Don't confiscate my citizenship

Chapter 596 Lan Qi will always do gentle things

Outside the window, the trees swayed gently in the wind, and occasionally the chirping of birds could be heard.

Sunlight shines through the half-open white curtains and onto the neat single bed.

The air smells slightly of disinfectant, but it's not pungent.

This room is not big, but the decoration is simple and practical. There is a quiet landscape painting hanging on the wall. There is a water glass, a stainless steel insulated lunch box and a basket of fruit on the small bedside table, as if someone hurriedly brought them to him. Then he went downstairs again.


On the white hospital bed, the young man woke up suddenly and became breathless.

Finally home……

He muttered to himself absentmindedly.


It wasn't the simple furniture in the ward that caught his attention.

But there was a concerned face on the stool not far away, and his worry could not be hidden in the emerald green eyes.

Duado, how do you feel? What did you dream about this time?

The doctor in a white coat sat next to him and asked very kindly.

When the boy didn't respond, the doctor added:

You need to wake up. Your body is in critical condition. According to my diagnosis, the effect of the medicine has been weakening recently.


The young man stared blankly at the doctor with black hair and green eyes in front of the hospital bed.

He remembered that his name was Duado.

He is a sophomore at No. 71 Middle School and is currently on leave of absence due to illness.

Countless twisted characters and strange knowledge were recalled to him along with his awakening, causing him to feel a tingling sensation in his brain for a moment, and he covered his head in pain.

How to calculate permutations and combinations, and what is the law of momentum?

He only felt as if he had learned it, but also as if he had never learned it.

But this feeling is normal, and that’s what learning is all about.

Your parents sold their house in order to treat your illness, and the savings they originally planned to use for retirement are almost gone. If you continue to torture them, I'm afraid they will sleep on the street every day.

The doctor glanced at the metal thermal lunch box on the bedside and said.

You, what are you talking about? I am the fourth ancestor of the blood clan, I am Eduardo, I am Duado?

The young man turned his head stiffly, staring blankly at his reflection on the thermal lunch box, and scratched his cheek.

He had just woken up from a dream, and the faint remaining memory only reminded him that the dream was extremely real and cruel.

It was even hard to tell which one was a dream and which one was reality.

But he didn't know why. Now he just wanted to sleep again and escape from this reality that made him panic for no reason.

To be honest, your parents can hardly bear it anymore. As soon as they brought you lunch, they rushed downstairs to pay the bill. You didn't see their embarrassed and dilemma expressions.

The doctor with black hair and green eyes tapped the tablet with his fingers and added,

I didn't want to tell you this, but I think you need to wake up.

The doctor's voice was still calm.

No, I am a vampire...

The young man's voice to himself was full of uncertainty. He felt his chest was congested, and he was more willing to believe that the reality he was in now was fake, and that the dream was real.

Ah Duo, I was very worried when I saw the way you were dreaming yesterday.

The doctor finally put down the tablet, frowned and stared at him.

Ah! No!

The boy broke out in a heavy cold sweat. Just briefly recalling the horrific fragments left in his dream, he wanted to seek sedatives from the doctor.

Okay, it's okay. If you feel pain, don't think about it anymore.

The doctor with black hair and green eyes stood up and patted the boy's back, as if to smoothen his breath.

Until Duado's mood slowly stabilized, the doctor finally sat back on the chair again and looked at him kindly.

Stop clinging to that dream and fantasy world, and your condition will get better immediately. Everything actually depends on your heart.

said the doctor.

I understand...Dr. Lan.

Like a wild horse that had just been subdued, Duado lowered his head and responded with a hoarse voice.

In the quiet ward of the hospital, there was the sound of footsteps walking outside the door from time to time, which made him feel very safe. His attending physician, Professor Lan, was an expert in brain medicine and mental illness in the city. His parents asked for help a lot. Talent managed to send him to the hospital and Professor Lan agreed to take over his illness.

It turns out that Dr. Lan is also a good person, and even helped his parents advance money, saving him all the expenses.


In the ward.


The doctor began his diagnosis and treatment in a calm and deep tone, slowly and without any sign of haste.

Please don't be afraid. Think back slowly. Is the dream this time the same as before? Is the worldview more complete?

Dr. Lan's eyes seemed to penetrate that layer of psychological defense that was difficult for ordinary people to touch, and he fixed on Duado and asked.


Duado suddenly became frightened again and instinctively clenched his hands.

Hodor, it's okay, this is reality, I'm by your side.

The doctor continued to soothe Duado slowly with his patient tone,

No matter what happens in the dream, it will not come to reality. Even if you accidentally fall asleep again and continue to have nightmares, I will wake you up immediately and let's hook up, okay?

His voice was as gentle as a father's, and he stretched out his hand. Duado's eyes widened, but he did not dare to respond.


Gradually, Duado felt a subtle dependence, as if he had found an anchor in the bay.

He stretched out his hand and touched Dr. Lan's warm hand.

Sure enough, Dr. Lan would not hurt him.

In fact, your disease is not rare in the world, but it is rarely encountered in China. According to the data my instructor sent me, the recovery rate is very high.

Dr. Lan continued.

...Do I really look like I'm about to get better? Do I really need to struggle? It's better to free my parents as soon as possible.

Duado lowered his voice and said through clenched teeth.

You have to think that you have been fighting the disease until now, and often, people who can persist with this disease recover without exception... You are very brave and tenacious. I believe your parents must be proud of you. .”

Dr. Lan answered slowly.


Duado looked up at the male doctor, his eyes under the messy bangs could not be concealed, like a desperate beast, with the last glimmer of light burning in his eyes.

This disease, in fact, has reached the most painful moment when you are hallucinating, which means that it is about to be cured. As the saying goes, when you are tired of dreams and begin to reject them, it means that you have got rid of it and returned to the dream world. Realistic hope.”

Dr. Lan replied again. Even though his expression was calm, you could still catch the smile in his eyes, which was a joyful heart celebrating him.


Duado remained silent.

Dr. Lan waited quietly.

Doctor, what should I do?

Duado finally asked.

It's very simple. The next dream may be your last dream. As long as you are willing to give up everything and let go and cut off the illusion, you can end that dream completely.


Duado was unable to answer the black-haired, green-eyed doctor for a moment.

Just as he didn't dare to jump out of the window to see if he would die, in the dream, could he really let go so decisively?

No matter how much I think about it, I can't find the answer.

However, he now began to long for the answer, no longer wanting to be a miserable patient who deceived himself.

At this moment, sitting on the edge of the hospital bed with his back to the cold bed board, he completely exposed the scars in his heart.

Listen, Hodor, feel more relaxed than before.

While Duado was deep in thought, Dr. Lan suddenly said softly,

You are the bravest. Stand up tall and say thank you to your parents. Your parents are still waiting for you. Go home, to a place full of happiness.


Duado took a deep breath. He didn't understand why his eyes were moist at this moment, and there was a warm current in his heart. He only knew that he wanted to continue talking to the doctor, ask him to solve his confusion, and continue to listen to his kind words. Tell, be treated tenderly like this.

“Let go of every, every burden.”

What will happen at the end of persistence?

Please, let yourself go and forget everything first.

All you need to think about is, what kind of life do you want to live from now on?

The doctor's voice was like a trickle, which made Duado burst into tears.

Caliera's eyelids jumped wildly as she watched Ranchi succeed in making Eduardo fall completely into this fictional gentle world.

She now wonders if there is something wrong with Wumingqing's brain structure!

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