Diary of the Death Wizard

Chapter 253 The Second Golden Page

(The order of the chapters has been adjusted) However, Thor's smug smile didn't last long.

When he gently opened the title page and saw the first golden page as expected, he frowned slightly.

The golden page is still unresponsive. Is it because I can't manipulate it yet?

Thor tried several methods, but none of the golden pages gave any feedback.

Forget it, let's take a look at the pages behind to see if there are any other changes in the space of consciousness.

Saul was going to look at the part of the white pages.

When the diary appeared in front of his eyes for the first time, it was directly turned to the middle part, and the words began to appear.

Saul hadn't seen the previous part yet.

He was a little curious, if the white pages in the first half of the diary also contained content, would it record the experience of its previous owner?

But when he gently turned the first page, his eyes full of curiosity and awe suddenly froze.

This? Why is there a golden page? Thor stared blankly at the second page that appeared.

He was very sure that after seeing the golden pages for the first time, because he was temporarily unable to determine the purpose of the pages, he turned the pages of the diary to see the newly obtained half black page.

During that page-turning process, the next golden page was clearly an ordinary white page.

Where did that golden page come from? When did it appear in the diary?

Not only do I still not understand the purpose of the golden pages, but there is also an extra page for no apparent reason... When did this page appear?

He closed his eyes, recalling the recent use of the diary.

Before I didn't pay attention to turning the pages of the diary, so the second page may have appeared very early, and I didn't notice it. But the golden book page is so mysterious, it is impossible to add one casually.

Thor recalled the scene when the golden pages first appeared.

The storm of the soul, the deep sea that appears after a coma, the huge sun that can pass through the top of the head...

Although there are many visions, the root of it is that nervous man-Victor.

No, it's shredded chicken...

I almost forgot his name. Saul rubbed his forehead, Oh, it's Kismet.

By the way, Sol suddenly remembered something, something he didn't pay much attention to, even the tower owner had ignored it!

That guy, once sent me a letter.

The vaguely written letter disappeared completely after Saul read it.

The appearance of the first golden page is definitely related to Kismet, and the second one may not escape.

Saul thinks it is very likely that the second golden page was also written by Kismet.

After I got the first golden page, that guy's attitude... seems to have changed. Now that he had this guess, Sol immediately began to recall the details related to Kismet.

So, the letter he wrote to me later was not purely provocative? If he really wanted to send me the second page of the book, then he probably knew about the existence of the diary.

I still know too little about him, and it is still not suitable to contact him for the time being.

Although the second page may have been sent by Kismet, Sol is still unable to determine the other party's purpose.

However, thinking of the other party's style of always using other people's hands to create death, Sol still thinks that he must be cautious.

Who knows if there is a bigger secret behind this gift.

Temporarily putting Kismet's purpose aside, Sol continued to study the two pages.

He gently tugged at it, and the golden pages felt the same as the last time they touched the surface of the sea. It's as soft as a baby's skin. But no matter how hard Sol tried, he couldn't leave any marks on the paper.

And there is no flaw in the connection of the pages, just like this diary originally had these two pages.

Oh, I have no idea at all. But having said that, although the diary is called a diary, handwriting appears on the pages of the book itself, and it is not written by myself. It would be great if I could leave handwriting on it one day. Then am I Can you control the life and death of other people?

Saul started YY to relieve some depressed mood at the moment.

The death wizard's diary, is it because I haven't become a death wizard yet? Or is it because I lack a pen that can write on it?

Sol shook his head, and finally gave up. He turned the page again, and the next page was a white page.

Although the value of golden pages should be higher than that of white pages, golden pages also mean uncontrollable and more accidents.

Words did appear on the following white pages.

Moreover, Sol had never seen these words when flipping through the diary.

I don't know if the diary blocked it on purpose.

However, Saul didn't know any of these words.

Just looking at the format, it is the same as the diary format I have seen.

Saul quickly flipped through the pages, and basically didn't understand the text behind.

Not only that, but some of the characters have strange shapes, and some of them can vaguely feel that there are people walking around when you watch them.

But when he stopped observing and looked up in all directions, those walking around disappeared again.

Sol lowered his head again, and this time he did not observe the words on the white pages by himself, but quickly flipped through them.

About every few pages, the font on the diary will change.

If each type of text corresponds to a diary holder, then this diary has really gone through a lot of hands.

Not only that, Sol also found that the last page of each handwriting is basically a very short sentence.

I don't know why, when he saw these words, Sol subconsciously guessed the meaning written above.

you are dead.

It seems that the previous masters of the death wizard's diary basically didn't have a good ending.

Finally, he turned to his own first page.

The death wizard's diary pushes Thor on a new path, but it also gets him into deeper entanglements.

keep scrolling back...

It's been a long time...

Well, there is something to be proud of. The number of pages used by the people in front of me is not as many as mine. Don't they do experiments? Or are they not wizards?

Turning to the last page is the reminder of the diary about the seeds of evil thoughts.

However, when Sol turned back again, he found that the thick white pages at the back turned all over at once, and what appeared in front of him turned into black pages.

It seemed the diary didn't want Thor to know how many blank pages it had left.

Or maybe the blank pages don't really end at all.

Each black page represents a person's consciousness. This is my consciousness space, but the black pages did not turn into real human forms like the soul absorbed by Morton. It should be the diary that changed their form.

However, since the diary can absorb other people's consciousness to form black pages, but in this way, the consumed soul energy cannot be replenished... Can this process be reversed?

Sol thought as he picked up a page in his hand.

He thought he might try it with Hermann's pages.

He first recited Let Herman return to a normal consciousness silently in his heart, but the diary did not respond.

Thor attempts to mentally control the black pages, channeling his orders.

But still failed.

He frowned, Consciousness world, I use consciousness to control but there is no response. If my existence is consciousness itself, then...

With a little force on his fingers, he tore off the black page in one piece.

Afterwards, the black pages began to feel slightly hot, and the mental fluctuations transmitted back to Sol's brain also became unstable.

Like a balloon about to explode.

Thor threw the page out at once.

The page of the book fell on the stone platform, and instantly swelled, becoming bigger and longer, and even the outer surface was dyed with vivid colors.

In just a few breaths, the black pages turned into Herman's appearance!

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