The battle is finally about to begin.

Fang Zheng stood on a hillside not far away, looking at the soldiers below. At present, the interior of the Tokyo Special Administrative Region is fairly stable, and the reason is very simple. Although the media has reported a large number of Gastrea all around, it is not at all Golden Ox. And the giant stone tablet made of 錵 is also very safe. What’s wrong with not at all. In most people’s minds, as long as the giant stone tablet is okay, then the Tokyo Special Administrative Region is safe.

Not to mention that the official cover up the news about the Golden Ox seat. Only a few people know this secret. And the Golden Ox seat has always been stealth in the deep sea. Only through satellites can it capture the fluctuations it emits from time to time to determine the path and direction of Golden Ox.

Currently, the Tokyo Special Administrative Region has formulated a combat plan. The War Section team must first clean up all Gastrea located in Narita and Ryugasaki, and then build defense lines here. In order to attack Golden Ox seat on Kashima instantly after landing on Kashima, in order to completely knock it back or kill it. If this is not possible, the Tokyo Special Administrative Region can also be given enough time to respond – at least to allow the senior officials of aloof and remote to leave early.

And ordinary people…just do it whatever, after all, this has destroyed the entire Earth, driving human civilization to Zodiac, which is on the verge of destruction. There are thousands of cities destroyed in front of them, and there is no fear that one more will come.

At the moment, those soldiers are fighting Gastrea, and Fang Zheng and the others—are watching the excitement nearby.

It’s not that they work hard, but the Self-Defense Forces asked them not to go to the front without getting an order, so Fang Zheng simply found a shady place behind and started a dark scene with other children. Going to play games.

Although Midori Fuse and the others were surprised and surprised by this order, Fang Zheng didn’t think there was anything wrong with it. You must know that these Self-Defense Forces were the “heritors” of the Second Original Intestine War. In fact, they won the Second Original Intestine War eight years ago and saved the people here from the brink of extinction. And with such glorious “historical merit”, these soldiers are of course full of confidence in themselves. This is also the reason why Seitenshi’s proposal was difficult to pass in the parliament. Eight years ago, because of the victory of the second bowel war, many officers at that time were among the top ranks, and they are now considered to be in high positions. For them, as long as they deal with Gastrea, there is no difference between eight years ago and eight years later. There were no damn monsters before, and they also eliminated Gastrea, so until now, these military representatives are quite unhappy with Tendoukyuu.

And this time is the same. The orders given by people are not polite, and even threats such as “If you do not listen to the order and arrive at the front line, you will not be responsible for the accidental injury.”

What else can Fang Zheng say about this?

Fishing is the most important thing!

Of course, the other party is not blindly confident in doing so.


“They can really toss.”

Listening to the rumbling sound of the fighter whistled past in the air, Fang Zheng rubbed his ears uncomfortably, and wanted to take a nap. As a result, these damn bastards acted as if they were deliberately against themselves, and carried out a series of uninterrupted aerial bombardments on those Gastrea.

It’s just that the air unit that bullied others didn’t come, and only dared to show off one’s military strength to the ground unit, and then send the infantry to make up the sword. What’s so good about it?

Fang Zheng really doesn’t know where these people’s confidence comes from. Gastrea also has a flying type, but it didn’t appear this time. Do they really think that Gastrea can be solved by mortar and high-altitude bombing? Forget it, anyway, my mission is to clean up the mess, so whoever cleans up the mess is the same — the result is a mess.

“Big Brother, do they really need our help?”

Looking at the position in the distance, Midori Fuse asked a little worried. The continuous high-altitude bombing by those guys was still effective, and basically all the Gastrea in the War Zone was wiped out. And now these soldiers are also starting to set up Defensive Arrays here. Of course, no one cares about Fang Zheng and these “Cursed Children”, and Fang Zheng doesn’t bother to deal with them.

“No, those people also have their own self-esteem, just let them toss it.”

While talking, Fang Zheng extended the hand and touched Midori Fuse. Squeezed her cute cat ears at the same time. And Little Loli is face turned red, but not at all avoiding, but like a cute kitten, in turn rubs Fang Zheng’s hand.

“Big Brother’s hands… so warm…”


And at this time, Enju suddenly Jumped out from the side.

“Xiaocui, you are so cunning! This time this Young Lady will also–!”

“I said you have enough.”

After pressing Enju Aihara, Fang Zheng pushed her back in angrily. Since the first time he was succeeded by Tina’s “sneak attack”, the other children almost seemed to have received some hints. Not only did they collectively block Fang Zheng to kiss him after the battle (Finally, Fang Zheng everyone A kiss on the cheek is considered a pass), and even after that, once Fang Zheng behaves a little more intimately with a child, if the person next to him sees it, he will immediately rush over and ask for the same treatment—but it’s okay Fang Zheng is a decent man. Except for the Tina sneak attack, he has not done anything worthy of the police to these children.

This time Fang Zheng brought more “adjusters” than before, a total of 35 people, these all are now after the adjustments are completed, fight Gastrea, and will not have much psychology A burden, or strong willed, child who is willing to go to the battlefield.

In fact, Fang Zheng has transformed more than 300 “adjusters” so far, but Fang Zheng not at all let them all join the battle. Even on paper, many adjusters have very high values, but one thing is overlooked, they are still children.

And still a child less than ten years old.

Anything can happen on the battlefield. Surrounded by Gastrea, or ambushed by someone in the dark, the team is swept down, the companion is injured or killed, facing a crisis of life and death. These things are just a rigorously trained recruit who may not be able to accept them after they actually set foot on the battlefield, let alone these children.

For example, it’s like facing a gun. Almost all “Cursed Children” have dynamic vision that can capture the trajectory of bullets with no difficulty, and have the speed and reaction ability to easily avoid shooting. Whether it is a pistol or an automatic rifle, as long as they want to avoid it, they can definitely avoid it.

But why are that many Cursed Children still shot? The reason is that the moment they were pointed at by the muzzle of the black hole, the whole person was completely blank in their brains, completely losing their response. They hardly remember anything except instinctive dodge. Not to mention observing the position of the muzzle and calculating the ballistic trajectory.

Actually, the ordinary person is the same. Many people watch the movie as the villain takes the gun. Why don’t the people next to you complain about hiding? But only when they are actually pointed at by the gun will they find that they are fundamentally involved. I can’t even move, let alone hide.

And such “Cursed Children”, even after adjustment, Fang Zheng will not let them on the battlefield. Otherwise, even if they have the ability to easily deal with stage IGastrea, they might be swallowed alive by those monsters. This is not a game, you can go straight up without the slightest hesitation with one mouse click.

Because of this, after rigorous training and exercises, Fang Zheng first screened out a hundred “adjusters” with outstanding combat capabilities, and then took them to the ground for actual combat with Gastrea , The result… there were less than 30 people who successfully passed and became members of the battle this time, and the others were eventually sent back to Tendoukyuu by Fang Zheng for various reasons.

But to deal with those Gastrea, this is more than enough.

“Well, the battle will start in the middle of the night. You should go to rest first. Otherwise, if you don’t get enough sleep, you won’t have the strength to fight at night.”

Touched Enju’s little girl In his head, Fang Zheng quickly gave orders to the girls around him. Although so far, no one knows when the Gastrea led by Golden Ox will arrive. However, with the help of his own divination spell and Future Sight, Fang Zheng knows very well that they will start to land on the beach in the middle of the night. As for the result…

Well, let’s sell it.

Looking at the Defensive Array in the distance, Fang Zheng yawned silently, then leaned against the tree next to him and closed his eyes.

Now, I can finally have a good dream.

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