Did the Queen’s Vest Fall Out?

Chapter 1399: Jade bracelet from granddaughter

The top-quality white suet jade is warm in hand and carefully crafted, and at first glance it comes from the hands of famous masters. Such a precious thing, which should have a soft and lustrous meaning, is now shrouded in a layer of black air. After Lie Yaoyao came into contact, the suffocating aura was obviously a little afraid of her, and she immediately put away her minions, revealing the original appearance of the jade bracelet.

But on it, there were several black lines that were invisible to the naked eye.

Lie Yaoyao's eyebrows sank, is it actually a distraction? Inducing evil spirits, as the name suggests, is to introduce evil spirits from the outside into the body through jewelry that is often worn close to the body. This kind of method is very common in the Xuanmen world, but the effects are various, some just want to provoke evil spirits to toss the host; some want to use this method to kill people over time!

The black thread on the old lady's jade bracelet means that the evil energy it collects during the day will penetrate into the human body through the black thread at night.

Chest tightness and inability to sleep is still a primary symptom. If it is delayed for a while, the host will start to have frequent heart attacks. The old lady looks kind and kind, but I wonder who would harm her in such a rude way?

Lie Yaoyao took the pulse and asked as if chatting, "This bracelet on your hand is so beautiful, where did you buy it?"

The old lady also knows that in order to ease the patient's emotions, many Chinese medicine practitioners will talk about everyday things during the consultation. It happened that she had an inexplicable closeness to the girl in front of her, so she said with a smile, "My granddaughter gave it! She has a jade shop, and she picks up some good things to take home every year. This bracelet... or She gave me a gift three years ago on my 70th birthday."

three years ago…

The time is not right.

In the state of the jade bracelet, this evil spirit has only existed for a year at most.

Lie Yaoyao raised her right hand lightly, and the black evil spirit in the jade bracelet struggled violently. Even if she was reluctant, it quickly melted into her palm as if being sucked by a magnet. After a while, the black energy in the bracelet had been cleared away by her, but the few threads in the jade were still strong. They stood there proudly, as if they were declaring war with her.

To be honest, the evil spirit is easy to get rid of, but the black thread is like a Gu worm, you need to find out who put it down, and then you can take it out in the same way. If it is forcibly removed, not only will the jade bracelet be destroyed, but even the person who controls it will immediately find out!

Lie Yaoyao is not her relative after all. She can help her for a while, but not her whole life.

What's more, she just came to the imperial capital. Everyone here is hiding dragons and crouching tigers, and they are inconspicuous. If she is a powerful person, then her stall under the overpass has not had time to set up, and it is estimated that it will have to be closed.

After thinking for a moment, Lie Yaoyao suddenly thought of someone!

By the way, didn't the fourth child come to the imperial capital recently? I just sent him to check the old lady's details before deciding whether to help out!

Thinking of this, she withdrew her hand and said softly, "The disease is a little weird. My medical skills are not good, so I can't see the problem for the time being. But I have a friend with excellent medical skills, why don't I let him come and see for you?"

It's not good to be able to explain her condition at a glance, but to shirk her medical skills? The old lady was obviously stunned, and instantly understood what she meant - this girl is very smart, she must be afraid of getting into trouble!

There was a slight smile on his face, but his heart suddenly sank...

It seems... the source of her illness is not her own!

Lie Yaoyao was afraid of the old lady's worry, so he comforted: "Don't worry, my friend's medical skills are good, and he is also famous in the imperial capital—"

"Old lady!"

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