“Why is the world destroyed these days?”

Looking at the ruins of the city in front of him, Fang Zheng only felt that he didn’t even have the time to sigh.

Think about it carefully, it seems that, except for Shakugan no Shana world, which allows him to enjoy a smooth daily routine, the rest of the world is either destroyed or destroyed…I can’t enjoy the ordinary Your daily life?

“It’s Japan again…but it’s not surprising.”

Looked at the rusty street sign, Fang Zheng quickly figured out where he was. position. He should be outside Tokyo right now… But when did Tokyo become such a ghost? Is it Godzilla’s world? Aiya, if it’s Godzilla, it’s great. Fang Zheng is waiting to get the body of Godzilla back and let Zerg learn to put EMP!


“Well, it doesn’t look like Godzilla.”

Fang Zheng lifts the head and looks In the distance, he saw several huge black stone tablets standing in the ruins of the city in the distance. To be honest, Fang Zheng couldn’t figure out what these stone tablets were used for. If it is a monument, it is a bit too high. But if it is a city wall, it is unlikely, because these stone tablets are placed one by one. Whose city wall still has such a big gap?

“In short, there seems to be a gathering place for human beings. Let’s go and see the situation.”

While speaking, Fang Zheng walked forward.

After turning two streets, Fang Zheng finally came to the human gathering area he had sensed before, but after seeing the scene before him, Fang Zheng became more confused.

“What the hell world is this?”

You know, judging from the ruins where Fang Zheng was just now, this World obviously seems to be the kind of imminent Destroyed worlds, such as Resident Evil, Godzilla, or Edge of Tomorrow. In Fang Zheng’s imagination, such places are usually human tortoises hiding in their refuge, shiver coldly waiting for death It’s right here. It’s like the kind of refuge he saw in the Fire Dragon Empire, or the militarized control place in the Edge of Tomorrow world.

But now…

“I fucking back to the daily world?”

Fang Zheng’s eyes widened and looked at the busy traffic in front of him. The scene is no different from the ordinary daily world, and then turned his head, looked toward the ruins behind him — nothing wrong, and I didn’t have an illusion.

What kind of world is here?

Walking on the noisy street, Fang Zheng carefully observes all around. Although the city feels like a smooth daily life, Fang Zheng can feel that there is a certain unpleasant smell in the air. After traveling through so many worlds, Fang Zheng has learned more and more about each world. Just like clothes made of different materials produce different flavors, in fact, the air in each world also contains With different flavors.

For example, the world of Edge of Tomorrow contains a certain smell of iron and blood, and the world of the Fire Dragon Empire feels like it is from a dying person in a hospital bed. , The kind of sweet smell with a bit foul smell. But this World is particularly bad for Fang Zheng’s perception. Although on the surface, everything here still maintains an order, and the streets are full of traffic, happy laughter and cheerful voices. However, Fang Zheng could faintly feel that from this city, and even everyone in this city, a cold, dark and depraved smell was exuding. It’s like the kind of breath he felt from cultists when he faced them in the main world.

Chaos, depravity, evil.

It’s really unpleasant.

Fang Zheng frowned as he looked at the smiling people walking on the street. What is going on in this World? Obviously these people seem to be normal, why do they have a smell of cultist?

“Get out! Monster!”

And at this time, Fang Zheng suddenly caught a roar of anger in his ears, and he turned his head subconsciously and made a voice Looking in the direction, a group of people were around there, seeming to be swearing.

“This is not where you monsters should come! Get out!”

“Get out!”

What happened?

Hearing these roars, Fang Zheng frowned, then he walked forward. Then Fang Zheng saw a scene that surprised him.

What I saw was a girl who looked almost seven or eight years old. She had long silver white hair and was wearing a worn skirt, which looked like a beggar. . But what surprised Fang Zheng most was that the girl had cat-like ears on her head!

Is this a fantasy world? But it doesn’t look like it?

Fang Zheng looked toward all around, except for this girl, the appearances of others are no different from human beings. In other words, this is not a fantasy magical world, but…why does this girl have Association President cat ears? And why should those people treat her like this?

“This damn monster…Kill her!”

While looking at the shiver coldly girl, none of the surrounding people showed the slightest pity, on the contrary, they seemed to More and more angry and crazy. Fang Zheng even saw a few people picking up rocks from the ground and smashing them at the girl!

what the hell is happening!

Seeing this scene, Fang Zheng’s complexion darkened, he slammed to the girl’s face, and then extended the hand to wave forward.

“Bang peng~ peng~!!”

The next moment, along with Fang Zheng’s movement, the stones that were smashed towards the girl shattered instantly. Looking at Fang Zheng who suddenly appeared in front of the girl, the crowd all around was also taken aback.

“Who are you? Do you want to shelter this monster?”


Hearing the question from a person, Fang Zheng raised his brows. And before he could speak again, others also spoke.

“Yes, be careful that this monster eats you!”

“Still unhappy, get out of here!”

“wū…… … wū……… “

Hearing the roar of the crowd, the girl curled up more and more and let out a mournful cry. It looked as if she was all over the street and was abandoned. The kitten is average. Looking at the girl beside him, Fang Zheng extended the hand and stroked her hair lightly. Feeling Fang Zheng’s touch, the girl lifts the head in surprise and stares at him.

“Can you stand up?”


Facing Fang Zheng’s outstretched hand, the girl was nodded, and then cautiously extended Put the hand on Fang Zheng’s hand and stand up. And seeing this scene, the crowd all around seemed to become more angry.

“Do you even want to protect this kind of monster? Are you still a human? Asshole!”

With an angry shout, a middle-aged man raised the stone in his hand , Smashed at Fang Zheng and the girl forcefully. Upon seeing this scene, Fang Zheng’s face sank slightly.

“courting death!”


The voice did not fall, I saw a dark shadow momentarily burst out at Fang Zheng’s side, Forbidden Whip roared out, tearing all around the crowd like a hurricane, and knocking them out.



“My legs!!! Help! Help!!!”

“hmph, a bunch of trash.”

Glanced over those who were blown by the Forbidden Whip and fell to the ground and howled, Fang Zheng coldly snorted. A group of ordinary persons actually take pleasure in bullying a child. If this is the case, let these guys also come and taste the feeling of being bullied.

“Call the police! Call the police! Someone is killing here!”

Are there any mistakes?

Seeing the people all around picking up the phone to call the police, Fang Zheng only felt that he was confused. Here that many adults bully a child and you don’t call the police. Laozi has taken care of them and you will call the police once they have a meal? Is this world normal? Isn’t this group of people a brain problem?

Forget it, now is not the time to chat with the police here.

Looked around those people, Fang Zheng extend the hand and hug the girl beside him.

“Let’s get out of here first!”

“Ah, yes…”

Facing Fang Zheng’s sudden behavior, the girl was shocked. , But soon, she was well-behaved nodded. Fang Zheng didn’t hesitate anymore, body flashed, and disappeared into the street with the girl.

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