
Putting down the files in his hand, Fang Zheng lifts the head to look out the window. Looking around, you can see the endless grassland, as well as the rivers and lakes in the distance. There are small towns full of European style and…three schools built on the hills not far away.

These are also the three schools finally selected by Fang Zheng from the exchange list. Although these three schools are separated from each other, they share the same dormitory building. For Fang Zheng, this is a design that is quite in line with his wishes. In the end, he spent five thousand furniture coins, exchanged these three schools, and placed them on a hill not far below the town. In this way, the goals in Fang Zheng’s plan are basically achieved.

And this is also the prototype of the Tendoukyuu administrative system currently designed by Fang Zheng.

For these three schools, Fang Zheng is responsible for Hecate, Tiriel and Nymph. Due to the different division of labor, the characteristics of the three schools are also different. Of course, according to the characteristics of the three summon creatures , The names of these three schools have also been changed.

First of all, Hecate’s “Seireiden” — Like Seireiden in Shakugan no Shana world, Hecate is mainly responsible for cultivating talents who fight frontally and maintain orders, while Midori Fuse, Kayo Senju and Tina They belong to this Academy. If anything, Hecate is responsible for cultivating the “police” who maintains the law and order of Tendoukyuu, and the “army” who is responsible for fighting and defending the outside world.

Next is Tiriel’s “Cradle Garden” — the opposite of Seireiden, Tiriel cultivates talents in housekeeping. Including document processing, and internal rectification, as well as diplomacy and other aspects of learning and training. It can be said that Tiriel and Hecate are just one civil and one military, and they complement each other.

Nymph’s “Synapse” is a completely different structure —angel-chan is in charge of completely scientific and technical aspects, that is to say, here is responsible for Tendoukyuu’s technological development and upgrading content. According to Nymph’s suggestion, she intends to complement Synapse’s technology with the main world’s alchemy and develop a new system suitable for Tendoukyuu. Fang Zheng naturally has no comments on this.

Because Tendoukyuu is really short of manpower, Fang Zheng had to choose to use the “sister system” he had seen in many Lily animations-that is, it was formed by lower grades and upper grades. Sisterhood, care for each other. At least this way, the current shortage of manpower can be minimized.

Of course, since these Cursed Children are all good children, there is no need to worry about what they will cause, but considering the shortage of manpower, even the teaching methods now seem a little different. Hecate, Tiriel and Nymph not at all chose to teach everyone. On the contrary, they all first selected a group of Cursed Children who were smarter and easy to absorb knowledge, and taught them enough knowledge and content to ensure they mastered After these contents, the Cursed Children themselves will teach other students as Sensei.

This also means that these three schools currently give priority to cultivating “Sensei” rather than “students”, and thanks to Cursed Children, they are basically intellectual and memory-superior existences. Otherwise, generally The child must not be able to bear this kind of cramming education.

Apart from this, Fang Zheng also needs to consider designing his own currency system for Tendoukyuu. As for the supplies to maintain his life, he doesn’t have to worry about it. There are “no mirrors” and “Bal Masqué” in Shakugan. no Shana world As his backing, Fang Zheng can get almost infinitely any materials he needs here. It’s just that Fang Zheng is not willing to let Cursed Children develop the habit of reap without sowing, for which he also spent a lot of energy to design the entire system. Fortunately, as a game designer, Fang Zheng was not the first time to design this consumer system, so he soon had a solution.

Just like the mobile game, those Cursed Children who complete the basic courses can get the “guarantee points”, and these points can be used to maintain the most basic life. On top of this, if someone has made outstanding contributions or performed well, they will receive “reward points.”

The points themselves are divided into “individuals”, “classes”, “schools” and “groups”. Any violation of the rules or damage to Tendoukyuu will deduct the corresponding points according to the situation. Among them, the individual points are excluded. In addition, the other three points will be superimposed and distributed to the Cursed Children according to the principle of equal distribution.

This also means that even if a person itself is not very prominent, if she can help the class and the school achieves excellent performance, then she can also get a lot of points for distribution and use. But conversely, even if a person has a lot of personal points, but other deductions are too much, then her points will be reduced.

