Dimensional Invasion of the Real Earth

Chapter 281: 285. Registration of rules

  Chapter 281 285.Registration of rules

  285、Registration of rules

  The power is limited, there are only so many positions. In peace, it is very difficult to seize a position. Once a war is launched, the change of position becomes the norm;

  Lan Ran and Liu Hao are calculating this point. Only by cleaning up the top gang of people can they replace them. This is also the biggest demand they want to start a war;

  In the hut, Liu Hao sat cross-legged on the ground. It has been more than a week since Lan Ran left for the capital. After the two of them discussed that day, Lan Ran left Leicester City directly, and Liu Hao also became more simple. Most of the time, he was practicing;

In the sea of ​​consciousness, the inner world has expanded a lot, and a Tier 4 magician is cultivated with an 8th-order mental power, and the speed is not known how much faster than others. This is still the four elements of "earth, wind, water and fire" practicing together, otherwise it will Faster

In more than a week, Liu Hao has cultivated the magician profession to the pinnacle of Tier 4. Today, at the time of the breakthrough, a slight buzzing sound rang in the inner world, and Liu Hao’s whole body magic elements quickly poured into his body and transformed. As a nourishment for the inner world, the inner world expanded tenfold in size almost instantly;

The fifth-tier magician, also known as the middle-level magician, is called the magician, the big magician, and the magician. It is divided into three levels of junior high school and high, corresponding to nine ranks. The professional magician prefers to call himself the middle-level magician. Teachers, other professionals are more often referred to by rank positions, such as the fifth-order magician;

  The cultivation of magicians, to be precise, not only cultivates magic elements, but also cultivates spiritual power. Unlike the local magicians, Liu Hao materializes magic elements and blazes a new path;

  The advantage is that there is no need to chant when activating magic, and the disadvantage is also obvious, that is, it is difficult to supplement magic. It cannot absorb energy from a single magic crystal, but can only be absorbed from the magic elements in the world;

  Fortunately, Liu Hao didn’t mean to use magician as his main profession, but more as a cover-up. Tier 5, not high or low, corresponding to his own age, no more, no less;

  This is also planned by Liu Hao. He needs to register as a magician in the magic guild and purchase more advanced magic skills. He does not need it. The earth is waiting to be fed;

The cultivation of a magician lies in meditation. Among them, not only absorbs magic elements, but also refines gods. This is also a surprise. Not only does it not waste a lot of time for a concealed profession, but it also has greater Effect;

  You must know that absorbing magical elements in meditation is much more difficult than pure meditation to refine the gods, so it can achieve the effect of refining the gods better;

  The next day, Liu Hao walked into the magic guild and easily got the medal of the Intermediate Grand Mage, and purchased almost all the magic skills of Tier 4 and Tier 5;

  In the Continent of Rennes, the primary magic skills are all public skills, printed in a book, and you can practice as long as you want. This is the way the magic gods behind the magic guild compete for faith, and it is also the reason why magicians can endure for a long time;

Intermediate magic skills, that is, magic of tiers 4 to 6, you need to go to the magic guild to buy it. If you are a member of the magic guild, you can purchase the corresponding magic at the corresponding level. The price is not high, plus The internal welfare of the magic union is half-sold and half-free;

  With these magics, magic families, large and small, were formed. These families are often the biggest supporters of the magic union;

  The magic skills above are high-level magic. Seventh to ninth-level magic is not so simple to buy. Most of them are monopolized by the magic union and other forces;

  If you want to get these magics, you need to pay, often to undertake tasks. The magic union earns a lot of money and support through these tasks, which is beyond the world and has to be said to be a very good calculation;

Magicians, at the seventh level, will basically receive tasks from the magic guild. Other forces are not bad, but there are two points that are unique to the magic guild. One is that the magic guild’s magic is the most comprehensive, and all types are included. Have everything you want

  The other is that the tasks of the magic union are rarely hacked. Once the tasks are completed, the magic union will give corresponding rewards;

This also makes that almost ninety-nine percent of high-level magicians are concentrated in the magic guild. Even if the sect country is like a light and dark-controlled territory, there are still reasons for the magic guild to survive. The people are already very dependent on them, even if it is the **** of light. Whether it’s the Diablo God, they have to close one eye and let them develop;

Such a transcendent force has a high-sightedness. For a fifth-tier young person like Liu Hao, he basically won’t look at it. The whole process of Liu Hao went smoothly. It is also considered to be his will;

Leaving the magic union, Liu Hao turned to the mercenary union and registered a mercenary group. The name was'rules', which belonged to the organization under the'rule' team; the only member was himself temporarily, and he went around in the mercenary union. , I bought a few books and returned home. The time was so fast and the process went smoothly, which surprised Liu Hao;

  This situation made Liu Hao think a lot. The healthy physique has been deeply rooted in the magic union and mercenary union. Every day, the reception staff are numb, and they don't have the mind to pay attention to it;

  These two forces will pay more attention to the strong and mercenary organizations that stand out. Just like raising gu, they will take care of or attract them when they reach a certain level;

This is the most terrifying part of the Magic Union and the Mercenary Union; they don’t need to train themselves at all, they control the largest market resources, and they have the greatest right to speak. Such an organization is at the top of the Rennes continent, but It's definitely a lot, besides, it's just the human race;

  For cross-world wars, if you want to compete with such a world, the earth will appear very immature, let alone the Dragon Kingdom;

With this thought, Liu Hao's heart became more urgent. After thinking about it, the best way to provoke the war on the entire continent of Rennes was the best way. However, even he did not have the slightest confidence in this point. , Whether it is omniscient and omnipotent is too difficult to grasp;

  For the present plan, only going down is the kingly way, accumulate bit by bit, wait until the strength of both sides is narrowed, and then make calculations;

  "The Complete Herbal Medicine", "The History of Mercenary Soldiers", "Basic Swordsmanship"

  Three books are placed in front of Liu Hao, "Basic Swordsmanship", which is another world supplement to Liu Hao's kendo;

  Renland, there are more epees and foils. The former emphasizes strength, while the latter is aimed at flexibility, similar to Middle-World Europe; it is very different from the kendo that Liu Hao now masters, and it is also the direction of his next kendo practice;

  "Herbal Encyclopedia" is Liu Hao’s inner expectation, to see if he can have body-lifting herbs as a supplement;

  The last "History of Mercenary Soldiers" is a question of gods that Liu Hao desperately wants to know, whether the ‘God of War’ as a mercenary belief is the founder of the mercenary organization;

Before the journey, Liu Hao was an atheist. After the journey, his attitude turned a hundred and eighty. Especially when he entered a world where force is supreme, the existence of'God' became very reasonable, and only'God' could he A world into which the dimension of the previous life is forcibly integrated;

  When I arrived in the mainland of Rennes, there is such a place that can be demonstrated, how can I miss it;

  (End of this chapter)

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