Vol.6 Episode 13+


The warriors in red uniforms come out through the shaman’s door.

Everyone was puzzled by their appearance.

“It disappeared… .”

The thing that surprised me the most was the white blue.

“Are you coming from there?”

It wasn’t because of Lee Rowoon’s appearance.

Baek Cheong, who only knew the true identity of Lee Rowoon.

However, the soldiers coming out of the door now gave a different feeling to say that they are the remnants of Cheonmagyo.

It’s completely different from what she thought, and more dangerous than that.

“Now you will know.”

Ha Se-min said with a smile.

“The true nature of a person named Lee Rowoon… , at least a little.”

He also couldn’t hide his beating heart.

Because he knows everything.

‘Have blood cults ever been exposed to the world?’

The sect that was falling apart.

The blood-gyo could be said to be more absurd than the Cheonma-gyo, which was absorbed by the society and maintained its life.

The blood cult that might have disappeared already if it hadn’t been for the blood transfusion with the support of the black city, and the black city covering the eyes of the meeting.

‘Now… .’

King of Black Si, Ha Se-min thinks while pressing her trembling heart.

‘You’re showing up.’

The red warriors are pushed out endlessly through the door.

They had a relaxed attitude and expression, but their prayers were like sharpened blades.

“I’ve only been waiting for today.”

And there was also Kang Eun-ha, a goddess of blood religion.

“You are finally standing on the battlefield with Blood Mamma.”

Eunha Kang is not the only one.

Everyone will feel the same way.

I wonder why the door to the realm of the shaman was opened and the world of the shaman and the Blood Prince are connected, but it doesn’t matter.

“Everyone must have wondered how strong you have become.”

“Try it today.”

He speaks with a drowsy face and a languid voice.

At some point, about a thousand soldiers were standing behind him.

“Blood sword squad member hundred.”

“Six hundred members of the Blue Blood Corps.”

“Lee Baek, a member of the hyeolrangdae.”

“The Black Sword… .”

Reports coming in.

The end was strong iron.

“I arrived at the battlefield at the call of the blood horse.”

Small but strong voice.

And the warriors of the shaman who looked at it were trembling involuntarily at the momentum emitted by the blood cultists.

But the most serious one.

“I can’t… .”

It was a shopping spree.

“I can’t… .”

You can feel it because you have it in your body.

At this moment, who they are.

But such a thing was worth less than a penny’s worth of coins to Zhang Bo.

A man just standing in front of me like a vertex.

“How… !”

Only good luck catches your eye.

He shouts and stretches out his hands.

Thunderbolts and blizzards falling from the sky.


Hwanggeons soared and began to fly.


The dead corpses and the fallen warriors are eaten by the Yellow Geon and rise again.

If even ordinary human beings are encroached on by the Yellow Geon, they are capable of dealing with monsters that can be easily dealt with even if they are uninhabited in the extreme.


When the number exceeds the number of red and shaman warriors.

Zhang Bo shouted once more and reached out his hand.

Hwanggeon’s monsters are advancing.

The blood cultists who do not move even when they see it.

Let’s push in a chair we don’t know where the political figure came from.

Lee Rowoon sat comfortably, arms crossed and legs crossed.

“Run as much as you want to run rampant.”

Everything changes.

The flow of the air and the eyes.

The red-eyed warriors.

Finally on the battlefield.

It was the moment when the blood religion came to this world once again.

Howling monsters of the Yellow River.

They are monsters that have driven countless shaman warriors to death and devoured tens of thousands of lives.

Pooh! 🤩🤩-!

These monsters were just being slaughtered.

“It’s tough.”

The soldiers in red uniforms who faced them were moving like machines, cutting down the monsters of the Yellow Turquoise.

It was more of a spectacle beyond words that could be described as overwhelming.

Pooh! Scratch!

When the red sword is swung, the monster of the Yellow Geon disappears without leaving any debris.

The blood and magic that flowed out of it… .

As it is, it is absorbed by the blood mage and becomes nourishment for the blood cultists.

“The blood horse is watching.”

Still strong, strong-cheol, his fist stretched out like a mace and smashed several monsters at once.

“The priests prove their efforts to our God.”

They were blood cultists who had been training countless times in the Blood Prince.

Before Yi Rowoon appeared, they thought about whether they would be able to set foot on a foreign land, but they did not stop their training.

There was a benefit to them.

I gained more strength and motivated to accelerate my training.

Looking forward to a day like this one day.

“Today is that day.”

Waiting for the day to stand on the battlefield, these are the ones who wield their swords endlessly.

“Show me.”

There will never be a moment when the blood cults are more thrilled than now.

Moreover, they hadn’t even lifted the ban.

The shaman’s warriors.

Those who grew up hearing how great a sect the shaman is, and against the monsters pushed by such shamans, the blood cults are overwhelming.


Special circumstances.

Even if you endure it all.

Blood Christians are no longer the weak.

“I can’t… .”

In the meantime, Jangbo was muttering in disbelief.

His gaze was only on one person, with his legs crossed, as he watched all these slaughter scenes without any emotion.

Why is he so surprised?

“Now… do you know… .”

The faint voice of the heavenly bell resounds.

“The road to the ultimate… not one… .”

The power that Jangbo thought was the ultimate.

It was the Cheonjanggun who appeared in front of the shaman one day.

The being with the power of a giant demon, a celestial demon, was literally a monster, and it was a pure demon that did not even exist.

