Fang Zheng thinks so.

But unfortunately, when he came to Goddess of Order’s space again, the first thing he heard was Goddess of Order’s greeting.

“Come on, come on, Fang Zheng, there are good things to see!”

As Goddess of Order’s yelled, Fang Zheng walked over helplessly. Then he glanced at the picture in front of him and… the two men on the picture.

Amamiya Ren and Xunji lie down together, at this moment they are crossing hands, looking at each other affectionately. However, at this time, a sudden knock on the door sounded, and then the closed gate suddenly pushed aside, and Sakamoto Ryuji rushed in.

“Lian, you…”


Looking at Ryuuji’s face mixed with anger and surprise, Amamiya Ren couldn’t help turning her head and looking to the side. And after Xunji, he extended the hand and put his arms around Amamiya Ren’s neck.

“Ryuji Senpai, I’m sorry, but it seems that Ren Senpai still prefers to be with me.”

“wū……… hmph! !!!”

Hearing Tatsumi’s answer, Ryuji Sakamoto seemed to be punched head-on, his body shook a few times, and then clenched the teeth turned and left.


Looking at Ryuji who turned and left, Amamiya Ren hurriedly got up, but at this time, Tatsumi caught him The shoulders forced him to look at himself.

“You can’t go, I can’t let you go, Senpai, if you go, what should myself do? I can’t live without you!”

” End two……”

“Don’t worry, Senpai.”

While talking, Tatsumi finished her and pushed Amamiya Ren on the bed again.

“I will let you forget him, you don’t need to think about anything, just remember me…Senpai…”

“cough cough. “

Seeing this, Fang Zheng gave a dry cough, and the picture disappeared immediately. At this time, Goddess of Order suddenly cried out in dissatisfaction.

“What are you doing? I haven’t watched enough yet, the next thing is wonderful!”

“You can record it and look back again. Is it really your ghost?”

When the incarnation was Airi, Fang Zheng felt as if he was being watched by Goddess of Order. Now it seems that it is not an illusion!

“It’s not my fault either. As the god of love, I naturally have to listen to the prayers of those lambs who are eager for guidance.”

“So you put others Lead on the road of engaging in chickens?”

“This is also a great form of love. Rather, it is true love because of the courage to breakthrough the world and ordinary laws!”


“Speaking of which you are indeed interested…”

Hearing Goddess of Order’s enthusiastic answer, Fang Zheng silently extended the hand to hold his forehead. He remembered it at this moment. He did hear Goddess of Order say “I like this feeling of breaking through taboos” before….Forget it, Fang Zheng doesn’t want to be here with this pervert. Discuss.

“What are you doing? Are you not the same?”

“I am just ordinary, friendship between girls, don’t put our pure Lily with you Damn it, it’s okay to engage in mention on equal terms.”

Fang Zheng decided not to get entangled with Goddess of Order on this kind of mess.

“In short, I came to you for the previous plan…. The server is set up, and now we are short of the final central core. Do you have any good recommendations?”

“Even if you say that…”

Goddess of Order’s head swayed to at Fang Zheng’s side and turned around.

“The central core area is hard to find. You have also discovered that this kind of place is easier to connect to the world, so it is also a very important occasion for the Order family. Generally speaking, it has already been developed. An undeveloped border like the Alfalfa galaxy where you are located is nothing more than good luck. If it weren’t for the sudden eruption of the Chaos wave, I’m afraid it would be re-developed by the Order family sooner or later.”

“Yes…Transportation hubs are all important…”

Fang Zheng was also sighed when he heard Goddess of Order’s talking. Of course he knew it was hard to find, but what is the solution? ? This is like a world swept by zombie. Normal people know that it is safer to go to remote areas such as rural borders, but bustling big cities and transportation ports will definitely become zombie’s nest.

“According to your statement, the high-speed channel is trapped and cannot be activated. In this case, it is not easy to get to the central core galaxy, at least… normal practice is difficult to achieve.”

“So you mean there is an abnormal method?”


Said till here, Goddess of Order nodded, then Along with her movements, a star map suddenly appeared in the empty space where there was nothing.

“According to the ancient records of the Order family, our ancestor member No. 11875 discovered the existence of the central core galaxy and the characteristics of connecting the various worlds before five thousand eight million and six thousand three hundred and twenty-five years ago. And After research, five years later, I published a multi-dimensional resonance and interoperability paper on space channel…”

“Thank you for speaking.”

“In short, it is Explore.”


“Yes, if you walk all the way down from the source of the river, you will inevitably reach the sea. According to the records of our ancestors at that time, he thought that almost The worlds of all dimensions are connected by some kind of connection, just like a huge spider web, and each world is a point of the spider web. We can follow the point of the spider web to explore inside, and then find it all the way The next point of interaction…This is also the method used by the Order family to develop the central core in the first place.”

“That’s what you said, but we are not engaged in the western development. It’s not about playing Red Dead Redemption, nor is it about Columbus exploring the New World. It’s not about choosing a direction at random, then it will be alright.”

Now Fang Zheng has also discovered that the number of worlds connected to the central world Wanji, there are almost as many stars as there are in the sky, of course, if he simply has the mentality of traveling, then random exploration is nothing. But if you are looking for a designated target, then be careful to make a joke about acting in a way that defeats one’s purpose.

“You can look for signs.”


