Don't confiscate my citizenship

Chapter 155 The First People’s Hospital of Icerite City in Ranchi

Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!

On the floor of the church, Count Palokas looked like a wild beast unable to break free from the chains of his prey. His chest rose and fell crazily. His inhalation seemed to be mocking, and his exhalation seemed to be roaring. Every struggle was a challenge to death.

This group of human beings who have not yet understood the seriousness of the problem will soon be arrogant and will bear the devastating wrath of the blood Earl.

Amid Count Palokas' laughter, Ranch handed the giant needle to the executioner.

Mr. Executioner, our job is to save people, and that's everything.

Along with Lan Qi's words, there was a sharp reverberation of medical alarm bells all around, indicating the patient's approaching crisis.

“You have to do your best for the patient in front of you.”


The executioner took over the [Blood Pressure Rescue Device]. Although he was not a doctor, he felt that he would be able to use this medical equipment with ease.

White illuminates every corner, and the cold chrome steel medical props reflect the dazzling light.

In this pure white emergency room, everything is strictly controlled and time is accurate to milliseconds.

The patient is now ready for surgery. His face is distorted by pain and mental stress, and the blood flowing in his veins seems to be burning. Even without looking through the blood pressure monitor, it can be seen that the blood pressure is too high.

The tense atmosphere solidified in the air, leaving only the breathing sound of a disordered electrocardiogram and the dull beating of a high-load heart.

In the center under the ceiling, the executioner skillfully found the largest blood vessel, the brachial artery, in Count Palokas' cubital fossa.

His eyes were fixed on the earl's skin, preparing to draw excess blood from him.

Hahahahaha... you finally know how to be afraid? Think carefully about what will happen when the sun disappears.

The light reflected from the glass struck Count Palokas's face coldly, and the white floor tiles were in sharp contrast with the blood stains left by his serious injuries. A strange smile flashed across his face, and then he laughed loudly. , like celebrating a very happy event.

Praise the goddess...

The executioner held the syringe, his eyes still so fanatical.

According to Mr. Lanci's ecological research report, the vampires of this era treated humans as toys for food and enjoyment. The stronger the vampires, the more immeasurable evil they committed. In other words, subduing them was also an immeasurable merit.

A terrifying smile appeared on the corners of the executioner's lips, he squatted down, pushed the needle of the syringe into Duke Palokas' brachial artery, took a deep breath, tightened his arm muscles, and began to pull the piston of the syringe.


The moment the tip of the needle penetrated the skin, Count Palokas only felt itching. Compared with the pain just now, it could even be called no feeling at all now.

Then a cold feeling spread along his body.

Count Palokas' body trembled violently, but he was quickly held down by the paladin and the male guard.

Don't be afraid, it won't hurt...

The executioner began to slowly draw out the blood. Every time he pulled the piston of the needle, it was like stripping away the life from Count Palokas.

The three priests watched the blood rising in the transparent tube. The crimson liquid looked heavy and turbid, as if there were countless merits hidden in it.


Count Palokas, who was originally prepared to laugh at the fact that this group of people were at the end of their game, suddenly became a little disbelieving. His brain was working rapidly, and he gradually figured out what this group of people was doing.

You, what are you doing?! Stop it! You damn worms!!!

Count Palokas suddenly screamed desperately, like a skinned beast. Since his birth, he finally understood something more terrifying than death, and his body was frantically trying to break free!


Count Palokas began to feel dizzy, his consciousness began to blur, and his body became lighter and lighter.

Every pull of the [blood pressure rescue device] seemed to suck his life away bit by bit. He wanted to resist, but his body seemed to be suppressed by a big stone and he could not move.

Take a deep breath. It's normal to feel dizzy.

Lanqi's gentle voice sounded in Count Palokas' ears.


Count Palokas's voice trembled, and he finally understood how heart-rending and terrifying that guy with black hair and green eyes was.

While the noble blood was being extracted, Count Palokas could clearly feel the power of his pride passing away, and his hands and feet gradually lost consciousness. Every heartbeat was like a heavy blow, making him feel that time was extremely slow. .

The executioner kept operating with all his strength, pulling the piston of the needle tube hard again and again like a dragon boat race, violently drawing out the blood of Count Palokas!


The surrounding air seemed to be frozen, and only the breathing of Count Palokas was struggling weakly.

Huberlian, our project On Ecological Balance and Blood Tribe Governance has now obtained preliminary valuable data and practical results.

Lan Qi put his hands behind his back and said with satisfaction.

Hyperion was shocked when she heard this.


Although she overheard Lan Qi's academic project arrangements during the previous conversation between Lan Qi and Princess Alexia on the second floor.

But she didn't expect that she had also been included in the list of project researchers!

Your name will definitely be added to the final paper.

Lan Qi looked at her in surprise.

After hesitating for a full two seconds, Hyperion closed her eyes tightly and nodded in pain.

...Okay, thank you then.

She knew Ranch was very good.


If possible, Hyperion really didn't want her name to appear in the author column of that potentially outrageous paper.

The paper must be written like a confession of a war criminal, and the signature area is the list of war criminals.

But Hyperion had to go on the trip to the Creation Empire to rectify the vampires, or she had to go even more than Lanqi.

Hyperion could only share the scientific research results with Lanqi in tears.

The matter has come to this, and I can no longer go to the temple of the Church of the Goddess of Destiny.

And while they were watching the Earl's blood being drawn, they were chatting.

By the way, even if this Earl becomes weak during the day, we still have to keep drawing his blood every day, right?

The young master from the Chamber of Commerce who was originally sitting at the banquet table also ran closer to observe the operation to transform the vampire earl and asked.

He doesn't seem to be afraid at all now, and he feels that the vampire earl is just like that.

The cold-faced female guard looked at the young master of the Chamber of Commerce in shock. She didn't expect that their stupid and kind-hearted young master could say such heartbreaking words without changing her expression!

But when I think about it carefully, I feel a little uneasy having to imprison such a blood count in the castle every night.

Once the count recovers his blood and seizes the opportunity to counterattack, everyone may fall into an irreversible deadlock.

Yeah, but it doesn't matter. I promise that everyone will sleep peacefully, eat well, and have fun in the next four days!

Lan Qi looked back at the two of them with a smile and said, still so sunny and cheerful.


Seeing Lan Qi's natural smile, the others immediately understood that he still wanted to do something new.

But at this time, Lan Qi was on their side, which was a bit too reassuring.

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