Disaster Artist

Chapter 951: thin


With a call, Lu Qian woke up from his contemplation, raised his head, and then saw the entire conference room sitting in danger and holding his breath.

Everyone, no exceptions.

Obviously, no one dared to disturb Lu Qian's thinking, and one or two sat on the spot obediently, and no one dared to leave voluntarily before Lu Qian said that they were disbanding.

"Sorry, I was just thinking of some pictures, the meeting is over, everyone can disband."

Lu Qian showed a shallow smile and waved his hand to announce the end of today's work, but Chen Mu didn't buy it at all and rolled his eyes.

"You didn't say disband. Who dares to leave easily, if you're not careful, you may be burned to ashes by your anger."

Lu Qian glanced at Chen Mu with the same smile, "Don't worry, Chen Mu, even if you burn to ashes, I can still recognize you."


Everyone looked at each other, goosebumps screaming wildly.


"Haha." Bai Cheng laughed naively, "Director, you are so humorous."

Everyone looked at Bai Cheng with a ghostly expression: Excuse me, where is the humor in what you just said? where!

Lu Qian shrugged lightly, "Da Bai, thank you for the compliment, I also think I'm quite humorous."

Then, scan the field.

"Don't worry, the Tyrannosaurus Rex meal is over tonight, I'm not a Tyrannosaurus rex overeating."

End with a self-deprecating banter.

Chen Ziyang still couldn't hold back, he lowered his head and laughed, but he still had some concerns, so he propped up his right hand and covered it in front of his forehead like a parasol, smiled bitterly, and turned to look at his colleagues, "Don't you think it's particularly funny? "

Colleague: Can't laugh.

Lu Qian had already packed his things, stood up, and strode out of the conference room, the thoughts in his mind were still surging——

Tonight, they've been revising the shooting schedule for the first scene of Armageddon.

Although the shooting plan has already come out, Lu Qian's ideas have been changing, so the details and parts still need to be adjusted.

For commercial films, the Armageddon of Act III is undoubtedly the most important thing.

Someone once joked that a perfect climax and ending can save a bad movie; just as a terrible ending can ruin a good movie.

Perhaps, this statement is a bit exaggerated, it is just a dramatic exaggeration," but from the viewing experience, it makes sense, because the ending is the last impression in the audience's mind.

Superhero movies, even more so.

Therefore, Lu Qian has been imagining the ups and downs of the audio-visual impact of the third act.

Using an abandoned slum as the shooting location for the climax of the third act, the main reason is to create a decadent and dirty sense of the end of the world——

Just like the real life of Wade and Sasha, they are both marginalized people who have been abandoned, hurt and forgotten. They live tenaciously like garbage. Although they face the reality with a cynical and rebellious attitude, their souls linger. The gray has never dissipated.

Until they met each other, the black and white life became more colorful.

The ruins are black, dirty, smelly and broken.

It's here that Aja kidnaps Sasa as bait, creates a trap, waits for Wade to throw himself in the trap, and then completely takes care of the chewing gum that can't be shaken off.

Later, the picture of "blood blooming into flowers" conceived in Lu Qian's mind will be staged here. Germany's advance and battle, the cracked blood all bloomed proudly.

From garbage to flowers, from gray to gorgeous, the contrast of the pictures will form a strong visual impact——

It is precisely because of this that Bai Cheng appeared at the meeting, because the design of the entire scene is very important, and it is not an ordinary ruin.

At the same time, Lu Qian is going to adopt a one-shot approach to focus on Deadpool's journey to the end of the world for love, and closely follow the movie's "love" theme to push the dramatic tension to the extreme.

This is a bold attempt.

At first, Lu Qian was going to copy the long shot of the corridor of the "raid", cut in from the side profile, move laterally, and quickly advance with the advancing figure of Deadpool.

But thinking about it seriously, Lu Qian overturned this idea, not because he was worried about self-repetition, but because the presentation effect was too "objective" and the sense of substitution was insufficient.

In this scene, Lu Qian hopes that the audience can be immersed in it, not as a bystander to appreciate "heroes save the beauty", but to truly empathize with one of them, feel the determination and tragicness of Deadpool, even if they laugh and scold, shameless and shameless. Pi Di was joking, but he couldn't hide the burning anger in his bones.

Then, the role of the lens is very important.

Finally, Lu Qian prepared to adopt the first perspective——

It is not the first perspective of Deadpool, but Sasha's first perspective, watching Deadpool from far and near, just like the real son of heaven who stepped on colorful auspicious clouds to save himself in "Journey to the West", turning romantic and tragic. Emotions are pushed to the extreme.

A mirror to the end can completely confuse the boundaries between fantasy and reality.

The difficulty of shooting can be imagined.

The entire shooting plan has been adjusted and filmed all the time, all staff from different departments have been mobilized, and creative inspiration is always colliding.

Just now, after the discussion was over, Lu Qian had some different inspirations in his mind, some ideas about camera positions and picture composition.

He seized the inspiration, his thoughts were surging, and he was a little lost for a while, so he didn't notice the situation in the conference room~www.readwn.com~ But even now that it has been dissolved, the thoughts in his mind are still spreading, and the pictures are composed one by one. Spread it out in my mind, like a picture scroll:

The scheduling of shots, the presentation of composition, the movement of characters, and the construction of background.

Etc., etc.

The details become vivid one by one, but there are still many unsatisfactory parts, so they are reshaped in my mind, just like a memory labyrinth.

For Lu Qian, this was a very interesting thing, and he couldn't stop at all.

His attention was not in front of his eyes at all, he followed his habit and groped to his room, opened the door with the hotel key card, turned on the lights, and the inspiration was still surging.

"It should be here...there should be..."

Lu Qian deeply felt that he should turn on the computer, record a few key points, avoid thinking about it, and then run away without a trace.


A coquettish voice came from the front, with a sweet nasal voice with a little charm and a shallow smile, trying to attract Lu Qian's attention.

However, Lu Qian really didn't have time, he didn't turn his head, he just raised his right hand to signal.

"and many more."

Then, Lu Qian ignored the other party at all, walked straight to the dining table, turned on the computer, and quickly recorded the details of the inspiration in his mind.

In front of:  …

"Director Lu Qian?"

The voice was a little stunned and a little surprised. Obviously, the scene in front of him was completely different from his imagination, and the question marks in his head were about to overflow.

Lu Qian still didn't raise his head, just raised his right index finger to signal the other party to wait a moment, frowning slightly, his eyes focused, and his attention was completely focused on the work in front of him.

The air, a little quiet—

So, does anyone know what's going on right now?

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