Fascinated by its power, Mucheon betrayed the shaman and created the Hwanggeonjeok.

The thousands of warriors of the Cheonjong and the Shaman sacrificed everything to restore the Cheonma that had been driven away and turned it into a Cheon Factory Army.

Everything was done by Zhangbo.

Cheonjong says.

“What you wanted… It’s not the end… .”

“I can’t… no!”

Jangbo looked at the bell and shouted.

But, feeling an ominous feeling for some reason, he turned his head.

“It’s very noisy.”

The man who was far away.


Lee Rowoon was standing in front of him.

Zhang Bo hurriedly reached out and created an ice sword.

A graceful swordsmanship, along with the demonic energy that stood in him, rode in Jangbo’s hand and connected with the sword.

Swordsmanship reached a level close to that even though it was not achieved until the date of the new swordsmanship.

However, Lee Ron took it too easily.

“What would you dare to do with a shaman’s sword that got off the road?”

Irowoon’s hand, holding the ice sword, freezes.

“Let me ask you one thing. The one who made the Yellow Gun. Where are you?”

Nevertheless, Zhang Bo created an ice sword in his other hand at the voice that asked him so calmly.

“This profit!”

A sword that radiates anger, surprise, and so many emotions.

“It looks like they’re not here anymore.”

Kaga River!

It was a death sentence.

The ice sword shattered, and the sword that stretched through them strangled Zhang Bo’s neck.

“Then there will be no need to save any more.”


Jangbo, who even defeated Jangmunin, a shaman, presses his neck without doing anything.

This was incomprehensible.

Incomprehensible power.

“Thousands… zero… page… army… .”

It’s like the power he has.

The power to turn all devils into nothing.

The ultimate power to swallow a small devil.

So I figured it out.

I can’t beat this guy.

Jangbo closes his eyes tightly.

He had only one choice before his death.

“Yes, you bastard!”

The resounding voice of the heavenly bell.

“You are going all the way out of the way!”

Jangbo’s choice.

It was to turn all of his body and strength into a circle.

He used to be a shaman’s disciple, but now the strength that makes up his placenta is not the shaman’s strength.

He took the wounded angel while healing it.

‘That person… .’

The person who made Hwanggeon gave Mucheon the power he had taken from Chunma.

Mucheon and Jangbo have their power intact.

“Yeah, this guy… Mucheon-ah… !”

It is to return everything that Mucheon had.


Jangbos scattered into dust color the sky.

As he slowly disappears, he can’t shake his astonishment until the end.

It began to seep into the yellow egg.

Born in a shaman, he became a disciple of a shaman, and became his disciple after receiving the attention of the shaman’s long storyteller, Cheonjong.

Also, he obtained a heavenly horse and made a Yellow Turban enemy, who plunged Guangzhou into chaos and darkness.

“Good luck… vocal cords… I will come… .”

It ended in such a futile way.

The moving Hwanggeon monsters stop.

The silence that has subsided.

“Just… .”

The small voice gradually grows louder.

“You have to stop it!”

I’m obsessed with Lee Rowoon.

“You can’t let that wake up!”

Chunjong, he was screaming, squeezing his last force.

The bizarre thing made by combining the sealed Cheonma, the Taecheongma Bongjin’s Taegeuk, and the Hwanggeon.

It was cracking.

“You must stop!”

The shaman’s disciples began to move quickly at the sound of the voice that contained the whole body of the Heavenly Bell.

But what moved faster than that.

“What are you doing!”

They were blood believers.

He stands in the way of the shaman’s disciples and guards the yellow eggs.

Let the shaman’s unintelligible dig in.

The sword of the political-super was touching the man’s neck.

“Do not cross the line.”

A definite imperative.

“Now… !”

Let the shaman’s shaman protest against such a political prisoner.

“The shaman owes me his life.”

Lee Run says in front of the yellow egg and Cheonjong.

“You will have to pay for it.”

He who finished shopping in an instant that no one could have done.

“The price… .”

Cheonjong speaks to him.

“It is the death of everyone… ?”

When the yellow egg is broken, a heavenly demon appears.

That celestial demon is not the one the angels and shamans sacrificed their lives for to seal.

Chunma would have gotten stronger by eating the yin of Taecheon Geoma Bongjin and Taegeuk Chilseongjin.

At the same time, it will become a heavenly horse that absorbs everything from Mucheon and Jangbo.

“Everyone’s death?”

“No matter how much you… .”

“For now, I can’t help it… ! I have seen it myself!”

The monster.

What a human cannot do.

“Everyone will die… !”

“I will.”

Lee Rowoon looked at Chunjong with low eyes and said.

The drowsiness faded from his face.

“So fight to the death and hold on. Now, don’t fight with each other as we become one family.”

Iron Lee, speaking alone, looked at the yellow egg.

The egg is cracking even more.

“But you don’t have to survive that.”

Shamans and blood cultists.

That’s not what they’re fighting for.

So Rowoon Lee even went through the gates of the shaman and summoned the blood cult.

They will now have a tougher fight than ever before.

It could be just a few seconds or minutes.

“From now on.”

“We allow the lifting of the ban.”

The moment when the red energy flew all over the place.

The arm that came out of the egg stretches toward Lee Rowoon’s neck.

Your eyes have never been shown before.

I saw Lee Woon’s outstretched hand with lively eyes that made my heart stop just by looking at it.

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