Dimensional Invasion of the Real Earth

Chapter 2115: gain and loss

  2131. Gains and losses

 Within the huge formation of the dragnet, Emperor Zhenwu could not rest for even a second.

 But every heavenly soldier and general within the dragnet formation is happy in his heart.

Before they stepped into the heavens, they had been working in the prehistoric heaven for an unknown length of time, and there were many people whose cultivation was stagnant.

 Don't think that if you become an immortal in the ancient times and enter the heaven, you can sit back and relax. It doesn't exist.

 Competition is everywhere, isn’t it?

You were in the wild, and you finally succeeded in practicing and ascended to heaven, but what are the results?

 You will find that your cultivation level is not common in the prehistoric heaven, but that your personal cultivation level is much higher than yours. You have finally ascended, but here, you are just the bottom line for others.

Faced with such a situation, how can we give you a good position? After you ascend to heaven, there is often no difference from starting from scratch. In other words, these newly become immortals can only start from the lowest level of heavenly soldiers.

If your cultivation level cannot be improved, you are destined to be a small heavenly soldier in heaven for the rest of your life, and your future will be insulated from you.

It should be noted that when you were in the human world, your status may not be as high as you imagined, but you must still be a powerful person. The gap in status is enough to make you uncomfortable for a long time. Of course, in the end you can only accept it.

 The weak will eat the strong, and the one with the biggest fist will have the greatest say. You will soon understand these principles, and soon you will have to accept your fate.

 Then, naturally, I will think of various ways to improve myself, not for anything else but to make myself more comfortable.

 Is this easy?

 Obviously it is not easy. Don’t think that once you reach heaven, the resources in heaven will also belong to you.

is it possible?

 It’s like if you go to a big city. In a big city, at most, public facilities will not restrict your use. What can these things bring you?

If you want to live a better life and become a new city dweller, you must find ways to make money to buy the things you need.

 For example, higher-level cultivation techniques, such as your own property in heaven, etc.

The four elements of spiritual practice, Tao and wealth, will not change just because you change regions. They will follow you closely in any region and involve everything you gain on the path of spiritual practice.

They are actually not much different from migrant workers who have a job. They work in teams to patrol, stand guard, etc., working from nine to five, and receive their salary at the end of the month.

 Among them, the number and proportion of the Yueguang people are probably not much different from those of Liu Haolong’s migrant workers in Guozhonghai.

 Which one is not under pressure?

Over time, even if you were still full of pride when you first ascended, you will most likely be tired now.

It is the years that have smoothed their temperament, rather than the complete disappearance of their ambitions.

 In a change of environment, they found that the high pressure in the ancient heaven did not seem to follow them closely.

It seems that there is such a feeling of vastness deep in my heart. It has been a long time since I have felt this. How can it make people so happy?

They have forgotten that when they were in the ancient heaven, they still had a monthly salary to receive. In fact, they no longer care, because in this heaven, as long as they want to, it is really easy to earn that little money. arrive.

Last time, the monster meat was not completely used up. A new wave of monsters came again. This time it is harder. Can we store more? Taking out a little bit in exchange for money is enough to buy a lot of things that I have coveted for a long time, right?

As the heavenly soldiers and generals of the prehistoric heaven, they have no shortage of equipment. Even the standard weapons come from the prehistoric heaven. If they were on Liu Hao's earth today, their level would be sufficient.

 There is no need to spend money in this regard, but it does not mean that they have no place to spend their money.

Which monk dares to say that he doesn’t need pills, exercises, etc.?

In the ancient world, there is no shortage of skills, but one thing must be admitted, that is, skills are not something you can get just by thinking about them.

 This is especially true among the group of heavenly soldiers and generals.

In addition, another important point is that it is difficult for these heavenly soldiers and generals to buy exercises that really suit them.

Often the skills they received from the ancient heaven are very good if the compatibility with them is five or five.

 But now Liu Hao, the earth no longer needs to worry.

