Diary of the Death Wizard

Chapter 262 I am willing

The seventeenth princess of Kernas is very beautiful.

Even if you can have more than a dozen beautiful princesses and improve the ugly genes of King Kernas, not all princes and princesses can inherit the good part.

But Princess Seventeen is really lucky. She looks almost exactly like her biological mother.

She successfully snatched the title of the most beautiful woman in the royal family from her second sister.

As a princess, beauty is Seventeen's biggest capital besides power.

So unlike her older sisters who were already married, she has been waiting for an excellent opportunity.

In her opinion, she is beautiful and smart, and at the same time can inherit a property that is astronomical for ordinary people, so her future husband cannot be an ordinary person.

In the eyes of the seventeenth princess, except for the king and the grand duke, everyone else can only be regarded as ordinary men.

But she never thought that the beautiful marriage she had been thinking about would turn into a marriage for compromise in the end.

Although the marriage partner is the descendant of the Grand Duchess of the Kema Duchy, that is just an ordinary person, and the possibility of inheriting the Kema Duchy in the future is extremely slim.

The Seventeenth Princess still didn't understand that even if her elder brother Aruba's advanced second-level wizard was frustrated, it was not like there was no chance.

It's not like just bowing to the Principality of Kema like this?

The seventeenth princess, who was greatly disappointed, began her extravagant journey of marriage.

For this reason, she deliberately snatched the court musician who was recently favored by the first princess (not her biological mother) into the marriage team.

It's just that she didn't expect that from then on, she fell into it.

This romantic and passionate princess can no longer look at other people, she just wants to stare at Victor every day.

Victor, your name sounds really nice. At this moment, the seventeenth princess was holding her beautiful chin and staring at the man in front of her.

It's just a common name. Victor had no interest in communicating with the Seventeenth Princess. He just lowered his head occasionally, plucked the strings twice, and made an incoherent tone.

Even the messy notes made the Seventeenth Princess smile obsessively, It's hard to drive all the way, but don't worry, we will arrive at Mobei City soon. When the time comes, you will live in my room. If they dare to be negligent, I will demolish his Mobei City!

Really? Are you going to Mobei City? Victor suddenly felt a little lost, with a few strands of silver hair hanging on his cheeks, looking as fragile as a little white rabbit.

Are you sad? The seventeenth princess was fascinated, forgot the agreement with Victor, and stood up involuntarily and walked towards him.

She stretched out her hand, wanting to pluck out the strands of hair for Victor, and wanted to pinch the strands of hair between her fingertips and twist them gently.

However, when her fingertips were still a few centimeters away from Victor, Victor suddenly turned his head and looked at him coldly, and said with disgust, Don't touch me.

Princess Seventeen was startled, and took a step back.

But she was not angry in her heart, she just felt that Victor was in a bad mood.

But why is Victor angry? Ah, by the way, arriving in Mobei City means that my marriage celebration is getting closer. He must be sad.

The Seventeenth Princess suddenly felt that it was not a good thing to go to Mobei City.

She straightened her face, lifted the curtain of the window, and said to the maid who was following the car, Tell the knight commander, I won't go to Mobei City anymore.

After hearing what the princess said, the maid froze in place.

But she didn't dare to let the princess say it again, and hurried to the knight commander to report the situation.

The knight commander, who was still strong after fifty years old, was dumbfounded when he heard it, and he hurried over to dissuade him.

But this arrogant princess didn't care about the welcome team waiting in Mobei City, and insisted on settling in other towns.

The knight commander knew that he couldn't stand firm with the seventeenth princess, so he called a local attendant and asked in a low voice, Is there any town nearby?

The attendant recalled for a moment, and said respectfully: There are two relatively large towns nearby. The closest one is Riyang Town, and the other is Mofan Town, which is a little farther away.

The knight commander immediately asked: Where is the closest to Mobei City?

That's Mofan Town. If you hurry up, you can reach Mobei City in half a day.

How are the people in Mofan Town?