And the last “group” points, Fang Zheng is used as a “large dungeon event”, if he enters the New World, or Tendoukyuu needs a large-scale general mobilization to deal with attacks, protection, and certain missions when. Fang Zheng will start a “group mission” to get all Cursed Children get involved. In this way, if he can get a high evaluation in the dungeon world in the future, then these children will naturally be able to get extra high points rewards.

Apart from this, there are various regulations and administrative orders, as well as Tendoukyuu’s external communication and coordination, plus adjustments to the existing world…

“Haah…It’s horrible…”

Extend the hand to hold his forehead, Fang Zheng is long and sighed. In these days, he is almost all tired and half dead. It is tiring enough to formulate these rules, not to mention that he still needs to fight for Hecate, Tiriel and Nymph’s opinions. Once there is a problem in the implementation process, then the regulations and The order needs to be changed separately…

I really didn’t expect to create a force from scratch. It is such a headache, not to mention that my side is currently understaffed, and it is even more deadly. Fortunately, Hecate’s appealing power is not bad, so I got a few Crimson Denizen from Bal Masqué to help, otherwise, the situation will be worse.

Thinks till here, Fang Zheng put down the pen in his hand, and then saw little Kuroneko jump over from the side, hugged Fang Zheng’s hand and started to dawdle. Looking at the little kitten in his hand, Fang Zheng also showed a smile, extending the hand to touch Little Brat’s belly.

Sure enough, sucking cats can relieve fatigue.

“dong dong dong.”

Just when Fang Zheng was about to take a break with a cup of tea, the knock on the door suddenly sounded, and he heard the knock on the door, Fang Zheng Helpless sighed.

“Come in.”

“Excuse me…Big Brother…”

With a soft voice, Midori Fuse walked into the room .

“What’s the matter? Cui?”

“Yes, it’s like this…”

In the face of Fang Zheng’s inquiry, Midori Fuse was a little uneasy Lower your head.

“This…Kayo, she found someone outside Tendoukyuu…It seems to be looking for you from Big Brother…”


hearing this, Fang Zheng couldn’t help being taken aback.

“Look for me?”

The blue waves are rippling and endless.

This what the hell is that place.

Looking at the island under her feet, which could barely be described as a reef, the woman was about to cry. She looked toward the ship in the distance behind her, and fiercely stepped on the ground.

“Really, Augrain Onee-san, didn’t I just complain about you, don’t you want to exile me to this horrible place…and say there are people…Where is there who!” !”

While speaking, the woman once again looked at the boat behind her—she didn’t want the other party to turn around and leave. In this way, wouldn’t she leave oneself alone here?

“Um…what should I do now…”

And when the woman was distressed, suddenly, behind her, a calm and indifferent The sound rang.

“Excuse me, is there anything wrong with you?”


When she heard the voice suddenly coming from behind her, the woman was shocked. Fleeing forward, looking trembling with fear to the back. It was only then that not far behind him, a girl who seemed to be only seven or eight years old, with golden hair and wearing weird clothes was standing there watching herself curiously.

“You, where did you… come from?”

While speaking, the woman looked all around — this ghost place is just like that Da, she didn’t see half of the person here just now?

“Excuse me, do you have anything wrong?”

But the girl not at all answered her question, but asked again, and when she heard the girl’s question, the opposite woman was helpless Sighed.

“That…I am Maria Wiseman from the Star of Platinum family. I am here to look for Lord Fang Zheng on the order of Augrain Onee-sama…Is he there?”


“Are you looking for Fang Zheng big brother?”

hearing this, the girl’s expression changed slightly.

“What can you do with the Fang Zheng big brother?”

“This………Excuse me, are you……”

“I am Fang Zheng Big brother’s maid.”

It’s a strange title.

Hearing the girl’s answer, Maria looked at her curiously. It is actually not uncommon to be a maid at such an age among the nobles, but generally speaking, being a servant is very respectful. However, she calls her Master the big brother, which is a bit disrespectful, and the clothes on the other party are of a style that Maria has never seen before… But anyway, she finally found the righteous master!

“If this is the case, please help me forward this invitation letter to Master Fang Zheng.”

Seeing that my mission was finally completed, Maria was also relaxed, and then took it from my arms He took out an invitation letter and handed it over.

“This is an invitation from the Star of Platinum family.”

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