Dominate Marvel

Chapter 16: Armed Riots in New York City

Peter is a good boy.

The concept that Zhao Yu instilled in him told him that cultivation is not a shameful thing. Although there is no need to show off your strength in public. But when you are practicing, there is no need to hide it from those close to you.

Therefore, more than ten days ago, when he first started practicing with Zhao Yu, Peter honestly explained this matter to his uncle and aunt.

After all, I have to go to the farm for three hours after school every day. If I don’t explain it to my uncle and aunt, they will be worried.

At first, Ben and Mei thought Peter was just exercising, just like karate and taekwondo, for physical exercise. They were happy to see that Peter was too thin.

But as time passed and Peter's cultivation deepened, some things that were different from ordinary people began to show up.

Ben had discovered it a long time ago, so he made a special trip to get to know Peter.

Only then did he realize that Peter had embarked on an unusual path. He even knew that what Peter had now was only a very basic thing.

Breaking a big tree with one punch is only a trivial matter.

Although Peter didn't quite understand what his future path would be, he was constantly being deceived around Zhao Yu, and he also knew bits and pieces about the creation of the world and the destruction of the world.

Of course, he didn't dare mention this to his uncle and aunt. It's incredible.

He didn't even believe it himself.

I just want to tell my uncle and aunt that the path he is on now is a path of perseverance and great achievements.

Ben felt relieved when he learned that this path required a little bit of effort. He feels that things that can be obtained without effort are unreliable, but things that require huge efforts to obtain are normal.

And he believed in his teachings to Peter and in the boy's goodness.

Before dawn the next day, Peter got up and practiced in the yard outside the house for two hours. After breakfast, he said goodbye to his uncle and aunt, put on the backpack he had prepared last night, got on his bicycle, and headed towards the school. .

Arriving at the school gate, Harry's sports car arrived soon after.

Looking at Mary getting out of the car with Harry, Peter guessed that they must have been together last night, but there was no wave in his heart. He has let it go.

Hey man, you're so early. Harry punched Peter and gave him a hug.

The three of them chatted casually.

There was nothing embarrassing about Peter, and neither was Harry. It’s just that in Mary’s case, it’s less.

Not long after, Jessica and others also arrived one after another.

Three cars and eight people headed straight to the city.

What are your plans for today?

Peter and Jessica sat in the back seat, with Harry and Mary in front.

Are we going to the city now?

Harry nodded: I will take everyone to visit the Osborne Mansion first, and then have a good meal. In the afternoon we will have a picnic by the Hudson River and spend a wonderful night in the wild. We will go back tomorrow.

Good, very good arrangement. Peter smiled.

In the car, rock music with a strong rhythm played, and the boys and girls hummed and chatted casually as they headed straight to the city.

Jessica's eyes were always on Peter.

Mary saw all this through the rearview mirror and always felt a little weird in her heart. It's like a toy that should belong to you is about to change hands now, which is a weird feeling.

Harry said something from time to time, finding many topics to attract her attention.

In the back seat, Jessica chatted with Peter.

She was very close, almost leaning on Peter, which made Peter feel a little uncomfortable even though he was a little excited. After all, this kid is still a little virgin.

Peter, Jessica looked sideways at Peter, her eyes twitching: Your change is like a turn, and we don't seem to have time to react... Blake went to the hospital for two days, although nothing was found. Question...I'm curious, what's the reason for this?

Um...has he been to the hospital for a check-up...I am sensible and will not hurt him. Well, you know, he is actually just a child... Peter scratched his hair.

Child? Jessica covered her mouth and laughed: I don't think you are older than him.

It's just...just a way of saying it. Peter gestured: I think he is very childish. He uses bullying to show his strength, just like a child.

Oh... that's right. Jessica agreed and complained: When I saw him bullying others, I felt very scared, for fear that he would come to me for trouble... Now it's better, he's like a A wolf with its tail between its legs. But Peter, you haven't told me what caused you to change like this. I'm very curious.

She felt there was a mystery about Peter that she desperately wanted to understand.

These words also attracted Harry and Mary in the front row.

Harry said: I'm curious too.

Peter thought about it and felt that there was nothing hard to say, so he said: Do you still remember that day? It was seventeen days ago, seventeen days ago. Let me tell you, I saw an extraordinary person. The punch punched a hole in the tree!

Let me think about it... Harry thought for a while and then remembered: You said it was in the woods outside the school, but we didn't believe it.

Yes, you all don't believe it. You think I'm sensationalizing. Peter shrugged: But that's the truth. In order to make everyone believe me, I took my camera and hid in the woods early the next day.

You want to film it? What if that person doesn't come?