“The developed central core area must be contaminated, very difficult to deal with, So you can follow the contaminated, distorted and distorted world to find the next central core. There is also a suggestion. Generally, in the central core area connected to the other world, there are local creatures who are good at crossing the world. You too You can ask for their help. Sometimes, their local tyrants know the local environment far better than our own.”

“What you said…”

Hearing Goddess of Order’s suggestion, Fang Zheng suddenly remembered the plane businessman who helped her send Touma Kazusa back to the love world. She seemed quite good at this.

speaking of which, Fang Zheng did see several passages connecting to Earth in the star realm at that time. At that time, he also asked the plane businessman. The other said that the star realm is unlimited and connected to countless plane worlds. Here comes…

After bidding farewell to Goddess of Order, Fang Zheng returned to his room, then he took it out of his pocket, and then took out the crystal skull phone———— Soon, at the moment Fang Zheng took it out, a bright light suddenly appeared in the dark eye sockets of the crystal skull, and then a relaxed and cheerful voice came from its mouth.

“Ah, Fang Zheng-san, long time no see, what’s the matter at this time?”

“This technology is really awesome.”

Looking at the crystal skull with no quality problems in front of him, Fang Zheng couldn’t help but sigh. You must know that even with Tendoukyuu’s current technology, it cannot be completely connected across the plane space, and Fang Zheng is currently in Star City, where various magic and technology protective barriers are naturally imposed, and the skull in front of him actually completely ignores everything. The isolation of technology and magic made direct contact with me who was far away from knowing what the hell.

The plane merchant really has its own uniqueness.

“Hello, Stefal Young Lady, it is indeed long time no see.”

Fang Zheng coughed and stared at the skull.

“I think everyone’s time is precious, so I don’t waste too much, let’s get to the point… You said before that there are countless planes connected to the stars, right?”

“Yes, this is the common sense of astral travelers.”

“So, do you think there is another place similar to the astral world? Like a place with many doors?”

“Of course.”

However, Stefal gave Fang Zheng’s answer very simply.

“This is no secret among us astral travellers. The astral universe is infinite. Even those of us travellers explore only a small part. Perhaps even if the devil of Batol’s hell is extinct , We cannot always figure out how big the star realm is. After a lifetime, the secrets in the star realm are still unsolvable mysteries, but we do know some dust and rumors. There is more than one road to the outer realm, the existence of doors It’s the same.”

“Can you show me a way?”

“This…I’m afraid it won’t work.”



“Because there was a problem with that road, a long time ago, another plane leading to the door seemed to be swallowed by some unknown energy. After that, the road was abandoned. “

“Have you not sent anyone to check it out?”

“I am a businessman, not an adventurer, Fang Zheng-san.”

Stefa Er’s voice didn’t fluctuate at all, it was as calm as talking about the weather today.

“My pursuit is not excitement, but interest. Numerous star realm adventurers have embarked on that path, but none of them came back alive. This alone is enough to discourage all plane merchants. I am very sorry, I would rather deal with Astimos than go to that place.”

“If I need your help.”

hearing this Fang Zheng was not disappointed, on the contrary, he became more excited. If he does what Stifal said, then it is likely that it is a central core node polluted by Chaos!

“Then it depends on what kind of reward you can pay.”

“What do you want?”

Send Touma Kazusa back to love last time In the world, Stefal walked along from Fang Zheng to a Gundam with a mustache. This time I don’t know what she wants.

“Fang Zheng-san is up to you then.”


“Yes, what price do you want to pay What about?”


Like “free”, this kind of “look and give” is the most annoying.

However, Fang Zheng shined right now and thought of a good idea.

“I can tell you part of the situation, Stefal Young Lady, I actually have a plan…”

While speaking, Fang Zheng said Stifal’s “transmigrator action plan” is described.

“Oh? This is really interesting, but what does it have to do with me?”

Stefal’s tone does sound a bit interesting, but that’s all That’s it.

“It’s very simple. When the system is completed, as a reward, I will invite Stefal Young Lady to become the sole supplier of the system… What do you think?”

No Wrong, this is the means of negotiation that Fang Zheng thought of. When he was incarnation Airi before, he found that there were too few things that could be exchanged in the system he created, and considering that once the system was completed, there would be more and more transmigrators. If the redemption store is not updated, players will lose interest.

But it seemed very troublesome to let Fang Zheng find it on his own. However, on the way to contact with Stefal, Fang Zheng suddenly thought of this good way.

The transmigrator can teleport the world things they collected through the system, and hand it over to Stefal for finishing. At the same time, as a plane merchant who runs around the streets and collect treasures everywhere in the world, Stefal also has an additional channel to sell his goods. Simply put, Fang Zheng gives Stefal one. The platform of opening an online shop will not only allow Stefal to acquire more treasures from various worlds, but also update the system’s exchange library in real time, showing more treasures for players to exchange.

Fang Zheng doesn’t need to run around, as long as he checks and confirms that what Stifal gave is okay.

Otherwise, if you cross to Zhen Huan’s biography, and then exchange for the T virus frantically…………

Or in Huanzhu Gegri Summon Gundam to fight against the Qing Dynasty……………

Fang Zheng is sure these guys can do anything.

“This seems to be a good proposal.”

After listening to Fang Zheng’s conditions, Stefal seemed to be really interested. The Crystal Skull was silent for a moment, and then gave answer.

“Please let me think about it.”

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