Dimensional Invasion of the Real Earth

Chapter 2167: New containment plan

   2183. The same containment method

Facts also prove that the choice made by the Demon Lord, Dugu and others is the most correct one.

From the moment of the outbreak, in the eyes of Qinglong Liu Hao, the Demon Lord, Dugu and others had no other thoughts at all, and they never cared about their own life and death. All they wanted was to cause more damage to the Heavenly Dao of the Tomb World to the greatest extent possible. Hurt, that's all.

 Simple and direct goals are often the easiest to achieve.

By the time the Demon Lord, Dugu and others erupted and gradually disappeared, the 800 eyeballs originally left in the Tomb World Tiandao were now less than half, and they had already entered the age of aging.

This kind of heavenly way in the tomb world is what the Demon Lord, Dugu and others want to see most. This kind of heavenly way will never be able to escape from this imprisonment.

Only in this way can they ensure that their initial or final calculation is successful and they can be killed directly.

 The demon lords who achieved their goals gradually took a back seat, and their disciples and family members began to step up. Even if their cultivation levels were a little behind compared to them, it didn't matter to the overall situation at this time.

 Because at this time, the combat power of Tiandao in the tomb world is actually very low.

It was also at this time that Qinglong Liu Hao truly breathed a sigh of relief.

There is no need for monks to die one after another like in the plot.

He saw Old Ancestor Chen at the front. It seemed that this guy also understood that his true mission was coming. This Old Ancestor Chen Jia, who relied on the blood of his family’s descendants for more than ten generations to be able to reappear, also knew that he had lost his true destiny.

This destiny is not only the rejection of him by the family he worked so hard to build, but also the fear of all living beings who created the Demon Summoning Scripture.

All this made Patriarch Chen Jia know that everything could only end now.

If there were other choices, the ancestor of the Chen family might still struggle in the eyes of Qinglong Liu Hao. Unfortunately, both Chen Zhan and Chen Nan have proven that there is no need for such calculations, and his value will naturally plummet, even in his heart Not willing to do so, this must be the case.

 In other words, he is bound to die within this catastrophe.

 At this moment, you can truly exert your greatest value.

He entered the body of the Heavenly Dao in the Tomb World, entering and exiting seven times, which involved a huge amount of energy in the Heavenly Dao in the Tomb World, and also allowed the other monks who came up from the shift to play a greater role.

He died quietly, and even the only remaining members of his old Chen family, Chen Nan and his son, felt relieved about this.

No monk would want to work so hard to make a wedding dress for someone else, even if that person is your ancestor.

 Human nature has great goodness, but also great evil. Selfishness is one of these evils.

Many people would be very happy to let them dedicate their lives to one world. This is the case for the battle between the sentient beings in the grave world, but how many would be willing to do it for just one person?

I have dedicated myself to you. If you can suppress the law of heaven by yourself, that's fine. The key is that you have returned. You are just one of the top people in the area, and you have just a larger fighting force. Who would Are you willing to make this choice?

Even if the eight ancestors of the Chen family had to do it, were they really willing to do it?

 Their death-like impact at the beginning seemed to have explained everything.

 Seven in and seven out, and finally dissolved into nothingness, it has indeed achieved the final contribution of Patriarch Chen. All living beings will remember him, but only remember him.

 Compared with the Demon Lord, Dugu and others, his calculations were inferior.

The practice of returning attributes from descendants of one's own family, like a sacrifice, is not a huge evil in itself?

Even in the end, only Chen Nan and his son were left in the old Chen family. This was doomed when the ancestor of the Chen family created the Demon Summoning Scripture.

Such magic scriptures are indeed not allowed in the grave world or any of the heavens.

 This is fundamentally different from those so-called righteous ways that suppress evil ways. It has nothing to do with interests, but more with morality.

Of course, the contribution of the ancestor of the Chen family is also of great value. In such a period when the demon lord and several top monks such as Dugu were weak, he took over and contributed his life, which also made all living beings happy. Got a real tune-up.

When the ancestor of the Chen family died, the Heaven of the Tomb World realized that even when all living beings were adjusting, they could not make any counterattack. The death attack of a top monk had already made the Heaven of the Tomb World understand that he had no choice but to die.

 He almost gave up and bet everything on reconstruction.

However, when the Demon Lord, Dugu and others returned from the period of weakness and began to polish off his final glory, he had a premonition that his plan might not go as smoothly as he imagined.