I was worried too. Peter smiled: Fortunately, he is here. I thought I hid it well, but he found me when he walked into the woods. Maybe... maybe he knew it before he walked into the woods. I was in there. He told me to come out.

How did he find you? The other three were very curious.

I'm not sure, it's a feeling. I probably feel the same now, although it's not strong yet. But if there is some danger or special gaze, it will make me alert. I think that's how Xifu discovered at that time mine.

Is he rich?

Yes, I became a disciple. It's similar to a teacher, but one step further than a teacher. Xifu said that he is also a teacher and a father. He is both a teacher and a father. Anyway, I don't quite understand. But he is very good to me, although he often picks up Slap me on the back of the head...

Several people laughed.

I thought about it for two days and then went to find him. He lived on a farm not far from the school. The farm was his and he was the only one on it. He walked very fast. I clearly saw him walking like us. , but I couldn’t catch up no matter how I ran. He took me to his villa and taught me a boxing technique.”

As you can see, my current changes are directly related to Xie Fu. I think this is my luck. If I hadn't met Xie Fu, I might still be the thin, cowardly little guy with low self-esteem.

Listening to Peter's narration, several people had their own thoughts, but they were all moved.

Harry couldn't help but said: Peter, do you think we can become apprentices? It's interesting, isn't it? You have changed all of a sudden...become so extraordinary...

I don't know. Peter spread his hands and said, Master said that practicing boxing requires talent. He said that I have talent, but I don't know if you have it. Master can tell, but I can't.

You can go and try. Jessica interjected: Peter, if possible, can you take us there?

Peter was a little embarrassed and thought for a moment: Okay, Master, let me have two days off, the day after tomorrow. I will take you there after school in the afternoon.


I like this bustling.

Mary looked at the steel jungle with tall buildings and said passionately: Everything in the suburbs makes me tired. I want to be the most dazzling star in this city!

Mary's dream is to become a big star. She prefers the prosperity of high-rise buildings, and has a rejection of the natural instinct of the suburbs and countryside.

The other three had nothing to say about this.

Harry didn't care. With his status and background, it was not difficult to turn his girlfriend into a big star.

And Peter didn't know what to say. He feels that the suburbs and countryside are actually not bad.

Jessica had no opinion.

We're here, Harry said suddenly.

Through the car window, a hundred-story building shone brightly in the sun - the Osborne Tower.

Mary looked honored - this was the property of her boyfriend's family, and at this moment, it seemed to belong to her.

Not to mention how to visit the Osborne Building, when they came out of the building, even Peter looked very satisfied. For Peter, especially some high-tech laboratories, he is very interested.

Then, Harry took them to a hotel in the bustling area - famous for its delicious food.

Young people always like to be lively, and they enjoy delicious food in the restaurant on the ground floor.

Outside the transparent glass windows is the bustling street, but inside it seems very quiet. No one will speak loudly during the lyrical music - this is a kind of forced 'cultivation'.

It makes young people feel a little uncomfortable.

They prefer to show off their youthful self.

While eating, suddenly, Peter, who was sitting facing the street, stood up!

The other students who were chatting while eating were stunned by him: What's wrong, Peter?

There's a riot outside! Peter frowned.

Everyone looked back, and sure enough, there was a commotion on the street outside. If it weren't for the soundproof glass, maybe you could hear screaming and noise right now.

Many cars were forced to stop, and countless pedestrians fled in all directions. On the street, seventy or eighty people each held some baseball bats, iron bars and the like, like a tide, knocking the windows of cars wherever they passed. of crushing.

Pedestrians who were running slowly were also hit by fish in the pond. Many people were beaten to the ground with bruises and bleeding and fell to the ground wailing!

An armed march?

Harry couldn't help but wonder.

The commotion outside attracted everyone's attention. Someone called the lobby manager to inquire, but the manager was sweating profusely and didn't know what happened.

Peter pondered for a moment and said, Everyone, wait here for a while, I'll go out and take a look.


Jessica grabbed him: This is a matter for the police...

Peter shook his head: Those people are injured and they need help!

He looked at Jessica seriously, broke away from her hand, moved his steps, and went out in a few flashes.

Oh God... Jessica couldn't accept it: He broke away from me... It's so dangerous outside, there are so many people...

Harry was the calmest: Peter is different from us now. He has the ability to help others. Guys, I think we should also do something within our capabilities.

He stood up: Those injured must be treated and protected. Mary, you call the emergency number immediately. The others follow me. We will send the injured inside for protection first. It's too chaotic outside!


Jessica was at a loss as she watched her classmates walk out under the leadership of Harry.

Had no choice but to follow.

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