Although Mofan Town is closer to Mobei City, it is actually protected by the wizard tower, and the actual power holders are two first-class wandering wizard apprentices.

Hearing the first half of the sentence, the knight commander's heart tightened, but after hearing the latter, there were only two first-level apprentices in the town and let them go.

A first-level apprentice? That's okay. There is a third-level apprentice in our team, so don't worry. Then go to Mofan Town, and then send two other people to Mobei City to pass the message.

The knight commander thought to himself: If the army of the Principality of Kema comes to pick him up, then it's not me who disobeyed the order.

So at the request of the wayward princess, the entire marriage team deviated slightly from the original route and went to an unknown town on the border.

It was going to be late, but fortunately they arrived and they were not far from Mofan Town.

By the time I saw the highest roof ridge of the town, the sun had already set in the sky, leaving only a smear of red.


In fact, when the princess was trying to please Victor, she suddenly heard an exclamation from the maid outside the car window.

The heated atmosphere just now was broken, and the princess tried hard to suppress her anger, What's wrong?

Princess, there are a lot of earthen graves outside that small town. And...

What? The Seventeenth Princess looked out the car window, but only saw a few graves, some of which had been dug up, bloody.

She only frowned slightly. Suddenly glanced at Victor in the corner, and quickly supported his forehead, Oh, it's so scary, who is so bad, and dug other people's graves?

Victor was originally indifferent to the movement outside, but when he heard the grave being dug, he grabbed the harp and rushed to the car door, looking out.

Oh, interesting. He said interestingly, but his face was not very good-looking.

Victor, don't be afraid, we will leave here now and go to other towns.

Shut up! Victor suddenly raised his right hand.

Before the carriage came to a complete stop, he jumped out of the carriage neatly, and walked a few steps to the edge of the field where the graves were neatly lined up under the astonished eyes of everyone.

He carefully watched the dug-up graves, and even sniffed the scent without changing his face, and suddenly smiled for the first time.

Victor moved his lips and spit out two words silently.

When he turned around and returned to the princess frame, his face was full of joy and his steps were easy.

It was the first time in so many days that Princess Seventeen saw Victor smile like this, and she was stunned for a while.

Princess, in a small town in the countryside, it's not uncommon to bury graves in the outskirts. The sun is about to fall, so let's enter the city as soon as possible.

After speaking, with a smile on his face, he stepped onto the frame of the car, and closed the car door tightly regardless of the complex gazes of everyone.

Aren't you angry? Princess Seventeen, who had been trained to be docile, asked Victor cautiously.

Of course not, in fact, I'm very happy.

He was indeed very happy, and even the end of his speech was turning upwards.

It was rare for him to sit within one meter of the princess, and when he turned sideways, a slanting sun happened to shine on his face through the car window, reflecting a warm color on his fair skin.

The seventeenth princess was fascinated again.

Victor, you are so pretty. If I had met you earlier, I would never have touched anyone else.

If he had faced such praise before, Victor would not have half responded. But today he smiled at the princess, and then looked out the window at the sunset by the mountain.

At this time, most of the sun had set behind the mountain, and only a little bit of red mist was still struggling in the sky.

But it was precisely because of this that, against the dark blue sky, it was as red as blood.

Have you ever heard a word called the setting sun is like blood? Look how beautiful it is. Victor said softly.

Not as good as you. Princess Seventeen was not in the mood to appreciate the scenery outside at all.

It was rare for Victor to give her a good face, she just wanted to seize the opportunity and eat people up tonight.

I don't like the setting sun like blood, I like the setting sun dripping blood. Victor smiled even more, he suddenly turned his head and said to Princess Seventeen, Your Highness, let's take our relationship further tonight.

The seventeenth princess was stunned, and Victor actually wanted to go with her!


Will you? Victor asked.

I am willing, I am willing! The princess was not at all reserved.

Victor's voice slowed down, It's the kind that is eaten dry and wiped clean~

Princess Seventeen's mouth became parched all of a sudden, and she couldn't help licking her lips.

I would.

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