Dimensional Invasion of the Real Earth

Chapter 2117: sea ​​tribe

   2133, sea people

 In the sea, the color of the red clouds is even deeper, which already makes people feel gorgeous.

 How many are monsters from the world of Master Xuanwu, and how many are from our own side? No one can give an answer.

 But the tragedy is the common understanding of everyone.

 However, no one flinched at all because they saw this tragedy, because everyone who is still alive has gained something from it.

Either he has broken through himself, or he clearly feels that his combat effectiveness is not what he used to be.

 Breaking through in battle is the treatment of the protagonist. Nowadays, many people also enjoy a lot from it. They also know that it is obtained under the pressure of life and death, and they also know that it is not a lack of nutritional supplements at all.

 Survivor bias makes them more involved, and the increasing number of medical teams on the rear also provide their inner protection.

 For them, as long as they do not die on the front line, they can recover from any number of injuries.

Even if an arm is missing or a leg is broken, in this era of spiritual practice, it is not a big deal, and many methods can be used to regenerate it.

Faced with such medical conditions, there are really not many people who are afraid.

This is thanks to the investment of all members of the Yanhuang Alliance in the medical system. Whether it is magic or doctors from the Baijia system, all members of the Yanhuang Alliance provide unconditional support.

Who doesn’t know that a veteran saved from the battlefield is worth ten new recruits?

 Isn’t this the reason why warriors are called warriors?

They didn't know that there was a recovery pool created by Liu Hao for them. They just thought it was the latest treasure researched by the Yanhuang Alliance. How did they know that these recovery pools contained the three-light divine water left by Liu Hao.

Even if it is diluted ten thousand times, its effect is still very significant, and it is also one of their real guarantees.

Liu Hao can ignore the losses, but it doesn't mean that he will really stand by and watch. Since you can survive from the front line, there is no reason for you to go home with injuries.

However, Liu Hao didn't expect that because of his 'interference', everyone on the front line would become more fierce. Even if they sacrificed an arm and a leg in exchange for the death of a monster, they didn't seem to care at all.

 Isn’t it because the rear area can be restored immediately after turning around?

This recovery does not require the energy output of their bodies, so it seems that they cannot take a gamble.

 Liu Hao was a little dumbfounded by this, but he had no intention of stopping it.

It seems that this is not bad. The bravery of these people makes them more likely to be hovering on the edge of life and death. It also makes them more likely to break through. Isn't it also a good thing for him?

The vast battlefield is like a ring pillar. The inner ring is naturally the huge array of heaven and earth nets arranged by Emperor Zhenwu, and the outer ring is the sentient beings coming from all directions.

The reason why it is columnar is that there are conflicts from the sea level to thousands of meters in the sky.

 The higher you go, the higher the level of cultivation of both sides of the confrontation.

 The bottom of the sea is naturally mostly handed over to the sea tribe. Now Liu Hao is paying more attention to this place.

It seems that these monsters from the world of Xuanwu Master are not very good at water. They seem to simply cross the sea with their own abilities, and they don't seem to want to put the battlefield in it.

One by one, everyone who enters Liu Hao's earth seems to be eager to get out of the sea. After all, they are not an aquatic tribe. After all, they are used to living on land in the world of Master Xuanwu.

 In the sea, it is very good to be able to display your strength to the fullest.

 Once a habit is formed, it is difficult to change.

Even for humans, isn’t it the same?

Everyone knows that anyone with a sixth or seventh level of cultivation, even if he enters the water, can make himself like a swimming fish by setting aside part of his energy. But doesn't that mean that he needs to allocate part of his energy?

Compared to the water tribe and sea tribe, which can completely rely on instinct, the expenditure of this part of energy is inevitable and cannot be saved.

 It's fine if it's just for fun, but once you fight with the enemy in the water or the sea, this part of your energy may very well become the winner. You are not a fish after all, and you can only fight on the road.

You will inevitably panic, and your suspicions will inevitably increase. In the end, you will have no choice but to find ways to escape, and it will not be too late to fight you after leaving the sea.

