Dimensional Invasion of the Real Earth

Chapter 2139: Pros and cons determine choice

   2155. Pros and cons mean choice

This lack is also the greatest regret for all beings in the world of the tomb.

Even a monster like the Demon Lord needs to find various ways to keep his remaining soul and return.

Even the heaven of the tomb world will not allow such a monk to appear. If you really see it, you still have to use countless methods to stop it?

Green Dragon Liu Hao just carried the thinking inertia of his own world into the world of the tomb.

 But from another perspective, it is also the importance that Qinglong Liu Hao attaches to the ruffian dragon. After all, it is his own dragon clan, and his senses are somewhat biased.

 Suddenly, Qinglong Liu Hao remembered that he had left the seeds of hundreds of schools of thought in the tomb world.

 He hurriedly turned his gaze to the mortal world.

 He didn't know whether he should be surprised or depressed at this time.

The seeds of reading and the practice system of hundreds of schools of thought he spread are still so immature and fragile. If the wind blows by, the buds from these seeds will freeze to death. How can this make him not depressed?

Speaking of surprises, Qinglong Liu Hao did not expect that he simply left behind the seeds of study and practice. Now in the mortal world where the Eastern Civilization of the Grave World is located, it seems to have been recognized, and there are already millions of people. mortals take this path.

 It’s just a pity that they are just buds.

More than 99% of the scholars are just scholars.

Logically speaking, after so many years, it shouldn’t be like this.

 Qinglong Liu Hao thought about it, but he could only summarize it as the limitations of heaven and earth, or the inertia of a world's destiny.

 Especially at such a juncture of great catastrophe.

 It is already very good to allow you, but if you want to go further, you should wait until the winner of this disaster is determined.

Qinglong Liu Hao is already very satisfied with this.

Who doesn’t know that taking advantage of the situation is the best way?

 Having been seen in the future, and seeing greater benefits in the future, it is difficult to cut off.

Qinglong Liu Hao himself would not believe that all these scholars died in this catastrophe. Besides, isn't he still there?

 Further analysis, Qinglong Liu Hao also understood the reason why these scholars were not suppressed by other systems.

 In the final analysis, there is a high probability that these people are simply not enough to pose any threat to the old forces.

Same, even if there are hundreds of millions of talented people, they are just hundreds of millions of soldiers at the lowest level. Even if the monks in the world, who are neither high nor low, take out some at will, it is enough to suppress them to death. Why bother? 》

It is so difficult for them to make progress. They need power but not power, and they need speed but not speed. Moreover, the single body is still very fragile, as if it can be broken at the touch of a touch. Who is willing to give them attention?

 Just think of it as a group of mortals with no talent for cultivation who have found a way to break their own boundaries.

At least it can be considered as giving these people a little hope, why bother to extinguish it?

 The reality is actually like this.

 A small scholar's position really has little effect in a world like the Tomb World;

 It is nothing more than traveling much faster than ordinary people;

 It is nothing more than to make them no longer afraid when facing some wild beasts;

 It is nothing more than to make these scholars confident in facing a group of mortal robbers.

Which of the monks in the real tomb world can take a fancy to it?

This disregard is actually the most important reason why the Hundred Schools of Thought can spread on a large scale in the Eastern civilization of the mortal world. Knowing this reason, Qinglong Liu Hao smiled bitterly, but also had a hint of joy in it.

He knows that when the tomb world is completely connected to the heavens and worlds in the future, this shackles will no longer exist.

There must be other methods of improvement from hundreds of schools of thought that can be poured into the world of the tomb. If these sprouts are pulled in one by one, a true sky-supporting tree will surely grow one day.

If the tomb world is not connected to the heavens at this time, and Liu Hao enters this world by chance, he will definitely have to watch until the end.

 Nothing else, it’s still because of interests.

This benefit is the struggle for the destiny of heaven and earth, and the re-division of the destiny of heaven and earth after the disaster.

Who doesn’t know that if Liu Hao watches the war end, according to the ending of the plot, all living beings in the grave world will suffer heavy losses.

