Fortunately, Lin Tianya didn't know that the person next to him had such dangerous thoughts, otherwise he would not be able to sleep peacefully in the future.

With nothing else to do, he briefly told the two women what he had seen and heard in the first two worlds, which caused the two women to exclaim, and also brought a lot of thrilling and "precious" experiences along the way.

With the concerted efforts of Lin Tianya and the [Black Ghosts], the three of them stumbled and finally managed to break out of the main bed city and enter the countryside.

After leaving the main city of Bed, the number of zombies on the road dropped sharply, and even the vehicles abandoned in the middle of the road were much less. This allowed the three people to finally speed up the car and no longer had to crawl forward like a turtle.



"Hey! Look over there, is there something there?"

After a simple checkpoint made of sandbags, a middle-aged man wearing a brown hunting suit and holding a long-handled shotgun suddenly kicked his companion, pointed to the distance and said loudly.

"What, are those son-of-a-bitch zombies again? Those guys really can't kill them cleanly."

The two men who were sitting on the ground lazily playing cards stood up cursingly, and looked into the distance with different styles of shotguns in their hands. I saw a khaki-colored dust dragon approaching rapidly, and faintly, the wild roar of the engine could be heard.

"It doesn't look like a zombie. Looking at this posture, could it be an army?"

One of the lazy duo said with some surprise. In his opinion, the only ones who can be so rampant in this last days should be people in the army.

"I don't see it, and I haven't heard that there is an army station near us. Xiachuan, go and call more people."

No matter what the identity of the visitor is and what purpose they have, there is always nothing wrong with being more powerful.

A few minutes later, a modified off-road vehicle with a mottled body stopped not far from the checkpoint. The door opened, and a young man with clean clothes and a relaxed expression walked out.

"Please don't be nervous, we have no malicious intentions."

Taking two steps forward, Lin Tianya raised his hands to show his friendliness.

"Who are you? What is the purpose of coming here?"

However, Lin Tianya's overtures did not reassure the two guards behind the checkpoint. No matter how they look at it, they feel that each other's existence is full of disobedience.

If it was in the peaceful times before, there is no doubt that Lin Tianya is just an ordinary young man, the kind who can't even make a splash when thrown into the crowd.

But you know, it's not a peaceful age anymore.

It has been nearly a month since the outbreak of the apocalypse, but now a guy who seems to have just traveled from the peaceful era suddenly appeared, how can people not be vigilant.

"As you can see, we are also survivors. We escaped from Bed Lord City in order to find a place to live."

Lin Tianya patiently explained without paying attention to the two black gun muzzles in front of him.

Perhaps it was Lin Tianya's peaceful attitude that made the two guards a little less vigilant, or maybe they thought that a single person with the opponent's bare hands could not make waves. After they looked at each other, they both lowered their guns mouth.

"You said you escaped from the bed market? How is the bed market now?"

The hunting suit man asked curiously.

"We were only active in a small area before, and according to what we saw and heard, the main city of Bed has been completely occupied by zombie groups. The few survivors barely survived on the supplies in the ruins, but I guess it won't last long.

By the way, do you seem to have a safe settlement here? "

This is already the third village and town that Lin Tianya and his three arrived in after leaving the main city of Bed. The first two villages have been completely occupied by zombies, and there seems to be no living person left.

Seeing that the sky was getting dark, they couldn't help but feel more and more pessimistic about the prospects. At this time, they finally found a place that looked like a survivor settlement, and Lin Tianya couldn't help feeling relieved.

"That's right, our village is located not far along this road. However, it is not so easy to enter our village."

Although it was the first time to eat 'pork', everyone had seen 'pig running' more or less before, so they would not easily trust Lin Tianya, a suspicious outsider.

"By the way, there should be other people in that car? Why don't you get down?"

Lin Tianya got off the passenger seat before, so it means that there will be at least one driver in the car.

"The one in the car is a woman, please forgive me until I confirm it's safe."

Not only the guards behind the checkpoint were on guard against Lin Tianya, but Lin Tianya was also on guard against the opponent. In the end of the world, the face is reflected in the demon mirror, and all monsters, ghosts, and snakes are reflected. Who knows what kind of things are gathered in this settlement in front of them? So until he confirmed that the settlement was harmless, he was not going to let the two women in the car show up.


Hearing Lin Tianya's distrustful speech, the man in the hunting suit felt very uncomfortable, but he didn't say anything. These days, people who don't have a good eye when they go out have already been gnawed clean, so he admires Lin Tianya's caution.

Chatting one after another, while introducing the specific situation of the main city of Bed, Lin Tianya also obtained a lot of information about the nearby area from the other party.

Through conversation, he learned that the name of this place is Noya Town. Due to the proximity to the mountains, the wild boars in the mountains often run to the fields and destroy crops, so many residents here have shotguns in their homes.

It was precisely because of the shotgun as a weapon, and the fact that it was raining heavily in the afternoon when the apocalypse broke out, everyone basically hid at home to rest, so after the zombies appeared, they were not able to expand the scale immediately.

The zombies in this world, to be honest, really throw their bodies to the group of zombies. Although it is still very terrifying after gathering into a wave of corpses, its combat effectiveness is really limited until it reaches a certain scale.

After the end of the world, the villagers here spent nearly a week, and finally successfully cleaned up all the zombies inside and outside the village, and barely adapted to the drastic changes in the world. safe place.

"Then how many people are there now?"

"Alas~! There are less than 1,000 people left."

Affected by the declining birth rate, such a remote village has been in a state of population shrinkage. Coupled with the outbreak of the zombie virus before, even if the villagers responded quickly, nearly half of the villagers still unfortunately died. .

"Then have you ever thought about..."

Suddenly, a loud noise came from a distance, interrupting Lin Tianya's about to test. Several people followed the prestige, and saw a large group of people rushing towards this direction in a mess.

Some of these people held shotguns, some held bats, pitchforks and pickaxes, etc. At first glance, they looked like peasant uprisings, but they looked quite scary.

"Is it you kid who wants to attack our village? Little bastard, today the old man will let you come and go!"

The one at the strongest side of the crowd was a white-haired old man. Holding a shotgun in his hand, the old man took vigorous steps and directly hit the muzzle of the gun on Lin Tianya's face. The way he was spitting all over the place gave him a powerful aura of "Lian Po is old".

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