 Is it possible that it will be what you want?

 Many times, once these monsters are locked by the sea tribe of the same realm in the sea, it is almost impossible to escape.

 You will think when you are alive, if you are being held back, aren’t there companions around you who can lend a hand to you?

In the monster group, it does not exist. When all the monsters want to escape from the sea, they will not care about other similar types around them being held by the enemy. They are even happy to have such a companion to hold the enemy back, so that they can Make your escape faster and safer.

 They seem to be extremely united, but in fact this unity is more because there are more powerful monsters driving them to unite.

They were originally in the world of Xuanwu Master, and they were not all within one ethnic group or group. They were driven together by countless groups or tribes across the heavens, and they did not care what happened to other people around them.

This discovery has long been noticed by Emperor Zhenwu. Didn't you see that when he released the dragnet to surround the monsters, he also released them all deep in the seabed?

In Liu Hao's view, about 20% of monsters have been dragged down by the sea tribe before they emerge from the sea. Often, 89% of the monsters that are dragged down can only lose their lives in the sea, becoming these sea creatures. Nutritional supplements for the tribe.

Because of this, the number of sea people within this circular cylinder has become increasingly huge, and there are still a steady stream of people coming in from the four sea areas. No one can count how many sea creatures there are in the entire Pacific Ocean, but everyone knows that when driven by huge interests, even sea monsters tens of thousands of miles away are happy to run around.

At the core of the seabed, isn’t that giant whale that’s nearly a hundred miles in size the best example?

Liu Hao is not familiar with this giant whale. He had already been in contact with Xiao Longer when he was just conceived. Later, it seemed that this guy was the first to support Xiao Longer.

It has practiced so far, and its cultivation level is worse than any of Liu Hao's native characters on earth?

It is originally a member of the Great Luo Jinxian. Just by scanning it a little, you can know that this giant whale is close to the perfection of the Great Luo Jinxian.

 It seems that it came only to better protect the Sea Clan, not to simply hunt down the world monsters of Xuanwu Master.

Also, at its current level, if you want to make progress, you can no longer do it by absorbing as much spiritual energy and nutrients as you can.

A more suitable place for it to go is in front of the abyss of the star formation in the sky.

Thinking of this, Liu Hao realized that he had distributed quotas to the monster clan and seemed to have really forgotten about the sea clan in the sea.

They really shouldn't be forgotten. Even Liu Hao knew very well that in terms of strength comparison, the demon clan on the mainland was really fighting against the sea clan in the sea. It was not certain who would lose and who would win.

They are just far away from humans and have their own vast base. They basically won’t fight with humans, so humans and monsters often ignore them.

 Today I finally remembered it, but I couldn’t wait any longer.

Liu Hao thought carefully and quickly divided these quotas into three. One part was directly assigned to Xiao Long'er himself. This part belonged to his true own, even if the number of his own was very small compared to the sea clan in the entire sea. , but it must also occupy one third.

 With this one-third quota, how could Zhou Yu, the manager of Xiao Longer's account, not know how to use it?

The other two-thirds, half, are reserved for the Yanhuang Alliance for distribution, and the last third is directly given to the Sea Tribe itself, allowing them to belong internally. No matter which level of Sea Tribe they get at that time, they will Welcome, I will give you the opportunity to enter the Zhoutian Xingdou Formation to experience.

As for whether this will lead to internal competition among the Hai Clan, outsiders will not care. Isn’t the reason why Liu Hao wants to do this such a purpose?

He knew that the sea tribes in the sea must hunt each other countless times, whether for food or for the chassis, it was inevitable.

 But who doesn’t know that most or even almost all of this kind of fighting comes from the bottom?

Those who really stand out, which one has not already occupied a place? The vastness of the sea is far larger than that of the land, but it is just the amount of territory occupied. It is impossible to completely separate the bottom of the sea in just a few decades.

This also makes it difficult for the middle and upper classes of the sea tribe to fight with each other. They may not be flowers in the greenhouse, but they are not as powerful and inexplicable as the land demon tribe.

