Don't confiscate my citizenship

Chapter 148 Lan Qi is the only person who can save the empire

The warm lights in the bedroom seemed to keep out all the shadows and late autumn chill, and the moonlight softly shone on the knight-patterned carpet and luxurious furniture.

Opposite the long table, Alexia, the third princess of the Creation Empire, was still sitting there. Her brown hair fell naturally on her shoulders, and her pupils were like a deep lake, but they were already missing as if she was drowsy. Glossy, the cheeks looked pale and transparent in the moonlight.

She seemed to have experienced complete despair after struggling with all her strength, so her hope was finally shattered and could no longer be put back together.

So in your opinion, Your Highness Princess Alexia, there is really no sign of the Creation Empire being eroded at all?

Lan Qi confirmed to Alexia again with relief.


Alexia's tone was short and firm.

However, Lan Qi's words made her feel like she was being tortured repeatedly.

Although Alexia knew that Lan Qi didn't mean it because he didn't know anything.

But if he asked more than once on purpose, then this person's character is really bad.


She will not have the kind of dream that there is an omniscient and omnipotent national protector hero to save her and her country. That is a story that only appears in fairy tales.


Hyperion didn't dare to speak at the side, always remaining nervous and paying careful attention to every possible bit of information.

She could see that Princess Alexia had a particularly tough mouth.

Under the influence of the great poet, the princess's emotional ups and downs are obvious.

At this moment, Hyperion was full of calculations in her heart.

She didn't want Lan Qi and Princess Alexia to see Ni Duan.

Only she knew that the disappearance of her father, Duke Milea Alansal, was related to the Creation Empire.

As a princess, this Miss Alexia probably knows some key information!

But Hyperion never wanted to drag Lan Qi into the water, so she could only listen and hope that Lan Qi could unintentionally help her find some information that would help her find Duke Milaya.


Even though Hyperion behaved as usual, Lanci still looked at her.

He smiled but said nothing.

This shocked Hyperion!

She felt that there was nothing wrong with her acting skills.

Why did Lan Qi's sudden gaze make her feel like he had read through her own thoughts?

Huberlian, don't worry. We subjectively identify her as a suspected accomplice of the Resurrection Church, so maintaining vigilance or even restraining her before confirming her identity does not violate the international laws of the Southern Continent.

Lan Qi just said gently.

Hyperion breathed a sigh of relief at his words.

Sure enough, I was just worrying too much.


Lan Qi smiled and tilted his head.

He seemed to be laughing at Princess Alexia's stubborn attitude.

In fact, Hyperion didn't know that he already knew many things. Even when Lan Qi told her before that he would rescue Milaya, she still treated it as a joke.

To retrieve Duke Milaya, we really have to hurry up before the ninth ancestor, Marquis Bernhard, lifts the seal and kills Duke Milaya to obtain the [Original Slate-Darkness].

[Original Slate-Dark] is a top-notch magic card that every Vampire cannot refuse. They are naturally affinity for the dark attribute.

In the era when the Vampires were sealed, it seemed that the [Original Slate] series of props had not yet been born in the world, so none of the Vampires who had just unlocked the seal had the [Original Slate], and even after a year and a half, the official In the legendary plot, the vampires also launched an operation to hunt the slate holders.

The [Original Slate] series has the characteristic of dropping when the owner dies, but for vampires with immortality, getting the [Original Slate] is almost equivalent to possessing it permanently.

Since [Original Slate-Darkness] will be obtained by Marquis Bernhard of the Ninth Ancestor in the future, and Lan Qi also knows about the Third Ancestor, the Seventh Ancestor and the Eighth Ancestor were both unsealed earlier but not Obtaining Milaya's [Original Slate-Darkness] will most likely prove that Milaya is still alive.

According to Lan Qi's plan, after he returns from searching for the [Original Slate-Seal] from the Northern Continent, and is ready to challenge the Shadow World again, he will go with Hyperion to the blood clan's nest in the Crean Empire. Do an ecological balance survey.

It would definitely be best if we could get a helper from the Creation Empire before this.

As long as Princess Alexia is the enemy of the vampire clan, then they have the same goal.

So Ranchi decided to test her a little.

Your Highness Alexia, based on your answer just now, I would venture to guess that the current predicament of the Creation Empire is not the Resurrection Church, but rather that there are creatures far more terrifying than the cultists that make you so afraid. .”

Lan Qi put down the tea cup and looked away from the princess as he spoke. His eyes were calm but his tone was firm.

...I don't understand what you are talking about. Besides, the Creation Empire is not in any trouble now, so there is no need to think wildly!

Alexia's shoulders trembled slightly. Although she was still retorting to Lan Qi, even Hyperion could tell that she was speaking harshly.

Lan Qi's words seemed to be able to break through her defenses with precision.

With the twelve generals protecting the country here, why are you afraid? Are you unable to tell which of them have been manipulated?

Lan Qi chuckled and said to himself again.

Every word you say now is a felony. Stop it and I can forget about it.

Alexia's lowered words were short and cold, trying her best to contain her thoughts that were about to go crazy.

Originally, she could have maintained her acting skills to answer Lan Qi from the beginning, but in the end, she was under the influence of the great poet and could not control herself!

She didn't know why Lan Qi kept testing her again and again, as if he could pry into all her inner thoughts!

Is there anyone in the palace who scares you recently?

Lan Qi didn't give her a chance to stop, and new words followed.

I'm warning you, don't ask again!

Something was obviously wrong with Alexia's words, and she was trembling like a little lion with fried hair.

There's still up to a year and a half left...

Lan Qi tapped the table lightly, as if giving Alexia the final answer.

His voice was as sure as the ringing from the clock tower of destiny in the dark night.

The blood moon will completely cover the entire Crayu Empire. Your Royal Highness, your country is going to perish.

The brief words sounded like thunder in Princess Alexia’s ears.


Accompanied by the sound of the table and teacup clinking, Princess Alexia finally took half a step back in panic and stood up.

In the dark night, she looked like a girl frightened by the thunder.

She stared at Lan Qi, trying to find out something from Lan Qi's eyes, but she could never find any answer from those natural emerald green eyes.

Even Lan Qi could infer some misunderstandings from her expression and words.

But looking at the current northern and southern continents, absolutely no one in their right mind would think that a behemoth like the Crean Empire would be destroyed by the vampires in just one and a half years!

What on earth do you know...

There was resentment and unwillingness in her eyes, as if the tears that had dried up began to flow again.

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