On the other hand, after Lin Tianya left the hall, Saeko did not stay here to rest. The main reason is that this place is really not suitable for resting.

Following the stairs that Teramoto and others walked down before, Saeko quickly came to the 13th floor.

Compared with the 12th floor, the 13th floor looks more luxurious. It has undergone a simple modification and divided into spacious bedrooms. Not surprisingly, it should be the residence of some cadres.

While walking along the corridor, Saeko pricked up her ears and listened carefully to the movements in the rooms on both sides.

After walking for a while, suddenly, a strange smell floated into Saeko's nostrils. She walked in the direction of the smell, and soon found her destination.

After standing at the door and looking inside, Saeko suddenly said to the air beside her:

"You stay outside and wait for me, don't come in."

Although she couldn't see it, she believed that Lin Tianya must have left a [black ghost] to protect her safety. At the same time, she also knew that Lin Tianya could switch the field of view of [Black Specter] at any time and see everything in front of [Black Specter].

The scene in this room is really not suitable for men to watch, so she asked [Black Specter] to stop.

There was no response from the side, and Saeko didn't care about it. After taking a deep breath, she stepped decisively into the room without any hesitation.

The light in the room was not bright. With the help of the dim sunlight, Saeko could see naked jade bodies lying motionless on the ground.

There was a greasy touch under the feet, and puddles of suspiciously colored liquids could be seen everywhere on the ground. Most of the pungent smell lingering at the tip of the nose came from these liquids.

"How are you?"

Saeko came to the nearest woman, knelt down and asked softly.

After getting closer, she realized that the woman's body was covered with various wounds, some of which were serious, and even gave off a faint smell of decay.

"Who are you?"

The woman opened her eyes weakly, and it took a while for her pupils to finally focus and see Saeko's face clearly.

"I'm Saeko Busujima, and I'm the one who came to save you."

"Save... us? Hehe! Although I don't know how you sneaked in, I advise you to leave as soon as possible, otherwise you will be found by those beasts later, and your life will be worse than death."

The woman was the most beautiful among all the captured survivors, but because of this, she suffered the most miserable torture. At this time, after seeing Saeko who was prettier than herself, she couldn't imagine how cruelly he would be treated if caught by those beasts.

"Don't worry, those beasts have been killed by me, you are saved, at least for now."

At this time, the other women in the room also noticed that the person who came was not the abuser whom they had mistaken for before, but a young woman whom they had never seen before. They looked over with sadness, pity, or gloat, but after hearing Saeko's speech, they were all so shocked that they couldn't say a word.

"You said those beasts are dead!? Really? Are they really dead? What about Teramoto's beast? Is he dead too?"

The woman didn't know where the strength came from, but she grabbed Saeko's arm, and her fingers even left bright red marks on Saeko's arm.

"I don't know who Teramoto is, but the group who enslaved you, including their leader, have indeed been killed by me.

Of course, I can't guarantee that none will slip through the net, but there will definitely not be too many. "

"Teramoto is the leader of those beasts.

That's it, he's dead.

Hehe, hahaha~! He's dead, Teramoto is dead at last! A good death, a good death! Hahahahaha! "

The woman let out a hearty laugh that shook the ears of everyone else in the room.

She was captured by Teramoto himself. Facing Teramoto's invasion at the beginning, she resisted desperately, and finally scratched the other's arm with her nails, so she was hated by him, and that's why she was tortured into what she is now.

It can be said that in her dreams, she wants to skin Teramoto and cramp, as long as she can make the other party die, she is willing to give her everything!

However, it is a pity that she has nothing now, and even her life is out of her control. She thought that she would never see the day Teramoto died. But now, a person who suddenly appeared from nowhere killed Teramoto's beast. How could this unexpected surprise not make her ecstatic?

Of course, she also suspected that the other party was lying to her. But that kind of thought only appeared for a moment, and she was completely crushed to pieces, the kind that didn't even have scum left.

She is willing to be cheated! At least in this way, she can finally rest in peace.

"Let's go, I'll take you out to find some clothes to put on. One of my companions used to be a school doctor, let her show you, she will definitely be able to cure you."

"Do not touch me!"

Unexpectedly, facing Saeko's support, the woman showed extreme resistance. She slapped Saeko's arm away, and tried to shrink back.

"Don't touch me, I'm...too dirty..."

Sadness, anger, inferiority, disgust, etc. are mixed on the woman's face, to name a few.

"Your name is... Busushima, right? Miss Busushima, thank you for killing that bastard Teramoto and avenging me. I know it's bad for me to do this, but can I ask you to promise me a request? This It is my last and only request."

"Please say, as long as I can do it, I will help you."

Saeko said firmly.

"Thank you, then please, kill me."

"……Are you serious?"

"Yes, I know my own physical condition. I'm hopeless, and even if there is, I don't want to live anymore.

In fact, I wanted to kill myself a long time ago, but at the last moment, I was too scared to move, so I could only linger on as hopelessly as I am now.

Please, kill me. "

The woman tried to sit up, and leaned against the wall to straighten her hair a little. At least when she died, she hoped that she would not look so miserable.

"...What about you? Do you all think the same way?"

Saeko didn't immediately agree or reject the other party's request, but looked at the other people in the room.

"No, no, I don't want to die yet, I want to live."

"I, I don't want to die either."

"And I."

"And me, I want to live too."

In the end, a total of 4 girls expressed that they did not want to die. Although they have experienced such tragic things, they are still young after all, and they still have a lot of youth and life span, so they don't want to die so early.

"Then please go out and wait for me first."

After the four girls hurriedly ran out of the room, Saeko looked at the three people who were still in the room, and a heavy haze appeared on her face.

She regretted it, regretted killing those beasts so simply before. If she had known earlier, she should have tortured those guys until she made them regret coming to this world.

"I'm sorry, I asked you to do this kind of thing. If there is an afterlife, I will definitely repay your kindness."

The first woman looked at Saeko apologetically. She could tell that the other party was much younger than her, and if nothing else happened, he should have been just a student before.

Thinking that she would ask a student to end her pain, she is really cowardly and despicable enough.

A bitter smile appeared on the corner of the woman's mouth.

"Have you really decided? Don't think about it anymore?"

Saeko finally confirmed.

"No need, I can't even remember how many days I've been thinking about here, please, kill me."

"Finally, can you tell me your names?"

"...I am... a hateful person..."

The woman said softly.

She hated this ugly world, hated the beasts that tortured her, but what she hated the most was her cowardly self.

"...May you rest in peace after death."

Seeing that the other two were just looking at her expectantly, and had no intention of speaking at all, Saeko slowly drew out the long knife at her waist.

The blade was raised, and after a slight pause in the air, Saeko gritted her teeth hard, and the bright light of the blade slashed down horizontally. The tip of the blade precisely passed the throats of the three people, and instantly took away their life, which was as dim as a candle.

Standing in front of the three corpses, Saeko suddenly felt a strong sense of nausea for no reason. Looking at her right hand holding the knife, she always felt that the blood stained on it was so dazzling, and at the same time, there was an illusion that the blood was seeping into her skin, which would never go away.

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