Vol. 6 Episode 16+


The shaman’s realm was guarded by Bondeno by maintaining the Taegeuk Chilseongjin, and blood cultists went out to protect Guangzhou on behalf of the shaman’s disciples.

There was a great uproar in the shaman’s realm, but not many people would notice it.

Lee Rowoon entered the shaman’s door.

The world of the shaman.

It was a land where shamans had been drifting for thousands of years.

The gazes towards Lee Rowoon.

Their gazes fall to the floor.

The moment they saw their eyes, there was a lot of anguish and a deep sense of defeat.

Although strangers had entered their land, they did not dare to resist.

Job. jerk.

Even though the blood cultists who are said to be one of the devil’s masters were treading on their land without hesitation, no one even raised their voices.

That’s why.

‘Since you have seen such power, everything will be broken.’

Chunma that should have been sealed by pouring out half of the shaman.

As a result, the shaman lost his way.

They were afraid of the reappearing Chunma, but they wanted to find their way again by the Chunjong.

I remember the eyes of Cheonjong that I saw when I opened my eyes again.

The trembling eyes.

Even the shaman’s long storyteller, who had the strongest will and power in the shaman, was trembling at himself.

At the time of the first appearance of Chunma, the shamans were only lost, but seeing Yi Ron, they even forgot what path they had taken.

A loser?

It would be difficult to describe them in such words.


‘It’s like a religion that has lost its god.’

I had no intention of weighing their will.

He just walked and arrived.

They hardened their faces for a moment as they looked at Lee Rowoon and bowed their heads.

“The long storyteller… You are inside.”

After contemplating for a long time what to call Lee Rowoon, they eventually gave up calling Lee Rowoon.

“They said you could come in.”

One of the disciple who had delivered the news spoke to me and backed away.

Let’s give Lee Rowoon his eyes.

He also bows his head.

The shaman is… .

“It’s completely broken.”

There is no one to refute Lee Rowoon’s words.

Iwoon finally entered the door.

“I see my benefactor.”

The voice of a dying soldier resounded.

Skinny eyes and a pale complexion.

It was the inside of him that caught on to his senses.

“It’s a mess.”

There was no other body that would fit those words.

The gihyeol was twisted as it was twisted, and it was strange that the joints, which were the life of an uninhabited man, were not destroyed.

Muscles twisted and melted, and his youthful appearance was as old as his body in the past.

“Forgive me for not taking the proper example to the benefactor in this way.”

“How to say hello to the sick.”

Lee Rowoon sat comfortably in front of him, who was sitting on the futon.

“I don’t have much time left… .”

It was not Lee Rowoon’s will that Lee Rowoon found the Heavenly Bell.

Cheonjong called Lee Rowoon, who was just sitting still, saying he wanted to see him.

“You have dared to send me a message to repay what you owe.”

Chunjong said.

‘Things to pay.’

Lee Rowoon looks directly into the eyes of Cheonjong.

He’s still trembling, but it must have been because of his weakened body, not because of fear.

The eyes of the shaman and the eyes of the Cheonjong that I have seen while coming here are definitely different.

He is now.

“Yes, I need to hear something.”

He had eyes similar to those of a blood cultist.

Chunjong nods his head.

“I called the benefactor ‘his’ successor.”

Also said.

“I said that there are things erased from silver in the deep history of shamans.”

Lee Rowoon was interested in him.

Finally, the name that came out of the angel’s mouth.

Looking straight at the name Lee Ron-jong.

“The shaman is aware of the existence of the Shinma.”

The deep eyes of the heavenly bell see the good.

“For a benefactor, he must be the successor of the Shinma.”

Up until now, there were only two people who knew the existence of the Shinma.

Munju Ha, Ha Jin.

And now the heavenly bell in front of you.

“The master of Cheonmagyo and Blood Magic, and the master of perfect demons. However, that is only a fraction of what is being passed on to us.”

Chunjong looked at Lee Rowoon’s face.

“Are you sure you are not disappointed?”

Chunjong acted as if he knew a lot about something.

But the stall is poor.

That’s why I thought Yi-Woon would be disappointed.

“It doesn’t matter.”

He didn’t look disappointed at all.

“Most of them have forgotten their name anyway.”

“As long as I remember, what will change?”

“I am the heir of the one who ruled all silver in the past, so if I ask you to come under me right now, will everyone come in?”

Lee Rowoon speaks calmly.

“I know what the basics of silver are.”

“In the end, you have to prove it. I am his heir, and his power.”

If the name has been erased, it is enough to re-engraved it.

He had no need or reason to be obsessed with him.

Chunjong nodded his head as if satisfied.

“I have a favor.”

Cheonjong’s eyes embracing a determined will.

It was a different eye from the shaman’s disciples, where everything was broken and collapsed.

“I said to the shaman that I would find the way back.”

He promised so.

“Hah, I don’t think I have much time left.”

“A week at most.”

Chunjong nodded as if he knew how much time he had left.

“Please… Please find a way to the shaman… .”

The shaman is now subject to the blood cult.

