Now that the plan has been finalized, everyone will naturally wait for the implementation. Although Fang Zheng has no idea what he can do, since the other party is full of confidence, naturally there is no need to say more here.


“Fiore Young Lady, I have something I want to talk to you about the Thousand Realm Tree.”

“… …………”

Hearing Fang Zheng’s words, Fiore Lei’s breathing paused slightly, and then she looked toward Colles and Gordes beside her, nodded.

“I see, Fang Zheng-san, please come with me, let’s talk in private.”

hearing this, Fang Zheng nodded, and then he and Fiore Lei two The people left the room, and looking at their leaving back, Gordes was sighed and then slumped on a chair. Cowles hesitated for a moment. In the end, he did not choose to follow, but silently closed the door.

Although it was attacked before, the courtyard was fortunately not affected. Fang Zheng and Fiore Lei strolled in the courtyard, enjoying the scenery in front of them. Fang Zheng was silent for a moment, thinking about what he wanted to say, and then asked.

“After this war is over, what will happen to the Thousand Realm Tree?”

“…I don’t know.”

Although there has been Psychologically prepared, but Fiore Lei lowered her head when facing Fang Zheng’s inquiry.

“Darnic Uncle dedicated everything to this rebellion, whether it’s bloodline, magic power or property, he put everything up as a bet. But as long as he loses, then all this is in vain. ………The Magic Association will not let us go. Expropriation of our property, including the research results and patents accumulated over the years, I am afraid that all will be transferred out, and the very weak and small Thousand Worlds Tree is also It may be forcibly disbanded…”

Said till here, Fiore’s voice became deeper and deeper. In any case, this is also her family, and the thought of what will happen next makes Fiore Lei a little breathless.

And at this time, Fang Zheng’s voice suddenly rang in Fiore’s ear.

“Do you know why I chose to support the Thousand Worlds Tree?”


When I heard Fang Zheng’s words, Fiore Lei was surprised lifts the head to look at the man next to him, while Fang Zheng stares into the distance.

“Because I admire your ideas very much. Although they are a bit rude and even reckless, you at least show the spirit of defying power. As an oppressed rank, you dare to use this method and To oppress the rank struggle, although Darnic himself was a bit paranoid in his later actions, I appreciate his determination and perseverance.”

Said till here, Fang Zheng paused.

“The Thousand Worlds Tree will not be disbanded. It will become a beacon in the new century and open a new page.”

“Fang Zheng…Mr.?”


hearing this, Fiore Lei stared wide-eyed.

“I have decided, Fiore Lei Young Lady.”

While speaking, Fang Zheng looked at Fiore Lei.

“Once I win the Holy Grail War, then I hope I can command the Thousand Realm Tree Clan…Of course, I need your support.”

“This… ……”

A feeling of surprise or fright reverberated in Fiore Lei’s chest. She clasped her hands tightly together and looked at Fang Zheng.

“Fang Zheng-san, you really…but why?”

“I want to change this World, not just the Thousand Realms Tree, nor the Magic Society, It’s the entire world. For this, I need strength, power and manpower. Most importantly, we have a common philosophy. The Magic Association is rotten, and there is no difference between an ugly old woman and a dying old woman. I want to overthrow magic The Association, eliminate the so-called traditions that have been passed down in the last ages, and recreate a brand new Order of the magic world belonging to the new era.”


“Fiore Lei Young Lady.”

Said till here, Fang Zheng looks at Fiore Lei again.

“Do you really think bloodline is necessary for the magicians?”

“This is…Of course?”

For any doubt about Fiore Lei not at all, the magician family will inherit magic engraving from generation to generation, and magic engraving is something like an “organ”, which can hardly be matched with non-blood relatives. This is why the magician family always attaches great importance to bloodline.

“Yes, it’s the case for now, but… it restricts magicians, doesn’t it? As the heir of the Thousand Realm Tree clan, you should have seen many declining magic families Well, don’t they have magic engraving? No, they have engraving handed down from their ancestors, but they can’t control themselves to give birth to a child with a magician bloodline that can bear the engraving. This is also the reason why many magic families have declined from generation to generation. Moreover, due to the rule that the magicians are only passed on to the heirs, if anything happens to the heirs, it may cause the magic engraving to be lost, and this… is the biggest problem the magicians are currently encountering, isn’t it? “

“…You are right, it is true…”

“In the ancient past, this may be a last resort, but… In this age, this approach is out of fashion. And, because of this, the nobles of the Magic Association will firmly control the upper power of the magician…”

Fang Zheng is of course very clear. In the case of the moon world, magic engraving is equivalent to something more important than life for any magician family, but conversely, because magic engraving belongs to the characteristic of “organs”, it is almost impossible to transplant non-blood relatives. .

But if you have a large branch family, you can divide the magic engraving, so that those in the family who have magic qualities but do not have magic engraving can get a part of the engraving. Although this will cause some damage to the magic engraving as the matrix, it can be completely recovered as long as it is nursed. This also means that as long as you pay a small branch, you can gain the loyalty of the division of the faction, as well as political and financial support.

It is for this reason that the old aristocracy in the Magic Association is unprecedentedly powerful. So that the ordinary magic family in front of them is like facing the grass of one after another towering tree, there is nothing to do except shiver coldly.

“So, I want to change the status quo.”

“How do you…change this status quo?”

“First of all, we must Engraving is modified to make it more adaptable. Although at first is not expected to reach the point where anyone can transplant magic engraving, at least we also need to enable it to be in a non-specific blood source and possess magical talents. The characteristics of transplantation from people.”

Fang Zheng has obviously thought about it.

“And once we have mastered this technology, then we can issue a call to the vast number of lower-level magicians, calling on those who have the same ideas and ideas as us to join us and fight the magic association. Of course, We don’t want people with bad marks or blood on their hands. We are not a paradise for criminals and exiles. We are here to overthrow the decadent rule of the Magic Association and create revolutionaries in the new century.”


hearing this, Fiore Lei felt her whole body start to tremble, and an indescribable excitement erupted from her body . Of course she understood how declining families longed for their magic engraving to continue to be inherited. But many times, because their families not at all gave birth to enough children with magical talents, they could only watch the knowledge passed down by their ancestors be wiped out.

That kind of heartache, that kind of pain is simply heartbreaking.

And if the Thousand Realms Tree really mastered the technology that allows non-blood relatives to transplant magic engraving, then Fiore believes that those small magic families that are about to die will be at all costs. Join them! Just to engrave the magic of their ancestors and continue to pass on!

But………All of this is based on the ability to transform the magic marking characteristics. If it can’t be done, then everything is just empty talk.

Then the question is, can this…can be done?

This question surfaced in Fiore Lei’s deep down, and she immediately gave the answer.

Of course! As long as Fang Zheng can win the Holy Grail War and obtain the third method, then there is no problem for them to transform magic engraving!

Not only that, but as smart as Fiore Lei, he has also thought about the consequences for the Magic Association once this technology is completed.

It will completely collapse the rule of the Magic Association in the last ages! ! !

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