Diary of the Death Wizard

Chapter 190 Awakening

Thor finally returned to his normal timeline, though.

Victor? He looked for his brother.

But still no one responded to him.

Saul returned to the lobby again.

There was no one in the front hall, the door was open, and the floor tiles at the door were already filled with rainwater.

The gate was shaking like a quivering soul.

Lightning fell, and Thor saw the knight kneeling on the ground again in the white light, this time he saw the knight's face.

Sure enough, it was Olaf.

This Olaf was not as calm as he was half a month ago, his face was full of panic, blood flowed from the corners of his eyes and nostrils, dripping on the dim armor.

But compared with David, at least his facial features are not missing.

What happened to them?

Victor doesn't know where he went. Even when he returned to the present, he didn't see his brother, and Sol was a little anxious.

I was just going to ask where you went? But a familiar voice sounded behind him.

Sol turned his head and saw Victor running down the stairs.

Victor ran up to Saul and circled him. After making sure there were no wounds on his body, he breathed a sigh of relief.

Where did you go? A lightning bolt disappeared just now. Is there some witchcraft trap here?

I just suddenly arrived at the timeline half a month ago. I don't know if it's a hallucination or real space-time confusion. I even saw the team of soldiers who entered here half a month ago.

Time and space disorder? Impossible? Even a third-level wizard can't do it. Victor waved the harp in his hand, Why don't we get out of here, it's too dangerous here! Maybe that baby is destined not to belongs to us.

Baby... Sol pondered for a moment, No, it's not time to quit. Although time and space are disordered, I haven't encountered any real danger.

Victor looked at his brother sadly.

Silly brother, what treasure is more important than your life?

Even so, Sol has no intention of quitting, he finally came here, and he must find the treasure.

What's in your hand? Victor pointed to the small bottle tightly held in Saul's hand.

Sol raised his hand to show Victor, It's something from that team of soldiers. It's called holy water, and it has some effect on ordinary spirits.

Victor took a look.

Inferior products, not as good as half of the Holy Light. What a poor fool, they don't know what they are facing, so they took weapons made of straw and stepped into the jackal's lair. You keep it and do it! What?

If I can meet a spirit body in a while, I will use it to try.

You want to see if it's a hallucination?

Not exactly. Sol explained, This thing is not stable, it is easy to volatilize, and ordinary people don't have the corresponding storage means. If it was an item brought in by the pair of knights half a month ago, it should be stored now. It's expired. If it hasn't expired...

Victor suddenly continued: That means you did bring something back half a month ago.

Then it's terrible here. Sol licked his chapped lips and lowered his voice.

Although he said it was scary, Sol still had no plans to quit.

Where did you go just now? How did you get down from upstairs?

I went back to the front room immediately after you disappeared. The old wizard and the boy kindly helped me find you when they heard that you were missing. But we left separately, so I don't know where they are now.

Hmph, looking for someone is fake, but looking for a treasure is real, right? Sol was alerted immediately, and quickly pushed Victor, Let's go up there too, and don't let others snatch the treasure away.

The two came to the stairs on the opposite side of the room.

The stairs here are made of stone, and the red velvet carpet extends from the stairs to the hall.

But because it has been left unattended for a long time, the bright colors have faded now.

Climbing up the steps, there is another spacious porch. On one side of the porch is a spacious semi-circular balcony.

Through the dense floor-to-ceiling windows, you can see the flowers on the balcony that are being ravaged by wind and rain.

There was lightning and thunder, and Thor saw a slender figure fall from the balcony railing in a daze.

It's a fall, not a flip.

Because the man fell head first.

Seeing Sol stop and look at the balcony, Victor also stopped.

What's wrong?

I seem to... Sol shook his head, No, it's nothing. Let's look here.

On the other side of the porch are rows of rooms.

There are exquisite patterns carved on the door, but the lock is a little damaged.

I don't know if there are any treasures hidden in these rooms. Let's find them separately. Sol suggested.

But Victor hesitated, If you disappear again...

Even if we act together, the time and space should be disordered. Sol spread his hands.

Victor fell silent.

It wasn't until a thunderstorm made the two of them look out the window at the same time that he agreed to Sol's question.

Okay, then let's split up.

Sol nodded, and immediately entered a room in the middle of the corridor.

He looked around inside and found nothing. When he came out, he saw Victor still standing in the corridor expressionlessly.

What's wrong? Saul looked at him blankly.

A smile appeared on Victor's face, It's nothing, just to see if you will disappear.

After speaking, he walked into the room next to Sol.

Sol waited for the other party to enter before turning to the room on the other side.

After entering the door, Sol closed the door casually, leaving only a small gap.

He hid behind the wall, suppressed his voice, and let out a big breath slowly.

Sol's pupils trembled slightly, and the cold sweat that had been suppressed for a long time was about to move between the pores.

He took several deep breaths in a row, firmly suppressing his body's instinctive fear response.

This Victor... He still couldn't help swallowing, Who the hell?

Sol turned his head sideways, glanced across his left shoulder, and quickly straightened himself up again.

There is no hint in the diary. Victor and I became brothers inexplicably, and when I first met the Kron wizard, I completely forgot that I had seen each other. Is this influenced by the manor, or is there someone behind the scene? Is Sid's grandfather Ralph? Is he the danger the tower master said?

Ten minutes ago, when Sol heard the sound of climbing over the wall of Ralph Manor, when his feet landed on the soft grass, his cognition suddenly became seriously confused.

He actually felt that he entered the manor to steal a treasure that was very important to him.

But apart from thinking that the baby is very important, Sol doesn't even know what the baby is. It's like a drowning person desperately trying to grab a life-saving straw, but he doesn't know what he can grab.

But the most frightening thing was that Sol actually felt that there was a senior second-level apprentice named Victor who was walking with him, who was his own brother.

Ridiculous, Saul hadn't even met this man before landing over the wall.

At first, Thor didn't notice it at all.

It wasn't until he entered the hall full of sunlight for the first time that he realized that his consciousness was disordered.

Not only did he forget his true purpose of coming here, he also forgot his identity.

Eliminate the troubles left by Sid, and look for clues in the death wizard's diary by the way.

Just remembering the name of the diary, Sol's vague consciousness and cognition gradually returned to the right track.

And what about Victor? Is he the culprit of all the chaos, or a victim like Saul?


Just as Sol was thinking, Victor's call came from the corridor again.

Sol got up and turned around the room casually, What's the matter?

...Nothing, let's see if my poor brother has disappeared.

Sol kept his original tone and demeanor, walked out of the room, and waved to Victor who was standing not far away, looking at him, Hurry up, let's find the baby sooner, and leave this ghost place sooner.

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