Diary of the Death Wizard

Chapter 736 Sacrifice

Hearing that Thor wanted to make a deal with him, confusion flashed across Pang De's face.

In my current state, what else can I trade with you?

I'll help you find Xia, and you arrange a meeting between me and Beth?

Pang De was stunned.

Kate from behind was also stunned.

Dean Pound, who didn't know that Sol was selling his teammates, could only answer: You want me to help you contact Beth?

Thor shrugged his shoulders, Although you appear to be in pain, the fact that you are standing here is also controlled by Beth, right? I think you should have a way to contact her.

Pang De gritted his teeth and said: I don't know why she left me alone, but I can't take the initiative to contact her. If you really want to find her, you can directly leave your body and go to the heart space of the Inverted Tree. She will definitely There. You are a wizard majoring in dark attributes, this shouldn't be difficult for you.

It is indeed not difficult, but giving up the home field advantage, going to the space in the center of the tree that is completely controlled by Beth, and then facing the former third-level wizard and the current third-level magical creature at the same time? Bet they still have enough sense, won't Are you going to kill me when you come up?

Thor raised his hands to hold Dean Pound's shoulders, regardless of the pain on his face, Or you can also send a message to Beth. I want to make a deal with her. If she is willing, I can help her survive the resurrection. difficulties.

Kate in the back could no longer listen.

He felt that this black blade wizard was simply weird.

Kate admitted that the other party was very powerful, but he was a third-level wizard!

He even boasted that he would help Beth resurrect.

Wait a minute, the dean of Baidong just said that he is Golsa's student? Could it be that he can invite Golsa?

Kate didn't know Thor's identity, but Gortha's name was resounding throughout the Western Continent in the past hundred years.

Every wizard who has lived here knows how powerful and domineering he is.

But this person is also famous for not caring about anything.

Even if the wizards in Gorsa Wizard Tower were in danger and were plotted against, he would never stand up for his subordinates.

Can such a person really be invited by the Black Blade Wizard?

But this black blade wizard is not simple, he is simply a profiteer!

In less than half a day, how many people had he made deals with?

And he turned around and sold his ex-partner Xia Ya without hesitation at all.

Kate originally wanted to follow Sol to find an opportunity to get some benefits. Now that I think about it, I still don’t want it.

He may not be able to fight Thor.

Thinking this way, the orange cat began to retreat slowly.

Now the enemies of Baidong College have become two third-level enemies. This is not a fight that he should participate in. Running away is the best option.

Kate's decision was a wise one.

Just after he silently retreated more than ten meters, Sol and Dean Pound suddenly broke down!

Dean Pound, who looked very painful just now, suddenly looked up, with a ferocious smile on his face.

Two slender roots suddenly protruded from his shoulders and quickly locked Thor's arms.

At the same time, branches as thick as pythons grew in the blink of an eye around Sol's location.

They were like prison bars, trapping Thor and Dean Pound within them.

Pang De stared at Sol's face, his eyes showing greed for the first time.

You don't need to worry, Lady Beth already has a way to resurrect her.

As he spoke, more branches and roots wrapped around Thor's body.

Thor tried to struggle, but found that these roots were extremely tough and even stronger than those encountered in the Inverted Tree.

Not only that, the moment these branches and roots wrapped around Sol's body, they began to emit a natural fragrance of grass and trees after the rain.

Even with Thor's sense of smell, he could barely detect the smell.

poison gas?

Thor found that this gas would penetrate into his body when it touched him. Obviously, holding his breath could not prevent the poisonous gas from entering his body.

Seeing that Thor failed to break free several times, the surrounding prison was completely closed, and the germination had begun to work, Pound finally no longer had to pretend.

The wrinkles on his face turned into deeper textures, and his graying hair and beard grew thicker and longer, just like the roots behind him.

His skin turned into brown bark, and his eyes, mouth, nose and other facial features turned into holes in the tree.

Dean Pang De is already a tree man!

Thor sighed, It turns out that you have become one with the Inverted Tree a long time ago. No wonder there are so many roots attached to your body. But why do you want to help Beth? Aren't you afraid that she will really kill the Inverted Tree? That way You won’t survive either.”

Pound did not explain, he was just extremely excited, Originally we just wanted to attract some greedy second-level wizards, but we didn't expect to catch such an arrogant newly promoted third-level wizard like you. What an unexpected surprise. Lady Beth has If you serve as nourishment, I will be able to successfully resurrect!

Thor was about to say something when a loud explosion suddenly attracted his attention.

This sound came from outside the closed cage of branches, and it was not one sound, but a dozen sounds, continuously.

The huge explosions were getting farther and farther, from the inside to the outside, and it seemed that there were a series of explosions centered on the inverted tree.

The sound did not stop for a long time, causing the earth to shake and the mountains to shake. It became more and more powerful and terrifying.

Saul could already picture the tragic scene in the outer city of Archaeological Site.

Even though he was trapped among the branches, he could still imagine what kind of horrific disaster was happening outside!

He turned around and said in surprise: You want to sacrifice the outer city? Sacrifice the entire archaeological site?

Pound just smiled wildly, happy that the plan went smoothly, and did not answer Sol's questions at all.

Thor sighed, Hey...it seems you are not planning to make this deal with me.

Suddenly, his expression changed and his eyes became sharp.

Courtesy before fighting. Since the negotiation has broken down, let's start fighting.

His arms shook, and the branches that were tightly wrapped around him just now hung loosely, as if they suddenly lost the supporter.

The roots that pierced Thor's palm were also broken, and the residue that fell to the ground looked like it was highly corroded.

Pound's laughter was stuck in his throat, and his wooden eyes were almost split.

Thor looked up again, his face was no longer fleshy and turned into a black skull.

Isn't it mental manipulation and pollution corrosion? I'm also very good at this.

After saying that, large swaths of gray tentacles suddenly emerged from under his wizard robe, like a peacock spreading its tail, and instantly shot to the branches of the surrounding inverted trees, immediately piercing the closed prison with holes.

The sun shone in and fell on Thor's face, and black mist instantly appeared in the beam of light.

Thor instantly became like a messenger from the abyss.

The smile on Pang De's face completely disappeared, and large new shoots suddenly appeared on his rough bark-like face, and the new shoots quickly grew brown leaves.

The leaves are arranged in groups of two, and the edges of the leaves are like sharp teeth. The leaves hit each other when they are opened and closed, making a metallic collision sound.

Then a large number of leaves bit into Thor and the tentacles around him like a mad dog.

The blade bitten on the tentacle immediately pierced the surface skin of the tentacle, but black liquid also flowed out from the bitten part of the tentacle, directly corroding the blade.

But more blades then fell on Thor.

The blades biting into Thor's bones left no trace on them.

A skeleton that can withstand the corrosion of the black tide will not be injured by a few magic leaves.

But at the same time, Thor was also imprisoned by the attack of leaves.

Pound felt a little relieved when he saw Thor trapped by him again.

Although I trapped him, I still can't absorb his soul. Unfortunately, I can't turn him into a sacrifice for Lady Bess for the time being. However, when Lady Beth completely sacrifices the whole city, it can be integrated with the upside down tree to become a new locator. , you can truly be resurrected! At that time, this boy will become the first supplement for Lady Beth after her resurrection!

The smile returned to Tree Man Pound's face again.

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