Dimensional Invasion of the Real Earth

Chapter 2130: Tao and Dharma

   2146, Tao and Dharma

Some people think of countless ways to fight for a shred of luck, but never get anything, but it is easy to get themselves involved.

 But what about some people?

I have never thought about this at all, but I have obtained unimaginable benefits from it.

 The monks called such coincidences "fate".

It's as if fate had originally arranged for them to have such a "fate", and at a certain moment, it would be distributed to them.

 Reality, is this really the case?

 In Liu Hao's view, it can only be said to be a probability.

Even if fate has made arrangements for you, if you place the benefits at a certain time point, you may miss it.

 Because it is very likely that you have deviated from the established destiny track in a certain attempt to die, or you may simply live and die before this favorable fate.

 It is actually a kind of opportunity. Whether you can seize it or not depends on yourself.

 Isn’t this the case with Gao Shun in front of me?

Isn’t it possible that his trap would not exist in the mythical world of the Three Kingdoms? Isn't it perfect enough?

Even though it is not perfect, it is actually still there. But in the mythical world of the Three Kingdoms, can anyone learn it?

 They know how to refine a trapped camp, but no one has ever actually refined one of their own.

 Most of them would just say it’s difficult and then back down.

This is not just the case for soldiers, but also for generals?

 But now, who sees the benefits and doesn’t study?

It is really about whether you can get more benefits and whether you are qualified to join the sharing table. If you don't study, you may really be left behind by the big team.

 Isn’t this popularized immediately?

It seems as if the flowers on the entire grassland are blooming, as if everyone has discovered that this can be done and needs to be done like this.

At this time, why don’t they call it destiny?

  It is simply marked as an opportunity.

 In the final analysis, it is not because they compare the benefits. Those who get less are called opportunities, and those who get huge ones are considered fate.

 Their definition cannot be said to be wrong, but it is not the best term either.

Most of them have no idea that if they seize any opportunity, it is really possible to change their destiny.

 Fate has destined everyone, but it will not plan everything for this person.

 She will hand over countless choices to you at the same time. How to choose is not yours to decide?

 Any choice means that you need to bear everything yourself, whether it is good or bad, it is your choice.

 Don’t think that fate will care about you all the time. You are not as important as you think.

 Most of the time, you are just one of the many living beings. Most of the time, it doesn’t matter whether or not you exist in the world’s operation.

Even if fate assigns you a task at a certain moment, but you die because of other choices, it doesn't matter, because there will be other substitutes appearing anytime and anywhere to take over the task that originally belonged to you and move the established world orbit. Go down.

 To put it bluntly, don’t overestimate yourself, let alone attribute all gains and losses to fate.

 The more you stand in a high position, the more you understand that there are only a few truly important people in any given world.

Of course, it does not mean that apart from these important figures, others are meaningless.

 These people, to a certain extent, can be competed for by anyone.

When your cultivation is enough to support the change of a world, aren't you already one of them?

In the mythical world of the Three Kingdoms, Gao Shun is just one of the tiny chess pieces. Even in the entire history, he has left nothing more than a small name. History is very stingy with words. I don’t want to say more about Gao Shun. They are all the biggest mistakes.

 But what now?

Who dares to ignore Gao Shun? Who dares to erase his name in the new history of the mythical Three Kingdoms world?

Even the stingiest historian needs to think carefully and does not dare to be stingy with pen and ink.

 He is already a man of great influence, and the storm stirred up by him may become even more fierce in the future.

Even within the Zhoutian Xingdou Formation, Gao Shun and his men are not the only ones using the trapped formation.

 After it spread, who among the users did not get huge benefits from it?

They were unable to completely stabilize the 800 soldiers trapped in the camp like Gao Shun, but even if they were temporarily formed every time, it would be better than fighting alone, and even better by geometric multiples.

 In the face of interests, everyone knows how to choose.