It can be said that the entire top level, and most of the middle and upper levels, will not survive to the end. Not only that, but 80% of the monks who participated in the war will disappear without a trace. To put it bluntly, this is the price.

 When it comes to the end, how much of the entire tomb world’s monk inheritance will be left?

They are destined to need post-war reconstruction, and are destined to see a large number of talents disappear. The original deep-rooted cultivation system of the tomb world will also face a long period of bumps and bruises;

At this time, the shackles of the Baijia Cultivation System will definitely be completely loosened. There is a high probability that among the millions of talented people in front of us, they will enter the realm of Juren, and it is not impossible for those with outstanding talents to become Jinshi.

Their breakthrough will inevitably spread the Tao of hundreds of schools of thought to the entire mortal world in an instant, and countless people will surely follow their example. For example, as long as they are capable, they will let their children study;

Compared to the original cultivation system of the Tomb World, how much does it cost to study?

 Don’t the people know how to compare?

In the past, it was impossible for them to be the ones to set the rules. Now, with such a road laid out in front of them, don’t they still know how to cherish it?

Perhaps, in the future, the Way of the Hundred Schools will still not be able to completely replace the original practice system of the tomb world, but it is still very likely to become one of the two pillars.

 This is the inevitable re-division of luck.

 But this idea only flashed across Qinglong Liu Hao's mind.

What is the situation where the heavens are facing today, Qinglong Liu Hao knows how big the threat of the abyss is. He may not know how high the upper limit is, but the threat in front of him has made him have to think a lot.

He wants to save any fighting power that he values ​​and throw it into the abyss front line of the Zhoutian Star Dou Formation to fight.

  In other words, Qinglong Liu Hao was really unwilling to accept the ending of the original plot of Tomb World.

He may not be able to ensure that all the ones he values ​​will survive to the end, but it is still possible and necessary to save some.

If they really continue to develop the plot, how much of the grave world will be left in the end, and can it afford the post-war reconstruction?

The Amazon rainforest monsters at the other end of the passage, will you give them time?

 The results are self-evident.

 The analysis of pros and cons should not just look at the benefits, but also need to look at what is lost. Of course, if the level of the tomb world is very low today, he will not come. If it is gone, it will be gone. The reality is so cruel. Whether you have the value of being used determines whether anyone will consider your life.

 No one cares whether a waste is still alive, and no one expects how much help a waste can provide you.

 Before the recovery of spiritual energy, the so-called super beautiful homeless people in the family were not generally rare, but had already exceeded most countries in the world, but do people care?

 People don’t care at all, they will just treat it as if they can’t see it. They will truly turn a blind eye and treat it as if it doesn’t exist at all.

Even if they are discovered by other countries, they can still shout that it is their right. They already have the right to wander. Does it shock your outlook?

But this is also a reality, and the beautiful vested interest class will not waste any money to save these homeless people. In the final analysis, they have completely lost the exploitation value that a human being should have, and that’s how red fruit is.

 For Qinglong Liu Hao, everything is just a choice after weighing the gains and losses;

If there is no threat of the abyss in the world now, on this basis, the link to the tomb world is the mainland of Liu Haolong's country. He is even willing to cause some **** storms later, hoping that both sides will suffer losses in the end, or even die.

On the other hand, how to ensure that the combat effectiveness of the sentient beings in the grave world can be preserved to the maximum extent is what Qinglong Liu Hao needs to consider at this time.

He still doesn’t have a clear answer. The reason is because of how to ensure that he will not be discovered.

He didn't want to stand in front of the stage early. The reason was very simple. When two people had chosen to go all out to fight and started a fight, they suddenly saw a third person watching the show next to them, even if they were older than before. Anger, at this time both parties have a tacit understanding to reduce the intensity or even stop, right?

They may even join forces to surround and suppress the third party watching the show before fighting.

Qinglong Liu Hao didn't want to put himself in such a passive situation.

