi paid more attention to Momochi's opinions.

Even though they had parted ways, she didn't mind getting to know her former adoptive father's opinion.

Throughout the meeting, Baizhi spoke very little. It seemed that no matter what the scene was, it was difficult to impress him. The old god was always there, motionless as a mountain. Occasionally she spoke in a low voice, but Neferi couldn't quite understand her.

Bai Zhi kept talking about something:

Look, the world will not be destroyed, nor will it be peaceful. The disputes will continue forever. Queen Malika has calculated everything...

Although Michaela wanted to stand up and maintain the situation and say something fair, Malika was his mother and Radagon was his father, so he really didn't have the position to say anything.

See, this is also a drawback. Michaela whispered to Wuming, The demigods are all related. Although they are strong externally, if there is a conflict internally, it will be difficult to take sides.

Michaela said: Let's leave first.

Wuming looked at the increasingly lively and chaotic meeting, stunned for a moment:

Don't you have to stop them?

Their current dispute is due to the people's hearts, not the conflict of interests of the forces behind them. Michaela said, It will not cause a war, don't worry. We have already discussed the most important issue from the beginning - the border crossing The most important thing is to sort out the various contradictions in the land.

The caravan withdrew from the meeting and began to prepare various supplies, contact various places, and calculate losses.

Of course, there is an important step. They have to change the logo to prevent people from being irritated by seeing the solar eclipse again.

In some places, the caravans were seriously damaged. For example, the caravans in Kaliya's Study were completely destroyed, and more people needed to be sent there.

Wuming and Michaela went over first to investigate the damage and also to visit Hu Village.

The broken furnace that could give birth to beautiful flowers has been completely damaged, leaving only ruins of the beautiful Hu Village in the past.

The living pots are back, not to rebuild their homes, but to erect monuments to heroes.

The tombstones of Diaros and Alexander stood side by side. There were no flowers in the pot village. The living pots each brought flowers outside and piled them in front of the tombstones.

Xiao Hu stood in front of the tomb for who knows how long.

Next to Xiao Hu, there was also a knight standing. The knight's armor is gorgeous and beautiful, very similar to Diaros's, except that the helmet is decorated with silver and iron flowers at the end of two long tail crests, which makes it even more gorgeous.

Xiaohu asked: Are you a relative of Mr. Diaros?

The knight was silent for a moment and replied:

I'm his brother.

Mr. Diaros often talks about you, Xiaohu said. He calls you the real hero, the real Khosrow, and calls himself a coward.

I walk on a road stained with blood, and I will not consider myself a hero. The knight spoke, staring at the inscription on the tombstone, did he die?

Fight to the death to protect us, Xiaohu said, Fight to the last moment.

Then he is a real hero. The knight took a silver iron flower from the crown of his head and placed it in front of the tomb, together with the colorful flowers.

The knight left and passed by the nameless Michaela. The luxurious silver and iron armor with red accents exuded a touch of coldness and sadness.


Wuming and Michaela also came to express their condolences.

Michaela twisted a water lily and walked to the monument. He looked at the colorful flowers and said:

The Pot Group uses human flesh and blood as the source of life, but their nature is very kind. Maybe that kindness is the reason for their birth. The dead people dream in the body of the Pot, about happiness, about faith, about the greatest visions . Their most persistent dreams make the pot come alive and become different types of pots. They live in the body of the pot and complete the most beautiful dreams together. The pots are all kind-hearted. I think that is because those pots that make people die Most of the dreams that cannot be forgotten are beautiful.”

Michaela stroked the tombstone:

Chapolili believes that life is hopeless, but looking at the kind-hearted pots, one feels that life is still beautiful and has not yet reached the point of destruction.

Michaela did not put down the water lily, but looked at the small pot:

I feel that you are in pain. Do you need me to help you heal the pain of losing your relatives and friends?

Xiaohu shook his head stubbornly:

Uncle Alexander said that a warrior must be strong. I want to inherit the will of my uncle and Mr. Diaros and become a hero.

The little pot beat the body of the pot vigorously:

They are not dead, they are alive in me!

Xiaohu turned around and looked at Wuming and Mikaela. He also knew that these two were big shots.

Can you please protect my village? Xiaohu asked.

Of course. Wuming asked, What about you?

I'm going to travel far and start Warrior Ju's journey to become a hero. Xiao Ju said, Just like Uncle Alexander, like Mr. Diaros, become a hero who can protect others.

Wuming squatted down and looked at the body of the small pot. There were many cracks on it.

Diaros is gone, no one will protect you... Wuming said.

I will find flames to temper myself and make myself harder. Xiaohu said.

Wuming stretched out his hand and stroked the small pot:

Let me help you.

Brother, I have seen your hands. Your hands are those of a warrior, they cannot hold pots...

Before Xiaohu finished speaking, he found that the cracks on his body had disappeared.

Golden light scattered in the cracks, and then the cracks disappeared.

Wuming took out a small bag filled with gold powder: This can repair you. It will be very difficult for you to be alone. Use this to help yourself.

Thank you, big brother. Xiaohu grabbed the bag tightly and said goodbye to the two of them, We will definitely not meet again in the future, because 'a warrior is a solitary existence'. Big brother, big sister, Farewell, you have helped me with many things, thank you.

Considering the vast scope of our business, there may still be a chance to meet. Wuming touched the lid of the small pot, My business is specially designed to serve warriors like you. Please come and patronize me more.

Michaela also asked: Where are you going?

Go to the Snow Mountain. Xiaohu said, That is Uncle Alexander's destination. I want to finish the road he has not completed. And the Snow Mountain is a place where all warrior pots must go to visit. There is the most magnificent pot there.

Is there one? Wuming recalled, not remembering that there was a bigger pot than Alexander's.

Yes. Xiaohu said seriously.

I'm going to develop the snow-capped mountains later. Maybe you can take the channel I opened. Wuming said.

Xiaohu shook his head: I want to walk there with my own legs. This is a pilgrimage, and there are no shortcuts. Even if the road has been opened and there are people waiting for me at the end, I still have to walk it myself.

Wuming looked at the small pot with admiration:

You already have the strength of a warrior.

Xiao Hu said goodbye to the two of them, left Hu Village, and started his own journey.

Perhaps soon, the reputation of another great warrior Ju will flow from the border, just like Alexander, just like the name of Khosrow.

I haven't asked his name yet. Wuming said as he watched Xiaohu leave.

Then let's call him Wu Ming. Michaela said.

It's the same name. Wuming said.

It's called Wuming Xiaopot, so there's no need to repeat the name.

Okay. Wuming said, Is there a pot in the snow mountain?

Yes, he should be referring to the flame cauldron. Michaela said, It is also a pot, but the contents inside have been emptied.

Michaela is also preparing to leave:

I'm going to the Flame Cauldron, and there's something I haven't finished yet.

I also want to go to the snow-capped mountains. Wuming said.

Continue to develop your tourism industry? Mikayla said, The snowy mountains have become a mess now.

I don't know how many sad people like Xiaohu are in the border area now. Wuming said, We need to be mobile, like Xiaohu, and find ourselves on the journey. We can rise from the addiction to sadness faster. come out.

Wuming also walked towards the portal:

Actually, with so much power and runes, I can resurrect both of them. But looking at Xiaohu, I feel that they are not dead.

This rune, this power, is the incarnation of their predecessors. I want to use it to build the snow mountain. When Xiaohu comes - when all the warriors who embark on the journey with brave hearts and visit destiny arrive, use Come and wash away the dust for them.

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