Diary of the Death Wizard

Chapter 292 Anti-tracking

Boom boom boom!

Boom boom boom!

The door surrounded by dozens of long-necked human heads is still closed, and the excitement in the eyes of the guests waiting outside the door is slowly receding.

They shook their heads, their expressions gradually becoming ferocious.

In the dark corridor, there was a rustling sound, and more and more heads came from afar, wanting to share a share of the pie.

If someone walked into the black castle at this time, they would see countless human heads entangled by dark green vines on the wall, as well as long necks extending from their mouths.

The walls of the Black Fort have been completely covered in gray, white and dark green alternately, and they can't see their original appearance.

If this person continues to walk in, it will be further discovered that all the heads finally stretch to the same direction - the laboratory on the third floor.

At this time, nearly a hundred heads had gathered outside the gate of the laboratory.

They were huddled together, face to face, necks wrapped around their necks. Their noses were squeezed out of shape against the door.

As there was no room left to knock on the door with their heads, the head visitors opened their mouths one by one, sticking out new, rounded-tip tongues, knocking in their place.

Da da da……

Da da da……

Da da da da da da da...

The voice was fast and sharp.

After another minute, the door was covered with grooves.

Suddenly, as if they had received some order, these heads stopped their movements, looked at each other, and then slowly backed away.

After retreating about one meter, he suddenly moved forward again.


After the huge impact, the door that had been stabbed for a long time shattered, and countless people's heads mixed with the sawdust of the door squeezed into the bright room.

However, the figures in the room still turned their backs to the faces. The underside of the cloak was shaking slightly, as if he was still writing.

Jie jie jie jie...

The people who had been suppressed for a long time let out a strange laugh and rushed forward. They wanted this guy who ignored the guests to taste the price of being rude!

The hairless heads slammed at the figure sitting firmly on the chair, but the moment they touched the figure, the other party disappeared out of thin air!

Dozens of human faces slammed on the long table, and the books and ink on the table, as well as the table itself, were smashed to pieces in an instant.

It is enough to explain the huge lethal force brought about by the impact of these heads.

However, when some fragments fell to the ground, they did not feel the soft and resilient feedback that hit the flesh!

In front of him, there was only a broken cloak that was scattered among the pieces of the table.

The person in the cloak disappeared in an instant!

The heads stepped back half a meter in doubt, and one of them went to the fragments of the table with a sad face to examine them carefully. But his brain couldn't quite understand what was happening now, so he could only retreat helplessly.

try to find!

At this moment, a signal suddenly came from outside Black Fort.

The confusion on the faces disappeared in an instant, and the heads became excited again, their mouths kept opening and closing, as if they were saying, Hide and seek is the most fun.

They exited the laboratory one by one in an orderly manner, followed the corridors, and began to search all over the castle.

Soon, the invaded laboratory returned to calm, and only a mess could tell others about its tragic experience.

At the same time, Sol, who was hiding in the gap in the wall, was sticking one eye to the gap, watching from beginning to end the whole process of the heads entering the laboratory and destroying the cloak he left behind.

Yes, Thor was already out of that cloak in the first place.

He used magic tricks, a simple and practical 0-level witchcraft, to fix his cloak in place and let it shake twice from time to time.

As for Thor himself, the moment he put on the cloak, he entered the gap he had stuck to the wall earlier in the morning.

So, not only did he see the whole process of those weird heads breaking in, but he also clearly saw a vague black shadow flying in from outside the window, making those heads come alive again.

After all the heads left the room, Sol immediately jumped out of the crack.

There is a clear indentation on his right eye right now, even if he uses 0-level treatment for minor injuries, it can't get rid of it. This indentation can accompany him for a day.

As soon as Sol left the closed space, he closed the gap, and then he pushed the window with one hand and jumped out.

The algae stretched out quickly, split into two, one hung on the window, and the other popped out to make way for Sol.

Sol was hung in mid-air by Xiaozao, chasing the black shadow just now, and he still had time to think, When I study the second-level witchcraft and torture touch, and officially advance to the third level, I must raise the flying technique to the next level. schedule.

He is good at using the coordinate method to analyze runes. Although the more advanced the rune, the less effective the coordinate method can be, but at least it allows him to master more witchcraft circles than others in the initial stage.

Thinking about it, Sol found that he had lost the trace of the black shadow, but he was not in a hurry, he fell to the ground lightly, his mental power swung around, and immediately countless roots broke through the soil and drilled towards him.

These are the roots of the devil vine that have been buried deep in the soil for so many years, not to mention covering the entire Heibao Forest, it can also affect most of it.

Those heads in Castle Black must still be looking for me. Tell those vines to stop pretending. It's time to resist and resist, otherwise the enemy will break into the house without knowing it. Isn't it obvious that people are abnormal at a glance?

A portion of the roots retracted into the soil.

Thor passed his spiritual power to another part.

There must have been unfamiliar magic fluctuations outside Black Castle just now, and it won't be too far from here. Immediately activate all the roots in the forest to find this person, but don't alarm him.

Another part of the root system retracts into the soil.

The roots of these devil vines naturally cannot understand human language, but Thor has completely invaded the spiritual realm of the main vein of the devil vine, and his control over it is unprecedented, enough to order these roots to do some simple things.

Besides, fighting and searching for people were the fundamental reasons why this vine was planted here.

It can even be said that this devil vine is the real support for Mochi Mochi to dare to guard Black Castle alone.

But now, it has to obey Sol's orders. Even if Black Castle welcomes other masters in the future, it may not be able to completely take away the ownership of the Devil Vine.

After all, Xiaozao didn’t know when he ran into the Devil’s Vine, eating Naka like a bully, and took this opportunity to really strengthen himself. If Sol hadn’t restricted him to leave some for others, he would not have left up!

At this time, a tiny root hair emerged from the soil again, and the hairs pointed neatly in one direction.

Sol stopped in his tracks and let Xiaozao lift him into the air silently.

Let's entertain our guests well. As he said, Sol's hands dropped, gradually deformed, and became transparent, like the tentacles of an octopus, fishing in mid-air.

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