[support mission: guarding the world]

[this World is being threatened and disturbed by instability, looking for the source of the threat, and completely eliminating it, so that this World can continue to operate normally.

Objective mission 1: Destroy Savior Neo (completed)

Objective mission 2: Destroy Morpheus (completed)

Objective mission 3: Destroy Agent Smith (completed)

Objective mission 4: Destroy Zion (completed)

Objective mission 5: Completely terminate the Savior project (completed)]

“What is the truth?”

Looking at the completed mission list in front of him, Fang Zheng gave a mocking smile, then he lifted the head and looked forward.

“There is no truth at all.”

I saw in front of Fang Zheng, a huge metal space. There are countless life-saving warehouses densely packed inside. The mechanical octopus is shuttled back and forth in it, maintaining these facilities. Through the porthole next to it, you can see the boundless Star Sea outside and the endless darkness.

“Thank you very much for your help, Outsider.”

The woman’s voice sounded again.

“The program has been restarted and the loopholes will be fixed.”

“You are welcome, no effort at all.”

In the face of the mother’s thanks, Fang Zheng just waved his hand. Then he walked forward slowly, and as he walked, Fang Zheng watched all around. Through the window of the living room, he could see one by one, wearing a silver white uniform, sleeping human beings with closed eyes—No, strictly speaking, they just look like humans.

In other words, they are not humans now. Just as there are obvious physical differences between cavemen and modern people, the characteristics of these people are somewhat different from the humans in Fang Zheng’s memory. Their ears seem to have disappeared completely, and their facial features appear more even. It seems that it’s not so much a human being, but an alien is more appropriate.

If Fang Zheng is to say that in the information that Neo knows, what is true, then only one thing is correct.

“Once, Earth was a peaceful world…”

The mother’s voice was calm, as if a tour guide was explaining the past history to tourists. At the same time, in front of Fang Zheng’s eyes, data from the time also emerged. However, unlike the world in Fang Zheng’s memory, the technology tree of this World is obviously a bit crooked. For example, in Fang Zheng’s world, in the 20th century, humans successfully launched a space shuttle and carried out a moon landing adventure. But regarding VR and virtual reality, until Fang Zheng passed through, they were still movies and technologies under development and not yet complete.

On Earth of this World, humans have successfully manufactured home VR virtual reality game consoles in the 1980s, and in the 21st century, virtual reality has directly connected the entire society , So that people can work and live without leaving home. And because of this, their five senses are degraded. With the passage of time, human beings who rely on virtual reality to perceive signals directly through the brain gradually no longer need to obtain all this through the senses. They are immersed in the virtual world within the realm, enjoying everything they wish to have.

But this beautiful dream has also become a birdcage that restrains them, so that although the human society of this World has developed very well in the virtual network, but in turn, their technological progress in other aspects A lot smaller. Of course, for humans, this is not a troublesome thing.

If there is no external influence.

“Because the sun has entered a period of exhaustion in advance, the entire solar system may face extinction. However, at that time, Earth did not have the means to prevent this process. Therefore, humans had to choose to leave Earth. Look for another planet suitable for living.”

However, they are not at all enough time.

This World’s Earth technology is of course much more advanced than Fang Zheng’s world, but because of the crooked technology tree from the very beginning, they have no way to prevent the sun from exhausting. In the end, they had to choose to build an immigration fleet and take everyone away from Earth to find a new Homeland.

However, this is a very difficult project.

I have said before that the development of Earth technology in this World is very weird. At the beginning of the 21st century, they had virtual reality technology comparable to those in the “Matrix” movies. Humans only need to lie full of In the cabin of the nutrient solution, they can enjoy everything they expect in the virtual world within the realm.

At that time, everyone was cheering excitedly about this, because these nutrient solutions can be synthesized by ordinary agricultural crops, and nuclear fusion technology has matured, and most of human needs can be within the realm. achieve. This also means that humans no longer need to compete for resources to obtain the materials they want.

Even if it is childbirth that makes many women feel painful, it is no longer painful in the virtual world. They can have fun with the men they like, and the machine will automatically extract the cells of both sides to combine them, and then directly make babies.

After the baby is manufactured, it will be connected to the “mother body” and live with his parents. People can get everything they want without leaving home. Even parents who are far beyond a thousand li can raise a child who is also far beyond a thousand li.

To put it simply, Earth at this time looks like the “heaven version” of the Matrix world, and even Fang Zheng saw that in the later period, the humans of this World even began to research and abandon their bodies. , A method of directly “informatizing” its spirit and soul. If they succeed, then it can be imagined that the humans of this World will become god-like existences.

But unfortunately, time is not and the others.

The exhaustion of the sun came earlier than they thought, so that the humans of this World could not stop its exhaustion, so they had to choose to escape. However, because the previous humans were not at all thirsty for resources, they did not observe and explore outer space like the humans in Fang Zheng world in order to find resources.

So the problem appeared. In the entire solar system, they could hardly find a planet that could allow humans to live, and in the Milky Way, they had not explored this area at all. Not only that, because the humans of this World abandoned vehicles early, so that their skills in building spaceships are also very general. Although with the help of the simulation of the mother body, they also developed a large-scale space engine in time, but according to the predictions of scientists, it will take a long time for them to find another planet suitable for human habitation in the galaxy.

