Faced with these monsters that suddenly appeared, the lizardmen reacted quite logically. They instinctively leaned together in a hurry, raised their weapons trembling with fear, and watched all directions grinning Roach and Hydralisk.

Only the leader Honid angrily roared “eat my spear”, then directly raised the iron spear in his hand, and then stabbed the Hydralisk controlled by Fang Zheng.

Then Hydralisk was slapped on the ground with a tail.

“Take them to Hatchery.”

In the face of Zerg, these lizardmen have no resistance at all. They are “escorted” by Roach with trembling with fear. Walking down to the front, Fang Zheng did not even “disarm” them during the period. Because Fang Zheng looked at these lizardmen and was surprised to find their equipment and its primordial.

Their clothes are completely the clothes that are barely fitted in after cutting animal skins with rough craftsmanship, and even the stitches at the corners of the clothes are tattered. Not only that, but the weapon processing technology in their hands. It’s also quite rough. Fang Zheng even feels that this thing is a piece of bold grinding…

In short, compared to most civilizations in the other world and the main world, this group of lizard people seems It is a little better than the cavemen… But their level of civilization is still quite backward.

How did this group of guys have not been killed by Chaos monsters in the land of Chaos for so many years?

Fang Zheng carefully recalled the Chaos monsters that he had seen before that dared to interact with Swarm, and felt that just pulling one over would be able to destroy them.

After more than ten minutes, Swarm escorted these uninvited guests to a outpost near Swarm. Before the lizardmen could react, they saw a huge one with purple red flesh and blood outside. Golden giant eye monster dropping from the sky — After Fang Zheng dropped Hydralisk, he easily pulled another Euglena to be his second stand-in.

Soon, his voice directly echoed in the brains of lizard people with the help of Zerg’s Spiritual Fluctuation.

“Invaders, are you who? Why do you want to invade our territory!”

“This is our hometown!!!”

A few other lizards Before people had time to answer, I saw that Honid was the first to jump up again.

“You are now occupying the land of the sacred Siyuan Empire! I order you to leave here immediately in the name of Prince Siyuan Empire! Otherwise, you and your dirty invaders will Accept sanctions from the gods!”


Looking at the second fool lizard man in front of him, Fang Zheng suddenly didn’t know what to say All right. And at this time, one of the lizardmen couldn’t help pulling down Honid, and asked in a low voice.

“Hey, when did you become Prince?”

“Don’t interrupt!”

The dismantling of the companion seemed to make Honid quite unhappy, he He broke free of his companion and replied in a low voice.

“I’m scaring it, and I’m Prince originally, I’m the destined one! Do you think it is shocked by me now? Maybe it is to follow God The decree came to find me! Only in this way can we explain why these monsters suddenly appeared. They must have heard my call and came to follow my men!”

“…………… ……”

Fang Zheng thinks, he seems to say nothing is very good now.

“Listen up, monster!”

Honeyd seemed to have no weak spot for his own imagination, so he hurriedly raised his hand and pointed it Euglena.

“I am the first Prince Honid of the Siyuan Empire. Gravel! You should have already felt the royal bloodline of my within the body! Now, I ask you to give me this vulgar and rude behavior. I apologize! Otherwise…”

My fucking is a Paladin, I can’t kill casually, I’m a Paladin, I can’t kill casually…

Fang Zheng closes his eyes, He read a few silently in his heart, and then gave an order to Hydralisk next to him.

“Give him to the death with undead as the standard.”

Hearing Fang Zheng’s command, the two Hydralisks turned to the one to feel good about themselves. The lizardman walked over. Seeing these two Hydralisks walking towards him, Honid smiled and stretched out his hands and strode towards the two Hydralisks.

“Yes, you should remember your mission, you are for…”


But Honid’s words still Before he finished speaking, Hydralisk pulled his tail on his face and drew him away. Then, before the bad luck lizardman landed, Hydralisk on the other side “Pa” pulled it back. Then there was a series of “biri biri” sounds, and I saw that the lizard man was hit by Hydralisk as a badminton – not tennis, because it hit the ground and it couldn’t play.

“Stupid creature.”

Fang Zheng coughed, and then he returned to the rhythm of being the master of Zerg. Then he looked at the other shiver coldly scared lizardmen again.

“Who are you? Where are you from? Why do you want to invade my territory?”

