Diary of the Death Wizard

Chapter 547: Camus Awakens

The mutation of the Rhine Lake did not have much impact on its owner. But the rumors of the mutation were quickly spread by wizards who passed by.

Half a month later.

Gagagu, the first patient Saul has received since he claimed to be a doctor, visits again.

This time he also brought a lot of goods.

Long time no see, Wizard Saul, maybe you want to hear me call you Doctor Saul more.

Sol doesn't care.

I'm a physician who studies pollution, but I'm more of a wizard, call yourself what you want.

Then I'll call you Wizard Sol, I think this title can best express my respect.

Jia Jiagu put down the huge luggage on his back, but still did not take off the straps, because the adhesion between his back and the luggage had not been completely released.

This time I brought you some of the goods on the list, would you like to see?

Gagagu took out a crumpled ball of paper from his arms, flattened it carefully, and handed it to Saul.

This list was given to him by Saul, which listed a large number of materials that were needed and might be needed, and some rare things were also mixed in.

Saul looked at the list, his brows furrowed tighter and tighter.

After all, Jiajiagu is just a wandering merchant, and the basic witchcraft materials are all prepared.

But the more expensive ones are rarer. There were none of the few rare items that Sol wanted most in the mix.

But it's like a home that has both a refrigerator and a trash can.

Although Gaga Drum brings Sol the most common items, it can also improve the infrastructure of the Wizard Tower and make Sol's life here more convenient.

Sol took out a large number of magic crystals and his relatively sufficient materials in exchange for Gaga drums.

But Jiajiagu did not collect the money immediately after delivering the goods.

He rubbed his hands, curtly fawning.

Wizard Sol, look at the pollution behind me, can it be completely removed this time?

He somewhat suspected that Saul didn't completely help him clean up the pollution behind him, did he want to use this as an excuse to control him?

Saul said solemnly: The pollution on your body is not too serious. If it's just superficial pollution, I can clean it up. The key, the source of the pollution, has been parasitic on you for a long time.

If separated by force, it may hurt your life.

Therefore, if you want to completely and safely clean up the pollution on your body, you must study a plan in a targeted manner to paralyze the source of pollution on your body and prevent it from causing backlash damage due to separation.

What Saul said was nine truths and one falsehood, Jia Jiagu was dumbfounded when he heard it.

Of course, if you are willing to take the risk now, I can also try to help you completely remove the source of pollution now. Actually, I haven't done this before, but it is a rare opportunity. Sol's eyes lit up.

Jia Jiagu quickly shut up, and waved his hands tremblingly, No, no, I'm not in a hurry! I'd better ask Wizard Saul to help me find a way to safely remove the source of pollution.

Saul nodded, looking somewhat regretful.

If he can't help Jiajiagu completely clean up the pollution, he can only pay for things.

After the transaction was completed, Jia Jiagu enthusiastically shared with Saul the news that he might be interested in in the near future.

One of them is Clark, the dreamer, acknowledging that Saul is the new owner of Lake Rhine.

But Firefly Lord and Feng Yao have not expressed yet.

Some people are just around the corner and may come here to explore.

Gaga drums Sol to be careful.

Speaking of being careful, Saul thought of someone.

By the way, Jiajiagu, some time ago a wolf monster wearing a person came to me to clean up the pollution on the items. Was this person introduced by you?

Have you met a dire wolf? Jiajia was startled, I didn't introduce it. I was introducing you to a first-order wizard friend, and later I found a dire wolf hiding nearby. I didn't expect it to come Really overheard our conversation.

Sol took a deep look at Jiajiadou, who was terrified, and didn't go into the truth of it.

After completing the transaction of goods and information, Jiajiagu left again. He promised to continue to collect the information Saul wanted.

In exchange, Sol collected the latest contamination samples from Garga Drum and continued his research.

Let's see when the pollution can be completely removed.

Sol can not only buy some basic necessities from Gagagu, but also get some latest news.

After agreeing on the goods needed next time with Gaga Drum, Sol walked back to the wizard's tower.

As soon as he came back, Marsh rushed up again, My lord, my lord, that white woman is awake!

White woman?


Sol immediately rushed into the wizard tower.

Sol has been waiting for her to wake up since digging out the soul of the former tower owner of the Wizard Tower from the ground.

At the same time, in order to prevent being counterattacked, he and the old witch studied a witchcraft circle that imprisoned spirit bodies.

But if this person who looked like Camus was really the Camus he knew, he should be at least a third-tier wizard.

If it wasn't for Sol's diary, which has a natural advantage over the soul, he might try to destroy the soul first, and throw it away if he can't.

The farther the better.

Still, he wanted to make the most of it.

After all, not everyone can pick up a nearly complete third-tier wizard's soul for nothing.

It is only the first project studied by Sol, and the witchcraft that combines the element body witchcraft with the white substance in the outer layer of Camus's spirit has not yet made substantial progress.

Maybe it's a good thing that Camus is waking up now.

Saul came to the basement floor expectantly and vigilantly.

A witchcraft cell was specially made here for Camus.

When Sol arrived, Camus and the old witch were staring at each other.

The butler is not here at this time, he should be busy with chores.

How is it? Is she conscious? Sol asked the old witch quickly.

The old witch curled her lips, It looks like a fool.

Being described like this, Camus still sat on the ground expressionlessly.

Legs sideways, gracefully crossed. Clasp your hands together and gently place them between your thighs.

It looks good, just like a sculpture.

Thor squatted down so that he was at eye level with the spirit body.

Excuse me, are you the wizard Camus?

The other party didn't respond, still looking ahead.

Hi, I'm Sol, and this is my wizard tower.

It's useless. The old witch was tired of playing, It's more wood than wood.

She could only watch, but Saul didn't allow her to touch it.

The old hag doesn't do much research on souls, so she doesn't have much interest in Camus.

As soon as she learned that she was awake—or moved—she ran in happily, but the other party didn't respond, and she stayed for a while before going back.

Sol didn't pay much attention to her recently, and didn't study the remaining pollution on her much.

But the old hag didn't intend to leave either.

Sol, the wizard tower, originally had a fog barrier, but now it has more forbidden magic fields, which is very suitable for her to hide here.

After all, she is still wanted by two third-level wizards, Yingzhu and Fengyao, on her back!

After the old witch left, Sol tried a few more times, and even mentioned the name of Gorza and the Radiance family, but still failed to wake up the sculpture in front of him.

Maybe he hasn't fully woken up yet.

Saul was not discouraged.

Anyway, just keep waiting.

He has no shortage of time now.

So Sol continued his research, again taking a bit of the off-white surface from Camus.

The other party didn't respond either.

Sol's observation was fruitless, so he had to really start the experiment.

He currently wants to analyze this white substance.

It wasn't that there was no result, but the result was so bizarre that he couldn't help but feel that he had made a mistake.

There is a problem with your experimental environment. The air needs to be extracted.

Sol paused and looked back.

Camus turned his head towards him at some point.

It's just that there is still no expression on his face.

Ahem. Sol pointed at the other person's neck, Why don't you turn your head away first?

I'm not very used to looking at people's backs when they're face to face.

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