The sentient beings have already gained a lot of upper hand, but even so, the sentient beings still don’t seem to be in a hurry, and they still seem to want to completely dissolve the last eyeballs on his body, so that they can enter the next stage.

It’s not that the Heavenly Way of the Tomb World has never tried to break through the confinement, but unfortunately, despite many attempts, it still failed in the end.

Even after these many attempts, the damage caused to Chen Zhan was still huge, but he still gritted his teeth and persevered.

In the eyes of Qinglong Liu Hao, even if Chen Zhan survives in the end, he will probably have to recuperate for a long time.

Since the core of the formation has been prepared for a long time, Chen Zhan himself also knows what his responsibilities are.

He is no longer just fighting for the lives of all living beings, he has also taken over the burden of preparing for the last moment of his son's arrival. Only he knows how many times he has burned his blood for this.

 He managed to survive, even though he was already very weak in the eyes of Qinglong Liu Hao.

Looking at the remaining two hundred eyeballs on Tiandao's body in the tomb world, Qinglong Liu Hao only twitched the corners of his mouth slightly, shook his head and ignored it, because he knew that the most critical moment had not yet come.

It seems that the Demon Lord, Dugu and others are not in a hurry about this, especially after seeing how many times Tiandao in the tomb world failed to attack the prison and then stopped attacking, there is no reason to be anxious.

 Having the upper hand and continuing to consume the opponent is the correct answer. What are you anxious about? Shouldn't it be the way of heaven itself that should be anxious?

At this time, it would be good to have one more eyeball to destroy the Heavenly Way in the Tomb World, and it would give Chen Nan a better chance of destroying the Heavenly Way in the Tomb World. In fact, when the ancestor of the Chen family was willing to die, the remaining monks on the sentient side had already made a private discussion. This negotiation was also the ladder of life and death.

 When an unexpected situation occurs, they have already discussed in private who will be the first to rush to die, who will be the second, and who will be the third.

 No one has any objection to this. They know better that at this critical moment, how to ensure Chen Nan's safety is the most important thing.

When the first accident occurred, the old man who was guarding the tomb was supposed to be the first choice on the ladder of death. Unexpectedly, Tiandao in the tomb world, which was about to explode, immediately succumbed before it could explode.

The reason why this is so is that it is still the restraint of Qinglong Liu Hao. It is not the manifestation of the hair that Qinglong Liu Hao throws into the formation, but the actions of Qinglong Liu Hao outside the formation.

Even though he was isolated by the formation, Qinglong Liu Hao found that he was not unable to provide help.

The world-destroying millstone that was seized from the hands of Heavenly Dao in the tomb world is still in his own hands, but he has only suppressed it.

There is just enough time now, wouldn’t it be possible to attack the heavenly consciousness of the tomb world within the world-destroying millstone?

Any slight damage caused to the divine consciousness of the Heavenly Dao in the Grave World will be a huge impact on the Heavenly Dao itself in the Grave World.

Whenever Qinglong Liu Hao saw an explosion within the formation that the Tomb World wanted, it was simply when he made a huge impact towards the world-destroying Mopan Heavenly Dao Divine Consciousness.

Even if the Divine Consciousness of the Heavenly Dao in the Grave World within the World-Destroying Millstone cannot be destroyed in one fell swoop at this time, the impact it will have on the Heavenly Dao body in the Grave World is still real. Isn’t it possible to completely suppress the outburst it originally wanted?

Thus, the spirit treasure body transformed by the old man guarding the tomb within the formation came into being. Just when he was about to rush forward to complete his mission, he suddenly realized that it seemed that it was no longer needed.

No need, naturally there is no need to rush again. The stairs of death are placed there. If the first one dies, it means that the successor below will bear the brunt and be able to protect the younger generations again. The old man guarding the tomb knows what choice to make. .

Within the formation, the life-and-death disk rushing towards the Heavenly Way of the Tomb World did not have the idea of ​​slowing down. Instead, it stopped rushing into the Heavenly Way of the Tomb World to fight, and simply gave the Heavenly Way of the Tomb World a hard blow, resulting in The damage is also not much less.

 Returned immediately with one blow, without any hesitation at all. It seemed that he was happy to keep his spiritual treasure form when he returned, and fell directly into the hands of his adopted daughter Xuanxuan.

