Diary of the Death Wizard

Chapter 963 The floating world side

Sol and Jeffrey stood together, looking like normal apprentices participating in the selection. Soon it was their turn to participate in the selection.

Saul casually registered the information and entered the star observation tower with Jeffrey.

He found that the environment here was very loose, and every working wizard was extremely busy, as if there was endless work to do.

Seeing this situation inside the Star Observation Tower, Thor simply stopped pretending and immediately selected the crowd and walked up to the upper level.

There were no windows in the entire Star Observation Tower, so Sol asked the Nightmare Butterfly to go out from time to time to confirm the location of the red worm's mouthparts.

It should be right here. But isn't there anyone guarding even here?

Looking down again, Thor found that he was high in the sky, with hundreds of red worms floating under his feet.

With an escape route ready, Thor can safely search for Byron.

Sol sensed his left and right again, and no one passed around him.

At this moment, Thor finally discovered the familiar spiritual power again.

One of his hands quietly transformed into a gray tentacle and was hidden in his sleeve, and then a few thin white translucent threads emerged from the cuff, like spider threads floating in the air, or like a cat's whiskers testing the air.

Before coming in, Thor left a temporary coordinate outside the star observation tower. If anything happens, he can teleport directly.

Thor tried to look for the ground through the gaps between these floating fat bugs, but he found that there seemed to be no ground here.

According to Saul's secret observation, these people's mental state and consciousness are sober, which means that these red worms, as Kismet said, did not affect these people's consciousness and senses.

The texture of these spheres is like rubber balloons, similar to the balloons on the airship. Each sphere is the size of a small house. There is a magic wave coming from each ball.

He put away the compass, You can't detect the cracks in space with your mental strength, so what about using the thread of fate?

A white translucent thin line split into two, then into four in the air, and finally turned into dense whiskers, sweeping across the middle of the two floors.

The most common thing floating around Sol was the motionless red worm. Thor couldn't touch them, and he didn't know whether they were dead or alive.

The tied man lowered his head. Through the weak magic and spiritual power emanating from his body, it could be seen that his condition was not very good and he might even die at any time.

Thor carefully looked in through the window and saw a man tied to a pillar.

Thor thought to himself: It seems that this compass can only be used for areas of chaos.

Thor had never seen this wizard and could only tell that he was a second-level wizard.

Although he now guesses where the entrance to the world side is, he has not sensed the specific location of the entrance or how to enter the world side.

After passing through a blur of red worms, he finally saw a few gray balls floating in mid-air.

After a while, he landed on the first balloon.

Because he was close to a place where people were around, Thor stopped using the flying technique. He chose a position, terminated the flying technique, and his body slowly fell.

Thor calmed down, and when he raised his eyes, he saw a red worm the size of a calf floating in the air, motionless like a balloon.

There was no sign of Byron in these balloons, and Sol continued to fly in the direction from which the group of people came.

Sensing that someone seemed to be approaching, Thor dodged and hid behind a red worm, hiding his body and integrating himself with the background of this world.

And there are no red worms on this wizard.

The opponent was not strong, but Thor saw a red worm lying on the wizard's shoulder.

Kismet said that red worms do not have the ability to control other people's consciousness. So do these people who are holding red worms know that they have a monster from beyond the star gate?

Thor immediately put away the thread of fate, flew into the air and raised his hand to touch the seemingly empty place.

After stopping flying, Thor discovered that the gravity here was very small. That bit of gravity is almost offset by air resistance.

Everything is floating in mid-air.

In the several worlds that Thor went to before, he either entered without any warning, or had a key like the Chaos Compass, or was led in by members of the Glow Tribe, but he never bothered to find the entrance.

Now that I have sensed it, the existence of the coordinates is still clear. It is obvious that Thor can move between the world side and the main world.

It seems that this spell is a normal way to enter and exit the world, but I found the exact entrance through the fate line, so I didn't need to activate the spell and squeezed in directly.

Soon Thor arrived at the corresponding location, but the entrance to the world side was not so easy to be discovered by outsiders.

[Maybe they didn’t expect you to dare to break into the headquarters of the Stargate Council, right? 】

Under such a blanket search, Thor finally sensed something strange at the entrance to the world.

Could these spheres be the houses of this world?

After the people left, Thor continued to explore several other balloons. There is a person trapped inside each balloon. Some were dying, some were still alive, but none of these people had red worms.

Around this magnificent balloon floated a vast number of red worms, all motionless.

Another person flew over from a distance, and Sol carefully climbed to the other side of the ball to avoid the sight of these people.

The first-level wizard carrying the red worm walked to the exit of the world, moved his lips slightly, and silently recited a spell. After a while, his whole body twisted and shrank and finally disappeared.

The extremely rapid fall did not occur, and Thor did not even need to turn his arms into wings to control the direction.

Instead, those flying outside each had a red worm hanging on them. The location is variable, and red worms may be hanging on the shoulders, head, arms, or even feet.

Beth in the diary smiled.

The whole balloon is gray-white. Thor climbed around the balloon carefully and discovered that only one part of the entire balloon was transparent, like a window for observation.

I met many people along the way, but they all ignored Sol, as if they couldn't see him.

People with bugs stay outside, but people without bugs are kept in balloons. Is this world being invaded and occupied by bugs?

But none of them were as big as the one hanging outside the Star Observation Tower.

His location is a hollow floor. That is to say, there is no ground in the middle of this layer and it is connected to the next layer. In addition, the height of the star observation tower is close to four meters, so a huge space higher than seven meters appears in front of Sol.

After once again passing through a layer of floating red worms, Thor saw new balloons.

Thor took out the Chaos Compass and tried to use it to sense the existence of the gap in space. The pointer on the compass kept spinning without any pattern.

There is only one balloon, but this balloon is extremely huge. If the balloon in front looks like a small house, then the one in front of me looks like a 60-story skyscraper.

The post is in the middle of the balloon, connecting the two tops.

The next second he felt a strange suction force, and his whole body seemed to fall into the straw. His body and mental body were stretched and narrowed together, and then sprayed out from the other end of the straw.

Every time I go somewhere secretly, I'm usually caught as soon as I arrive. Now I walk in openly and no one cares about me.

After watching the people go out, Thor left the hiding red worm and explored the direction from which the first-order wizard came.

At this time, the source of the aura that Thor had just noticed approached, and it was just a first-level wizard.

The small one is no more than the size of a palm, while the large one is 10 meters long.

Byron is in the giant balloon ahead!

But what makes Sol feel strange is that Byron seems to be moving quickly, and he is moving towards himself!

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