Perhaps in terms of skill level, there is still a big gap compared to the prehistoric times, but so what, what really suits you is more important, isn't it?

In today's Yanhuang Alliance, there is such an organization, which is specially designed to evaluate which path is suitable for you and give you suggestions. Among these suggestions, it even recommends which type of exercises you should choose.

 The suggestions from this organization are often very suitable. For example, in terms of the fit of the exercises, even if it is lower, it is about 70%.

 Faced with such a degree of compatibility, many people are willing to accept even if the selected exercises are of a lower level.

 It's as if you are obviously very talented in liberal arts, but your superiors want to assign you math tasks.

If you have a little talent in mathematics, that's fine, but what if you don't?

 It is often a waste of your time. It is normal to get twice the result with half the effort. When you work ten times the effort of others, you often get only one-tenth of what others get. This is the real tragedy.

Don’t the ancient heavens understand this?

 They know, they just don’t care.

 The reason is that there are plenty of people to choose from in the prehistoric heaven.

Isn't Tianbing's flowing flowing there yet?

It is also because of this that the emergence of countless earthly immortals in the ancient world was forced. As long as these people had another choice, they would not be willing to fly to the heaven. As long as they felt that they had a little accumulation and power, they would be happy to continue to live freely on the ancient land.

 Don’t they know that this option is more dangerous?

  It's too clear, maybe a verbal dispute will cost you your life.

 But so what? But don’t everyone who has the blessing of a master make the same choice?

From this point of view, these heavenly soldiers and generals are actually not from any great forces in the prehistoric times, and even there are very few branches of the great powers in the prehistoric times.

Most of them can only rely on themselves. It is a good thing to leave the ancient world and the ancient heaven.

 Because here, most of the rules and regulations from the ancient heaven are no longer able to restrain them, and they have been severely loosened.

Here, on Liu Hao Earth, in all the heavens and worlds, they are actually not much different from any ordinary practitioners.

 As long as you work hard, you can easily earn everything you need on your future spiritual path.

  Even if you escape from the prehistoric heaven, there won’t be many problems.

 Just how long have they been among the geniuses? Don’t they themselves feel it?

Not to mention other things, the monster meat nutritional supplement from the world of Master Xuanwu also has a great effect on them.

ˆ It also has a considerable promoting effect on their immortal physique.

 They know best how much they have gained and how much they have improved during this period of time. Otherwise, why would they go to such great lengths to fight against the monster?

In the Tianluo Diwang formation, the pressure is not low at all.

If it weren’t for Emperor Zhenwu who was at the core of the formation today, even the dragnet would most likely have been broken by these monsters;

Without Liu Hao's occasional help, such as using the Law of Creation to help the heavenly soldiers and generals in the Tianluo Diwang Formation from time to time, it is still unknown whether he would have been able to withstand it.

In the depths of the sea, at the entrance of the passage, the endless influx of monsters from the world of Xuanwu Master seems to be endless. Anyone who sees it will feel no pressure?

Even Liu Hao frowned this time. The number this time was too much.

He has been extracting monsters leaked from the dragnet one after another into his own chessboard of heaven and earth, but even so, it seems that there has never been any reduction.

From all directions, the monks who came to help never stopped for a second.

 Just like the demon clan among them, in the beginning, the number of them arriving was actually not that large, but what about now?

 In many positions, even humans have fought side by side with demons.

 The sea was even covered with a layer of red clouds.

 After once again healing the heavenly soldiers and generals within the dragnet, Liu Hao was somewhat relieved.

He could see that the heavenly soldiers and generals in the Tianluo Diwang formation were still full of energy, and the Zhenwu Emperor in the main formation was still able to handle it with ease. Those in it, such as the King of Tota and others, did not have any anxious look on their faces. This was considered Lucky for you.

It was also at this time that Liu Hao became more clear that Master Xuanwu must be able to peek at his own earth through the passage.

