Diary of the Death Wizard

Chapter 259 Grave Square Formation

According to Sol's instructions, the coachman turned onto the path leading to Mofan Town.

After a while, the walls of Mofan Town and the roofs of some tall buildings appeared before his eyes.

The coachman reined in his horse and slowed down, My lord, Mofan Town is ahead, should I drive in directly or stop outside?

Stay in the woods and wait for me like last time.

Sol felt that it would not take too long for him to go to Mofan Town this time, probably only half a day, so he asked the driver to wait outside.

Suddenly the coachman stared out of the woods and slapped on the car door in horror, My lord, look ahead!

Sol heard the words and immediately opened the window to look out.

In the next second, his brows furrowed tightly.

In front of the woods, there was originally a field. When Saul came last time, his fellow villager Ada was plowing the fields.

Now, on the flat land that has been reclaimed with great difficulty, there are rows of small soil bags half the height of a person.

The small soil bag is like an upside-down bowl, more like a tomb without a tombstone.

Looking at the past, those small soil bags are arranged neatly, forming a regular square array.

After a rough scan, there are hundreds of them.

Don't get any closer, just wait here. As soon as the words fell, Sol rushed out of the car like a gust of wind.

He was fast, his gray cloak flapping in the wind. The hood fell off, revealing his short black hair and light gray skin.

It's already midsummer, even the morning breeze blowing on people is still warm.

But now Sol can only feel a biting cold.

As soon as he stepped on the field ridge, a few small stones rolled the soil and fell to the field below because of his actions, making a clack sound.

The land was dry and cracked like a stone, and not even a weed could be seen.

Sol stood at the edge of the field and immediately felt a strong breath of death.

These small soil bags are indeed graves.

This field, which was originally full of vitality, turned into a cemetery in just a few months!

Those soul fragments that are easily scattered in the air are as conspicuous as will-o'-the-wisps in Thor's eyes.

Sol narrowed his eyes, his cold gaze swept across the entire cemetery.

After I left, a massacre took place here. Not only that, they also crushed the souls of the dead. Is it because they are afraid that someone who is good at dark attribute witchcraft will torture the souls of the dead?

It's just a little weird.

As far as Sol knew, no special magic circle was needed to destroy the souls of ordinary people.

Therefore, these neatly arranged tombs look very strange.

Not only are each tomb bag the same size and height, but they are also horizontal and vertical, forming a square matrix.

But in this seemingly weird tomb formation, Sol couldn't find any fluctuations in magic power.

Is this based on witchcraft or a sacrificial ritual? Could it be that the barbarians are back? Or is it someone else's deliberate posture to fool outsiders? Sol sneered, and then looked at the small town not far away.

The gate of the town was closed tightly, and the exhausted soldier who had been on duty at the gate was nowhere to be seen, presumably he had become a member of the graveyard.

In fact, before Sol came here, he also vaguely thought about whether there would be any accidents in Mofan Town.

It's just that he thought, if the person who secretly received the Mosheng fruit behind his back wanted to keep it a secret and not disturb others, then he shouldn't move Mofan Town.

Or is it that the secrets in Mofan Town are actually more important than the fact that someone is eyeing Moshengguo?

I don't know what happened to Ada and Penny. I remember I told them to leave here quickly. Sol was a little worried about the two of them.

Ada, who is a bit dull, and Penny, a cute girl who is entangled in the cocoon of nightmares.

As an ordinary person, if you want to live in this world more securely, it's best not to get too involved with wizards.

Although they are no longer the same people, Sol still does not want the fellow who once took him to die here.

However, reason tells Sol that if there are wizards who really want to destroy the entire Mofan Town, those two ordinary people may not be able to escape...

Should I leave here as if I didn't see anything, or...

Thor glanced at the gate of Mofan Town again. The door was closed tightly, and the back door was extremely quiet.

Over the small town, there is no smoke from the kitchen for early risers, nor the sound of insects and birds.

Maybe there are still clues about grinding the sound fruit in the town. He convinced himself like this.

However, Thor did not go to the town, but jumped off the field and walked directly to a grave.

He carefully cast a detect witchcraft, and Grave reacted a little.

Even if there was any witchcraft circle or sacrificial ceremony here, it has been abandoned now. There is no magic wave left.

After the inspection, Sol immediately squatted down, inserted his hands into the soil, dug out a large piece of grave soil, and put it aside.

He wanted to open the tomb and see what was underneath.

My lord, let me do this kind of work. The coachman stood on tiptoe and watched from a distance, and when he saw Sol started to dig the grave with his bare hands, he hurriedly shouted.

And Sol didn't turn his head, just raised his arm and waved his hand to signal the coachman not to come over, and continued to dig the soil.

After the transformation, although his skin has changed back to a human appearance, his strength and toughness are far superior to those of ordinary soldiers.

Digging a grave with bare hands is easy, faster than holding a shovel.

As for why witchcraft is not used, it is because the energy released by witchcraft will destroy the secrets in it.

A few minutes later, under Sol's careful movements, a tomb was hollowed out, revealing a package inside.

The material used to wrap it was just a worn-out garment with bright red blood overflowing from it.

The blood is as bright red as it just flowed out. There is indeed something abnormal about the phalanx of this tomb.

Judging from the size of the package, it was definitely not a complete body.

Saul frowned and opened the package.

Inside are several pieces of meat that are fresh enough to be thrown on the cutting board of the vegetable market.

Sol turned the meat over the cloth with his hands.

Another eye was found under several unattributed chunks of flesh.

Dismember the corpse?

More and more like the means of barbarians.

Sol got up and checked the situation in the other tombs again.

He randomly selects graves to dig, some near the center and some around the edges.

These tombs are all filled with pieces of meat wrapped in a simple garment.

Thor found three hands in one of the tombs. And judging by the shape of the hands, they belonged to three people respectively.

Now Saul can basically be sure that the pieces of meat in each grave bag do not belong to the same person.

Without dismembering the corpses, they were buried together.

Sol wrapped the stumps in clothes and put them back in the grave, but he didn't cover the grave soil immediately.

Sol returned to the field ridge and remained silent for a long time, then raised his hand, called out the hand of the mage, and covered back the floating soil he had dug up.

There are no witchcraft props or magic circles hidden under the tomb. Could it be that someone really made an art display with everyone's corpses out of boredom?

With nothing more to be found in the tomb, Thor decided to enter Millsail.

Using Cleaner to clean up the mud and sand on his body and hands, Thor put on the hood and walked slowly towards the town.

However, when Sol was less than ten meters away from the gate of the town, the gate of Mofan Town was suddenly pushed open by a small crack.

An old man leaned out half of his body from inside.

The man was disheveled and dirty, but Thor still recognized him the moment he saw him.

Old lunatic?

Sol walked forward quickly, but the other party suddenly stretched out a dry and thin arm and pushed forward.

Go back, he said, don't come in.

Sol naturally wouldn't be taken away by him like this.

Instead of retreating, he advanced, Old lunatic, are you still alive? Where are the others? Where are Ada and Penny?

The old lunatic was shocked, and he looked up at Saul with a complicated face, his eyes gradually filled with crazy emotions.

I just said you can't make deals with barbarians, no, no...the village is destroyed, everyone is dead...the village is destroyed, everyone is dead...

He didn't wait for Saul to say anything else, and suddenly went back inside, and slammed the door shut.

Sol walked to the city gate, put his hand on the gate and was about to push hard, when he suddenly heard the sound of the tide.


Mofan Town is located in Mobei, a place where water resources are scarce. And Thor remembered that there was no river in the town at all.

Where is the sound of the tide coming from?

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