Did the Queen’s Vest Fall Out?

Chapter 281: Ugly slave special effect makeup rain fall happy birthday acridine, belated blessing

Bai Qi's special effect scar makeup took two hours.

Due to the criss-crossing scars set in the original plan, a lot of white glue was used. After Bai Qi simply smeared some refreshing skin lotion, Qiuyue began to paint her base makeup.

Mix the white latex with flour and mix it into a paste. After dipping it with a cotton swab, apply it to the forehead, eye corners, cheeks, bridge of the nose, chin and other areas a little bit. After pulling out a strip of slender scars, wait for it to dry naturally, and then use a beauty brush to pick up various eye shadows to adjust the corresponding color.

Since Ugly Slave has left these scars for a long time, it is not difficult to color or something, and they are basically gray and old colors. The only thing you need to pay attention to is the position of the scar. Every time you play in the future, the position of the scar will not be exactly the same, at least it can't be misplaced too much.

Therefore, Qiuyue chose several memory points.

Bai Qi'an quietly cooperated with make-up, such a beautiful face gradually changed beyond recognition under Qiuyue's hands.

Every stroke, every stroke, with all the sad memories of Chou Slave, showed on Bai Qi's face.

From noble and generous, to falling into the dust.

From the hope for the future, to the loss of all luster, like a sword covered with dust and rust... Lying there quietly, full of stories.

Qiuyue finished the painting carefully, looked at it carefully, and her heart became heavy unconsciously: "Miss Bai, the painting is done."

Bai Qi opened his eyes and looked at himself in the mirror.

The gray, white and black scars overlapped and twisted, making it impossible to distinguish the original appearance. I don't know if it's because women don't like to take care of makeup, or because the war is too tight to pay attention to. Her hair was simply tied in a bun, and the shabby headband was exposed, casual and slightly shabby. A stray strand of hair hung down from his forehead and was simply tied behind his ear.

A very amazing face, people can't help taking a breath when they see it.

sky! How much has this been done?

Qiuyue sighed deeply: "Ah..."

A beautiful beauty turned into an ugly monster like this... She felt a little uncomfortable in her heart.

Bai Qi turned his head, but was quite satisfied: "Yes! It's good!"

Looking up at the clock hanging on the wall, Bai Qi raised his legs and walked out.

There were originally several scenes in the afternoon, but because Lu Xinran dragged on for too long in the morning, Director Liu guessed that the group scenes would be more laborious, so he just planned to do one!

The plot goes like this:

The ugly slave came back from Weiyang City, and after recuperating, went to the big tent to find the sound. At that time, Li Fei Nongyin was discussing the situation, and Li Qi returned with a team of dark guards. The siblings met for the first time after many years.

The original book is very vague about this description, just mentioning a sentence, the ugly slave looked up at the person who came, and his face that had always been calm suddenly sank.

But at that time, Li Fei thought that Chou slave mistook Li Qi as an enemy, so he specially explained: "This is my subordinate, Li Qi."

Compared with the original, the newly revised script has not changed much, and it has not added any **** confession scenes to this scene!

No drama, no robbing, the plot in the big tent is still focused on discussing the situation.

The rest is up to the actors themselves.

When I walked to the set, several leading actors had already been in place one after another. Bai Qi's makeup was time-consuming, so she came last.

Seeing her, everyone's eyes widened in amazement!


Is this too true?

Although in previous dramas, it's not that you haven't seen any ugly makeup and special effects makeup. Even for the necessity of the plot reversal, many peerless beauties will paint some ugly makeup before "transformation".

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