Diary of the Death Wizard

Chapter 187 Brother

When going out on an adventure alone, you must take all the important things with you. What's the use of bringing unimportant things into the manor?

The old apprentice didn't know how long he had been waiting outside the manor, and even asked his students to hide and observe the outside of the manor.

I'm afraid I just want to find some companions to enter together.

Now Sol has a general understanding of the situation in the manor. He didn't want to be like Krona, waiting tremblingly, wondering if other people would visit.

Krona was a little embarrassed.

After he agreed to the rich businessman's request, he saw the rich businessman continue to seek help from others.

Krona was a little unhappy on the surface, but actually hoped to have more companions to take risks together.

Although the Bloodthorn family is now in decline, its former reputation and prestige are enough to make him, a wandering apprentice, afraid.

So after Krona came outside the manor first, he didn't rush in, but waited silently in the dark, hoping to find a few reliable companions.

It's just that he didn't expect Sol, who was the first to come here, to come in by mistake. However, the opponent's ability to react and cast spells quickly made Kron's eyes shine.

That's why he took the initiative to share the information about the manor and wanted to seek a chance to cooperate, but he didn't expect this little guy to be so impatient.

Now Krona was more certain that the other party was from the wizard tower. Only people from a large wizarding force would be so arrogant.

With this partner, those small fish and shrimps outside the Krona are also gone.

Okay then, let's go in now.

Cron simply tidied up, and followed Sol to the gate of the manor with the little apprentice who was visibly nervous.

However, Sol looked up at the gate that was a bit higher than the wall, and turned to Kron and said, There's no need to enter the manor and then split up. I'm going to look over the wall over there.

Thinking that places other than the main building should not be too dangerous, Krona nodded in agreement. Okay, we will meet in front of the castle gate in an hour.

Thor nodded, saying goodbye to Kron and the others for the time being.

He walked a small half circle around the manor wall, keeping his eyes on the roofs that were exposed above the wall.

When he came to a wall where a short section of the top had collapsed, he heard a strange sound again.

This time he could hear it more clearly, as if it were some kind of string music.

Like a lonely person, he is plucking the strings carelessly.

right here.

Sol held the scroll in his left hand, and immediately turned over the gap in the wall.

As soon as he landed, he stomped his feet lightly to confirm that there was soft ground and dense weeds under his feet.

At this time, several pleasant strings sounded behind him with a sad melody.

Sol frowned and turned his head, looking up at the man standing at the top of the wall.

Victor, what kind of piano are you playing at this time, why don't you come down quickly?

A silver-haired young man was standing on the top of the wall, holding a harp, looking into the distance.

The wind blew his soft hair into a mess.

There was a touch of melancholy on the young man's face, and his heart seemed to be full of melancholy.

The former wizard family fell like this. Before he finished speaking, he plucked the strings, and the low and pleasant voice seemed to echo his exclamation.

If there is a main theme in this world, it must be melancholy. The young man's blue eyes sparkled.

Thor's forehead was full of blue veins, and his clenched fists were trembling. The scroll in his hand made an overwhelmed sound, as if it was about to explode in the next second.

Victor! We're here to steal things, not for you to perform an opera here. If you don't come down, I'll beat you up.

Victor still looked sad, but he finally listened to Sol's words, jumped off the fence, and landed lightly beside Sol.

Sol, has anyone ever talked to your brother like that?

Saul looked dazed and seemed a little lost, but when he saw Victor was about to lift the strings again, anger took over his mind again.

Sing any more and throw away your broken piano!

Victor clenched his mouth in grievance, and tightly hugged his small wooden harp, which was less than half a meter high, to his chest.

Seeing that his brother looked like this again, Sol waved his hands helplessly.

Okay, let's go first... Sol froze on the spot, I was disturbed by you, I forgot where I was going.

Victor held the piano and raised his chin.

Garden, you said to go to the garden to see.

Yes. Sol patted his forehead, not understanding how he suddenly forgot just now, That garden looks like the center of the magic circle. Be careful not to run around after a while, in case of any danger... don't Give me trouble.

Although I am not as talented as you, brother, I have been promoted to the second level for many years!

Sol said helplessly: Do I not believe in your strength? I don't believe in your brain!

Victor's expression froze, and disbelief gradually appeared on his face.

Saul, I've never seen such a fierce brother like you.

Saul was too lazy to quarrel with Victor, he beckoned for him to follow, and turned to walk towards the garden in the front yard of the manor.

I just observed it. The center of the manor is in this garden. It's strange that the front garden is too big.

Victor obediently followed Sol, but his eyes had already begun to lose sight of the road.

Maybe the owner of this manor is a romantic gentleman. He likes to walk among the breeze and dewdrops in the morning and evening, sniffing the fragrance.

Maybe he just lacks a place to put his so-called works of art. The garden is so big, it is very convenient to kill people and bury corpses. Sol happened to pass by a stone statue and raised his hand to knock it. It was solid, and no magic power fluctuations were found on it.

Strange, what is the owner of the manor doing with so many human sculptures? Thor passed another stone statue and looked up at the life-like human sculpture on the stone pier.

This is art, brother. Victor stood under the sculpture, Look at the panicked expression on the sculpture's face, it's so lifelike, it really looks like someone's work.

Thor stared at the sculpture's expression, wide-eyed, wide-open mouth, twisted jaw.

He couldn't feel the artistic atmosphere, only felt the creepy horror.

Be careful. Thor lowered his voice involuntarily, I feel that these stone statues may have been transformed from living people. It's just that the magic power fluctuations on them have dissipated for too long.

Really? Victor imitated Sol and pressed his hand on the sculpture. I can't feel the breath of life. What a poor man. He is already running hard, but he can't escape the clutches of fate.

Seeing Victor start to convulse again, Saul rolled his eyes helplessly.

There are no organs, and there are no traces of witchcraft. Let's go, the treasure should not be here.

They quickened their pace and entered the garden in the front yard.

The garden is very large, but it has been neglected for a long time. Some delicate and famous flowers have withered and withered, but there are clusters of bright wild flowers blooming in the corners of the flower beds.

The center point should be over there. Sol looked around again, calculated in his mind again, and finally pointed to a place in the garden.

Victor followed Saul and looked left and right, with a leisurely attitude and no intention of using his brain at all.

When the two came to the location estimated by Sol, they both stopped and looked forward with frowns.

There is a dilapidated flower bed in front, someone dug a big hole in the center, and the soil is scattered around, it is the dirtiest place in this garden.

It's over, has the baby been poached by someone else? Victor asked nervously.

Sol sensed his surroundings and found no danger. Still holding the scroll of Spirit Armor in his left hand, he slowly approached the pit.

Although it has been damaged to a certain extent, it can still be distinguished from the shape of the deep pit that a boxy thing was once placed in the pit.

It looks like a coffin was buried here.

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