After Lin Tianya's reminder, Saeko Busujima noticed Ju Chuan Shizuka in another direction. Seeing the other party curled up and sleeping comfortably, inexplicably, an emotion called jealousy arose in her heart.

Suppressing the inexplicable emotions in her heart, Saeko Busujima knelt beside Lin Tianya, stared down at Ju Chuan Shizuka's sleeping face for a while, and then said softly:

"It seems that Miss Shizuka is really exhausted during this time, why not take a day off tomorrow, the supplies we have stored are enough for several days."

Although Ju Chuan Shizuka doesn't need to face the zombies to fight, but she does a lot of idle work such as driving, carrying supplies, cleaning, and so on.

Rather, it is precisely because of her inability to fight zombies that Ju Chuan Shizuka has always been rushing to do the work within her capacity, so that Lin Tianya and Busujima Saeko can have more rest time.

"Well, then you can rest tomorrow."

Hearing this, Lin Tianya agreed without thinking.

He raised his hand and gently stroked Ju Chuan Shizuka's golden hair, making Ju Chuan Shizuka purr like a kitten in her sleep, looking very enjoying it.

"...Tianya, can I ask you a question?"

After hesitating for a while, finally, Saeko Busujima gritted her teeth and decided that some things could not be delayed any longer.

"Huh? Of course, you can ask."

Lin Tianya looked at Saeko Busujima curiously, and unexpectedly found that the other party's face was very serious. It was the first time he saw such a serious expression on the other person's face, which made him sit up straight.

"Tianya, why have you been secretly resisting us all this time? Did we do something wrong that caused your displeasure?"

Since that night at Lixiang's house, Saeko Busujima decided to entrust her life to Lin Tianya. During this time, she has expressed her attitude many times, either explicitly or secretly. up. But every time, the other party would talk about him from left to right, and refused to give a positive response.

It would be fine if she was the only one like this, but even sister Shizuka had a similar experience with her, which made her think wildly.

To be honest, even though she is also a woman, Saeko Busujima has to admit that Miss Shizuka's charm is too great. That foul figure, even a woman like her can't help but want to explore it, let alone a man.

However, in the face of such sister Jingxiang throwing herself into her arms, Lin Tianya would take the initiative to push her away every time! ? This made Saeko Busujima have to suspect that the other party's orientation is a problem.

'Could it be that……'

Lin Tianya, who didn't know what Saeko Busujima was thinking, couldn't help being stunned when he heard the other party's question. Then, after he lowered his head and struggled for a long time, he finally raised his head to look at the other party, and said slowly:

"Because I'm a coward."


Saeko Busushima was puzzled. During this period of time, the other party had killed many more zombies than she did. She didn't think that a person who could face many zombies without changing his face would be a coward.

"Yes, because I am afraid of losing, I dare not own it."

To put it simply, Lin Tianya was cowardly...

"Xuezi, there is one thing that I have been hiding from you all the time. We have been here for a long time, have you ever wondered why no zombies or other survivors have come close to this place?"

"It is indeed a bit strange."

At the beginning, Saeko Busujima didn't notice this abnormality. She just thought that the area near her home was sparsely populated, so it happened that no one came over.

But as time went by, she also began to wonder if the luck of the three of them would be better? Not only here where she lived, but even when she went out to collect supplies, it was always unexpectedly smooth, and it almost gave her the illusion that this apocalypse was actually not dangerous at all.

"It's not that there are no zombies and survivors approaching, but those guys were all driven away by me."

The three of Lin Tianya drove out to collect supplies every day, and of course it was impossible not to attract the attention of the surrounding survivors. In fact, some time ago, many survivors with different thoughts followed behind them, wanting to approach the Poison Island mansion. Then, these people were all driven away by the [Black Ghost] that Lin Tianya arranged around to guard.

Today, the Poison Island house has become a famous "ghost house" in the nearby area, and Lin Tianya and the other three have become "unidentified creatures" in the eyes of other survivors.

After all, these days, even zombies are running all over the place, so even if some monsters and ghosts appear again, it's not surprising at all, isn't it?

"Kicked off? How did you do it?"

During the past half a month, it can be said that except for sleeping, bathing, and going to the toilet, the three of them stayed together. Saeko Busujima couldn't imagine how under such circumstances, the other party could find the approaching zombies and survivors in time and drive them away.

"Look there."

Lin Tianya pointed to an open space in the yard.

Hearing this, Saeko Busujima looked over curiously, and the next second, her eyes widened in shock. From her perspective, a deep claw mark suddenly appeared on the ground without warning.

"Actually, I'm not from this world..."

Next, Lin Tianya introduced his identity in detail and why he came to this world.

"You mean, we're all just fictional characters in comics? You actually knew us from the beginning?"

Du Dao Saeko frowned, feeling that what Lin Tianya just said was even more outrageous than the zombies that filled the street outside.

"The kind of principled question related to the nature of the existence of the world is honestly beyond my comprehension. However, at least I don't think you are virtual. In my opinion, whether it is you or Shizuka, you are all flesh and blood Real existence.

In addition, in the previous words, I can only be regarded as aware of your existence, and it should not be called understanding. "

A person's personality is multi-faceted, and through some stories, one can only recognize one aspect of the other person one-sidedly, and Lin Tianya feels that there is still a long distance to know each other.

"...Well, I don't think I'm a virtual existence either. I don't believe that the memories in my mind are all false, instilled by other people."

As expected of a gifted girl who practiced kendo since she was a child, Saeko Busujima's spiritual will is far beyond ordinary people, and she quickly got rid of the philosophical question of whether she is real or not, and brought her thoughts back to the present.

"That is to say, you want me and Miss Shizuka to leave with you, don't you?"

"Yes, if you wish."

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