 In Liu Hao's view, they need to be active, and their competition with each other needs to be greatly amplified.

These released quotas are the greatest benefit in themselves. Anyone who knows this cannot escape, because if you don't pursue it, the likely result will be that after a while, you will fall behind your original companions. .

 Being overtaken means that your status will inevitably decline. Who can bear it?

 Even if there is much internal peace, competition between each other will never be rare.

 Otherwise, there would not have been such a huge number of middle and upper-class people from the Sea Tribe coming from all directions today.

They have regarded this place as a rare meal. As for the risks they bear, they have long been ignored. It is impossible for them to fight in the sea, their home field, and they will not be afraid of any group.

The fact is as they expected, they are the largest group of wealth wolves. Even if the monsters are much stronger, they must leave enough meat for them.

They also know how to be satisfied and will never ask for too much. Each or every group of sea tribes will focus on a certain monster and will only point the finger at this monster. Others will also be completely let go, as if both parties have a tacit understanding. Full.

 It looks like a group of lions hunting a certain group on the prairie. After catching one, the group seems to be no longer afraid. They will think that the group of lions has got the prey they want, and they no longer pay attention to themselves.

Their predictions cannot be said to be completely wrong. The facts are very similar to what they expected. After the hunting sea tribe gets the prey they want, it will take a while to bite the opponent to death before they can enjoy the food safely.

What they didn't expect was that as soon as these delicacies were fully enjoyed, the lions would immediately join the hunting team again, leaving them in an abyss that would never be satisfied.

 In fact, many of the upper classes of the Sea Tribe no longer kill and eat, and have learned to survive in rough conditions. They also know that they can trade with humans even if they cannot eat them all. As for the place of trade, do they still need to explain?

It wasn’t even half past one o’clock when Dragon Kingdom’s Australian base was set up there. The sea tribes in other sea areas may not have heard of it. As the top leaders of the native sea tribes in the East Pacific, if they don’t even understand this, they are really unqualified.

 Besides, hunting more monsters is also a good way to buy followers of your own tribe and other sea tribes in your own territory. It is simple, direct, and effective. Who wouldn’t be happy?

Even if your rough equipment storage is full, it’s not something you can’t handle;

It's just a matter of stopping for a while and pulling these prey to the outside. There are countless slaughterhouses there who are happy to take them. It doesn't matter how many humans you give them, they are happy to buy them. And the price doesn't seem to decrease at all because of the surge in quantity. Why not? ?

Yes, there seems to be an incomparably huge number here, but what does it mean when compared to countless human beings in the universe?

As far as Liu Hao knows, in the past many years, the meat in all the schools in his Dragon Kingdom has been provided by monsters, especially in primary and secondary schools. Isn't it for the future generation?

 What happens if these prices are given?

ˆ On the contrary, the most important thing is to be able to purchase it from the Sea Clan. Who doesn’t know which one is really more profitable in the transaction of raw materials or industrial products?

 Is it necessary to squeeze them at this time?

Don’t think that there will be no bottom layer when the Sea Tribe comes. On the contrary, the number of bottom layers of the Sea Tribe coming from the surrounding areas is also extremely large, counting in the billions.

They are ignorant, but they also know that there are opportunities here that they may not encounter in their lifetime. Even if there are many dangers, even if a whole group is likely to be killed if they are not careful, they are still willing to take risks.

Not to mention anything else, the blood left behind when these monsters died, the huge energy contained in this blood is also a good nutrition for them, and it is likely to allow them to unlock greater potential. Have a better future.

They are more ignorant and fearless. No one cares about how much they have lost.

The cruelty of reality has always been like this. Who in a high position is willing to always focus on the lowest level? To them, it is just a number. To them, these bottom members of the sea clan can quickly multiply for countless generations. , there is no need to worry at all.

 For them, the bottom layer that was lost because of this was a huge amount that humans fished from the sea before the spiritual energy was revived. What is there to worry about?

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