Dimensional Invasion of the Real Earth

Chapter 2122: Sensibility and rationality

   2138. Sensibility and rationality

 Liu Hao did not count how many monks from the world of Sword and Fairy Heroes came today.

 Because to him, this was all a trivial matter. Even though many people came to the Heavenly Court of Sword and Fairy World this time, Liu Hao was not allowed to take a second look.

Without him, the level is still too low.

The difference in world levels is actually based on these comparisons, just like the heaven in the world of Sword and Fairy Tales, compared with the prehistoric heaven, it is just like playing house.

Even if such a force has the name of Heaven, it doesn't mean much. Even if Haotian sees it, he will most likely be angry. Why does it have a name similar to his own? Doesn't this lower the majesty of his own heaven?

 Such a heavenly court cannot enter Haotian's Dharma Eyes, and naturally it is impossible to enter Liu Hao's Dharma Eyes.

 Compared with these, Liu Hao is more willing to focus on Li Xiaoyao and Zhao Ling'er. The faces of these two people are so familiar that Liu Hao often feels a little embarrassed when he sees them.

That is completely the embodiment of the TV series Liu Hao saw before he traveled through time. Li Xiaoyao is also the exact same model as Brother Hu, and Zhao Ling'er is clearly the same as Liu Tianxian.

When he was still a child, Liu Hao had already seen a glimpse of the rudiment. Now that he saw her again, it was indeed as he had expected. He had really grown up like this.

Hasn't he never seen people in such a mold, such as the Zhu Di family in the Ming Dynasty? When he saw it, they didn't act like this. Maybe it was because they were really good at acting?

 He shook his head, naturally he would not get entangled in it, it was already like this, no matter how much he thought about it, there would be no point.

He can't be dreaming. Now that he's cultivated, how can he not be able to distinguish between dreams and reality?

He had more or less guessed that these heavens must have a relationship with him, and the relationship was very likely, but so what?

Failing to know the reason means that you cannot know, you can only guess, and the guess can never be verified. The only way is to wait until you reach the true supreme level before you can find out. Only then will it have meaning.

Hasn’t he already gotten used to this in his heart?

 It's not a bad thing to see familiar faces sometimes. At least for Liu Hao, the preservation of human nature still plays a big role.

For example, White Tiger Liu Hao, even if he has attained Hunyuan, even if he takes the authentic path, human nature is already extremely rare, so doesn’t that mean he still has a bottom line?

 As the deity, he knows it all too well.

The white tiger Liu Hao is like this, and the green dragon Liu Hao is also like this.

 Isn’t it true that he, as the deity, is not like this?

Just like when he looked at Li Xiaoyao and Zhao Ling'er today, especially Zhao Ling'er's face, he had a good impression of Liu Tianxian before he traveled through time, and now he has inherited it.

Of course, it is limited to this, just like when he took Zhao Ling'er away from the world of Sword and Fairy, and directly brought him back to his hometown to be raised by his parents, it was not just because of this good impression, but also because of his identity, Nuwa Identity of descendants.

Before he traveled through time, he was very fond of Zhou Xingxing, but when he saw Ah Xing in the kung fu world, could he confuse him with Zhou Xingxing?

 Even if he was taken care of, there was actually not the slightest care. It was clearly just a glance and that was all. At most, he paid more attention than others.

 Things like sensibility and rationality cannot be confused, especially for Liu Hao now. With his current level of cultivation, it is impossible for him to be like this.

 But if you say that he did not inherit this sensibility, that is impossible.

It can only be said that the sooner they meet him, the more emotional love he will get from Liu Hao from the guys he is familiar with.

 In this regard, Orochimaru is the one who benefits the most.

 When Liu Hao watched Naruto, he had a true high-latitude overlooking mentality, especially when he watched it repeatedly.

 At the beginning, he would also chat with other people in the forum to analyze the countless possibilities, and sometimes even help Uncle She clear his name.

 It’s just that everyone has their own position, and there is no absolute right or wrong. He also left many floors on the forum.

He not only helps Orochimaru say good things, but also discusses Tsunade's majesty with them.

He talked freely about the plot, completely staying out of it, and only regarded it as a TV series. Looking down at them from a truly high latitude, at this time, how could he impose his own world view on everyone in the plot?

