2116, struggling

The division of classes has always been completed quietly. When you discover it, you will also find that you are most likely unable to change it.

 Because you are just one of all living beings, you are not great, and all you can do is just go with the flow.

 The more mature a society, the more common this phenomenon is actually.

 You have tried to struggle. After a few decades, when your head is gray, you will find that all your struggles are nothing more than ensuring that your past class will not fall.

 Hong Kong’s comprehensive world, excluding the Dragon Kingdom, this phenomenon is actually more common.

In the world before Liu Hao traveled through time, why were the small-armed girl group so huge? Why do so many trainees appear in waves?

 In the final analysis, it is because the families of these trainees know that this may be their only chance to transcend their own class.

But they and they didn’t know that, because they and their huge population entered it and blocked this possible opportunity to cross classes.

Rare things are valuable. This principle is applicable in any field. When your number is rare, even if your talent is not brilliant, you are still precious. On the contrary, it is involution, that is, even if your talent is outstanding, you are still precious. When your talent is not enough to support you to become a top handful of people, you are still cheap.

 Because at this time, the one who gives the price is not you yourself, but the group of people who pay the price, but the group that controls you. They will give you various slogans to "guide" you.

For example, before Liu Hao traveled through the world, there were various euphemistic slogans called "Korean Wave cultural export".

Just a simple chant, forcing countless boys and girls to join in one after another, thinking that all their efforts are really as the slogan says, they are really dedicating themselves.

How do they know that they and they are just one of the commodities?

 How many of them "risk" their bodies and souls every year?

There are never many people who let themselves collapse physically and mentally, and then end their lives.

But even if they end their own lives and cry out in grief, how many of them will pay attention to it and really pay attention to and understand the badness of this ecology?

For them at the top level, covering up is just a waste of money, but for them at the top level, money is not just a matter of sprinkling water?

 But after that, aren’t there still countless people who should contribute their own children to the family?

These families know best that even if this road is littered with corpses, and even if they know that after their children enter it, the chance of actually reaching the end is slim, isn't there still a glimmer of possibility?

Just because this possibility is less than one in ten thousand, they have to do this, because if they don't do it, their own lives and the generations of their descendants will be destined to be like them, struggling at the bottom. , and even be called a 'parasite'.

How sad is it? But isn’t that the reality of small arms?

That country that looks very glamorous and is even called a developed country by the world is actually no different from hell!

How can a country that has to think of countless ways to use even watermelon rinds, and a country that has to reuse corn cobs, be prosperous? Naming it this way is more like a huge irony.

 Just giving them a little solace in the depths of hell.

 But it’s impossible to say that they don’t have any awareness of this deep down in their hearts.

As intelligent beings, anyone with their own thinking will think. Even if they are addicted to this illusion at first, they will eventually figure it out one day, because the outside world also has comparisons with other countries.

As long as they figure it out and have their own understanding of this, they will always try to think of how to break the situation, but soon they will fall into despair, because they soon find that their weakness is even if they are filled in. To no avail.

 They are already a mature social form, and each 2 position has actually been completely divided, leaving no possibility for latecomers to insert.

 That's why their so-called traditional food "military pot" appeared, and they used kimchi, which can only be disliked in other countries, as their state banquet delicacy.

It’s not that they don’t want something better, it’s that they don’t have it at all, so they can only select items that are very despised by others, even if they are very despised.

 Their top leaders naturally know that these things are disdainful, but this does not prevent them from beautifying them, because they cannot give better things to their own people.

They can eat meat behind closed doors, or they can only eat meat by themselves. Wouldn’t it be enough for the middle and lower class people to have more vanity?

 Quietly, their internal hierarchy has been achieved, and the upper, middle and lower levels are as solid as reinforced concrete.

At this time, the emergence of the world is their real life-saving straw, and it is also the best sharp edge for them to completely break the original class division of their own country in the Hong Kong Comprehensive World.

 Otherwise, why can the small-bodied people living in the north and south of this city communicate in such good faith?

They have vaguely merged. Even though there are still countless internal differences, both sides choose to endure and suppress them, even for completely different 'goals'.

In the area belonging to Nan Bangzi, how many of the original chaebol managers are left now?

 Who has no idea how most of them disappeared?

Who among the administrators of their wealth who finally survived still has real power in their hands now?

The reason why they are still alive is because they had good sense and handed over the rights that originally belonged to them early, and gave their declaration of willingness to cooperate early.

They want to break their original solid class pattern in the Hong Kong integrated world, but they also don’t know that new class divisions are also forming within themselves.

 This is actually the weak nature of their civilization. The feudal thinking still remains, which has penetrated into their bones. Without a real education, it is extremely difficult for oneself to discover it.

This new class division that is about to take shape is naturally based on the level of cultivation. Whoever has the biggest fist will have the final say in the future.

 Simple and direct, but how long this division can last is also unknown, because it is too red and makes people more desperate.

By then, the civilization they have been insisting on will probably no longer be sustainable, and the only result will be to integrate into the Yanhuang civilization and become a drop of water in it.

This was not only seen by Liu Hao who was in the sky

They will most likely be accepted. Even if they are annoying, they are much better than a small nest and easier to kneel down.

How they are doing, what about the small nest in the Hong Kong Zongshi world, is another matter. Liu Hao doesn’t know yet, but he is very smart.

