What a bad luck!

Incarnation is the half-Spirit/elf knight-errant of the Panthers while galloping in the forest, while deep down cursing secretly. The flames of all around had almost completely surrounded him, but the semi-Spirit/elf knight-errant did not dare to relax at all. He looked toward left and right, then clenched the teeth fiercely, jumped forward, passed the raging flames in front of him, and then rolled to extinguish the flames on his body. And at this time, another explosion sounded, and another pit was blown out of the half-Spirit/elf knight-errant where he stood just now.

This is terrible!

After several times of trial and error, the semi-Spirit/elf knight-errant also has an understanding of his opponent. The opponent has three kinds of “cannonballs” with different effects. The first explosion range and impact are both Very strong, in the view of the semi-Spirit/elf knight-errant, it is almost not much smaller than the magic-powered cannon on the general city wall fort.

Second seems to pay more attention to penetration, even the hard rocks can be penetrated with no difficulty. It may not be blown to pieces by this shell, but… half Spirit/elf knight-errant doesn’t think it would be a good experience to make a hole in yourself.

As for the third, it will explode and burn directly to form a fierce flame. This is also the most troublesome part of the semi-Spirit/elf knight-errant. Regarding their own assault, the other party does not seem to panic at all, semi-Spirit /elf knight-errant can feel that his opponent is shifting direction and attacking himself.

Use cannonballs that can burst into flames to limit your range of movement. If you hide, use penetrating cannonballs to force yourself out, and once he diverts his attention, there will be a bursting bullet. Talk to him about his ideals in life… Now the semi-Spirit/elf knight-errant just feels like I am trapped in a cage full of traps. I stretch my head and shrink my head with a knife. There is no good choice!

At this moment, the black panther he changed had several scorched fur, but the half-Spirit/elf knight-errant didn’t even have time to escape and breathe. The terrain here is relatively flat, there are no undulating hills, dense woods can’t stop the opponent’s lock, and those hard rocks can’t help at all.

This also caused the semi-Spirit/elf knight-errant to only run forward under the opponent’s attack. Now he has only one goal, which is to close the distance with the enemy, and then…and The opponent fights close combat!

As a knight-errant, Semi-Spirit/elf not only possesses superb shooting skills, but also proficient in close combat. In his opinion, in long-range attacks, he is absolutely unable to compare with the opponent, but based on the experience of semi-Spirit/elf, a generally speaking remotely specialized opponent will have shortcomings in melee attacks. If you can touch the opponent, there is still a battle!

At least………At least it’s better than just being beaten like this!

At the same time, the crowd eating melons around was completely stunned by the scenes before them.

In order to avoid cheating, the off-site “rebroadcast” will only rebroadcast the ongoing battles, and the battles that have not started are naturally not among them. So now everyone sees only Enju Aihara vs. Alfred, Kayo Senju vs. Red armor warrior, and the half-Spirit/elf knight-errant who were beaten up and sneaked away like a rat.

But even so, it was enough to make these onlookers stare out.

Everyone originally including Augrain and Bishop Carl thought that Fang Zheng’s children might suffer a big loss, because in their opinion, even if these children are indeed extraordinary natural talents, and they are superior in strength . But the combat experience is very small, which is normal. After all, on the main world continent, geniuses of this age are generally held by the family or a certain force as a treasure in the palm, for fear of something wrong. . They may get the best education, the best training, but at the same time they will be very safe.

This is also to avoid accidents, or to be better off by people from hostile families, to cut weeds and eliminate the roots to prevent future problems and so on.

In the eyes of these people, the children at Fang Zheng’s side are probably the same. Therefore, they do not actually have any expectations for the battle strength of these children.

But when the battle really started, the performance of these children made everyone startled! !

When facing the enemy, they changed their minds from innocent and romantic children to experienced warriors. Whether it was Kayo, Enju or Tina, they all showed extraordinary combat experience and skills. They are not at all experienced recruits who have just faced the battle, but more like experienced warriors!

How is this possible?

For this, everyone is puzzled. How can these children have such a wealth of combat experience? Even the long-established powerhouses like Alfred can’t please them in front of them?

Of course they don’t know that although Kayo and the others are young, they have never experienced battles. In the dark world within the realm, they spent most of their time fighting with Gastrea. Although Fang Zheng liberated the Cursed Children, in order to protect those Cursed Children who are still in the dark world, Kayo and the others will occasionally return to that world and destroy some Gastrea that threatens the settlement.

Many of these Gastrea have quite strange abilities and strong strength. In the battle with these Gastrea, of course, these Cursed Children also accumulated a lot of combat experience. So from this point, they do not lack the corresponding experience.

If there is no difference in combat experience, then the next step is to compare the strength and combat skills of both parties.

But it’s a pity…In this regard, Alfred and the others do not have the advantage…

“clang! !”

The sword light flashed, and Enju kicked out with a reversal kick. Both sides shook their bodies at the same time, and then moved back.

“haah…haah…not bad, Ojisan, you are still pretty good…”

While panting, Enju smiled and looked at him. Alfred, and Alfred who is brow beaded with sweat at this moment can’t even laugh.

“You too……really didn’t expect…”

Said till here, Alfred held the long sword tightly, and didn’t even know what to say for a while it is good. He never thought that he would really fight against a girl who was less than ten years old.

If I played against Enju Aihara the first time before, I still suffered because I despised the opponent, then this time, I did not relax my vigilance at all, but I still couldn’t beat the opponent, it has already explained the problem. Up.

This child is really a monster…

“In this case, let’s stop here, Kayo has already said that we want us to end the battle as soon as possible, then… “

Said till here, Enju suddenly stopped and looked at Alfred with a smile.

“Ojisan, I’ll take a step ahead, bye!”

After saying this, Enju suddenly kicked the ground with her foot, and then she turned around and ran Up!

haah? What is this operation?

Seeing Enju turn and leave, Alfred was taken aback, but his reaction was not slow, and he hurriedly swung his sword and slashed towards Enju. But to Alfred’s surprise, as soon as he cut this sword light, he saw a petite silhouette suddenly appeared in front of him. Behind her was a pair of golden radiance wings, on the calm face Without the slightest expression…

How come? Isn’t this child fighting Vincent? How would it appear here?

But before Alfred could think about it, he saw Kayo stretch out his right hand and lift it forward. Soon, a transparent blue barrier quickly emerged, blocking Alfred’s sword light. . And at this time, suddenly, a voice came from behind Alfred.

“Hurry up!!”


Hearing this voice, Alfred also hurriedly turned his head and looked , I saw the red armor warrior with a facial expression grave, and he hurriedly tried to avoid it.

But the next moment, a scene that surprised Alfred happened.

Just when he and the red armored warrior were about to hide to the sides, Kayo suddenly squeezed their hands tightly. And along with her actions, in the empty air, light particles shining with golden radiance suddenly appeared. These light particles quickly turned into one after another shackles, binding the two to the original. Ground.

Next, Kayo raised high her right hand, the wings of light behind her suddenly unfolded, and then, a golden, huge circular array appeared above Kayo’s head, and the dazzling light began to condense , Turned into a trembling force. But at this moment, Alfred and the red armored warrior no longer have the strength to break free.

“The Apollo system starts……………launch.”

After saying this, Kayo’s right hand gently waved downward.

Then, the roaring dazzling light beam completely swallowed the enemy in front of her.

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