 At this time, his position can be changed countless times, and he can think about problems from everyone's perspective. For example, Orochimaru, what if he sympathizes with the other party?

 What's wrong with people pursuing immortality?

  What does it have to do with Liu Hao if he treats other people in Konoha so cruelly?

Aren’t all the dead paper people? Which of the dead people were named? No matter how much, it's impossible to get any empathy from outsiders watching as Cushman, right?

Besides, the Hokage is a bloodline legend. There is not much sympathy for any bloodline legend in the Dragon Kingdom. On the contrary, it will only usher in greater resentment. The solidification of classes is not unprecedented in the history of Yanhuang, but But it is a target that must be resolutely attacked.

It’s strange that the original onlooker Liu Hao could sympathize with him.

On the contrary, it was Orochimaru, the biggest challenger in the entire Hokage. He did not have the bloodline in the Bloodline Legend, but he reached the top level that he could reach under the constraints of his bloodline. He knew that this was already the top level for him, and he had to introduce external forces to continue to break through. .

 He ​​has no intention of giving up, but even if he goes to extremes, he will still fight hard. What's wrong with others? Isn't this what he should do from his standpoint?

You can’t fangirl over those who accept their fate, right?

It is because Liu Hao still had a good impression of Orochimaru before he traveled through time. When Liu Hao met him when his cultivation level was very low, he connected with this good feeling and made Orochimaru have the future he has today.

 Like him, so is Tsunade, but Jiraiya is on the other extreme.

Didn't Liu Hao appreciate Jiraiya back then?

 But he made his own choice and did not keep up with the rhythm. It was naturally impossible for Liu Hao to force the other person to walk together. As Liu Hao's cultivation level improved, this sensitivity was gradually lost, and it is no longer there today.

In other words, Liu Hao can no longer provide any help to Jiraiya.

On the other hand, this was not the case with Orochimaru. He followed him all the way. Even if he did not give Liu Hao much help along the way, he was already one of his own. His original sensitivity naturally continued to him. Now.

 Previously, he thought of Orochimaru, and immediately set his sights on Orochimaru. Isn't it the biggest proof to see how Orochimaru is doing?

This sensibility is actually adapted to Zhao Ling'er in front of her.

When he was so young, he took him away from the world of Sword and Fairy and raised him with his parents. But he knew that even now Zhao Ling'er calls his parents 'grandpa and grandma'.

With this title, it is impossible for him not to provide unplanned help, and any help actually becomes a matter of course.

Just as it was impossible for him to treat Xiao Long'er, his sister Liu Beier, and his disciples rationally, he could not treat Zhao Ling'er completely rationally.

Any emotional participation is inevitable, but this kind of sensitivity is sometimes not a good thing for Zhao Ling'er. I won’t leave it here, I won’t be too late to talk about it when it actually happens.

At present, Zhao Ling'er is still qualified in Liu Hao's eyes. At least he has entered the realm of Da Luo, and he has truly reached a high-level position in the world. It is very close to what he originally guessed.

 But you say how satisfied Liu Hao is, that’s not entirely true.

The identity of a descendant of Nuwa would be nothing if only in the world of Swordsman and Fairy Tales, but what about all the worlds now?

Who doesn’t know that it will be noble?

 This is especially true after Nuwa, the empress of the prehistoric world, became the lord of humanity.

This kind of nobility is not false even if it is passed down by some saints. In other words, based on this blood inheritance, it is not much different from the real innate demon god.

 With such a bloodline and identity, shouldn't it be the right thing for Da Luo Tianxian to be a Da Luo Tianxian for such a long time?

Even if Liu Hao saw Zhao Ling'er possessing Da Luo Jinxian today, he would not be surprised at all and would take it for granted.

 She just reached the bottom line of what Liu Hao could tolerate, and she just passed the test.

How much time has been spent on falling in love?

Liu Hao's idea had just arisen in his mind. Below him, Li Xiaoyao felt a chill in his body. He shivered all over, and his back was wet with cold sweat.

This guy only thought that he was being targeted by a powerful monster nearby. When he wanted to investigate, the feeling he had just felt had disappeared. He had no choice but to be more cautious and communicated with his mother-in-law, Zhao Ling'er. After that, the fighting in his hands did not stop at all.

