Diary of the Death Wizard

Chapter 982 Experiment Candidates

Thor suddenly became interested in starry sky pollution, but at the same time he also realized that Douglas seemed to have discovered something unusual about him.

Therefore, starry sky pollution needs to be studied, but not in front of Douglas.

Thor resealed the shell and gave it to Alik.

"No, my research on Kuroshio pollution is not yet able to deal with the starry sky pollution above. And I think the current storage methods of the Star Gate cannot effectively control the pollution above. As time goes by, the pollution may spread again."

Alik was slightly disappointed, but still took the shell, "It's normal for you to be exposed to this form of pollution for the first time. It's normal for you to be unable to do anything about it for a while. We will crush this shell after collecting the data and put it outside the star gate. Don't worry. Pollution from above.”

This is using the Star Gate as an escape hatch and the Star Gate as a trash can.

Thor handed over the contaminated shell, but retracted his tentacles.

He had already used his mental power to scan himself and found that there was no sign of being contaminated by the starry sky. Not even on the tentacle that had been cut off.

"I really have something to do with this starry sky pollution." Thor temporarily suppressed his doubts and followed Douglas to look at Alik's experimental data.

When Meric saw Sol approaching, he tried to keep his face expressionless, but he couldn't help but shrink his fingers.

Several other wizards naturally noticed Meric's nervousness, but no one pretended to notice it.

"Well, the data this time has made a breakthrough. It can be said that if the experimental subject's mental body level is not too low, it should be possible to come back alive."

Another third-level wizard whose name was unknown suggested, "Next time we will switch to the soul body of a second-level wizard."

As a result, at this time, Alik, who was sitting at the top, said: "Just use the spiritual body of a third-level wizard."

Many people couldn't sit still because the people participating in the experiment were all third-level wizards.

I asked them to use the spiritual bodies of low-level wizards for experiments before, but they still had no reaction. But now that the level of third-level wizards is mentioned immediately, it means that one of them may also become an experimental subject.

After all, even in the Stargate Council, third-level wizards are not everywhere.

Moreover, after being screened by red worms, many third-level wizards were devoured, and in the end, like Wizard Oler, they became poor parasites that died.

"Speaker, would it be too fast to directly use the soul body of a third-level wizard? We have not confirmed the reliability of the experiment yet."

"There's no point in using a second-level wizard." Alik said calmly, "After all, they don't have the quota to leave."

This is the first time Speaker Alik has made it clear that he will only take wizards above level three away. Everyone present could not help but whisper.

Seeing the commotion among the people, Alik did not yell or speak to comfort him, but instead turned the topic to Thor, successfully diverting everyone's attention.

"Wizard Thor, who do you think is suitable to be the next experimental subject?"

Uh-huh! Uh-huh! Uh-huh!

For a moment everyone looked over.

Even Douglas looked over with interest.

Sol held his chin up and showed no signs of stage fright, "Actually, I'm still very interested in this experiment. If possible, I would like to be the experimental subject."

When he said this, everyone's first reaction was disbelief.

Thor ignored the others, "But my mental power is close to that of a fourth-level wizard. So it has no reference value. The pollution that my mental power can resist may not be the same as other third-level wizards here."

Thor's mental power is comparable to that of a fourth-level wizard. No one except Alik knows this very well. They knew that Thor was very mentally powerful, but they didn't know exactly how strong he was.

When they first heard Sol say this, most people subconsciously didn't want to believe it.

But when they saw that Speaker Alik had no objection at all, they could only accept this fact bitterly.

There were so many third-level wizards present, but they were not as powerful as a third-level wizard who had just been promoted for a few years.

Moreover, his mental strength has actually caught up with the fourth-level wizard, which means that in his lifetime, as long as he is not accidentally damaged, Thor will definitely become a fourth-level wizard.

At this time, Meric lowered his head and did not dare to look at Sol at all.

Thor looked at their reactions and felt amused, "Apart from me, Wizard Douglas is also suitable."

As soon as these words came out, the wizards of the Stargate Council were somewhat surprised and then breathed a sigh of relief.

They were also observing Douglas's reaction to see if there would be an internal conflict with Saul.

But to the disappointment of all the wizards, the smile on Douglas's face did not change. Still looking calm.

Instead, Alik asked: "So you recommend Wizard Douglas?"

"That's not true. After all, Wizard Douglas is not involved in the migration plan. If you let him leave with you, wouldn't it be the people who stay who suffer the loss?" Thor smiled again, looking at the others who were anxious, and was quite relieved, "I I would also recommend Wizard Meric, I wonder if Speaker Alik would be willing to part with it?"

Hearing Sol recommend Meric in the end, other wizards felt that this should be the case. After all, no one in Stargate knows that Thor hates Merici very much.

Meric lowered his head and looked calm.

Sure enough, Speaker Alik did not agree with Saul's recommendation. "Merich is one of the leaders of the plan, and a lot of data must be observed through his special eyes. He is indispensable for the migration plan. Since Saul you recommended None of the candidates are suitable, so I’ll just choose someone at random.”

As soon as he finished speaking, Alik nodded to a third-level wizard present, "It's you. Go back and prepare. First, conduct an out-of-body experiment to ensure the stability of the soul body."

The wizard who was suddenly named turned pale. He never expected that while he was eating the melon, the melon fell on him.

But facing the gazes of Speaker Alik and other wizards, he couldn't even say "no". He could only nodded slightly stiffly, got up and went back to prepare.

Nightmare Butterfly, who always liked to watch other people's jokes, was very happy.

[Hahaha, you see, brother Sol, if you place your hopes of survival on others, you will naturally give up one day! 】

Penny was getting bolder now.

When Thor was still a wizard's apprentice, he didn't dare to say a word in front of Goltha. Now that Thor's mental power is comparable to that of a fourth-level wizard, he dares to laugh loudly in front of Alik.

After finishing the fun, Thor stood up and quickly closed the diary in his mind, directly cutting off Penny's laughter.

"Now that the candidates are confirmed, let's go back first. Let us know when the next experiment starts."

At this time, Meric stood up unexpectedly, "Wizard Thor, Wizard Douglas, this experiment is also thanks to your help. I think that although the final experiment has not been carried out yet, it is time to take you two to see it. Look at the red worm queen.”

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