Even the current Cao Wei, Shu Han and Soochow are all imitating it.

Which of those generals who have no conceptual in the past, which one is not presenting the respect in their hearts?

Each of them has read the history of the Three Kingdoms countless times before or after entering the heavens, but now who dares to say that his reputation is higher than Gao Shun?

 In the Zhoutian Starry Formation, it is not just the soldiers from the mythical Three Kingdoms world who are like this, there are no exceptions from other worlds as well.

 Even in the modern world, even these modern worlds are more willing to use it this way.

Who among the users does not know that this method of trapping a battle came from a general named Gao Shun, who only had a small name left in the historical records of the Three Kingdoms.

  This is what people deserve, and it also inspires countless people.

 Fang Buddha is also telling everyone that he can and may become the next Gao Shun.

Now that Liu Hao is obsessed with this, he needs this motivation to be more fierce. He separated Gao Shun and his most direct descendants from the main force, and submitted them to an independent space to fight with the more powerful Abyss Demon God. Do you want Gao Shun to get more benefits?

 Don’t you just want to see Gao Shun’s cultivation level improve faster?

 Things like cases can only be more effective if they are placed at a higher place. There is no reason why Liu Hao does not understand this.

Isn’t this the message that I, Liu Hao, sent to my obsessed Liu Hao?

 The best way to promote a patent is to let the patent owner get huge benefits and let everyone else see that the patent owner gets huge wealth.

 In this way, countless people can follow suit.

 In this way, we can make the world develop faster, encourage more people to invest in research and development, and promote what they develop.

The broom is precious and will only benefit the individual. Any small accident is likely to cause the individual to disappear in the long river of history. What is the use of all his previous research and development?

 But we cannot allow any developer to contribute without gaining anything. Otherwise, who would be willing to hand over their private property to others?

 In any modern world, this system is not said to be complete, but it is not unfamiliar either.

 Just after the spiritual energy is revived, most of these concepts have been forgotten. It is time to remember them and it is time to restructure them.

Unlike scientific and technological inventions, it is not the government that distributes the benefits of inherited creations, but the way between heaven and earth, whether it is the way of heaven or the great road, there will be no fraud, let alone the benefits. Wrong message.

  It belongs to whomever belongs.

What is being distributed is not money, but real luck.

Who doesn’t understand the benefits of luck nowadays?

Whoever has stepped into spiritual practice, doesn’t have a clear concept of it?

They may not know that luck is the foundation of a monk, but they must know that monks with high luck can often survive to the end, even if their talents are not high. Those who survive to the end are often at the peak of their cultivation.

 It is enough to know this.

 A turning a bad thing into a good one is enough. Which monk would not covet this?

 In the Zhoutian Xingdou Formation, not to mention his obsession, Liu Hao saw Gao Shun's progress with his own eyes, but it was almost the same.

 When there is no need to distribute a large amount of benefits to many accounts, every time he kills an enemy, the benefits obtained are tangible and help Gao Shun gain a more solid foundation.

 Once the foundation is solid, isn’t progress just a matter of letting nature take its course?

As far as bottlenecks are concerned, Gao Shun is far from reaching it. Even in the eyes of Liu Hao, who is obsessed with it, the next bottleneck that appears for Gao Shun should be to realize the Daluo Daoguo, or to cross from Daluo to Quanzhou. This is the threshold of sainthood.

 Not only Gao Shun, but also the eight hundred soldiers of his direct lineage who were involved in the battle. They are truly one with Gao Shun, while the coming and going of others is the norm.

Who knows how many of those tens of thousands of people are Muslims?

The best learning plan may not be clear in other worlds, but it is clearest in the world of the mythical Three Kingdoms.

 It's nothing more than paying some price. As long as Lu Bu nods his head, wouldn't it be easy to send some teams to Gao Shunweipei?

 They don’t know that it would take far less time to explore on their own than to leave it to Gao Shun to rule for a period of time?