The heavenly bell cannot stop it, and no shaman can stop it.

If Lee Rowoon is to rule the shaman, I just hope that the shaman’s banner will be upheld.

“The shaman doesn’t know yet.”

“They are already on the road.”

“The path they were looking for has come to them.”

He was able to realize it instinctively.

From now on, I could see that what Cheonjong was saying was the reason why his will was not broken.

“Emperor. Please let the shaman know what they are looking for.”

The shaman is a member of the Tao school.

To follow Taoism.

Taoism is also a religion.

‘Primal Heaven.’

In ancient times, there was a progenitor heavenly deity, and under the progenitor heavenly deity, there were an emperor, a jihwang, and a ninhwang.

Now, this is what Cheonjong is talking about.

“Emperor, no, Shinmai. Look over the shaman.”

Their beliefs are also related to the gods.

The shaman, no, the starting point of Taoism is said to be in contact with Shinmagyo.

Cheonjong, a shaman with a pale complexion, got up from his troubled body and bowed down in front of Lee Rowoon.

“This is the shaman’s secret that I will tell the Emperor.”

The starting point of the shaman.

Shinma was there.

The shaman’s way is also said to have originated from the name Mara.

“Do it yourself.”

It was a terribly indifferent voice.

Minin with a weary complexion.

But his complexion was better than before.

“Are you here?”

He greets Lee Woon with a smile.

“Now you’re pretty sick of it.”

Cheonjong smiles in response to Lee Rowoon’s words.

“Everything is an emperor… .”

“Just… benefactor. Call me like that.”

Chunjong smiled slightly and nodded.

“Thanks to the benefactor.”

The state of the dead Cheonjong’s body was recovering.

It was all thanks to the Blood Demon Gods and the Heavenly Demon Gods.

He succeeded in maintaining the body of the dying Cheonjong with the power of Lee Rowoon.

“You shouldn’t overdo it yet.”

Even so, he was not able to fully recover.

Heaven’s disease was not limited to the physical body.

It was like a side effect caused by the soul and the white, which were divided into the yangui deep-gong, and among them, the spirit of the thousand servants dwelling in Mu-baek.

“I will. I have a reason to live.”

Cheonjong wants to live.

“I will make Mubaek come back.”

Not only for the will of Rowoon, but also to return the body to the owner of the body, Mu Baek.

Mu Baek couldn’t wake up now.

It is impossible to maintain the current body without the shallow depth of enlightenment.

“For now, I will just connect the Blood Prince and the shaman. The shaman itself was subordinated to me, but… .”

Mt. Wudang is already under Yi Run’s control.

“Do not postpone the union.”

However, teaching the shaman to hyeokong or merging the world with the blood king was delayed.

For now, it is important for the shaman to regain his broken will and become strong.

“When the preparations are complete, I will meet with the meeting.”

Unlike Jongnam, who is nothing more than an alliance, the shaman will become a hidden blood cult in the society.

It also became a huge force among the old files.

“Are the shamans the only ones who know about Shinma?”

Rowoon Lee said to Chunjong, who had only just recovered and became more comfortable with the conversation.

“I’m not sure.”

“But… .”

The expected name.

“The Shaolin will know.”

Perhaps the Shaolin has a deeper history than a shaman, and can be said to be the main axis of silver.

‘Shaolin is also stained with hemp.’

Baekcheong’s words came to mind.

“There are not many places where that history has been passed down. Before the world was divided, the name of the Shinma was erased from silver.”

“Find the name of King Mu.”

The name of King Wu will remain.

Iron nodded and asked again.

Woowang or Shinma, that didn’t matter now.

As I said before, even if the history was brought back, it wouldn’t change much.

“The day the angel appeared.”

Chunjong talked about it before.

“Were there anything strange before and after that?”

Chunma, it wasn’t just a heavenly horse.

The angel who had the fragment.

The shaman that came into the world.

‘Originally, the shaman wanted to change his ties with the company. The door opened late, but the atrocities of the meeting had gone too far.’

They chose not to belong to the Society.

They, who had not lost their way for thousands of years, could not stand the meeting and decided to differ from them.

‘A heavenly demon has appeared.’

The shaman’s will was broken that day, and he lost his way.

Belonging to the Society, but not with the Society, they had to fight their own battles.

“I can say that it is special… .”

“There was a visit.”

Not long after the door opened, someone came to the shaman.

“Who are you?”


The slender eyes of Rowoon.

“The ambassador of Shaolin Beopgak came to the meeting and invited me to join the conference.”

“It’s Shaolin… .”

And the heavenly demon that appeared shortly thereafter.

“The sashimi eventually benefited from that.”

It was a shaman who was trying to get out of the meeting anyway.

“Maybe… Do you think it’s the Shaolin’s work?”

I turned around and looked somewhere.

This is the world of a shaman.

The other side is blocked by Bondeno’s Taegeuk Chilseongjin.

But beyond that.

“You mean Shaolin?”

I feel someone’s gaze.

The Shaolin may not be everything.

But at least part of the Shaolin has something to do with the owner of this gaze.

“This is a demon.”

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