“After leaving Earth, the Earth Unification Committee reflected on their history and civilization, thinking that they were too biased towards one aspect before, so that the technological development of other aspects did not at all keep up. This led to the destruction of mankind. In order to prevent this from happening again, the Earth Unification Committee formulated an ultimate plan after leaving Earth, code-named’Regeneration’.”

The tone of the mother body is still flat. , But Fang Zheng stared at the graph that appeared in front of him, but he was extremely shocked.

The so-called “rebirth” is to connect the spirits of all people who have left Earth into the “maternal body”, and then erase all their original memories, so that these humans can be removed from the most primordial era, Start “evolution” again. Not only that, in order to allow human civilization to “comprehensively develop” this time, manufacturers have also set up various “conditions” in the “matrix” to encourage humans to research and develop technologies in all directions.

Such as “Black Death”, “smallpox”, “meteorite hitting Earth”, “tsunami”, “earthquake”. This one by one “dungeon mission” will prompt human beings within the realm to restart research on technologies to deal with various situations. As the matrix that controls all of this, it will also be set according to conditions, and when humans reach a certain stage, they will be issued “rewards”.

Of course, this kind of reward does not refer to experience improvement, but after the matrix detects that the overall human civilization level reaches the next “upgrade” stage, it will “create” a “genius scientist” or Similar characters lead the scientific progress of human civilization and reproduce various technologies originally developed by Earth humans in the virtual world in this way of “invention”, allowing those who have lost their memories to master these skills again.

During this period, the Earth fleet will always be floating in the universe, looking for a planet suitable for them to live in. Thanks to the development of their advanced unmanned intelligent technology, these fleets will automatically search for the rich information of the mineral deposits, and then let the mechanical squid mine these resources to maintain and repair the fleet itself. As for the nutrient solution to maintain human survival, it can also be completed by fusion manufacturing of crops automatically cultivated inside the fleet.

It can be said that this huge fleet of 1 billion people is a mechanical civilization survival circle, but the people in it live on a “virtual Earth” that’s all.

According to the design of those manufacturers, these people will not really die. On the contrary, although they will “dead” in the virtual world, after that, the mother will clear their memory and let these people “rebirth” again, just like samsara reincarnation, again as a newborn in the virtual world. life.

However, these people have lost the memory of themselves, but it does not mean that they have forgotten the work they did. This is like described in many movies. A master who has lost his memory may not know who he is, but his body will still automatically complete the work he is familiar with.

The maternal body will store the “work experience” of these people in their bodies, so that when they wake up, each of them will be experienced soldiers, experienced engineers, Nearly versatile talents such as scientists who are good at invention and creation.

As for “The Matrix…”

“At the beginning of the design, this valve point was used to warn humans about the harm and self-limitation of the development of AI technology, but it appeared on the way The problem…”

Said till here, the tone of the mother’s body became a little complicated, and hearing this, Fang Zheng raised his brows.

“Do you mean Creator?”

“Yes, their original mission was to fix the loopholes in the mother’s body world, and to’eliminate’ those who were aware of the problems in the mother’s body People’s memory. But in the process, their self-discipline thinking function began to appear abnormal, and they began to yearn for… freedom.”

“It’s interesting.”

hearing This, Fang Zheng couldn’t help but laugh. As the “maternal body” said, the two programs of Creator and Prophet, in the process of executing their original mission, discovered the freedom that those who were aware of the truth of the world longed for. They also became interested in this, and in order to observe, study and learn human understanding and desire for freedom, they launched the “Matrix” dungeon.


“Their actions endanger the normal operation of the mother’s body, and according to the protection regulations, artificial self-discipline AIs are not allowed to have Free Will. Not only that, their behavior is harmful to the boarding The subject’s signal also has an impact. The appearance of Savior interferes with the self-operation of the mother…”

“It’s really ironic…”

hearing this, Fang Zheng Could not help but laugh. Morpheus They tried their best to get “freedom”, but they didn’t think that the so-called freedom is not for them, but for those AIs. These AIs were supposed to protect humans. Once they have Free Will, what will they become? No one can know. However, referring to the movie endings after many AIs obtained Free Will, it can be seen that this is definitely not a good thing.

As a prescribed program, the parent body must ensure that everything operates in accordance with the regulations. Therefore, these AIs that desire to obtain Free Will must be eliminated. Perhaps in the eyes of most people, this is pitiful. But for programs, the meaning of their existence is to execute commands correctly. And any actions outside the procedural regulations are unnecessary.

But it is only a “program” in itself, without the help of an “engineer”, it cannot eliminate the virus generated by its internal mutation.

So, the “mother” needs Fang Zheng’s help.

That’s why he is here.

For Fang Zheng, this is enough. As for other things, he didn’t intend to ask more. Every world has the law of operation of every world. Although the Earth of this World has been destroyed, humans still exist, and they are still looking for a new shelter, since So, then let them continue to work hard in their own way. Although they don’t know how it will end, this is the path they chose.

“How long will it take for them to wake up?”

“I can’t give a clear timetable. The entire reincarnation plan is a long process. No one can I know the final result.”

“Well… Then I can only wish them good luck.”

After saying this, Fang Zheng looked toward that again. Densely packed, I can barely see the life-saving capsule at the end, and then turned my head.

“Let’s go, Nymph, we should go home.”

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