DNF Meets Harry Potter

Vol 3 Chapter 396: Sirius: Can your play be as little as your money...

Friday, four o'clock in the afternoon.

The little wizards at Hogwarts walked out of the classroom in twos and threes with excitement on their faces after finishing a week of study and life.

For a little wizard in one or two years, tomorrow is a rare weekend. For the younger wizards, there is nothing more interesting than a holiday in Hogsmeade.

Carl wears a pair of round glasses like Harry, and holds two thick magic books in his arms. The sky blue tie is pressed under the sweater on his chest. It looks cute at first glance.

He glanced at the frolicking crowd around him, raised his eyebrows and walked away from the large group towards a remote corridor on the fourth floor.

"Separate left and right!"

Standing in front of him was a statue of an ugly witch. He slowly took out his wand and gently tapped on the statue.

With a light sound, the statue split into two automatically under the influence of the spell, exposing the dark and gloomy passage behind it. After seeing this passage, Karl showed a smile on his face, and then jumped down without hesitation.

Tomorrow is the opening day of Hogsmeade, but Naiyali didn't bother to go this time, but asked herself to help her buy some snacks. And it happened that I was planning to go to the Screaming Hut today to meet Sirius and discuss tomorrow's plan with him, so I did it together, saving trouble tomorrow.

In the Honey Duke’s candy store, Carl walked out of the passage below like a okay person, and then smiled and handed a few Jin Jialong.

"Sir, I need some latest candies, thank you!"

After getting what he wanted, Carl slowly turned to the screaming shed while eating candy. It's still early, enough for him to splurge at will...


"long time no see!"

With Carl's help, Sirius, who had been living well recently, grinned. The month that Carl had agreed with him was this week.

"Everything is planned, tomorrow, I will bring Harry tomorrow, have you organized the language?"

Carl tore off the candy wrapper from his hand and stuffed it into his mouth, licking his lips and said intently.

"Are you sure?!" Hearing this, Sirius instantly became energetic, and there was a faint gleam of hope in his eyes.

"Of course! The time and space essence of banning that rat is about to expire, I don't want to consume another bottle!"

Carl took out a crystal bottle from his pocket. The solution that was beautifully golden in it had begun to turn white. Although the mouse inside was still sleeping, it would wake up in a few days.

Peter Pettigrew is so slippery that he doesn't bother to pay attention to it all the time, it's better to deal with him now.

"Wait, why did you start wearing your eyes like Harry?"

After the surprise, Sirius glanced at Carl, who was sitting on the opposite side, and asked with some confusion. In his impression, this kid's eyes were not too abnormal, even his Animagus could see through.

"My myopia must have increased recently, and I can't even see the money when I open my wallet!"

Carl pushed the round-frame glasses on the bridge of his nose with his middle finger, and said in grief. Recently, there have been a lot of troubles, and he is about to go bankrupt, and he urgently needs to cut a wave of Sirius's leeks to get blood back.

"..." Sirius' expression was stagnant. He was a weird little devil. Last time he said he would use the medicine to cushion the soles. What kind of strange devil's operation was this time?

"Then you can give Harry a hint when you go back tonight, I'm afraid he won't be able to accept it tomorrow..."

Sirius thought for a while, and felt that it might be a bit wrong to tell the truth suddenly tomorrow. Not everyone is as big-hearted as this little devil who loves to be funny.

"Yes, you can, all you can!

But you have to give money first, if you don't have money, you can't! As long as you have money, you are a big boss everywhere! "

While talking, Carl took out a wallet from his trouser pocket, and slowly opened it with a sad look on his face.

Neither the wind nor the pain came, and there was nothing to knock him down.

"Can you play a little less like your money?"

Sirius stared at him dumbfounded for a long time before finally spitting out such a sentence from his mouth.

"Shut up, you rich man!" Carl pretended to wipe out two tears, "How can a rich young master like you understand the feelings of a child born from a poor family like me? I am so poor that I can't wait for a Nat break. Flower in half!"

In the past two months, in order to come back smoothly in that crazy era, he really burned money like crazy.

"Then where did you get the money for sugar?" Sirius's expression was a little strange, he slightly lowered his head and caught a glimpse of the big bag of candy from the Duke of Honey that Carl placed next to him.

"Of course it was funded by'goodhearted people'! You think everyone is stubborn like you!" Karl rolled his eyes and said frankly, but unknowingly remembered the person in the cellar who did not want to be named , Leaning on the chair, the painful professor came.

"Oh...really?" Sirius twitched the corner of his mouth, the expression on his face becoming increasingly weird.

This ‘good-hearted man’ must have a problem, maybe he is another victim like him.

"Okay, I won't be forced, that's all for today's talk! I have to hurry back to Hogwarts to have dinner, or else I will spend another time in vain!

Remember to pay in one lump sum after the matter is settled tomorrow! "

Carl saw that Sirius had been pressing for so long, and the other party had no plan to pay in advance, and at the same time glanced at the watch on his wrist, he couldn't help glaring at him viciously.

"Remember what you just promised me! Don't drop the chain!"


Carl grabbed the candy on the next chair~www.novelmtl.com~ and walked outside the screaming shed without looking back.


"This guy is really annoying, I have to find a chance to take him away!"

After returning to the Ravenclaw dormitory, Carl threw the candy he bought on the table with a tired face, and lay down on the bed without taking off his glasses.

"What's wrong?" Naiyali walked in and gave him a strange look.

The girls’ dormitory has magic prohibition, but the boys’ dormitory does not. Roina Ravenclaw’s original bizarre idea is so unreasonable.


"You, the dramatist, feel tired? Why, did you meet a well-matched opponent?"

"No, it's not!" Carl got up from the bed with his hands, straightened the slightly crooked glasses on the bridge of his nose, rubbed his face again, and said in grief:

"This time I met Grandet!"

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