Diary of the Death Wizard

Chapter 708 The anchor point is

Chapter 708 The anchor point is...

Looking at the countless little black figures who looked exactly like him, Thor calmly used his mental power to check the pollution level around him.

This is the sealing point of the eye of the storm, but the most important anchor point inside the eye of the storm seems to be no longer here. However, the experiment I just conducted still caused pollution that exists underground.

Thor originally wanted to try to get another anchor point here, but this attempt obviously failed.

Not only did it fail, it also caused a violent pollution reaction.

It's meaningless? Does it mean that persuading me to resist the black tide is meaningless, or is it that finding an anchor point is meaningless?

Thor closed his eyes and opened them again.

The black faces on the surrounding walls turned into black drops of water again.

Everything just happened was just an illusion.

“The pollution affects my perception.”

Although Sol recovered quickly, within a short period of time, a large number of water droplets precipitated around him and on the walls above and below his head.

These black water droplets gathered together, and under the influence of gravity, they turned into wisps of water flowing down, or dripped from Sol's head.

More and more black water accumulated into a pool, and gradually spread towards Sol's location.

Looking at the pollution around him, Thor did not escape immediately.

He calmly took out the Chaos Compass, opened the dial, and watched the hands on it spinning continuously.

In the past, when the eye of the storm appeared, he could not use the chaos compass to escape because the distortion of the eye of the storm made it impossible for the compass to stably open the space teleportation port.

But now, Thor deliberately arranged a space-stabilizing array before the experiment. At this time, even if there was a highly polluting black tide around, it did not disrupt the stability of the compass.

Under Thor's control, the pulling force from the otherworldly space appeared.

He did not enter the chaotic area immediately, but waited for a while, until the nearest black water submerged the soles of his shoes, and then Thor's figure suddenly disappeared.

After a period of spinning, Thor landed on the black desert.

The moment the black tide pollution came into contact with him, he activated his compass and came to the Chaos Realm.

As the soles of his feet touched the ground, the black water droplets attached to the soles of his shoes also came into this world.

Sol lowered his head and stared at the water on his shoes.

The water droplets representing the black tide sank into the soil the moment they touched the black sandy ground.

The speed was so fast that it almost exceeded the dynamic tracking ability of Thor's vision.

Active Kuroshio pollution disappeared as soon as it came into the world.

Thor knelt down and touched the ground with his hands.

It's as dry as ever, with no trace of liquid seeping in just a second ago.

Thor once again used his spiritual power to delve into the ground.

The result is the same as before, it is difficult to explore deep underground with mental power. As for the limited range he could perceive, the feedback was dead silence.

There was absolutely no sign of Kuroshio contamination.

It's because the amount of black tide entering is still too small. Just like a drop of ink dripping into the sea, it is completely diluted very quickly and is completely invisible.

The black bone hand slid lightly on the ground.

If all the tide is introduced into the world when the Kuroshio breaks out, can it still be diluted?

The warning in the diary obviously means that the Black Tide will completely explode one day in the future. Although this time should not be very close, Thor has also begun to think about how to deal with the complete explosion of the Black Tide.

After all, he couldn't bring everyone to the Chaos Realm.

This place is completely unsuitable for wizard life.

But if the black tide entering here can be immediately inert, then he can at least use the Chaos Compass to protect the Pure Spirit Wizard Tower and the surrounding areas.

This is the second survival plan prepared by Sol and Byron after they were unable to develop a large-scale inerting reaction.

There is still too little pollution from the Kuroshio. Thor retracted his hand and shook it off, shaking off the sand and soil stuck to his finger bones. The Wall of Sighs, Kuroshio tsunamis will break out over there every once in a while. You can contact us Master Gortha, go steal some pollution.”

Sol was pondering his little thoughts when he suddenly noticed that the ground beneath his feet began to shake.

He immediately flew into the air and stared at the ground.

Such a big reaction is not like the beast hiding in the sand last time. Could it be that the deep black tide caused some reaction?

If this is the case, there must be something special hidden under this black desert.

At first, it was just a piece of land under Sol's feet that was shaking. Soon the shaking spread to all directions, as if the whole world was shaking.

Thor quickly dispersed his mental power and looked for Noah.

But Noah was not nearby.

I don't know where he went.

Before he had time to tell Noah to leave, a crack had been created in the ground by a huge object.

The ground was pushed up to a slope, and stones and sand rolled down.

Not far away, the huge building porch built by Noah was also leaning, and it seemed that it would collapse soon.

What is it... Thor was staring at the thing emerging from the ground below when he suddenly felt his left hand shaking uncontrollably.

He quickly wrapped his right hand around his left palm, and then discovered that what was really trembling was the white bone attached to the tip of his left index finger.

The anchor is moving?

Realizing that something underground caused an abnormality in the anchor point in his body, translucent gray tentacles immediately appeared on the surface of Thor's bones.

These tentacles covered Thor's body in the blink of an eye, and finally tightened and changed.

A Thor reappears with flesh and blood.

When the anchor point of the fingertips was wrapped by the newly grown skin, the violent trembling stopped.

However, the trembling of Sol's palm stopped.

But something underground is still digging up.

Finally, a white object broke through the black sand.

It emerged from the ground little by little, and the soil and withered roots that once covered it fell down like a waterfall.

When all the coverings came down, Thor finally saw clearly what was emerging from the ground.

It turned out to be an extremely huge... biological skeleton.

Its body is pale, and its head and tail are nearly a hundred meters long.

Judging from the skeletal structure, this creature looks somewhat like a giant lizard.

But at the same time, there are two huge wings connected to its back.

Again only the bones remain.

This huge creature with only bones, like Thor, can move without relying on flesh and blood.

But there was no magic wave coming from it.

After being completely freed from the shackles of the earth, the huge white skeleton flapped its wings and flew straight towards Thor.

Thor was extremely shocked when he saw such a huge creature.

But what surprised him even more was...

Thor looked down at his left hand.

If you just look at the color and bone surface...the texture of this skeleton is almost exactly the same as the anchor point on my hand!

Looking at the white skeleton that was about to rush in front of him, Thor immediately flew to the side to avoid the opponent's impact.

But the opponent turned flexibly in the air and flew towards Thor again.

The opponent seemed to have identified Thor, but it was clear that he had already sealed the anchor point of his left hand through his soul-devouring ester processed by the stars.

Why is the other party still chasing him?

Could it be...could it be that the so-called anchor point is actually the skeleton of this creature?

Then, there is also the skeleton of a creature in the Eye of the Abyss under the black tide?

Did the Eye of the Abyss kill this creature, or was it the Eye of the Abyss itself?

Thor narrowed his eyes as he looked at the white skeleton that was once again charging towards him with an unyielding force.

The opponent shouldn't be able to sense the anchor point in my hand, but it is still attacking me. What if it discovers the anchor point in my hand?

When the white skeleton was less than five meters away from him, with the skull raised and its huge upper and lower jaws opened, Thor suddenly raised his left hand.

The skin and muscles on the palms fade away again, exposing the phalanges.

The huge white creature's bones trembled violently, stopped suddenly, and stopped in front of Thor.

Looking at the huge skeleton that suddenly became silent, Thor couldn't help but murmur to himself.

Do you regard me... as the same kind of person?

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