The convoy drove slowly out of the ruins, and then stopped in front of Fang Zheng. Soon, several bodyguards wearing black clothed walked out of the car. They held weapons and watched all around vigilantly. Immediately afterwards, the middle door opened, and then a burly man walked out of it.

That is the president of Osaka Prefecture-Sogen Saitake.

“Fang Zheng-san, I really didn’t expect that you would invite me to meet here.”

“You said it yourself, and hope to talk to me in detail.”


Fang Zheng yawned and looked at the man in front of him with a smile. Not long ago, Fang Zheng received a call from Sogen Saitake, hoping to discuss it with himself. Of course he knows what idea this ambitious man has made, but it just so happens that Fang Zheng needs to have a good “talk” with him now.

“This is the prison Tendoukyuu uses to detain those prisoners?”

Sogen Saitake is not an idiot, of course, you must figure out where you are going before you come, which is why The reason he would come with a large number of bodyguards. Of course, this is just a gesture, Sogen Saitake is very confident, the other party will not do anything outrageous to himself. More importantly, he thinks that the bargaining chip he gave is enough for Tendoukyuu to make a choice.

When I think of the power of Tendoukyuu I have seen in the video before, Sogen Saitake feels hot inside. If he can have such power, let alone rule the entire world, even the entire world. problem!

This is the beginning of an era! And he! Will be the leader of this era! !

Sogen Saitake is not worried that Fang Zheng will reach an agreement with Seitenshi. Like others, he believes that the Cursed Children of Fang Zheng’s subordinate can exert such a powerful force, and Fang Zheng must be responsible for them. Some modifications or even biological experiments (although strictly speaking this is indeed not wrong). And this thing, that naive Seitenshi is definitely unacceptable.

But he is different, as long as he can fulfill his wish, even if he sells his soul to the devil, he does not matter!


I heard Sogen Saitake’s inquiry, Fang Zheng nodded.

“I think there should be more candid cooperation and exchanges between our two sides. What you see now is Tendoukyuu’s secret… This is my sincerity.”

Fang Zheng didn’t say it wrong. Only him, Tiriel, Mylune, and Zerg knew about this. Kayo and the others didn’t know this, and Fang Zheng didn’t intend to let them know. Although this is done for them, it is better not to let these children know about many things.

“so that’s how it is.”

Hearing Fang Zheng’s reply, Sogen Saitake nodded, a smile appeared at the same time.

“Then, please lead the way.”

“Of course, please follow me.”

While talking, Fang Zheng made a request Gestures, and then led Sogen Saitake into this abandoned factory.

“Mr. Saitake, I don’t know what do you think of alien creatures?”

Walking into the factory, Fang Zheng suddenly raised such a question that surprised Sogen Saitake. After hearing Fang Zheng’s inquiry, Sogen Saitake stunned, then he spoke.

“Alien creature? To be honest, I really haven’t thought about this…”


hearing this Fang Zheng turned his head and swept Sogen Saitake a glance with interest.

“It really surprised me, don’t you ever think that those Gastrea Virus may be alien creatures from outside of Skyrim?”


Faced with Fang Zheng’s unexpected question, Sogen Saitake was also taken aback, and then his face twitched a few weird times, which was nodded.

“In this way…it seems to be true…but Fang Zheng-san, you know, in the current environment, we humans are doing our best just to survive, like this The thing…We…”

“That’s what I said.”

Hearing Sogen Saitake’s answer, Fang Zheng just silently swept him a glance, and then stopped. Stepped down.

“But…I think Mr. Saitake, it’s better to start thinking about this issue now.”

“…What do you mean by this? Fang Zheng-san “

Sogen Saitake is not a fool either. Hearing Fang Zheng’s words, his face suddenly changed slightly and he took a few steps back. And his bodyguards and subordinates also hurriedly gathered around, surrounding Sogen Saitake in the middle. At this moment they have entered the interior of this abandoned factory, where there is nothing except some abandoned machines all around. So Sogen Saitake at first is not particularly worried, but now… he is not a fool either, Fang Zheng’s tone is obviously abnormal!