 It was clearly seeing the influx of many monks and heavenly soldiers and generals from the ancient world that the ‘test’ was taken to a higher level.

 There seems to be nothing wrong with this.

He will not relent just because he sees the higher casualties on his side.

 In other words, he is actually used to it.

  When the spiritual energy was revived, hadn’t our earth already had its cards shaken?

 Nowadays, this kind of shuffling has become a common occurrence.

 The law of survival of the fittest is not only applicable to the monster race and monster beasts, but also applies to humans.

It's just that they are not as ferocious as the demon clan and monster beasts in normal times.

It's just that humans know how to protect the weak, but in the game like this, there really isn't much left to protect.

No one who joins it can say that he will survive to the end.

 They are all betting, betting that they can win, betting that they can survive to the end, and become the one who stands out.

It’s no wonder that the medical team on the home front is so important, and it’s no wonder that the monster clan and monster beast groups can immediately put aside their inner reserve and choose to compromise.

From the distance, in the southeast direction, another huge team arrived. This group of people was the monks from the world of fighting spirit turning into horses.

Most of them come from the upper realm of the Dou Qi Horse World, which can be seen from the overall cultivation level of the other monks.

They have their own tricks in making this choice. The Amazon Rainforest Monster Clan knows that it is clearly the other party's conspiracy, but so what?

With the current situation like this, even if the Amazon rainforest monsters knew about it, wouldn’t they just hold their noses and admit it?

There are millions of people in this group, and even in Liu Hao's current world, they are still a huge force.

 The most important thing is the calmness on the faces of this group of people, as if they have never thought about going back since they came here.

 Liu Hao can somewhat see the reason for this.


This is also one of the links in the conspiracy. When you are supporting people to resist monsters, a large-scale influx of people from your own house is unreasonable. You must eliminate this unreasonableness.

 Therefore, when they arrived, they actually had the intention of simply giving them away.

 It means that even though he knows that he may never come back this time, he has no intention of retreating.

 Liu Hao didn't know how Xiao Huohuo and others persuaded these people.

Whether they are persuading or coercing him, it has nothing to do with Liu Hao or the Amazon Monster Clan.

 The results are what matters.

How could Liu Hao not see that these over a million monks from the fighting spirit-turned-horse world had a trace of decadence in them?

Liu Hao couldn't count how many people were about to run out of life because they were almost at the end of their lifespan, and he didn't have the time to do so.

 He ​​only needs to know that these people are here to play a big role. Even if he loses more than half of them, he will not frown.

 Because he knew that Xiao Huohuo and others, and Douqi Transformed into Horse World, needed this certificate of nomination this time.

This is true for both the Yanhuang Alliance and the Amazon Rainforest Monsters.

Even this loss is what the Amazon Demon Race Rainforest wants to see most, and it is also the best way for them to eliminate the depression of being plotted against.

There are some things where a tacit agreement between the two parties does not mean that they are willing to do so, but that they have to do so.

 Just like the Amazon rainforest monster clan did not destroy Doucheng, it is not that they cannot do it, but because Liu Hao's existence prevents them from doing so.

 But if you are given a living space and you take the opportunity to become bigger, it is a kind of provocation from Hongguoguo. No one can stand it, and everyone must choose to retaliate harshly.

Xiao Huohuo and others also know this clearly. The success of the calculation does not mean that everything is OK. On the contrary, it has just begun.

They almost didn't need to think about it to understand that the demon clan didn't stop them in front of them, not because they acquiesced, but because they were already prepared for future revenge.

For example, after this monster wave ends, an endless wave of monsters will set off from the Amazon rainforest and attack the city.

Anyway, for the Amazon rainforest monster clan, aren’t there as many monsters as you want? No matter how much they die, it won't hurt them.

 But if this is the case, what will happen to Doucheng’s losses?

How many people are dying for this every moment? What happens over time?

 It must be much higher than the over one million given out today, right? (End of chapter)

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