Above the sky, Liu Hao saw all this, and at that moment, he slightly twitched the corner of his mouth and shook his head calmly.

He also knew that the reason why Zhao Ling'er did not reach the level of Da Luo Jinxian that he thought he should have was that the Nuwa Empress did not know that he had such a descendant in the world, and had not yet received the seal of the Nuwa Empress. .

The absence of this stamped confirmation means that Zhao Ling'er's identity as a descendant of Nuwa in the world of Swords and Fairies has not been fully successful in continuing in the world.

The huge fortune that was supposed to be obtained from Nuwa Empress naturally could not be given to Zhao Ling'er.

At most, it is just to prevent Zhao Ling'er's luck from dissipating and turn bad luck into good luck. All the cultivation realms in Zhao Ling'er are also obtained through hard work. It is understandable that he is similar to Li Xiaoyao. .

I have to say that some entanglements are inevitable.

Even Zhao Ling'er himself is like this, isn't he?

The identity of a descendant of Nuwa was not imposed on Zhao Ling'er by others. In the world of Sword and Fairy, it is a real fact.

But the Nuwa Empress in the world of Sword and Fairy has disappeared.

 After entering the heavens and the world, Zhao Ling'er himself has not been able to determine whether the Nuwa Empress in the ancient world and the Nuwa Empress in the Sword and Fairy World are the same person, and it is impossible to determine.

But if you say that Zhao Ling'er doesn't admit it in his heart, that's impossible.

She wanted to regard the Nuwa Empress from the ancient world as her ancestor, but she knew that she couldn't just think about it.

What if the empress Nuwa of the prehistoric world does not approve?

This is Zhao Ling'er's biggest dilemma. Zhao Ling'er has not only been to the towering statue of Nuwa Empress in the southwest of Liu Haolong Kingdom once or twice, but also worships it with great piety every time.

 She was satisfied, and Liu Hao knew it by looking at the smile on her face.

She seems to have given up her hatred for Baiyue. The entire world of Sword and Fairy is completely different. So what does the so-called water monster mean in all the worlds?

 She does not need to take on that responsibility, and the lightness on her shoulders may be the real reason why she can smile.

 Aren’t we all looking forward to the problem? There is nothing that cannot be let go.

 She came today with everyone from the world of Sword and Fairy to fight against the monsters from the world of Master Xuanwu. Didn’t she explain everything?

Because of this, Liu Hao did not show up to greet this young man who was raised by his parents. He also thought that Zhao Ling'er seemed better like this.

As for the future, Liu Hao is not sure what will happen when Nuwa, the Empress of the Ancient World, arrives and takes over the identity of Zhao Ling's children and Nuwa's descendants.

 There is no need for Liu Hao to worry.

On the contrary, Zhao Ling'er was truly climbing at a rapid pace at that time. As for where he would reach in the future, Liu Hao was not sure.

Who knows how Nuwa will train Zhao Ling'er, and whether she will push him to the status of a saint or Hunyuan?

 For other people, Hunyuan and Saints are elusive things, but for the Master of the Dao, it is actually not that difficult.

 But if this is the case, Li Xiaoyao will be pitiful. Being a man next to the empress is not a good thing.

Perhaps this will be a good show, right?

Liu Hao's mouth twitched slightly again. He took his eyes away from Li Xiaoyao and Zhao Ling'er and stopped thinking about it.

On that day, two more quasi-saint-level monsters entered the net. Seeing that Emperor Zhenwu was still busy, Liu Hao did not watch. With his hand, one of them was already captured by him on the chessboard of heaven and earth and made into a chess piece.

This time, he did not crush this quasi-holy monster. Instead, he suppressed it in one thought and refined it into a token in the blink of an eye.

It is about the size of a palm, and its whole body is like bronze. The monster on it is even more lifelike, as if it is carved into it, as if it will emerge from it at any time.

This was indeed done deliberately by Liu Hao, and was specially refined for Zhao Ling'er. However, Liu Hao did not have the intention to give it to Zhao Ling'er immediately. When he would give it to him, he himself was not sure.

 The reason why he did this was just to give Zhao Ling'er a platform.

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