“Very simple, I just hope you can be mentally prepared.”

Looking at Sogen Saitake’s reaction in front of him, Fang Zheng slightly smiled, then he squinted his eyes and looked To the people in front of you.

At the moment Fang Zheng watched, Sogen Saitake and the others suddenly felt a strong sense of fear and broke out in their deep down without warning. These people were even too late. He took out his weapon, rolled his eyes and fell to the ground in a coma.

“Humans are really fragile.”

Looking at Sogen Saitake and his subordinates, Fang Zheng curl one’s lip, who fell to the ground all the way, then he raised his hand and hit Snap fingers. Soon, from the shadow of all around, one after another Hydralisk and Alien emerged from it, surrounding these unconscious humans.

Later, Lunara also walked out from behind.

“This is the first batch of experimental products.”

Fang Zheng raised his chin when facing Sogen Saitake on the ground.

“Leave it to you, Lunara, you know what to do.”

“Of course, Master.”

I heard Fang Zheng’s command, Lunara nodded , Then she turned around and gave the order. Soon, the Hydralisk and Alien grabbed the unconscious prey and dragged them into the basement.

In this way, the plan is officially launched.

Looking at this scene in front of him, Fang Zheng closed his eyes and sighed insignificantly.

He had this idea after meeting Sogen Saitake before. Before that, Fang Zheng still wondered whether or not to use Zerg to push this World. But after meeting this ambitious leader of the Osaka Special Administrative Region, Fang Zheng suddenly discovered that even if he didn’t make a direct shot, he could still conquer this world. Because in this world, there is no shortage of people full of ambitions, and if he can subdue all these people, then this World will not fall into his own hands?

So Fang Zheng made a plan based on the horror films he had watched.

First, he asked Zerg to develop a Zerg unit that fully obeys the Swarm leader, but at the same time can perfectly simulate and control the host. And this is what Lunara has done. By reconstructing Changeling’s genes, it has successfully improved Changeling. It can enter the host’s body, swallow and digest the host’s brain, and then re-simulate it into a brand new brain. In this way, it is guaranteed that the Changeling unit itself has the memory of the host, and the will of the host itself is guaranteed to be completely destroyed.

This also means that the host invaded by Changeling will soon become a member of Swarm.

Of course, from the outside, he will not be any different from before, and even his actions, habits and language will not change in any way. However, they are all loyal to Swarm.

Next, what Fang Zheng needs to do is to use this changeling to control all the heads of power and the high-level masters in the dark world, turning them all into his own subordinates. Afterwards, he will pass these high-levels and issue protection orders against “Cursed Children” while adopting a high-pressure posture.

Of course, in this way, it will certainly trigger the dissatisfaction of the “era”, but this is exactly what Fang Zheng hopes. Once the bills for preferential treatment of “Cursed Children” are released, those “erased era” will definitely jump out, and these people will become the second batch of infected persons of Fang Zheng Changeling, due to Zerg’s obedience characteristics. Therefore, as long as all these people are infected with mutations, then in cooperation with the high-pressure administrative bill, a very harmonious environment for “Cursed Children” will soon be formed. And then Fang Zheng will use this to gradually change the entire human society…

In the end, in Fang Zheng’s vision, this World will form a coexistence of Zerg, humans and Cursed Children Happening. Among them, Zerg will be responsible for ruling and controlling, and Cursed Children will be used to become Fang Zheng Tendoukyuu’s backup human resources. As for human beings…whether they will be breeding tools or useful talents depends on their own choice.

Of course, Fang Zheng not at all intends to eliminate Gastrea now. In fact, because of the existence of Gastrea, human beings now confine themselves to such a gathering place. For Changeling, this It is the best infected area. Humans cannot leave here either. Once they leave the shelter of the giant stone tablet, they will be attacked by Gastrea and die. It can be said that precisely because of this, this last oasis of mankind has also become an excellent testing ground for Fang Zheng.

Fang Zheng was hesitant at first, but now…he has made a decision.

In order to save those children, the ultimate BOSS of this World, let yourself be!

It’s not the first time anyway!

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