 He chose to come to help the tomb world, but never thought of involving himself in it.

 The so-called Holy Mother's Heart has never been possessed by Liu Hao himself or his various incarnations.

On the contrary, he hates the Holy Mother's Heart very much, thinking that it is an extremely selfish product, and he will always only look at problems from his own perspective.

Having traveled through many heavens, what is there that he has not seen? It's just life and death. I've seen it too much and I've long been used to it.

 This is also a quality that those in high positions and those with advanced cultivation should possess.

 Besides, aren’t you in a hurry now?

 In front of his eyes, the attack from all living beings pierced the top of the pyramid towards the third heaven.

 In the second heaven at the bottom, there are still many resistances from the lackeys of heaven in the tomb world that have not yet been cleared up.

Even if some of the monks are lost on the sentient side, it is because these people are really not strong enough to shoulder this responsibility. It is just a matter of survival of the fittest. What's the big deal?"

On the contrary, Qinglong Liu Hao saw the true plan of the sentient beings in the tomb world.

For example, the monks who had cleared the bottom layer of the sky had already realized that their cultivation was insufficient, and they were simply not able to take a step forward, nor did they have the ability to cross over. Therefore, these people chose to wait where they were.

While waiting, he practiced crazily, even if he swallowed everything from the lackeys of heaven in the tomb world.

 At this time, most of them no longer care whether their talent potential is redeemed in advance or whether they have lost much in this exchange.

 They chose to risk their lives just to advance their cultivation further and have the possibility of continuing to reach the next level.

 Among them, some people have already stood out and rushed forward with the large army.

These people, in fact, quickly surrendered their lives in the penultimate battle, but they never had any regrets. They already knew that this was what they had to pay.

Perhaps this was planned from the very beginning by the top leaders of the Tomb World such as the Demon Lord and Dugu.

They really convinced the monks among the beings in the grave world and told them what this decisive battle with the heaven in the grave world meant.

 It is true that all living beings in the world are paying for this, just to end everything in this era.

They have completely forgotten all the hatred they had against each other in the past, and all grudges have completely dissipated with the change of enemies, and no one will care about them anymore.

This epic tragedy that happened in front of Qinglong Liu Hao made even Qinglong Liu Hao moved.

 How could he stop it?

He must admit that the truth is that after a burst of energy, it will fail again.

How could we not understand that if we stop them at this time, countless complex human natures deep in their hearts will emerge, and they will start to think about whether they can be lazy, whether they can escape through laziness, and whether they can become the last survivor through laziness?

Once such thoughts appear in these people, the plan that the Demon Lord, Dugu and others have calculated for tens of millions of years will completely collapse at this moment. Those are the real sinners of the tomb world.

How could Qinglong Liu Hao do such a thing?

 Thus, in the eyes of Qinglong Liu Hao, there was the scene of the pyramid assault team composed of countless monks piercing the third-to-last heaven of the tomb world.

He could see with his naked eyes that the scene was no longer as fast as it was at the beginning, but it was still as powerful as ever.

 He saw that the monks at the top of the pyramid were cleaning up a little more after the penetration.

Even though they were just doing it casually, the power they exerted was never small, and the losses they caused to the lackeys of the law of heaven in the tomb world of the third to last heaven were still very huge.

 The reason why they are like this is to reduce some pressure on the monks who are following them?

 As the people at the top of the pyramid, how could they not find that the speed of the team they carry has been significantly reduced?

This has just killed them through the second heaven, but there is still the seventh heaven waiting for them, and they feel a little impatient in their hearts.

It was also at this time that Qinglong Liu Hao saw relief. This relief came from all over the world, from the real top people in the tomb world.

Emotions need to be soothed. Even the psychotherapists before the resurgence of Reiki are not unemployed now after the resurgence of Reiki.

What shocked Qinglong Liu Hao was that the Demon Lord, Dugu and others noticed this emotional change. It seemed that they had already thought of this level, saw the change, and immediately made comfort. It is no wonder that they are on the winning side in the plot.

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