This time Fang Zheng obviously doesn’t have such patience anymore, and cooperates with his inquiry, The Roachs all around opened their mouths and made a “clunk clunk” sound. These lizard people were obviously not as mental illness as the previous guy. Although they almost collapsed to the ground in fright, soon one of the lizard people answered Fang Zheng’s question trembling with fear.

“I, we are from the gravel tribe, we are from the land of origin…we are not deliberately invading your territory, we are just…we are just coming to the outside world to find resources… …”

The place of origin?

Hearing this word, Fang Zheng’s deep down can’t help but jump. In this case, he is not the first time anymore. As a divination mage, every time Fang Zheng accidentally discovers something triggering event “Keywords”, basically will give him a feedback. Especially after having the power of the Cup of the Third Law, Fang Zheng felt that his prediction of innate talent and Future Sight seemed to have reached a limit…

For example, he could do it anytime, anywhere. Appreciating their own beautiful young girls one hour later — the scene of bathing and playing in the bathroom.

Fang Zheng didn’t feel any guilt about this. What he saw was only an illusion an hour later, and he didn’t really peep at the bathroom. How could it be called a crime?

And there are not many such scenes in cartoons now?

Now Fang Zheng just doesn’t know whether the “land of origin” triggers himself a main mission, a side mission, or a free mission… But if there is no problem with the spiritual connection between him and the other party, Then the word “Siyuan” is enough to arouse Fang Zheng’s interest.

even more how considering that the coordinates given by Goddess of Order are in the depths of this continent — of course, Fang Zheng’s current progress will take some time to reach the coordinates, but this is not It does not prevent him from taking a mission and passing the time.

“The place of origin? What is that?”

Maybe it was because of the bad luck encounter with Honid, or it could be Roach who was all around. They are a bit more threatening. These lizardmen did not spend much time confessing their origin to Fang Zheng.

As Fang Zheng thought, these lizards live in ruins in the depths of this land. According to them, the ruins used to be their country, but later they angered the gods because of their actions, so the gods turned them into lizardmen and sank the whole country into the ground. After that, they lost their former glory and could only struggle on whilst at death’s door in the dark underground.

However, what made Fang Zheng most curious was that when communicating with these lizardmen, he was surprised to find that these lizardmen had been “isolated” for longer than he could imagine. Although to be honest in such an area has been shrouded by Chaos and it is indeed impossible to communicate with other people, Fang Zheng still got some information from these lizard populations.

They don’t know dwarves, Spirit/elf, or even most of the races currently distributed on this land. They only know that they might have been “humans”, and then the remaining legends It’s about gods and angels.

Is there really a group of bad luck goods who have lived since the birth of Order until now?

Fang Zheng immediately became interested in this group of lizardmen, who are not much different from the primordial tribe. Although the lizardmen seem to be talking about “background history”, they For Fang Zheng, who traced the story behind this planet, it was very important.

“I know your origins.”

Fang Zheng thought about it a bit and decided that it is better to resolve the conflict peacefully.

“But, you invaded my territory, I can’t stop there. I want to send a group of insects to follow you back to the place of origin, I want to confirm that you are not lying!”


This time, the lizardmen finally showed anxious expressions. Obviously, they are also very aware that this kind of traitor behavior to lead the party is likely to bring disaster to their ethnic group.

But not every lizardman thinks that way.

“I’ll take you there!”

With a puffy voice, Fang Zheng looked at the lizard who was beaten by two Hydralisks before and could not take care of himself. People stood up. Although it looked contorts one’s face in agony, it still stood up.

“Honeyd, what do you want to do?”

Hearing this answer, his other companions suddenly screamed.

“Are you going to introduce these terrifying monsters into our Homeland?”

“Shut up, you fools!”

Honeyd suddenly Waved, interrupting their questioning.

“If we refuse, there will only be a dead end, but if we take them back, at least Elder will no longer think we are just lying! And they are my followers! They will definitely obey my orders Yes! Believe me, they are not malicious!”


hearing this, several other lizardmen and Fang Zheng were silent, and finally , One of the lizardmen finally couldn’t help asking.

“They have branded you like this, you still believe that they are not malicious?”

“Of course.”

Honeyd proudly extend the hand to patted the chest.

“They are testing me to see if I am qualified to order them! Otherwise, why don’t they hit you, just hit me?”

“… ………………”

Can’t I fucking kill this guy?

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