 From the moment we knew it to today, we don’t know how many batches have been replaced, right?

 Otherwise, how could this trap spread so quickly?

 Just giving you a book to read and learn, and teaching you step by step how to use it, are completely different things.

Who doesn’t know that the best way to spread a knowledge is to take the lead in teaching it to many teachers?

Aren’t the soldiers who were commissioned from Gaoshun the most natural teachers?

This is not just the case within the Zhoutian Star Dou Formation, but is it also the case for the four teams fighting the monsters on the Pacific Ocean?

Although Liu Hao himself did not receive the message feedback from Liu Hao who was obsessed with it, he also had a clear concept in his heart.

 For this method of trapping, now it has been introduced into the demon clan and into the group of demon beasts, he did not even blink an eye.

 Any gain has its price.

Just like in the ancient world, the demon clan has learned countless principles and methods from the saints. Don’t they need to contribute a lot of their original demon clan’s luck?

Liu Hao believes that the large-scale study of monsters and monsters is a good thing.

 Compared with the improvement in combat effectiveness obtained by the demon clan and monster beasts, luck is the fundamental thing.

Even if you need to donate a little from it, it will be an extremely huge gain for Gao Shun.

 Liu Hao even wished that the demon clan would promote the trapping method on a large scale within them.

Only if it is widely promoted, can the luck obtained by Gao Shunsong the entire demon clan be truly normalized, so it is not impossible for Gao Shun's original luck to transform.

By then, perhaps the quasi-sage would be nothing more than something that could be broken easily to Gao Shun.

Not only can Gao Shun get huge benefits from it, but also his lord Lu Bu can probably climb higher because of it, right?

Standing at Liu Hao's current height, how could he not understand that there is a huge gap between the immortal class and the quasi-sage?

 For the former, it is more about accumulation. To a certain extent, with unlimited time accumulation, anyone can reach the peak of Daluo Jinxian.

 But what about the latter?

 It is the essential difference. You cannot cross it, which often means that even if you are given unlimited time, you cannot cross it.

 Because the contrast between the two is already the essential difference between Tao and Dharma.

 It’s like you know that one plus one equals two, but want to know why one plus one equals two.

It is so similar to mathematics. There is no ambiguity in saying that if it works, it works, and if it doesn’t work, it doesn’t work.

 A lot of times, it’s about whether you have the ‘luck’ to cross this gap.

 This is what Liu Hao calls the transformation of luck.

 Because the latter has already come into contact with the true nature of the world, and has its entry quota, how can it not be said that there is no threshold?

 This principle cannot be generalized, and those who know it will not tell anyone who does not know it.

 Even if this person is your son or daughter or your direct disciple, it won’t work.

  If you tell the other person that he or she really does not have this kind of luck, it will only really harm the other person.

 There is no need to explain the details in detail. Anyone who understands can understand the truth with a little analysis.

Isn't that why Liu Hao expended so much effort to help Gao Shun?

There are some things that cannot be told to them, but they can leave a feasible way for them, and Gao Shun is Liu Hao's first chess piece to push this way.

 Even if it is the first chess piece, it is natural to push it no matter how hard it is.

Even in Liu Hao's view, it is not impossible to teach him personally in the future.

Who doesn’t know that the brighter a typical example is, the more remarkable it is?

 As for whether this will lead to other problems, it is not something Liu Hao needs to consider.

 He didn't bother to think about it, so what happened to some people who got into trouble?

Even if these people don’t get into this corner, their future will probably not be that great, nor will they be inexplicable.

Liu Hao has long since stopped believing in the so-called benefits. Anything gained means losing.

 It’s nothing more than a comparison of how much you gain and how much you lose, and whether it’s a good deal. Who doesn’t understand this?

Liu Hao's current level of cultivation, how can he care about the gains and losses of one city and one pool?

 Since life was passing away in front of his eyes every moment, didn’t he not blink an eye?

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