This sudden change made the tears that originally appeared in Xuanxuan's eyes no longer able to be suppressed, and they stayed with her huffing and puffing. Although she was clearly crying, it gave people a sense of great joy, which is the feeling of a person who truly cherishes her after death. The joy of escaping is the uncontrollable joy.

Even if Xuanxuan knew that if the accident happened again, her adoptive father, the old man guarding the tomb, would still be the first person on the ladder of death. Perhaps delaying the death would be the greatest mercy for her.

She firmly grasped the life and death disk of her adoptive father's body, but there was no lag in the movements of her hands. Her power seemed to have exploded even more than before.

Although Xuanxuan did not experience this great horror between life and death herself, it also gave her a huge breakthrough in her state of mind.

It's just that the environment is wrong. Even though she knows that her state of mind has broken through, Xuanxuan doesn't have any other thoughts. At this moment, she only thinks about weakening the heavenly law in the tomb world in front of her to the greatest extent. It can be weakened as much as possible, and even one cent more is fine. The biggest victory.

She is also the only one who doesn’t want to investigate why the Heavenly Way in the Grave World, which was rising just now, suddenly slumped. No matter what the reason is, it will still be the same next time, which is her biggest expectation.

Her expectations were indeed well received. When the Heavenly Dao of the Tomb World wanted to erupt again, it had not yet reached its peak, and the new malaise still came just as she expected.

 But this time, all living beings seemed to know how to proceed.

 The period from when you want to explode to when you have to languish is the most favorable time for all living beings to attack.

Even if they don’t know the reason clearly and can’t guess it, it doesn’t prevent them from seizing this opportunity.

Perhaps this opportunity was seized by sentient beings, which made Heaven in the Tomb World know that he could not continue to try.

 Any small flaw can bring extraordinary harm to the masters like the sentient beings in front of him. Don’t you see that you only have a hundred eyeballs left now?

It's a pity that even if Tiandao of the Tomb World loses his will to try, Qinglong Liu Hao from the outside world will not let him go.

It seems that he also guessed the idea of ​​​​the Heavenly Way in the Tomb World. Outside, Qinglong Liu Hao's movements to attack the Heavenly Way in the Tomb World within the World-Destroying Millstone increased.

 There is a strong will to never give up until something is done.

This was even more fatal to the Heavenly Dao of the Tomb World. It was as if there was a guy behind him who was constantly beating him with a hammer. This beating had not completely dissolved the consciousness in the World-Destroying Millstone of the Heavenly Dao of the Tomb World. The amount of damage caused to the Heavenly Dao of the Tomb World is actually not as great as imagined.

But every time he does this, it makes it difficult for the Heavenly Dao of the Tomb World to fight against all living beings.

 Imagine, when you are boxing with someone, and there is such a person constantly pulling your arm, how do you have a chance to win?

 What’s more, your opponent has already gained the upper hand!

This is the biggest sorrow of Tiandao in the tomb world now. He has no choice but to try hard and can't do it. He can only watch the remaining eyeballs on his body disappear one by one.

The moment Qinglong Liu Hao completely destroyed the divine consciousness of the Heavenly Dao in the tomb world within the world-destroying millstone, the damage caused to the Heavenly Dao in the tomb world was still beyond Qinglong Liu Hao's expectations.

Also, before the birth of Tiandao in the tomb world, the world-destroying millstone in the hands of Qinglong Liu Hao has most likely been in the hands of Tiandao, and has been one with it for a long time, right?

This seems to be no different from other people's accompanying spiritual treasures. If such a treasure is taken away by others, the damage will be done to the foundation, and the harm is not small.

Such an injury cannot be hidden at all, so how can sentient beings not seize the opportunity?

  It can be said that any monk within the formation has ignored his own defense at this moment, and launched the biggest attacks he can still provoke one by one. ,

After this wave, the few remaining eyeballs of the Tomb World Tiandao seem to have come to an end. The sentient beings have indeed seized this opportunity just right. It is crucial that they can risk it like this.

In front of him, Tiandao of the Tomb World’s still somewhat huge body finally conforms to the aesthetics of living beings. The only two eyeballs left are the benefits of Tiandao’s complete neglect of other eyeballs in the Tomb World.

 Correspondingly, it is also the law of time and space, and it seems to be the final struggle of heaven in the tomb world.

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