 People really know how to break down the pros and cons.

They sent envoys to see the emperor a long time ago. They didn't say anything else when they came. They knelt down first.

They told their thoughts early, and the biggest point is that they know that they can only be a dog, and they can recognize it faster and more decisively than anyone else.

Same, haven't they been like this since ancient times?

They know best where their own value lies, and they don’t need to be reminded by their master at all. They know when to dedicate themselves and how to bite others.

It is true that it is just a dog. It is really disobedient. Even if it is beaten to death, it can be easily beaten to death. There is no need to worry about this dog having the ability to bite back. If you can keep it, just keep it.

 They are very obedient, and one color is enough to command them. Even if they pay a lot of money for it, they are never unhappy at all, and they don't ask for any rewards for doing things. Anyone who has used them knows how to use them.

For example, they are very willing to look for trouble with a certain white deer, especially the beautiful ones in the Hong Kong comprehensive world. There are all kinds of disgusting people, all kinds of provocations to each other, etc. There are always endless ways to get along with them.

 They seem to be motivated by the hatred that was guarded in the past, the hatred that was **** by the opponent's dog leash.

 They don't seem to get much benefit from doing this, and sometimes even cause themselves a lot of losses, but the effect is never low.

 They are very happy to have such a group to help them drag down their beauty. In terms of national strength, how come they don’t know that it is already much worse than it is?

How come they don’t know that just by relying on fair competition, they will really be distanced by the Hong Kong Comprehensive World again?

 Not to mention anything else, just to recruit the Heizhou population as cannon fodder, the beauty of the Hong Kong Comprehensive World only needs to relax a few restrictions, isn't there enough people to join?

As for them, relaxing restrictions will not do much at all, and they can't compete with others. They still need to give out various big cakes, such as telling the people from Heizhou that when you come, they will give you food and drink.

Even if a large part of these big cakes are not actually realized, they are still not allowed to be developed on the surface. To do so, wealth must be spent. It doesn't matter if it lasts for a while, but who knows how many years this kind of competition will last?

In such a period, there is a country that is willing to keep an eye on the beauty of their world and is always thinking of various ways to cause trouble for their world. What’s the point of supporting it?

 When the eighteen princes challenged Dong, there was always only superficial unity, but the secret turmoil was always written down in the history books.

 What has been done will be done again after the restoration; what has been done will be done again after the restoration.

Doesn’t this sentence explain everything?

They are most fortunate to have someone who can suppress them. Otherwise, these hundreds of princes would most likely have been defeated long ago, not to mention stabilizing their cities. Their only way back would be annihilation.

They are also united, but only they themselves know the extent of this unity. The division of various forces within them can be said to be superficial and has been clearly displayed.

Even Liu Haolong Kingdom is too lazy to pay attention to this. With a population of more than 20 million, how many of them can really stand out in the end is what Liu Haolong Kingdom and the Yanhuang Alliance value.

Even though he knew that most of them could only be cannon fodder, he still wanted to select qualified cannon fodder among them.

 As for how these people think, what does it have to do with them?

How do these people seize the opportunity in front of them to improve their status in the world they belong to? Does it have anything to do with the Liu Haolong Kingdom and the Yanhuang Alliance?

 It is as if the top class never cares about the pursuit of a truth by the bottom class.

 Because for them, the pursuit of those at the bottom is no longer a matter of easy attainment, but an issue that they simply don’t care about.

 This is the problem that even a drop of rice dropped by humans is enough to feed a group of ants. Is it necessary to pay attention to it?

It's enough to watch the show. Only when you pay attention to it will you really lose.

The reason why even if you know that the population outside the Dragon Kingdom of Hong Kong Comprehensive World cannot produce many qualified cannon fodder, you still choose to cultivate it, the more you are willing to give this hope.

I would like to see the water extracted from it, even if it is not much, it is enough to support the people sitting here well, and even make more money. For example, the excess taxes can be exchanged for monster meat and transported back to the homeland.

It is also for this reason that we don’t mind at all the transportation of people from Hong Kong to the world, and we can digest as many as we want.

It doesn’t matter how much these people transported back to their own world, nor which party the distribution rights they received belong to.

It seems like he is doing nothing but sitting here to ensure their safety, but in fact who doesn’t know that this is the most important thing?

Didn’t you see that the taxes they paid were so straightforward?

 But I have never heard any gossip.

These people can be considered to have seen the world, and they know how far they are from the real demon clan.

You can always see the collision between Liu Haolong's soldiers who helped them suppress the security and the real monsters. Even if they are far away from the battlefield, the losses caused to them by these waves are enough to make them tremble and fear.

They don’t know that it’s just a PK between the soldiers of Liu Haolong’s kingdom and the monsters on the island.

 There are very few people who actually die from this.

This is not the restraint of both sides, but that during the PK between these soldiers and the little demon, there are still real masters sitting in, ensuring that a rescue can be done at the most dangerous moment.

This is already a tacit agreement reached between Liu Haolong's base soldiers here and the demon clan on the island. It is not for the purpose of showing it to the people of the Hong Kong Comprehensive World here, but for experience.

 Such cases have never appeared only here, but also in the major mountain ranges of Liu Haolong's country.

It’s just that such high-level things are definitely not something that people from the bottom of the Hong Kong comprehensive world can understand. (End of chapter)

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